West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Oct 1915, p. 5

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I sleep well enough at nightâ€" And the bla‘medest appetite Ever mortal man possessed,'_ Last thing et, it tastes the best!â€" Warnuts, butternâ€"utS, paWpaws, Des Iamid Limbers up my jaws Fer raal service, sich as new Pork. spareribs and sausage, tooâ€" Yfit, fer all, they’s- somepin’ ’bout 'Old October knocks me out! erernments frf‘f‘uentlj: legis- late to boost prices for the few at the expense of many. because the few have greater influence and pull with governments than the many.â€"-â€" Vinnipeg Tribune. Surprise is expressed in some nuartc-rs that the hungry Grits in this province are cr(),\\'din,‘2' thf‘ hold-over Tories out of office. But what can one expect after 15 years of wandering in the wilderness ‘3â€" VVinnipeg Telegram. for hC-r soliimf-f. and it is t hoped t‘xat everv pair of .,h005\ ml! be pox nted \VCSt“ the spring. â€"H.:'1mi ton Horal cat General Sir Sam Hughes intim- ates that poetry haS'the best re- suits ir recruiting for the war. If General Sir Sam wants some brand new unusei war poetry. we can tell him where he can get a bas- ket funâ€"Calgary Albertan. No one is more fittei to utter condemnation of Count Zeppelin than Marconi. One invented a new way of destroying life and the other a new way of saving lifeâ€"Vancouver Province. OLD OCTOBER. Old October‘s purt nigh. gone. And the frosts is comin’ on Little heavier every dayâ€" Like our hearts is thataway! Leaves is changin’ overhead Back from green, to grey and red. Brown and yeller, with their stems Loosen-in’ on the oaks and e’ms; And the balance of the trees Gittin’ balder every breezeâ€" Like the heads we’re .scratchin’ on! Old October’s purt nigh gone. I love Old October so, I can’t bear to see ,her goâ€" Seems to me like losin’ some Old-home relative, er chumâ€" ’Pears like sorto" settin’ by Some old friend ’at sigh by sigh Was a-passin’ out 0’ sight Into everlastin’ night! _Hickernuts a feller hears Battlin? down is more like tears Drappin’ on the leaves belowâ€" I°love Old October so! and a graveyard healthy young me when they walk x int: office.â€"-G-1xeipi Give him money enough, and a, Inwver would take :1 brief for P:e'zebub. That’s his business, of cours<>.â€"Goderich Signal. don berg couver P Give hi lawyer w Ba-elzebul 0:29 of the great jobs of the (Barman army must be the trans- ;xurtrztinn of the medals of Hin- dgnbcrg and Mackenson.â€"Van- couvm' Province. Can’t tell what it is about Old October knocks me out!â€" 890m ms about time 0131 Gene .3} Depression took supreme com- mand of the German armies in Russiaâ€"Ottawa Citizen. Don’t believe that if women vot- ed. politicians would take a back seat. They would have front seats and enjoy the fun.â€"Cobalt Nug. get. 1 \ War is said to be popuiarizing whiskers. Another score to settle with the Ka.iser.â€"St. Thomas Jour- More than one world’s series was won and lost last weekâ€"Lon don Advertiser. It is’ 82 days to Christmas. ShOP earlyâ€"for the men in the trenches. â€"Brockville Times. ' n31. WHAT THE PRESS IS SAYING It In Charmin, ussia has given an 0.000 pairs of Am: (I ‘ ( ‘0! October 14, 1915. 1's c0mna the NC ’2}. c-rtan. ha'n “\Ylu betray far more eager- ackie :1 (“end British ad- m a live oneâ€"Hamilton James Whitcomb Riley. beat a 1 L OVC‘X‘ 1.er ') !\10:13" hail tl' mt lacked the flu CYIFZ‘OSS itâ€"Cu n.‘ mom um 91‘: hon r. .1 C011 \\'h r: 1‘1 h DOPE i (3011' A shoe cruit- $01119 Mnh h 81 10- for Y) A petition will be presented to the city council at Sarnia to tug the property in the city for patri- otic purposes. It is suggested, too. that :1 special tax be placed rm szi'ngie men not going to the war. Oliver Que 9n :1 cheesemak or m ’ Finclfav, vas kiilc-d by a G. T. R. tmin when. retuf‘ning from sum.- moning :1 doctor to attend a mighbor; Upwar-LIS of $70,000 has been SC- curo-J. ‘03: the campaign at the “Soo” to raise funds for the Red Cross and the Patriotic Funds. A beque‘t of $2.000 has been rc- ceived by Queen’s University from the estate of the late Alexander Malcolm. Kincardine, to endow a Scholz‘ rship. The Ihnnflton board of conuwd has decided to purchase 3.000 honor rolls on which to inscribe the names of families who have responded to the call of king and i i g I country. i on the charge of murdering Felix Mal-ine last June. The evidence was insufficient. Kisle was late; sentenced for theft. ‘ Wm. H. Boughner, assistant en- gineer to the city of St. Thomas, has been appointed civic engineer at Port Arthur, at a salary of 72,500 a year. As a result of a campaign just closed at Bowman-ville, $18,000 has been secured for the Red Cross and Patriotic funds. The Baptist ministers of Hami'w ton, last week banquetted Rev. DI‘. Kline. \\ no is going to Georg 9.. to“ n. Michael Kisle was discharged last week at the an'lsor assnzes The fees of non-resident pupils at Hamilton schools will be in- creased to $3 a month, according to a decision of the board of edu- cation. \ - At an enthusiastic meeting of Berlin citizens 'on, Thursday eVen ing of last week. it was decided to ask the city councii to contribute was 021 (i-cox‘gfe Stromc. on trial :11; ...‘ruelph 0n the charge of causing the death of Vim. Ball last Jun:- by furious di‘iviug, has been found not guilty. The minister of agrichture has offered the British war office the Whole of Canada’s expOrtf-lblo 5111‘- plus of cannecf meats and dressed beef during the next six months. Edward Peer. 9. Killbride far- mer. while getting off his magi-.1 : at Hamilton. slipped and £011. 3 breaking his jaW. , i A two days’ campaign to raise $15 ,000 in Goderich for the Pani- otic fund resulted in $17 ,000 being- subscribed. 2 £00 to the British Red Cree.» un‘l on Trafalgar Day. T ":1 (f; he 42nd annual convention of the Ea st Huron Teachers’ Instituté vas heid last Wee" at Seaforth. ver 1':0 teachers Were in attend- Prof. James H. Bowman of Lon-3 don, has forwarded a report of. the clashes last week between the f soldiers and the police and has; asked for drastic restrictions on i the sale of liquor to soldiers. ; 0 The funeral of the late DaVid . Huether, who died 'at \Viarton.f took place last week at Neustadt,§ with Masonic honors. I 31100. Lieut.-Col. J. R, Munro. of Kingston, commanding the 5th Regiment. Canaaian Mounted Hg- flea, was last week presented with $1,000 by Kingston, citizens. The money will be put in the reg:- mental fund. ‘ The minister of militia has ac- ceded to the request of Major Sutherland of Kingston and will. grant the city the use of the Mar- tello tower for a civic museum. :3. prOViSional SChOOl Of inb;ruc_ tion for'infantry, officers and N. C. 0.’s will be established in Ber- lin and Galt in connection with the 108th and 29th Regiments oi the two cities. A public reception was given at Chesley last Week to Capt. L. H. Grover on his return from the front. He was commissioned home With 170 wounded soldiers. lC’ChQRi nt , L ) t Something News of Old Ontario h A and threw machin Went Wrong with the of the automobile trz‘. ser of Waterloo last wcek,‘at G-uellph, zine backed into the pew the occupants or. 2-10 one was badly ()1 UWBI] ovum: z1-i(‘:(>5€r\'01t states that. SO far on suspicion 01‘ knew the report that :1 on trial :11 R 11"?“ (\T 111:1 been found on the 121111;: Connecticut was with out {0111: 0011:4710 tion-’ I A .At least 4.5 shins of the line of "all classes: probably {’0 fast ships, 1 six or more of them battle Cruisers iswifter and. more powerful than ithe world has yet seen, and the ,rest fast scouting ships, some of 'thFID of the new and distinctive type, mounting two ‘heavy guns; nearly 200 destroyers and fully 10% submarines of all typesâ€"such will :be the United States navy in 1918 'if the plans which, it is under- :stood, Secretary Daniels talked over with President Wilson. are iapproved by Congress, Carpet Company, of Yonkers, . l The Alexander Smith Sons ‘3. The three-year-old .son of Wm. Barker was hit by a C.P.R. train at Sharbot Lake and probably fa- ftally injured. The child was play- ing on the track. Robt. P. Skinner. American erm- sui-g‘eneml in London. Eng, 11.13 been summoned to “fishing-tot] {'01- consultation, on the t1 ade situa- tion between the United States 111311. Great Britain. ‘ After an inspection 09f ing Sivg‘ prison, 20 man-1615 of the A1119 1 icaxi Alliance of Civil Service. for \Vomcn. praised. the administraâ€" tion of Thomas Mott 031101-11, Wind-en of the institution. Y., has made a contract to manu- facture 1,000,000 blankets for the allied armies and will begin turn- imp: them out immediately. Ten thousand emI‘IOyeeS of {111‘ Schu‘ecta 3v plant of the G new! Electric C0,, WM (:31 is onga go. 3 i2: oxecuting war orfiG-Is, h.._.\'e quit Work in their fight for an eight- hour day. Mrs. Stella Jones, rich widow of Paris, 111., met and married two weeks later John P. Anderson not long agoand now she has learned that he has deserted her, after getting some thousands of her money. He persuaded her to go to Sawtelle, Cal., and take charge oi her large estate there, and wait his return. She sends word from Calitornia that no one there knows Anderson. Short Bits of Live News The town council of Petrolea. at a special meeting last Week. de- cided by a vote of five to four to take over the electric light plant at $11,280, the price set. on it by the Hydro Commission. c'andwich assizes of theft of a valuable document from a legal firm, appeared Thursday for sent- ence. Mr. Justice Middleton can- sidered that he had ‘been the vic- tim of a stronger mind than his \"n and suSpended sentence. The Oriliia town council has voted $200 a month to the local Patriotic Fund during the cOn- tinuntion of the war, and headed the Trafalgar Day subscription list with $200 for the Red Cross head- czu31ters funi. \ Announcement was made by the health department of New York city that it had seized 300 pounds of codfish which had been dyed red and shipped to that city as Alaska salmon. The seizure was made Saturday at a cold storage plant, and investigation at the health department laboratories developed that the alleged sal- mon was the common cod: with dye. injected. Samuel Dupu-is, former Windsor Alderman. found guilty at the Seven thousand one hundred and fifty-twos‘aloons in Chicago must close on Saturday at midnight and stats closed throughout Sunday. Ihe Federal Grand Jury before Judge Sheppard has indicted the elaware, Lackawanna \Vestmm Railroad Co. on '20 courgts. The izzz'y charges faiture to o’nsmw'e filed .and'published tariffs and dis" crimination to a favorfd custnm- cr in! vialation of the anti-rebate Seven thousand fifty-two saloons close on Saturday stat: closed throu Sr. IVâ€"S. McCallum, W'. Boyce. Jr. IVâ€"W. Adlam, E. Cox. Jr. IIIâ€"J. Vickers, A. McCallum, E. Boyce, R. Boyce, E. Vickers, G. Brown, G. Torry, J. Twamley: G- Bunt, R. Murdick. 4 \Sr. IIâ€"D. Burns, H. McCallum_ Jr. II-L. McCallum, B. Bche. M. B1;0\\;I1, Q Brunt, M. Adlaxm. Part IIâ€"A. Unruh, M. McCallum, 3'. McDonald, C. Noble, E. Adlam. Part Iâ€"F. McCallum, G. Twam- ley, E. Boyce, L. Reay, J. Mighton. S Adlram, W. Vickers, H. Torry, T. Adlam, C. Brunt, C. Adlam. ‘ Iâ€"G. McCallum, E. Unruh, P. Reay. S. _Reay _.‘V Murdick. MQKINEON_.-In Durham, Wednes- ' day, October 6, tb- MrIand Mfg. A. F. McKinnon, a daughter. SMITH. â€"At Mason City, Iowa on October 6, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A Smith, a son. . . , . . . 4Miss J. M. Wyiiéfiéuher. _NO. 6, BENTINCK. BORN. TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. ‘ “I have discovexe ‘ ” remarked the 01d codger, “one reason why political parties clubs. societies. and organizations fail to keep intact?’ 0. A L. A. mm A SUCCESSFUL :YEAR The Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Association had a ‘splendid year, in spite of many handicaps of fin- ancial and War difficulties. There were 70 teams playing in Ontario during the summer, two in the senior series, 31 in the intermed- iate, 18 in the junior and. 19- in the juvenile. The following is the list of championship winners since the formétion of the Lacrosse Asso- ciation: ‘ “Why?” asked the youthfui seek- er after knowledge. “I just told vou.” ”said the 0M coderer, "they fail to keep in tact.’ â€"Ju:10‘e. . Fine Art Portrait of Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden Madgeâ€"S 0 YOU consider it an ideal match? Marfioricâ€"Yes. he has money, and she knows how to spend it..â€" PROCEEDING WITH C-?.UTIO “The voters out home want to 1mm" What your minions are 022 this great publ' 1c 01-91 Stjon.” “I’m ist as anxious,” l‘CDli‘C‘d 8: 173150; SQY'ghIID]. ‘uto {3.03:3 ..... out “Infleed!” rotorted Rothschiid. “Then you and I should go there together. \Ve should be great curi- osities.” 4,1,.-.» 2.2 .. 3156mm an worm by: a long: v-sin'tm' o‘~'e:2i";§? Motherâ€"A portion of- the day which efiisted before the era of movies and talking machines.â€" Judge. Miss Pe-achblowâ€"YOur aunt'is a n awfully slender woman, isn’t she? Mr. Buzzerâ€"Yep. some bony. In fact. she’s our fpmily skeleton.â€" Judge. Semite,” was talking to B.(‘)thschiid on the beauties of the Island of Tahati, and sal‘carstically rennrk~ ed: “There are neither hogs nur Jaws there!” This new portrait of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert ,Borden is the fin- est that a combined effort onthc ”dart of artist and engraver can produce. It is so good, that an expert would pronounce it a hand drawing from the highest school of art. The original 9"!" trait. which is life size, but printed exactly the same and by the same process and peogile as that handled by this paper, is sold for $35.00. At a reception in Paris a traw CHOP, who was a strong “anti- It is an exact facsimile of the. large one referred to, but reduced in size, the portrait itSelf mean- ures 8 inches by 12 inches, and portrait with border 13 inches ‘3’ 18 inches. The until 11 cost was mainly GYDended in producing the original big pOrtrajt, which made it possible to supply the smaller size at :r nominal price. ' This fine. art picture of the Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Borden is the lat- est and most life-like likeness of the Prime Minister, and as a wo1k of applied art is unexcelled by any other process. The effects are a combination of steel, stiPPle and crayon Work. these new Borden portraits at 25¢. each or mailed to any address in Canada‘ Great Britain or United States for 300. . ~ We have only a limited number therefore we would enjoin all those who desire to possess the best portrait ever published of our Priine Minister to bring or send in their orders without delay to the office of this paper. " 1913â€"Brampton. 1.91 tâ€"Bmmptcn. ISLEâ€"Young Torontos. Intermediate Series 1913â€"3? ClCE‘bI‘in'G. 1914â€"W’e ston. 1915â€"W'Cston. Junior Series. 1919â€"Maitlands of Toronto 19114â€"Qt. Catharine‘s. 1915â€"Bcaches-of TOrontO. 1913"â€"Mait1ands. 1914â€"Maitiands. IBISâ€"St. Simon’s of Toronto Star. HER FAMILY OFFICE. will supply our readers with 1'!) AN APT RETORT. Juvenfi ONE REASON. Senior Series. OPPOSITES. 11:.) niifLâ€"VV'ztshing- 193. 1‘ hhfore v . . _ [1“] " a“) American Presbyterianism is dis- graced by the presence in. one of its great theological chairs of a boor and a bounder who lacks either honesty or understanding to such an extent that he can speak as follows: “I blame .both sides for the war. I hold Germany ré’s'pon- sible for beginning the war on account of her having been forty years in building up an army, and. I hold Britain equally responsible, because she built her immense nax'y. and boldly called herself ‘mis- tress of ‘the seas?” Is. Prof. G. L”. Robinson “more of an idiot than he is of an An-l anias”? If Prof. Robinson did not lack either honestv or understand- ing; he would never have. at- tempted to compare the defensive. character of the British nafiv with the offensive cha actcrof the German army. The British in“); “Ulccd Illubodv. The ("Ecrnt'in my ncnoccl everybody. The fool hallucics of Prof, ]-?,u‘:>i:is~;m fool fallacies of Prof. Ru have been answered again A. side-show has its educated pig, a menagerie its educated elephant, and one theological school at least its educated ass. in the person of Rev. Prof. G. L Robinson, D.D., Knox. Co. Grey '1‘1"e:Lsm-er’s ()tfice. Owen Sound, September :20. 1915. “'Without any fleet at 1111 Germany Wouid remain the greatest power in Europe; it 1 our case that Without :1 ii“ \ a t the British Empire could not exist.” Rev. Prof. G. L. Robinsoh prov- ed himself a boor when he traded on other 139011.193" ammo.â€" toins as hosts and forgot his own obligations as a guest. Rev. Prof, G. L. Robinson proved himself, :1 boundcr when he came among Canadians and plastered the hoig by \ixiv‘n‘ m :1 3V3" and :mthenlimtmi l) of July, ()Llc 311013831; fvr the (Hfllcction 0f the lands hereinafte‘. bammr. ' o+¢¢¢¢QOO§¢o¢+¢§+++oo+++¢oooooooooooooooooooooooooow of July, (his 'li’hmzssuui Nine Hundred and Fifteen (11915;. :md to me directed fm' the (Mllcction of the arrears of tnxé‘s duo for three.» years and over upon the lands hereinafter mentioned and (lesgrrihod helm: in [he (‘mumy of Grey. THESE :u'c them-fore U.) give NOTICE 11.13 L. unless the said taxes, tog =1her nth all the lawful Costs and L‘hurgus, he smmer paid. i shall rm . WEDNESBQV, 'i'l'HE 3rdI£1Y OF NOVEMBER, 1915 :1ttlml'.<mrnftwo o’clock in the afternoon at the (.‘UL'RT HOlfSlt‘. in tlte‘ Town (sf Owen Sound in the said County. proceed to sell hv Public Auction the mid lands 01' as. math thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears Hf tam-s and Costs and Charges incurred. ¢6¢+§§§04009§§§¢¢§¢§§§§¢§§ #009966¢¢+§¢¢§§§¢§§§§§§§O‘ 0 000000000000000000000 0000 00000000000000000000000000 WOOWOOQNNN §M§Q§Q§§Q§§Q§O§§§§§§Q§ 1gai-., an 4 ne‘ heasmem Safie of Lands in Arrears for Taxes in the Ceunéy GE Grey KNOX COLLEGE SHOULD BLUSH TO OWN SUCH‘ A D. D. Cheaper Than the Cheapest Opposite the 01d Stand Toilet N eedfuls We have all the necessities and many luxuries. The most important article is a good toilet soap. The soaps we sell you can trust. They are perfect. cleansers and aid in preserving the complexion, A good dentifirce is necessary to keep the teeth and mouth in a healthy condition. ’ Snaps m The Central Drug Store . GEO. B. DINGHAN, Pmprietor G.T.R Ticket Agency Get Your Tickets Here We have also a large and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES AND STATIONERY If possible I Wish to dispose of my entire stock before the end of the present year. and if prices at cost; and below cost will move the buying public then our stock Will he sure. to move. \Ve are determined to get rid of it. so we advise you to see for yourself. The stock consists of Dry Goods including. llauuellets. blankets, woollen goods, men’s underwear. indies under- wear. men’s pants and overalls, giuglnuus, muslins and ladies" and gen t’s sweaters. Call and get our Moving sale prices. There‘s money in ,it for you. Eggs and Butter taken as (lash. L: It We can supply you with the best of Toilet Articles Dentifrices Creams Lotions km. ALL MUST BE SOLD Tooth Brushes Face Powders 'i'C-wnship of BentEnck S. SCOTT Villsgc of Elmwomi. Main Street. Acres. If metvnod .’_, Patelwd O (11‘: Toilet: \Vaters Perfumery Perfume Atomizers hand Mirrors Hair Bruslms‘ rders - Combs. 011'. f In response to a request 'ar a message of greeting, James W'hitcomb Riley, the American poet, who was last Thursday hon- ored on his 66th birthday by the tate of Indiana, sent the follow- ing lines to the 'Wiseonsin State Journal: Season halest of the year! How the zestful atmosphere Nettles blood and brain and smites Into life the old delights We have Wasted in our youth, And our graver years, forsooth! How again the boyish heart Leaps to see the thupmunk start From the bush and sleek the sun’s Very beauty, as he runs! How again a subtle hint 01“ crushed pennyroyal or mint Sends us on our knees, as when “'0 were truant boys of ten, Brown marauders of the WOod, Mcrrier than Robin Hood! The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sci- ence has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only a ()Sltise cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease. requires a r"institutional treatment Hall’ Satarrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mu: us surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. an?! giv; 11g the pa- tient strong th by building up the constitution, and assistinbg nature in doing its work The pr’Oprietors have so much faith in its curative 130th IS that they offer One Hund- red Dmlars for any case that it fails to cure Sendior list of tes- timonials. Sold by, all Druggists. 75c Take Hall‘s Family Pills for con- stipation SEASON HALEST OF THE YEAR. cause, in which their sons are dying, with stdpid lies and shal- low misrepresentation. â€" Toronto Telegram. Addresn F.J. CHENEY (30.. Toledo. 3 S. J. PARKER Treasurer of the CQunty of Grey $100 REWARD 8100 I‘axos ("05! s Tutnl $31.61! $3.95 $38. 55 Durham, Ontario

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