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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Oct 1915, p. 4

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THE DURHAM CHRUNHILE HOLSTEIN. The HFdro contract has been signed by 011? Village trusteesâ€" next I he nrju'er. Mrs. D. “I. Cameron is now so far re covered as to be abie to sit up for a short time each day. Mrs. 'Dr. Ferguson :spent ‘ the holiday at St. Marys. Several of our nimrods botoo}. themselves to the swamp Mommy. The}: report game scarce and the swamps wet. 0 AL- The Rang? Day service of Holstein Methodist Sunday . vice "“1: Sunday morninv. Ant. R. Irvin rttuz'ncd from A: on u ,co DURHAM. OCTOBER 14. 1915. ton the Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Kelly and little daughter, Betty, of Toronto, were in town over Sunday. Mr. Lorne Jackson of Palmerston visited a few days with Mr. and .Mrs W". H. \Vhitchurch Mr. H. H. Mockler and sister. Miss Eva. u:- Toronto, were in town over ThanksgiVinO‘. Miss \"ctoria A1300, teacher near Chatswortln spent the holidav with her sister here. Miss Irene Latimer of the North- ern Business College. Owen Sound. was home over the holiday. Messrs. Ernest \leght and Alex. BIC-Comb Of ChiSIPy spent Thanks- giving; in town. 311'. John Hewitt of Montreal spending a month with friends town and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bz‘etz of Shei- burne. Visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bic-Cracker]. over the holiday. Mr. Fred Sprout is engaged at St. Marys. and. 311's. Sproat and daughtcr Mill go there shortlv to Shit“. I1. am‘. “:5. Eduin Allan and son. of Toronto. spont over Sun- day with his parents, Principal and 31:5. A311 11. ‘ n Viss; s Sna'I )7: 2. Mr. and Mrs. C. C D('»ug’-.:LS ni Owen Sound, spent Sunday even- ing with hn‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. KY. Limin Mr. and Mrs R. Macfarlane, Mr .and Mrs. Towner, Mr and Mrs. Hay and Mr. and Mrs Calder are leaving to-day to attend the ticket agents’ convention at Denver, Colorado. Misses Sigu‘guretc Allie and Edith Grant, of Toronto, had their Thank55 hing dinners at the parental home here. ~ Mr. Samuel \Yrigh‘t and daugh- ter, )Iiss Epsie. 0f Kincardinc. were Visiting relatives here and at Proton Station for a few days. Ptes. Geo. Lloyd. A. M Bell, E. J. McGirr, all of Niagara, and Ptes. Fred Laidlaw. Caldwell Marshall. and George Banks, of London. were home for ThankSgiving. p IRWIS, Editor and Proprietor holiday. Si? Hopkins of Toronto Visited mother over Sunday. She was 2‘132; mic ‘ i by Mr. Fletcher. 55 Lexie ~Xnderson of Hamii- “2.5 Bliss \'ollctt‘s guest over h Oli home gr: .5035. 5L .1 in the regular ser union servic in tin? urn-11 Sunday eVa-n- Mru'sh spoke in thc in h from Toronto MK" 1' JCS 1V from Ashlu as in Stratf rlav schoo titir‘m next {LIV 0 mpm \V 8 t he C It m 0C , Mr. and Mrs. Farrelly and three of her four children, of ‘Winnipeg, gare spending a "few days with. friends at Ayton and Durham Hiams will remain with friends in Who mourn the loss Mrs. Farrelly is better known this locality for two or three daughter, Alice Hen here by her maiden name, Nellie months before returning. We are! Mr. John Hewitt Moran. We were pleased to have pleased, also, to hear that John, ‘renewing old a call from her and her eldest Frank, and another member of ‘arOund the burg son, Moran, on Fridav evening. the W'illiams famjlv are all located Mr and Mrs. Jag Miss M. McDonald of the Toron-r in Tisdale and vicinitv, and are ed the :McNally-Lee to teaching staff \1 as in town ov e1 lall W ell and doing well. October 6 Sundav Inspector and Mrs. Camp- E? Mr and Mrs. Tho¢ “ ed on Friday with bell, and daughter, Miss Islav motored to the citv on Thmsda», FORMULA FOR FIREPROOFI\G and the chance of a motor ride to To make Wood fireproof, soak Durham was taken advantage 0f 2-5 arts bv we’vht f 1. ' o - 5 4h bv Miss McDonald. She returned .1) ' l O ulp ate ' of zmc, 11 of potash 22 of alum, by train Monday afternoon. :1 11 f . 'd . l l ,, , .an‘ o mangamc 0x1 e 1n 11(0- ) s. Guv \\ 1lliams. who left TIS- . . . Ir . - {warm water 1n an iron bo1ler, and dvale,‘Sask., on Friday evemng at gradually add 11 parts by Weight 512: o'clock..reached town safe and of 60 per cent. sulphuric acid. The sound on the C' P‘ P“ on Mondag. Wood to be prepared is placed {Peas................. night. She 1s andaughter of .tne lupcz’m 11 iron grating in an appar- 3 __ .‘ late James .Mcmeeken, and this, 1" Eatus of suits. le size. The. luquid is 'Bditer ..... . her first t1'1p home smce leavmg then poured into the '1‘*'~ai'¢1tLls.E°‘g5 ...... .....~ ..... "is '1'” ’2- ';“ (0'0. ' ‘ ' {UP the “ht ‘1 )out 1 }eq1s ‘0 :and the \1‘ 00d allowed to zemain ng L 00511791 bag” rDiied Apples ...... .. Spring \Vbeac . . . . . . .. Mi llingz Oats ...... m. -: z ' m“ e ’ -o 1" '53.- , , 1 {ion With 1191' 111953413' “01'1”“3 1 ..-. ° , . 3"“.5- ‘ \ 1011111133111, pers sack“ i,{Ԥ<)l'(‘ she 16ft 101' the home ()1 fix-17.; (3110p per CW3 ..... .. ’111'1' mmha‘x' 111 Great lonors Mere be Stoned Hides,pe11b.. Sheenskins. . . . . . . . . . ,‘ 1 a ingremont. She 1 “ Live Hogs, per cwt nifim‘n‘; emits in the west. In ths.i"11?_)-:‘)11 James “'1 iitcomo Riley, the “7001” I ..... .0... .1 I I \ -°r’. I 1H"H-'\ ‘Q INF) v-‘o' 0‘... tfizli“ (HAS »\ lull 1‘: (‘ShKLtL ()1. t L\.. 11.11:“ R i n r- ‘ _ ‘ ----- i vâ€" f I’ 't "" " ' ‘V ll" ‘ . \ '( 1'l‘i‘ ()1 J 193'11‘1‘ tElC \\ 01c ‘n 11. {LAMA 1 ydtt, 1'3 ‘115 11‘ lLlVi state, T3110“; ..... . ..... , .. 1 o 1' _" . *1 1‘1, 1. car:- 11' Hit 11‘ Ml gc (115-- 411‘. 51710.3. Lard ....... . .... i fl‘mmxwmvnmzcfimmmmgams \nr‘r'ua: V/mrmmktu‘mm' mayn.m~vm:r Wm in is Omarâ€"£353 Qmi‘a i3 3%? m $S§E ‘ Contributions may be sent to the Flayor of Durham or to the Reeves of any of the surrounding muni- cipalities. IV/gAGNlFlCENT soldiers and sailors from every part of the A British Empire are laying dOwn their lives for you and yours. Perhaps some of your own blood are amongst them. {An urgent appeal has gone forth from the Marquis of Lansdowne, Presi- dent of the British Red Cross, for funds to provide medicines, appliances, comforts, and hospital equipment of all kinds to alleviate the sufferings from wounds and sickness of sailors and soldieis from all parts of the Em- pire. This appeal is endorsed by their Majesties, the King and Queen, and mmw Rrifigh nnssossion is setting: aside. by official proclamation {An urgent appeal has gone forth from the marquis or J- dent of the British Red Cross, for funds to provide medi comforts, and hospital equipment of all kinds to allevia from wounds and sickness of sailors and soldieis from all pire. This appeal is endorsed by their Majesties, the Ki: every British possession is setting aside, by offic We can and will raise this amount as a token that Ontario feels for our wounded heroes and will not see them languish in their pain and suffer- ing for the want of medical and other comforts. Do Your part and make “Our Day for Sailors and Soldiers” a. tremendous success iii your locality. “V/e shall be (171137 grazeful to “This is the first appeal of the you fa;- asszsiance ~m razevmg fhe Motherfand to Cam: (1:22:23 in this suffermgs of our wozmded soldiers - r“ . . present war. it cams £53303: 0d? and scalars from all parts of the h . ., ., ,, Dominions.” umamiy as wet: as our loyalty. Lansdowne, John S. Hendrie, Give t0 the Reé Cmgs Every cent collected goes to British Red Cross head- quarters, where it is officially and wisely spent. No money ° waded in expenses, even this advertising spaceisfiom‘ fed bythepubhs' hers. Give a day’ 9 pay. Do your part. Give liberafly and Icy-ally. Give your money, because these brave ones â€"our sailors and sokfiers, are giving their lives for us. ilecton on October 21 will solicit your sub- W make it through your Mayor or Reeve. Lansdowne, President Erin's}: Red C rots Society. as a day of public giving to aid in this splendid cause, which stands in severe need of assistance owmg to the tremendous demands upon Red Cross work. tricts between there and Winni- peg, thousands.of acres are still standing in the shock. Mrs. W'il‘ liams will remain with friends in this locality for two or three months before returning. We are pleased, also, to hear that John, Frank, and another member of lthe Williams family are all located ;in Tisdale and vicinity, and are all well and doing well. To make wood fireproof, soak 27.5 parts by weight of sulphate of zinc, 11 of potash. 22 of alum, and 11 of manganic oxide in luke- warm water in an iron boiler, and gradually add 11 parts by weight of 60 per cent. sulphuric acid. The wood to be prepared is placed upon an iron grating in an apps-1r- :1tus of suitable size. The luquid is then poured into the apparatus. and the wood allowed to remain completely covered for three hours. 5 Tm DURHAM CHRONICLE. Heat-Governor of Ontario. DARKIES’ CORNERS. We extend sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, who mourn the loss of their only" daughter, Alice Henrietta. i . ’â€"- w: i DURHAflI. OCTOBER 7. 1915 1‘0. {Fall Wheat ..... . ......$ 8‘.) to $ 85‘ ipring \VheaC.......... S!) to Swim illilling Oats...... ...”) to 33; M Feed Oats ....... . . . . . . . . 35 to 33 {Peas ..... . ........ 150 to 165 !B:Lrley ............ £8 to 50‘. 11" iHLy ...... ...... ...12 (m to 1:2 001m 'Butter ..... 9" to ZSEH EFJggS ................. o 24’ CO 2“ Put: woos, per bag ....... (0 to (3‘)! rDzied Apples..." ..... ._o 3 to 3 ST :I“101~.1,pet cwt... ....... E10 to 3 2.5' V. [O‘thxlédl’ I‘BPQ St;Cko . o o . o :3 00 t0 4 (0 Chop. pet cwt: .......... 1 50 to 1 ’75 Live Hogs, vex cwt.... 9 40 to S) 40 Hides, per 1b.. 1’. no 14 SileeY)SkiIISoooo .000 a... o. :g'E to (5“)! '\‘7()()l ooooooooo 0;... out... {c.- Tallow ..... . ...... . . . . . . 5 to 5 5 1.48.111 ............ o o o o o o c . 14‘ t0 ‘ 14‘! a I 3‘ .a‘n.m~vm -erwmm i t, ’ " " H” ‘ i '1'. WWW-(fw- ‘fi‘t‘ '7‘ - ‘ "'"“., \ i ' j I -v' 1 ‘ - . ‘ .1. (: é , , 2;- z" ; 4! : gr I \ z ’ .‘ ,3" ’ .', I; ‘ \ - t-i i r33 5 I! g . Mr. John Hexx-‘itt of Montreal is renewing old acQuaintances around the burO‘. 'l‘lr. and Mrs. JaS. Wilson attend- ed the McNally-Lee wedding on October 6. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McGirr visit-- ed on Friday with .Mr. and Mrs. MARKET REPORT - CIJ Géfl. Binnie, Bunessan. Thirty-two ladies were present at the Institute meeting at Mrs. Thos. McGirr’s when a. sociable and profitable time was Spent it u as decided that the ladies hold a sale of home-made baking in town on Saturday, October 16, also that Miss Margaret McGirr go as delegate to the convention held in Toronto. Mr. Thos. McGirr is holding‘ a sale of farm stock and implements on Thursday, October '21. The potato crOp in most parts 15 a failure, owing to so much. Wet weather. The most of _tthm are rottina'. ' Miss Edna M. Ritchie is resum- ing her music lessons with Miss Ma‘rgaret Hunter. Miss Ixiargaret Lindsay, with her unble, Mr. Geo. Herd, is spend- ing a few days at Mr. A, W. Hunt’s, Allan Park. Miss Clara Ritchie of spent Sunztiray \v th her siste \Vm. Jacques. Cd air by stayinO‘ in ated. CV 81 1113th- 3 . foul-smelling places, own (:20 F1‘CS.1 (iOC other (115 Don‘t 5100;) Windows ci'os than day air U n ‘ A in THE WAR AT WUR DGOR You Can Read the Best Story of the (heat European Struggle in The Weekly Mail and Empire Send or Bring Orders to Office of This Paper :1 health, in winter as W01 H {‘(WCI' germs. 3ft pm'mit direct 012’ on you. WIN-they in not cause 1' be following poem has been sent from the Dzzz-<.fzizio"l’:e_‘-¢ 'l‘here‘s a. Story now current, though six-anat- it may a "L". the great Kaiser Piil and a. wonderful dream. Rein tired of the Allies. he lay clown in llt‘il. And. :miongst other things. he dreamt he was (lead. Axifl in a fine coffin was lying in state. \Yith a guard of have Eelszia as. who mmirtuirl for his He wasn’t long deaf] till he in und to his cost That his Soul. like his soldiers. would ere long he lost. On leaving the earth. ,to hea 'en he went straight. ArriViflg up tbs-1'0, gaVe :1. kn ock at the grate. ' But St. Peter looked out. and in a voice loud and clear. Said. “Be-gone. Kaiser Bill. we don’t want. you in heref “Well,” said the. Kaiser. “that‘s rather uncivil.’7 So he turned on his heel and away he did go At the. top of his speed to the. regions below. But when he. got thlere he was filled with dismay, For. while waiting outside. 1; heard Old Nick say , To his imps, “Now, look here, I give you fair warning, I’m expecting the Kaiser down here in the ll‘ng‘llillg‘; But don’t let him in. for to me. it’s quite clear He’s a very bad man, and we don’t want him here. If once he gets in, there’ll be no end of quarrels. In fact, I’m afraid. he’ll corrupt our good morals.” “Oh, Satan dear friend!” the Kaiser then cried, “Excuse me for listening while waiting; (mtsiale; If you don’t admit me. say. \vh ere can I. go ‘?" “Indeed,” said the Devil, “I re ally don’t know,” “Oh do let me in! I am feeling quite cold, And if you Want money. I’ve p lentv of gold. Let me sit in a corner, no matter hioxv hot.” “No, no,” said the Devil,” mo st certainly not. " “'0 don’t admit folks here for riches or pelt Here are sulphur and matches -â€"make a hell for yourself." Then he kicked \Yilhelm out, and he vanished in smoke, And just at that moment, the Kaiser awoke. He jumped from his bed in a shivering sweat, And said, “That’s a dream I shall never forget. That I won’t go to heaven I know very well. But it’s really too bad to be kicked out of Hell.” The Wot clot bin °‘ 7“ sit around With wet “W {m ) 31cc 1101 WHICH WE CAN SUPPLY YOU ALONG WITH OUR PAPER, THE TWO TOGETHER. FROM NOW TILL JAN. 1, 1916, FOR 25c 0R FROM NOW TILL JAN. 1, 1917. FOR $1.75 Best Canadian Weekly and the Best Local Paper at Little More than Half Price Jility 0f 3‘. 9111110111 , -, 11- WWWC’:ETL1TXIVSP '.:'.'.°'I:.‘¢‘ r3." 2' .“r! :6“ m mama: m 'E‘he Kaiser’s Dream S RECESS ht 11m OVC reduc l b. o J a U :3: .111 sate "v10? DCC IE O been sent from the 1? Tent, though strangc mm a. Wonderful drca . he la 3' down in bed. p4 u EEE SIRHBK H ‘ REQHI M [£81 After Sufferin?Almost Two Years, “mam-am.” ngm .‘IQI. '- IIIII'IH.‘ 382 St. Valier 31., \Iomreal. “In 1912, I 1. .13 taken 311 “1111 Acute Sidf’.”!(‘]£ T20 (1101111011111 the Show. I \1' years. m _V sto: U‘ (1C) an IIOUIIC sh re tows mess in the Treat D0 11 The Cnivcrsi slit of 138 mu towards natimm} MR. \fi’HETMAN Pennsylvania IS 1D vone O it I] ho fate Beau; L

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