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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Nov 1915, p. 8

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ham? l" IP'T'IIIIV III| -. 7 gift» ‘sm extpnflocl Viczit with her sici’er. Mrs. H. S. White. T)" ‘TVWav and flmwrhtpr. Miss §h§*‘7M' WOM‘ in 'the citv rm ‘70“.â€" 86" am? T‘wsflav. V“ Char‘ie Paw-hannn in. On a V, I 1‘“ “on \Tpv:nflw cnonf 1439 “'P““-\. “Ha ”‘:+‘\ 3‘1?“ k:mk Pnkfifi‘ f“:nnfi_ Mr Win Rr-chanqn. F‘Imforfl Raga Khalil lil \IWCLI vvw---â€"_ Reeve McTavish. of the village. and Reeve McKenzie. of Artemesiq are attending county council at Owen Sound this week. Bon. and Mrs. '3. Lucas. of To- ronto. visited over Thursdav night with the latfer’s Darents. Mr. vanrl Mrs. M. K. Richardson. Mr. Lucas wac one of the sneakers at the hW’n'o oneninv hanouet. 3‘3.“ Glaflvs Kindree returned hnme to Bienheim rm gnfnrflav after ‘an extended Viczit with her gicfer. “N. H. S. White. b1 “URI 0. U. ‘VAUUILL.’ ."Vu-Vv-uâ€" am Lodge. Markdale, accomnankv? H. Smith, and paicl Prince Arthur Lodge a fraternal 'visit on Fri- dav evening last. a. j ‘A __u fif‘fiiag'wt'isz.Ҥem, Ii. c. Duff. and J. G. McDuff2 members of flirt Ia: 3;: Alul v- Ovvy . .._~ Messrs. R. W. Ennis,R. J. Gilfifi- an. R. L. Stephep, A. Plewflkes C. .-r The Plantt brothers, 4th. line. held a shooting match on Friday afternoon last and disposed of a large number of geese anfl ducks. SOD. Mr. Arthur Johnston. of the Menford Road has bought the brick residence on Durham street now occupied by Mr. Sam Hender- ereniz.‘ fxom “here the tuner: took flace on Frida} to Salem cemeterx. The deceased, who “we. 6‘. ~ears of age “ass raised {1‘ " thin vinag e. She “as a daughte' m” the late Mr. and Mrs. John Muree. and was highly respect“ Five sons and one daughter sur- vn'e. Mrs. David Jamieson. whose hus- ‘mnfl. died on October 21. passed away on “'ednesday of last Week. at the home of her daughter. at The engagement is announced 01 Lula Maud Philp, B.A., youngest daughter of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Philp. of Inkerman, Ont. to Merton Yarwood W'illiams. Ph... D., of the Geological Survey, Ottawa the wedding to take place quietly at 1hr- home of the bride’s parent.“ the middle of December. The lsriilwto-he was formerly on the Hifi‘li School Staff here, and a - hm-u‘u" young lady in the village 1 San11'u<'1."’s Globe contained the fUIIOWing despatch from Windsor. Unt. "Sergt. Dalton McMastu‘, so.) or 31. l’. McMaster, Principal of .‘..~.2amption School in this city, died in a military hospital at London to-day,” according to a caelegram received by his parents Hc was "gassed” in April, during the fighting around Ypres. Sex-gt Bit-Master was 35 years old, and had been a soldier from. tne time he left school. Mr. McMas- ter has cabled the British author- ities for permission to have his Sun‘s body brought to Windsor tor burial. The deceased lived in this village during the years his father was principal of the public school. Mr. and Mrs. McMaster have the sympathy of their old ' friends in their bereavementj November 25,- 1915 Tipperary Tea 356. 200 Votes with Each Package Have you tried this new Package Tea? If not, ask yourneighbor about it, or come and get a package. If you try it you’ll always buy it. We will continue to give 200 Votes with every 350. package all next week. Abraham Fair and Square. SPECIAL Miss Jamieson, nurse, was callezi to {Eugenia on Friday to a serious Mr'and Mrs. Wilcock received an interesting letter on Saturday from their son William at the front, who reports good health and no injury up to the time of writing. Two more Flesherton boys, Har- old Mitchell in the Standard Bank at Windsor, and. Charlie Crossley. in the Bank at Ottawa, are enlist-i ing for overseas service, and are! coming home this week on - a] short visit before entering on| an --x menge of business, which. wilt take place in about a week.’ By *the change Mr. Bunt will de- vote himself Wholly to undertak- ing. Mr. Chapman will continue; the furniture business with the undertaking here. Mr. Bunt has resided here for seventeen years, a very highly respected citizen He will be missed. in the Metho-. dist Chursh, Where he filled the! position of Recording Steward. and Sunday School Superintendent ' Many regrets are expressed at ' losing him and his clever family.li Mr. W. H. Bunt, undertaker and furniture dealer here, and Mr. Chapman, undertaker, Owen Sound, have closed a deal for Rev. Mr. Waugh, of DundaJk, is tn. give an address to the Main- dist V'gLL-g People’s Society mis Monday evening. Mrs. (J. F Ottewell visiting ncre returned. to her home in the city this week Mr. \\ eese was in :Toronto but week visiting his mother who un- de; wegt an opemtion._ MI. W. A. Armstrong and fam- ily manned to Orangeville and visited : 301. and Mrs. .Wright on bundn}. Miss' Olive Ottewell, of Toroanwh‘pugg. is visiting her uncle, Dr. J. P. amount. Uttewell. , 1911'. L‘. J. Bellamy, Mrs. T. W. Wilson, Miss Mary Wilson. and Mrs. W. J. Talbot Visited friends at Stayner last week. Mr. manigan, of Huutmihc, 1;; \‘151ting his brother-in-mw, CULUx-° ciuor buskin. Mrs. luciavisn 15 spending L. Week mm her sister, 311‘s. \s imams at nugema. Miss Liza Alexander, of Fex'er- :kmux, usncu Mm: ncta Buskm 1 Lew Ga): 135C \Vccii. 51:3.41. o. ‘n nite and «.1125. W. A .-‘m‘u15£1‘011-" 51);. All. putt. UL RISK. “LLK \uLn hands 11] we cxty. .rPaf U109 cm m (neat: nrm a'mr WC UPtUNumx "'0 am‘ 193m ("PEP 01 hymn"? "0 ‘19â€"?“ 1°17? 333W 111.?!" P. wrmrtq nun qmmur, nm em 200nm New I! (10" E8“ “ 1T: fimmqax ,vnn 1PM ‘cma? v?- .m7 metchxar TO IUQDISOJ T? 'U.‘\0.T'.T "Is 'JBT Mm. .u. n. umu‘nawx 1.5 at bl. ’l‘nomas, apeuumg 3 1e»' day: \mn his M'Otner. We wait wnn expectancy the Hydro mumlnauon, now promised 10y LnuL'bUay mgnt. nut. W. r'xynn went to ’10r0nto on oaturaay w nave an operauon on ma tm'oat. Mr. D. Mcxavish lost a valuaulc cow mac week and one 01 Mr. Armstrong: cows on tne farm na 3. her wg woken. 1_n_ tne wesc. 1).. dosepn btauoru, u; iviCu’lu Llu\c451L_s, blunu'ca‘, “”110 .114.) upcnt bt:\ C1211 seasons LIL (.116 usu- nglczu bCathD at the coaSt stash)- nng tne mauve oyster 0:. fimuon LUMJulula. 11.3.3 tasUl‘c-u L15 “AIR 4 copy 01 has as! annucu report. in wmch we have round the study of the mvan’e exceaaingle inwrmu mg. . air. and Mr». b‘ert Besc‘ I I each tin. and 50Votes with Every Tin 25c. Tins Talcum Powder l5c. SPECIAL ,- _ v-V VHVLHJ mu sighted. Immediately the dropped back, we were ope, to two columns and procee emng reach- NOthing unus- first (ray, and LETTERS rpm" â€"â€"vv~.“6 \ Mr. and Mrs. E Proton. have the friends here in t the past Week b; two children, an eighteen months four and a half pneumonia. We left .. . in the Methodist church ast week was 1n the hands of the W. M. S. and was interesting throughout. Mr M": "--- " " ‘ meeting of the Presbyterian W. h IS. over $32 were received. The W.dM. S. of the Metnodist Church ings in an earnest address. Mrs represented. the: Baptist .8 ociety. An interesting address was given 1w m..- wr- case, Mrs. David Jam' Mr. M. McDonald. returned able material; sizes 24 to 28: bloomer pants, Speci lat Tweed Suits. made of good service- report last week of kr- Trafalc'nr Dav COHtTERH- 9 British er Crnqs a 0 “en made it $413 thp norrc‘ct Better Suits i Suits for Boys 4.75 5.50 6.50 cuately the bands We were opened up 3 and proceeded on road: led‘thrqugb a ““15 Old, an'c‘i“ half vears old the sympathy of; in their bereavement; k by the death uf’ an infant daughter.’ ths old, and_ a bow: ‘4": ~4 SPECIAL $3.50 wvâ€"a“ “ which afforded )1) our camp. 18 declared 7: the attack good many ‘ it until next I. VIDIL anfl RIPS. conveyed greet- est address. Mrs. represented. the An igteresting in sizes up to 33 SOT. DTEP e The seven , 'an'u rtmg iust 301118 eVer gave them may n’t e J'OL;- supp bacx last seen pie 1‘ mds now. 1 up All 1 on greai :11 3 undo :ded Wha1 Th‘9 ..- The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Magazine ‘ _ Word and Works, and his uniqu Almanac should always go togeth- 35c. brepaid. Send to Word and Works PubliShinO‘ nnm“-..-- n...- Wit h . . V -- v Q 51636 0‘ ‘ These are perhaps the most in- teresting things which happened along our Way, and I Hope 3t may interest your readers. Yours Sincerely, Pte. E. g. McGirr, Nov. 13. there with pie, and Whlat we could- n’t eat at dinner We finished at supper. However we have last got settled and such things as ‘ ‘pie are only a memory With us men wearing war medlals, and of little tots waving flags, "VI-3‘..- -~ â€" erected on the battleground of Stoney Creek.- We left there at 1.30, and ’proch_ I ded the SQVpn 11.11;“. +A 1-.. ... lrs. ing- Store that Sets the Pace i; with ,,v__--v.. VJ: vv (1. lmorning by special trains about about 8 o’clock. On reaching Georgetown, the home town of our Lieut. Colonel, the train stop- ,ped, and, although we were not allowed to get off, we got plenty of goodies. We were given all kinds of pie and cake, and then barrels of snow apples. While the train was stopped. the band played several of their best selections in the street. ‘ THE REV. IRL R In the Armories one Qf our first duties was to have our feet dres- lsed, and We were much- surprised Ito find Chas. Ramage as one lthe attendants in the dressing froom. He told us that our feet. were. in much better condition than most of, the battalions. "We Were given all the next dav to spend in Hamilton, and in the afternoon were hilleted out in I make room for the 86th battalio:x.,f In the forenoon We Durham boys hunted up the drug-store with. the old familiar sign, “James R. Gunn.” and had a good chat with Mr Gunn. We also looked up Mr. and : Mrs. John Whelan, and, spent an ' the streets thronged with children, cadets, boy-scouts many older__pe0ple as well TA..-â€"â€" "‘ For the Next Ten Days SPECIAL v“- 0 have our feet dres- Were much- surprised . Ramage as one of :._§IICKS 1916 â€" "v "~‘5VV‘ bOY‘SCOUts, and 6‘ ci.ty until ' ’ W8 fouqd H school $1.00 “ 200 $1.25 “ 250 LADIES: Switches Braids, Tr: padours, waves, and many < ations of the finest quality hair Head Office CHRONICLE ADS. ALWAYS PAY Parisian Corsets SPECIAL mgs which are indetect- able, featherweight and worn by over a quarter million men. See what a benefit it is to Health, Comfort, Appearance GENTLEMEN! ‘6 your demands Lids, Transformations many other hair-0°00 _ The Yellow Votes being issued mus1: handed in not later th Saturday? now be an Notice to Contestants demonstration 105 Yonge St “)3. €Very man 1:, would kpep Chronicle of the their

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