West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Oct 1915, p. 2

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-,___._.__.-â€" BEING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. 1t. Glenelg, containing 100 acres: ew frame barn. on premises are n . brick house, sheds and outbuild- running stream through ings; property: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on bov. lst, 1913. For further par- ticulars. apply on premises to Mrs John Staples, Rural Route 944pdtt No. 1. Durham. nt. I THE SPIRELL:X LUDDLL ”v.-.â€" pany held a special training in the P0reste1"s Hall, College St.. Toronto, from August '21 to Sep- tember 1. Ladies desirous of taking up a remunerative prO- iession where promotion is rapii and sure to capable women, ap- ply at once by letter for particu- lars of above. to the City Mana- ger. Spireila Corset Shop. 4253; Yonge St.. Toronto, or their rep- resentative. Mrs. J. C. Nichol Box 107. Durham. 1071f ‘4; LOTS S, 9 and 10. K1) street, West. Apply to SORREL DRIVING HORSE: ALSO buggy, harness, etc. Apply to Thos. Whitmore, Durham. 7 8 lptf STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 32. con- cession 2. Glenelg. about the first week in September, a. black mulley steer. one year old. An? information leading to his re- covery will be suitably reward- ed â€")Irs. R. Banks, RQR. No. 1, -â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" . SET DOL O'le harness (collar and set sin” hum03) mv to (x o BLE HARNESS. ALSO nearly new; cheap. Ap- ‘ eo Havens. Durham. Pupil of Professor Konold, will accept a lumited number of pupils for instruction on piano and organ. EnQuire for terms. 10 7 SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. W.pG. R.‘ will be 3006 title. Apply Whitmore. Dur am. 0. Davis, R.R. No. 2, Pm. The sole head of a family, or anv male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dominion land in Mani- toba. Saskatchewan, or Alberta. Applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at any Dominion Lands Agency (but not Sub-Agency). on certain CODdl- tions. - n ‘ V‘V 0-”. Duties. â€"Six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live uithin nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired except where residence is performed in the vicinity. Durham. NUMBER OF YOUNG STOCK- ersâ€"3 two-year-old steers. 2 two-year-old heifers. in good condition. Particulars may be learned by applying to James A. Brown. near Bunessan. or write .3 r. “Libflv-v vâ€" _ vocal instruction in singing ev- ery Tuesday afternoon and evening at the home of Mrs. S. P. McComb. Pupils may apply for appointments to Mrs. Mc- Como at any time. 10 22tf t,“ UDC \l 5‘! “â€" -- of coz;11 practicallx as good as new. Apply to 'R. .E. Richardson. {c} Priceville, -R. BOD. 7 PARLOR Cdbh 91'. used to burn v â€"BASE BL‘ R 9 onlv four tonS N- "f‘ "vâ€" In certain districts a homeâ€" steader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Advmisements of one incl hooqnent insertion. . Ore: â€"_i)1:fies.â€"Six months’ residence in each of three years after earning homestead patent also 50 acres extra. cultivation. Pre-emption patent may ‘be obtained as soqn Du}. hilmo éé'bomeste'ad patent, on certain conditions A settler who has exhausted his homestead right may take a pm... chased homestead in certain dis- tricts Price_ $3.90 per aere.‘ Duties â€"Must reside six months in each of three vears, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth $300 The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough, scrubby 01: stony laud Live stock 'vâ€"wv new be substituted for cultivation under certain conditions W W. CORY, C. M ..G Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. B â€"Unauth0rized publication '01 this advertisement will not be ‘4‘. paid for MISS MAYDEE McAULEY Horse for Sale Steer Estray For Sale Musical 10 K1\ c ARDIN E pply to A. H. Jack- 4 1 15 if THE PREMISES concession 3 sold cheap: 253mm) for first inserti . and mm for each car one inch and under two inches. double the above amount. Yearly rates on applianon. 10 Tu 8 106m OFFICE AND RESIDENCE A short distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durham Ofice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock FFICEâ€"Over 5 P. Telford’s ofiice nearly opposite the Regist office. ReSIdence Second house south of Registry oflice on east side of Albert Street. Otfice Hours - 9-]1 a.m., 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone communica- tion between office and residence at all hours. Arthur Bun, M. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice hours, 8 to go a. m. to 4p. m. and? to 9 p. m. Specxal attention g1ven to diseases of women and ehxldren. Residence op- posite Presbvterian Church. Late Assistant RoyLZmdon Ophthalmic Bee 3112:, and to 60130:: Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR,_ mnqn NOSE , (~___‘3 L. Rio“. 1%; LONDON. ENG. RADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. \"ill be at the Hahn House, Octo- ber 16, November 20, and December 15 Hours, 1 to 5 p.'m. D Office. nearly opposite the Registry office. Lambton St..Durham. Anyamount of monev to loan a? 5 1391' cent. on farm cropertv. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ J ewellerv Star-P. 'J. F. GRANT, D. n. s.. L. D. s. ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya Coilege Dental Sqrgeons ofOntano. Dentistry m all its Branches. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: ()verJ. J. Hunter’s er, Conveyancer. ' Etc. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. I§suer_of Mar- riage Licenses. A general tmancml bus:- ness transacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. Drs. lamieson 6:. Jamieson. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- L er, Qonveyancgr. 82c: Insurance Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- fice, or with himself. FORD TOURING CAR. IN FIRST- class running condition; shock absm'bm-S: tools. extra tires. etc. \\'ill give demonstration at any time. Will sell at a bargain. Ap- ply to A. “'ill H. Lauder, Dur- ham. Ontario, 923tf STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF the undexsigned lot 12 con. 3 EC‘remont, about the lst of 0c- tobex, a t\\ 0-\ ear-old heil’ex, Owner may haxe hel by prm mg property and paying expenses.â€" Aiex. Allan. A. Licensed Auctioneer DAN MC LEAN STRAYED- FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 63, c011. 3, Bentinck, about the first of October a black mulley heifer rising two years old; last seen going up Hutton Hill. Anyone ghing‘ information that “in lead to her recovery \1111 be suit- ably rexxarded. â€"R. G. Webbm. R. R. No. 3, Durham. ’ 10 14lf NORTH PART OF LOT 6, THE old skating rink site Garafraxa street, and” the north part of lot 5. Albert street. Apply to A. R Jackson. 930“ A GOOD’COMFORTABLE DWELL- ‘ ing’. one of the most comfortable; in Durham, and one of the very! best locations. There are .in con-~ nection a couple of good build- ing lots, and these will be sold with the building or separately. as desired by the purchaser. The dwelling contains all modern conveniences, is easily heated, and will be sold for much less than cost, and on terms to suit the buyer. Immediate possession may be had-Any person wishing a good comfortable home. easily maintained and with up-to-date equipment should consult us at once. Buying in this case Will'be as easy as renting, and much more satisfactory. If you mean business. call at The Chronicle office and get [the initial infor: mation. . Automobile For Sale l. P. Telford. ARRISTBE, 50141911103; E_TC. Ewening For Sale bmce: Medical Dz'rectorv. Dental Directorv. W. J. SHARP Legal ‘Dz’reclorv. DR. BROWN Heifer Estray Lots For Sale -"7 13, Fro.” 5" Owen Sound. BR. BURT. .‘a THE WAR-AT YOUR DOOR The war in Europe increases in intensity and the end is not yet. The big metrOpolitan newspaper has never been in such universai demand- as it is to-day and The Toronto Mail and Empire leads all its contemporaries in supplying the most accurate news from the vast scene of world conflict. The Weekly Mail and Empire contains the story of the war as it progresses, while the daily edi- tion always publishes the best daily record of the gigantic strug- gle. ‘ By arrangement we can supply The ’Weekly Mail and Empire and The Chronicle together from now till January 1, 1916, for 25c., or from now till January 1, 1917 for $1.75. This is an Offer that enables you to get the .best . big Weekly published in Canada, along with your best local paper, at almost a half-price rate. Send or'bring all orders to The Chronicle office. “Brown is a very careful critic. isn’t be? “In what way? “He always manages to take the sting out of his unfavorable com- ment.” “For instance?” “His bride made him a short- cake the other day, and when she asked him how he liked it he re- plied, ‘It isn’t as good as your mother used to make.”’â€"Dctroit Free Press. BETWEEN,T. XV. SCAZRF’S RESI- dence and the Rocky Sangeen, on Friday, October 1, awooilen horse blanket. The. finder will confer a favor on the loser by returning it to Mr. Scarf, or leaving it at this office. There will be a meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Glc-‘nelg at the Township Hall, on Saturday. October 16. at 2.30 p.111. to consider the appeal of Lord Lansdmvnc- for Red Cross hur- DOSES. By Order of the Reeve. THOS. NICHOL, Reeve. Pricc'viilsâ€" The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell at the residence of the proprietor. Lot (32. Gun. 2, E.G.R.. Glenelg. 0n THURSDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1915 Credit Auction Sale FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS the following: 1 mare. 12 years old. 1 mare, a years old. 5 cows, 3 in calf. 1 heifer, 2 years in calf, 1 steer, rising 2, 4 calves, 4 well bred Leicester ewes. 1 brood sow, . 4 young pigs (if not sold before sale), hens, geese. large quantity of hay, large quantity of Uanadian Pride oats. 1 boring machine and other carpenter tools. 1 Buffalo robe. 1 Massey-Harris hinder, 1 Massey-Harris mower, 1 Brantt‘ord mower. with pea harvester attachment. 1 lumber wagon, limir bob-sleighs. 1 pair disk harrows, 1 set spring tooth harrows, 1 pair drag har- rows. 1 long plow. 1 gang plow, 1 tur- nip sower. 1 fanning mill (Chatham). 1 pulper, 1 sulkv rake, 1 seed drill. 2 buggies. l nearly new, 1 road cart. 1 i cutter. 1 cream separator (__.\'ational). l { Daisy Churn. 1 set heavy double har- ness. 1 set plow harness. ] set single harness, 1 large kitchen table, 1 parlor heater, new, for coal or wood. and other articles too numerous to mention | Everything must be sold as the pro- : prietor is giving up farming. SALE AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP TERMS:-H:Ly. oats and all sums of $5.04! and under. cash, over that, 12 months’ cum“: on approved joint, notes. Four per cent. discount off for cash. THUS. McGIRR. I). MCPHAIL. THE SAFETY-FIRST CRITIC. Notice is hereby given pursuant to The Revised Statutes of Ontarâ€" io 1914, chapter 121, that all cred- itors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Kirk iReid, who died on or about the 22nd day of June, 1915. .are required o_n or joefore the‘5th In the matter or the estate of William Kirk ‘Reid, late of the Town of Durham in the County- of Grey, insurqnce _Agent, deceased, '“‘\4 -"L'â€" day of November, 1915, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Edna Clara Reid, Durham, Ontario, the. Administratrix of the estate of thle said W'illiam Kirk RBid. their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particu- lars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the natureo of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that af- ter such last mentioned date the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deâ€" ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that the said Ad- ministratrix will 'not be liable for the sad-d assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of I"Whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. - - wâ€"vâ€"_ Dated at Durham this 5th day of October, A. D. 1915. .~ EDNA CLARA REID, \1 ' Durham 2?. 0.. Ont. Administratrix of the eSta'c-tau of the said Wm. Kirk Reid, deceaSed. . Notice to Creditors Proprietor. Notice Lost TEE DURHAM! CHRONICLE. Auctioneer. I ‘ FLESHERTON. I _ Miss Oldbam and Miss Holmes gspent the Thanksgiving holidays gwith friends in Toronto. Mrs. W. J. Boyd visited over the week end with her daughter in Toronto. ' Miss Aleda Mitchell visited her aunt in the city over Thanksgiv- givinig season. Mrs. Scott of Toronto visited her sister, Mrs. W. Buskin, last week, and motored to Owen Sound with 3 Mrs. Bu‘skin and daughter Reta; who visited for a couple of dayS and tool; in the fair at the county ' t0\Vn. g Mr. W. Somers of Calgary h01i- dayed at his old home in Osprey last week, and visited his old friends here. ' Miss Lillian Armstrong is visit- ing relatives at Havelock and other points east. Miss Lillian Bunt is visiting rel- atives at Woodbrid-ge and Tor- onto. . Mrs. G. Irwin, W'ho visited her sister, Mrs. ”W. Henry, returned to her home at Dungannon on Fri- day, .accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry, daughter Olive, and Mrs. Mark Wilson, to visit over the Week end. i M1'. Ray Pé-Zilzu' attended OWen {$011113 fair last Week. i Mr. 1111;} Mrs. Geo. Bellamy of i‘hrl‘ufle have the sympathy (:2 their old friends .here in their .bcrenvement in the death of their iinfrmt son. a twin. last week, In- etorment was made in the fumilv : 1 lot hat. I Mr. J O. Dargavel of Rock Mills '\1 as called to Dornoch last week ,by the death of his father. Pastor Bert Armstrong was over from Meajford the end .01“ the week visiting his m'othm'. ' ' Mrs. T. E. .Aikenliead .of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs. J‘. W. Armstrong, who is ill. vM'r. Aiken- he-ad accompanied her, returning- to the city the following day. Miss Celia VanDusen was home from Toronto visiting her mother over the Week end. Dr. and Mrs. Carter Visited the past couple of Weeks with rela- tives at Pomflrad, Toronto and \Yoodstock. Major Hansford of \Vinnipcg was in Toronto last week on a short visit with relatiVos. before leaving! for service at the front. The Major is at son-in-law of Mrs. J. \V. Henderson, and has frequentlv visited with relatives here. who Wish him a safe return to his family. The Osprey fair at Feversham last week was well patronized from here and a number of the ladies. who added much to the hall exhibit, won many prizes. Bornâ€"On September 29. to Mr. and Mrs. Claudv Ekins. Toronto line. .a. daughter. Bornâ€"At Ceylon. on October 6. to ‘Mr. .md Mrs. S. "Bands, :1 daugh- tor. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and litth daughtr-r. of Toronto. are on a two weeks‘ visit with relatives here. Mr. Elwyn Jamicson was in Toronto over the holiday. \Ve omitted noting: last Week that lilil‘ day here was flag day for the Children’s Aid work in the eounty and that over $40 were raised by the group of young girls directed by Mrs. Thurston. Dr. E. K. Richardson 110W Mai"? Richardson, wife and babe, of Toronto, spent ThankSgiViBg‘ at his old home Here. Major Richard- son, who had been for some time Captain of the Field Artillery. Toronto, and actively engaged preparing men fer that service since the War began, has recently been promoted to the position he now holds. Flesherton extends congratulations. Miss Jennie-Blackburn of Mount Forest visited her cousin, Mrs. T. J. Fisher, over the holiday, ac- companied by Miss McIntyre. Mr. C. J. Bellamy spent Thanks- giving in Toronto. Miss Mary Wilson and mother visited in Toronto over the week end. The East Grey Teachers’ Con- vention :at Thornbury on Thurs- day and Friday is reported a good one, With an interesting prO- gram throughout. There Was a good attendance from this side of the inspectorate, among those present being: Mr. Holland. Miss .Switzer, Miss Lowndes, Miss Wil- son and Mr. T. Chard, of Flesherâ€" ton, and Mr. Griffin of Ceylon. At the concert given in behalf of the Red Cross Fun-d, $96 were raised, and it was resolved that the teachers of the association each give one day’s may to the Red Cross, which will aggregate over $400. altogether a {goon cum itribution to this WOrt‘hy object. Mr. T. Chard, Who has enlisted here ,Wazs presented. with a Wrist watch .by the teachers. Mr. Patch of Thornbury, was electe'l presi- dent for the ensuing year, and it was resolved that next meeting“ be heid at Flesherton. The Misses Lily and Beatrice Thistlewaite were home from T0:- onto over ThanksgiVing. A union thanksgiving service was held in the Methodist church on Monday forenoon. Rev. Mr. Kerr preached a good sermon fitting the occasion. * . The Methodist congregation was Without a preacher on Sunday morning. The pastor at New Fn- gland, for Whom Rev. Mr. Dud- geon conducted anniversary scar»- vice. was expected, but disap- pointed. Service in the Presbyterizm church will be withdrawn next Sunday, on account of anniversary services at Proton Station, which will be conducted bv Rev. Mr. Dudgeon, whose pulpit will be supplied by Rev. Mr. McVicar. Miss \Vallace spent last week in Toronto with. her Sister, Mrs. R. McClemmn, whose husband was drowned in Lake Erie on Septem- ber 26, during the storm which Wrecked the schooner Cheb<‘)yg3n. on which .1110 was .one of the crew. Th3 body “us found on Saturday last and taken to Port Hope for burial. The deceased, who was 3-" years of age, leaves his widow The? Misses Florence and Bryce \Velton, and IVIiSS DOrOthy Tayior, of Mt. Forest, Wore Visitors at Mr. G. B. VYPlton’s over the Week and three children, who have the sympathy of their friends here. c n d . There was a large attendance at the W'omen’s Institute meeting; last week, when the membership- ‘contest of the past three months closed. Mrs. W. Henry and Mrs W'. Moore were the captains, the for- mer winning by 65 points. The contest resulted. in a large in- crease to the membership. from 46 to 187. We think no other can be found to match. this. AuuAAâ€" -v A number of sports from the \‘il- la'ge attended a shooting match at Mr. W. W'yatt’s on Thanksgiv- ing day, when a number of fine. birds were won in the contest. Capt. Ern. Armstrong of Co- balt, and Mr. Wes Armstrong and % SAVINGS DEPARTMENT = DURHAM BRANCH: . IUD TheA,B,CofBanking Fedect Safety; Quick Assets. Reliable Service 173 We solicit your account in our ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 OF CANADA October 14:, 1915. Em nuanm mmmum 18 PUBLISHED VERY THURSDAY MORNING Atthe Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxu Street. - ° Tan Cunoxtcm will be sent t sumPtlon guy address. free of postage fog Rates . . $1.00per year,payablein advance -â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which ever) subscription is paid is denoted Ly the number on the address label. No paper d‘s- continued to all arrears are paid. except at :1 c option of the proprietor. O O o _ a 18111 For tran s1_ent .adrertlsemente Advert g cents per hne tor the first Inscr- Rates . . - Lion ; 5 cents per line each subar- qnept 1nsert10n~_ minion measure. Professional â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" uayuuul("o L LU! “0950”“! cards not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annnn . Advertisements without specific directions win be published till forbid a) \1 charged accomlnglly Tmnsientnoncesâ€""Lc 8t. ' ‘ Wound." ‘ ‘For Sn 6. etaâ€"~50 cents for first insertion, 25 cents for ea 12 subseq uent neertxon. :Contract ratgs for year.y advertzsementa in: rushed on apphcation to the office. Alladvertisements ordered by strangers be naid for in admnce. .BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Directorw Picture meng on sharia: notice. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and White Caps for aged people. DURHAM. ONT. mmmm 00-6. Miss Laura Henry visited friends at Shelburne last_week. v’iuilNVilrrid Henry, drangevillo, visited his home oVer Thanksgiv- “ Mr. Charley McLean._ in training at Niagara, spent the Week end at his old home, Mr. Jas. Fisher’s. son Berrv, of Toronto, were visit- ors here over the holiday. mmmm FURNITURE; AVD UN DERT AKIN G g Mr. M. Kress has Opened a. shop at the rear of the furniture sun-w room and is prepared to do all kinds of tinsmithing. Undertaking receives special attention SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Ban-bex-Shm). RESIDENCEâ€"Next, door South of \V. J‘ Lawrence’s blacksmith $110!). and all Household Furnishings Dress Goods EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. AT GRANT’S Embalming a Speciality EDWARD KRESS Rugs, Oilcloths Window Shades L a c e Curtains W. IRWIN TINSMITHING Black White Grey Red (jalmrdines Velveteens and Velvet Corded Plain At Grant’s SERGES: POPLINS II ‘ " 1 Vol ours Brown meé_sure._ Profs” onal

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