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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Nov 1915, p. 8

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:‘w years. She was a kind-hearted and very highly esteemed woman, a devoted Wife and mother. From early in life she was a faithful member of the Methodist church, and her religious experience (leeyglened as her years advanced. The funeral took place to the public cemetery on Monday after- n-mn. an impressive service being held in the Methodist church. $WWXWWWWW33‘NWW § Large Sales Smaii Profits 2? Another of the few remaining old residents of Flesherton has passed away in the person of .‘virs. J. W Armstrong, relict of the late J. W Armstrong, Esq., who, after a brief illness passed venee- ' .ttter land on Friday evening last, in her 8lst year. The deceased, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Jane Wilson, was born in Enniskillen, Ireland. When quite young she came with her parents to Canada, and some time afterward moved to Grey county, settling at Inistioge, where she grew to womanhood, and in.185?3 was married to Mr. Armstrong, who died here 20 years ago. After ten years‘ married life at Inistioge she came with her husband to this village, Where she has resided for Your Position Your Number Is: 181 24th 25th 26th 27th :5ch 29th 30th .ilst 3 2nd Iii! 01 34th 30th 36th FLESHERTON 4th 5th 6th 7th 181 is 153 is 161 is First Second Last 152 H31 133 81 102 114 178 I85 30 101 188 184 162 187 11 182 - p 6).) 137 100 62 H p 18!? 172 I7” 164 160 {which was appropriately draped, ’and filled with a large congrega- ition. The pastor, Rev Mr. Dud- ,geon, who preached a comforting isermon from Ps. 17:15, was as- sisted in the service by Rev. Mr IMcVicar and Rev. Mr Kerr of this ’place, also Rev. J R. Aikenhead of 5Toronto, who paid a touching gtribute to the memory of the .deceased, whom he had known from his childhood. An obituary, ‘prepared by Mr. M K. Richardson, fan old friend of the family, was a gvery fitting tribute to the mem- ory of the departed. Dr Murray, ER. '6: Holland and H. Sullivan, 'sang Tennyson’s “Crossing the iBar.” and the choir sang. “Gather- !ing One by One.” The pall bearers 'were sons and nephews. The florai itributes from the Ladies’ Aid, the ;family. and friends. were most [beautiful and numerous, literally gburying the casket. A special Ecoach conveyed a number of rela- itives and friends from the city. :Four sons and four daughters asurvivc their mother. all of whom ‘were present at the funeral..viz.. “'illiam A... Flesherton: “'eslev. :Toronto: Rev. Bert . Meaford: and Dr. Em. Cobalt; Mrs. JD. Clark. . at... u; .wuuauuy. mereaseu ner standing natumay oy a big bunch of votes, part of which were left here for her by good friends. And then comes Miss Clara.Rit(-hie. . You leave it to Clara. She is right out after the votes and she’s getting them too, but she wants yours. MISS Carrie Scheuermann wants you to know that she is in the race to stay. She is doing some hustling. \Vhen we say Gladys Search everybody listens. Don’t ask us please, we’re not supposed to tell. Enough for you to know that she’s within the money circle. Mrs. Harry \Villiams, of Glenelz. is well up on the liso. Give her your support and keep up her standing. Mrs. Ben Woods has done Well too. she has a lot of good friends that should help her to win one of the prizes. Last. but by no means least, comes Irene \Vhittaker. It was said by a customer in our store last week that “she would make them all step," and do you know, she almost did it. Saturday night she turned in a bunch of votes that kept, some of us home from church on Sunday to count them all. Keep your eye on Irene. Get busyâ€"Everybody... Boost vour favorite. There is an envelope here for each one and you can leave the votes here for your friend. They all want. your helpâ€"RIGHT NO \V. \Ve give one vote for every cent you spend in this store, and produce counts the same as cash. \Ve're into the second month now. The time is short. not “or: u' nuunu. u we s nrsv sue mu tell you. Everyone has a number. They know their number. and they know by this list exactly where they stand. Twenty-five of these contestants have permitted us to solicit your votes and influence fur them. The other eleven do not like their names to be Known, so they will have to take their own chances. Look over the list which has been arranged alphabetical- ly. Pfl‘k out the one you want to win. Vote for her. work for her and put her at the top--yes and keep her there. Taking the names as they are arranged in the list. we might mention that Mrs. Armstrong is making a splendid run. Mrs. Geo. Brown has many friends north of Durham who will be glad to help her along. Miss Maude Cuff is out after her friends and is showing well up in the list Miss Angeline Davis has surprised .a great many by her splendid showing. Little Gladys Douglas, the youngest of the bunch. has made them allsit up and take no- tice. Mrs. J. Ford turned in a bunch of votes that surprised us all. Miss Ida Gibson is sure to be a winner if she keeps up her present pace. Miss Maud Hamilton has her own circle of friends who will keep her up on the. list. Little Hilda HarVey is sOme runner. Hilda wants everyone to save their spare votes for her. Miss Dorothy Heather has made a splendid showing and should win out. Mrs. Geo. Lawrence, of Egremont. has a host of friends that are boosting her up near the top Mrs. Jack Lloyd has been the biggest surprise in the race. On Saturday night she handed in a bunch of Votes that came mighty near making her head the list. Mrs. Hannah Mighton does not come often, she has twelve miles to drive. but when she comes she goes some. She told us on Saturday night that the Piano was as good as hers now. Watch Mrs, Mighton. Mrs. Thos. Mountain does not say much, but she‘s sawing wood all the time. look where she stands, it’s not down near the tail-enders. and she’s out to win. Miss Jean Mcb‘arlane has made an excellent showing. Friends that she does not see are leav- ing votes here at the store for her. \Ve take off our hats to Mrs. Robt. McGillivray. she didn’t know she had so many friends until the contest started. She looks like a likely prize-winner to us. We would like to tell you where M rs. Albert Noble stands, it’s right up within the money circle, pick her for one of the winners. Mrs.ԤJ as. Park. of Normanby. increased her standing Saturday by a big bunch of votes, part of which were left here for her by good friends. And then comes Miss ClaraRitchiet, You leave it to Clara. She is right out. afrm- Hm ‘ I ‘HEY ARE 0‘? F The Big Race has started and the first mile post has been passed. 'lhn-ty-sm have crossed the line and made a splendid start. We pnblish the standing by number only. If your favorite is last she 1d ‘nothkeit known. If she’s first she Wili tel} yon. Evervone has a nur’nber. W'Ic‘)1111ev \I‘I-Ikn-a ‘1‘-) .L---. ‘-_ _ I THE J. D. ABRAHAM CO. ull'bLL.;AD 1“--- __-- The demonstration cars of the Fa1m Special which visited Flesherton Station on Thursda; Mr. W J. Caswell, Toronto line, who has been giving attention re- cently to the profits of stock rais- ing, marketed part of a car load in the city a ‘few days ago with good success. For a 16 months’ old Durham calf weighing 1,170 pounds he realized $93.60 The young animal was much admired by the stockmen. Who can report anything better than this ‘? Ottawa; Mrs T, E. Aikenhead. Toronto; Mrs. F H. \V. Hickling, Flesherton, and Mrs. Rev F. I). Goff, Thornbury. The deceased’s only brother. Rev. Andrew Wilson. of Decatur, 111., also survives her Mr. J. D. Clarke and daughter Dorothea, of Ottawzl, Mr. James Aikenhead, Misses Jennie and Ruby Aikenhead, Mrs. Wes Arm- strong, Mrs. Berry, Mrs Rev. chilton, and Fred and Joseph -un‘suong, Toronto, Re\. 14‘ D. Goa“. Thornbury and Mr. and Mrs Rowe, Dun‘dalk. The township council sitting adjourned to at- tend, and the public school was closed out of respect to the de- parted. A ",y near making chcér head rthe list. Mrs. Hannah when she comes she goes some. She told us on b Mrs, Mighton. Mrs. Thos. Mountain does not ands, it’s not down near the tail-enders. and lowing. Friends that she does not see are leav- :. Robt. McGillivray. she didnft know she had Id keep up her standing. Mrs. Ben Woods )Win one of the prizes. Last. but, by no 1r store last week that “she would make he turned in a. bunch of votes that kent; ur eye on Irene. Get, busyâ€"Everybodyâ€" cun leave the votes here for your friend. 7 cent, you spend in this store, and produce 0 I‘ll I‘v .‘l‘n‘-‘- Mr. W. A. Gibson moved his family to Mrs. Pedlar’s residence on Monday. I Mrs. Charlie Ottewell and little son, of Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcock, and other relatives. Dr. Murray, W. H. Bunt, and T. Chard, motored to Owen Sound on Saturday, and Elwyn Jamieson ac- compamed them home to spend the week end. "Migs'fieiésie McVicar visited over the week end with Miss Jean Wright at Vandeleur. _ MES. Walker has had her resi- dence reshingled. “Mrs. "Consley of Proton Station visited friends here over the week end. lervihcipal Hol'land resumed his duties in the public school on Monday, after twp _weeks’ illness. MP. and Mrs. Mark 'Wilson were at Glenelg on Friday visiting the latter’s mother, who is ill. â€" Mrs. W'. Trimble Has returned from an extended visit with her daughter at CgQillgc,__Mich. Rev. M}. McVicar will exchange pulpits with Rev. Mr. Phalen +31 Markdale next Sunday. A quiet but pretty autumn wed- ding took place at the home of Editor and Mrs. W H. Thurston at high noon on \Vednesday. October '27. when their eldest daughter. Florence Estelle. was married to Mr. N Havelock Durrant of Mitch- z:ell. Ont.. the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. Jas. Dudgeon. fpastor of the Methodist church. ‘The bride. who was unattended. Elooked sweet in a gown of cream fsilk crepe, with pearl trimmings. {She carried a beautiful bouquet gof bridal roses and 1in of the val- ‘ley. The house and table decora- jtions were very pretty. that in the iparlor being . done in yellow 3 Chrysanthemums. smilax and ipalms. and that in the dining l room being in pink and white car- ! nations and smilax. After the cer- temony and congratulations , a gchoice wedding breakfast was gserved and later the young couple left by auto for Durham, taking the evening train for Toronto, Visiting at Orillia, Sunderland and other points before returning. to their new home at Mitchell. The bride travelled in a military cos- tu'me of blue gaberdine and black velvet hat. The bride, who receiv- ed a large number of beautiful wedding gifts, was one of Flesh- erton’s most popular young ladies. She will be Very much missed, es- pecially in the Methodist church, where she was a very active worker. We join in the many good wishes for her future happiness. '1 he guests Irom a distance at the wedding were, the bride’s ageu‘ grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Thurston ‘ and Miss Thurston, of Chicago, I her sister, Mrs. R. W. Shaw, 0t Lion’s Head, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thurston and Miss Dell Thurston, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Foster, ' of Tara, and Mr. and Mrs. W'allace, o: Kimberley. ‘ - Messrs. Geo. Mitchell, Geo. Rich- D. Em Almstlong 0f Cobalt is to he congxatulated upon his mili- tan promotion to Lieut.- Coolonel On the charge of using indecent language to a lady, J'as. White of Porton Station came before Magis- trate McMullen last week and. pleading guilty, was fined :85 and costs. Charged with assault by Robt. Burnside of Markdale, Samuel Baines was also before Magistrate McMullen last week, and acknowledging the offence, the penalty was $5 and costs. This was the sequel to the. stock-- weighing jangle we reported last week. were Visited by many of the vi.- lagers and farmers of the sur- rounding country, who Were pleased with the exhibits made of horses, cattle, sheep, poultry, wheat, oats, corn, clover seed, weed seeds, etc. The delegation of demonstrators gave instructive talks and answered many ques- tions. One of the number, Mrs Parsons, of Cochrane, came to the town hall under the auspices of ‘the Women’s Institute and gave a splendid Red Cross patriotic ad- dress. It was unfortunate the au- dience was so small, for the ad- dress Was an inspiration and one 01' the finest given here. Wei-MMQ-WMMé-éé ” Hampden 'intends having a meeting on Wednesday of thls Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mathex Priceville spent a few davs iting friends and relatives this vicinity. \Vi Miss Maud Hamilton Miss Hilda Harvey Miss Dorothy Heather The Young People’s Scliety. re.- cently organized in the Methodist church, gave a free H'allowe’en social on Monday evening, which wag very enjoyable. 1‘ -- H’allowe’en passed over any dis-orderly pranks. '1 were on good behavior. r>>>>>>t>>P>>PF>> >>>>>>>>DfbDDPDDDFDPDDDFD>>>>>>>>>> Miss Ida Gibson ardson, S. Pedlar and J. W. Mc- Kee left on Saturday on their an- nual hunting holiday in Parry Sound. Mr. Chas. Mosier, who worked the past summer at Severn Falls, is spending a week with friends here. Mr. Ed. Watts of Owen on a short visit with his in:_1_aW,_Mr. Price Teeter. ' Miss Angeline Davis Miss Gladys Douglas Mrs. J as. Ford Mrs. Geo. Brown Miss Maud Cuff Mrs. ArmstronO' Start To-Day to Help One of These Contestants Lambton Street (One door west of S andard Bank) Thursday, Friday and Saturday September 23th, 24th 8: 25th MRS. T. H. McCLOCKLlN FALL MILLINERY ever shown in Durham, and we invir» you to 0:111 and 999 for you-r3911" the Special Display we have fur MAIL ORDERS.â€"If flag is desired sent by mail, send the $1.10 and 5c additional postage in first zone (or 70 any Canad- ian pomt). . We have made great preparations this year for FAIR WEEK to showthe public the largest and most up-todate stock of together with $1.10, which covers the cost of distribution‘ Will, When Presented or Mailed to. the office of A FLAG FOR YOUR HOME The Paris Millinery Parlor DURHA‘M, ONTARIO Entitle the reader of this paper presenting same to THE DURHAM CHRONICLE HA M PDEN. Couponâ€"Good for Ten Votes FREE ('H RONICLE Abraham Fair and Square PREPARED TO DECORATE THIS FLAG COUPON A BRITISH FLAG ver Without . The bovs Cut out this Coupon and bring it to us not later than Wednesday NOV. 10, and receive Ten Votes. Mrs. Jack Lloyd Mrs. Geo. Lawrence Mrs. Eannah M ighton Mrs. Harry Williams Mrs. Ben Woods Miss Irene Whittaker ‘ Miss Gladys Search Miss Carrie Scheuermann Mrs. Thos, Moufftafii Miss McFarlane Mrs. McGillivra}: Mrs. _Albert Noble in Mrs. J as. Park Miss Clara Ritchie Mr. John C. Kerr left on Friday lfor Woodville, where he has ac- cepted a position in the Standard lBank. ; Mr. Thos. Bradley of Owen ISound training camp, spent ox'er §the Week end with his mother. ~ j Miss Isabel Marshall commenced 3 studies at the Durham high school .on Monday morning. Messrs. James, Norman and John, and Mrs. Kerr. snent Sun- Thé ladiés of 1125515661? “churn are holding a meeting on Wed- nesday afternoon for the purpose of organizing a Red Cross Soci- ety branch here. The youngsters and Would-be youngsters created quite a live- ly time for themselves on Hallow- e’en. W'hen a neighbor’s road gate is substituted with a horse rake, it may be considered :1 pretty fair deal. Thé Ayton anniversary servicvs were largely attended by the Hampdenfipeople on Sunday last. messrs. James, Norman and John, and Mrs. Kerr, spent Sun- day with Hanover friends latel}. Messrs. John Henry, Alex. Mc-- Lean, Thos. Derby and Mrs. Derbyr visited with Mr. Jas. Geddes, Dru- more. -_.__ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ All tre army came Wn from Owen Sound and spen over the week end with his mother at Allan Park From another Correspondent. week to organize a Red Cross sewing circle. We expect and ful, and be among the Red Cross sewing band that is doing such a great work in the country to-day. Mrs. Hugh McLean of Durham spent a few days With. her moth- er Mrs. Henderson. Mr. Tom Bradl', who is drill- ing and stu ying‘for an officer in I'I'o hum" “‘ Hypter and David November 4, 1915‘ Durham a Red Cross exDect and le of this vi- ‘y can to help _it is so need- V42 t0

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