a bona lid» snttlm \\ ants a qualter sectionâ€"460 acresâ€"and the price is In Western tianaila there is said to be twenty million acres of ï¬rst-class agricultural land within ten miles at railways. It is no lnnger free land. for the days 01' homesteading are over. and the land speculator wants cash: but a recently Organized cor-l poration. which has gm ernment‘ Slipport has (tensed an easy pax- meat svstem for the home seeker. If I Thren ui' Hu- lawns! insuram'v comï¬anivs in “In I'HHNI Stan's l|3\ o withdrawn H'Hm mutmvntal Europe owing tn t'xchango' dopicssinn and hem} taxes. 'l‘hw am-tiun ul’ thw prmwrly Hf the Shakm' Mluny at Sunâ€: l'niun. Ken- tucky. calls alto-Minn t0 the dvclino of a pivmrusqm- AmM'ivan sect. The Shakers. whu mum numbm'od SPVCPâ€" a! thnusaud. haw now dwindlvd to two hundred and ï¬fty, must Hf whom are UM men or old womvn. Since celibacy is mm M the cardinal ton- ets n!‘ Hus faith. more are nu births to mainzain Hm numbers. and tin.- commumstic lil‘v. Hm plum-s say, WW quires hm grvat a sacmim- nt‘ powâ€"i sdnal prmwrty to 1101.! cum'm'ts who might nthvrwim» be attractvd. u F. W. NOON l'nilml States delUI‘tPS both the "star salwmnn" and lhv man who was burn in L‘m-npo and who has the ilnubtl'ul ails'anlagc of linguistic ability. "Furorign business men will maki' alluwancvs l'nl‘ nut-anil-anl Anion-leans that Hwy will not make: for nalix'oys' nl' tlwir nwn munll'y. ln ge-nvral tho-y haw a ilnlinilv and vor- ‘ rm'l iclo a what a h'pical “\flltél‘lt an is,‘ and (lim li kw tn lw aimunacliml in will lwiial \ino-r'iians on business main is." REPAIRING All. KINDS IACIIIIIY hm Inchinory, Cream 3â€. tutors, Guns and othor and] trucks. All kinds of tools W: saws, not, mun, him ad out: «any. MQthne Shop Amwaiing tn Amvrivan business ï¬rms tn so-nnl bo-ttm' salvsmcn abroad In» Dwartmont of Commerce of the \Vln-u slow-ping sickllo'ss appc'al'ml in lh - tribe Manolubi. 3 Congo chief, um†i. 'v {ml (0 "n [H l umlou l0 Suhâ€" m.l lH all Hi» o-xpm'lmo-nls nocvssal'y lu olvl lm mlm- the causv nl llw malallv and M llmmvl 1 «1m- luv it. For smeml nmmhs hp pormlltvd himself ln ln: hlml :Ilmml dull}; to provide malvrlal lHl° lhv mlcrusmpists. Fin-l ally liu- "01111 was (“SCUV'W but \l u ll [u‘llcl lo! the lllscmerv with his hm In our ul llw “ards of a Luxulnn huspllal them will be a tablet lH his mo'mnl‘y. piwwnn,~x1t. Al'lvr that agv Um ship: rear}: m.- puiut whvru Impairs, in- suram-c and â€tho-1° O’Xln'IISQ‘n‘ bvwmv 'prnhibitiw. Shimmihling compan- iPs Inrlimv mat a gcno-ral rvplacv- mo-nt. must mun begin again, since nogarly uno- quartm- n1" Um wnrld's mom-hunt marinv is alrvady more lhan r‘wnt} )‘NN'S HM. 'l'hw usual prat'tm- nt' sto‘anmhip companions is In “Pitt! â€11' do'prvcia- hon Hn {their boats at livn per cent. a war. m that. at (ht! o'ml nf two-my yt‘;.'m'.~ tho-y haw m'nx'iclml fur I‘ve A pile nf junkml automobiles is nut ynt 50 («Human a sight as it is like-ly in t»- in a row years. Most aIJUHDUbliPS are not yet worn out; many ul’ “in ï¬rst millinn cars are still running. timugli “my may have boom i-vimilt and made «mm with mm" parts so-wmi limvs. It is said that at c'lll'l'o'llt pi'il'vs tlu- si'l'ap from an alilnmubilv is hardly warm the! laDOr 01' making: it. What will become of usml vars \\'lH'll llll‘l'l’ an} th milliun up so a your in ,m‘l PM Hi"? It takvs a.dazm| square miles of forest tn furnish the paper for one mlitinn of the! Sunday newspapers in the l'nitml States. Fact and Comment apposite 'Poit Onion Durham Good Luck fluidâ€, Ion-her 9, ma flow that (153- Mm ships m whom» t'vpairs, in- »lho-x' o-xln-nsvs bwomv ShiplmiMingz compan- at a guns-rill I’vplacvâ€" In a letter to BishOp Cannon of the ‘ Methodist Episcopal Church South : the Secretary of State has made per- ; i'ertly clear the policy that the gov- ' ernment of the lfnited States means ’ to follow with regard to the situa- tion in Asia Minor. The. policy in-" eludes protecting American lives and American preperty in the Near East and exerting.r its influence toward an early and peaceful settlement of the armed struggle. A gi'uul many resi- dents of the l'nited States who are interested in missionary work in the old Ottoman Empire. and who are mueli moved by the danger that I the Christian t'olk fare and must mmtimie to {are under the power of the Turk. feel that. it. is the duty of the gox'ermnent to interfere. with army and navy it' need he. to put henial and his gcwernlnmit tinder outside t'nntt’ol. Secretary Hughes “Note it plain that. he did lint llltt‘lltt to do anything of the sort. since, in \ iew ol' the unwillingness of the tin. :°H§H‘tln |m\\'e1‘s to take up arms 3‘ $20.00 an acre. 01‘ $3,200.00, he needs pay only $320.00 down, nothing at. all fur the up)“ two years and after that $234.00 a year for 30 years. The payments cover both principal and into-rest. “way. Reliable.†Sir Yalvntine Chiml. once Bm'lin ,mrrospomtnnt of tho Lundnn Timvs, timls the Kaiser's momnirs full uf inacmn'acivs. He says they sm-m tn twar out Hm snmvwhat, hittm' \Vnmts whivh thv limprvss FI‘t‘dt’t’iCk had mum tlw «wvasinn tn usn in spt-aking nt‘ hvr sun : â€Thu 'tmuhlw with \\'il-. [in has always been that. ho multt‘ nuwr toll ttw truth. own tn him- l'ndm- tlw laws of Moxicn it is ‘twioo as much an offense to mutil- ate the fave nf a woman as that of a man. Tho idoa of this is :1 wry sonsihln uno. being Dam! on the fact. that m a wnmvn hor lmauty is a grnat aSS«‘-l: t0 mar it is: thmwfm‘o :1 WW svl‘inus [wx'sfmal injury. The Poles are planning to build a seaport of Gdingen, \1h1ch is situat- ed on the Gulf of Danzig. Gdingen is near the end of the nan-"10“ c01- 1idor†that \\ as anarded to Poland at Paris in Ordei to give that coun-i t1y access to the Baltic Sea. It is about fifteen miles northwest of Danzig, and the harbor can be deep- ened to accommodate vessels that cannot get up the Vistula to the wharves at Danzig. Another reason for building the new port is that the Poles have found Danzig, which is still predominantly German, an un- satisfactory outlet for their com- merce. Germans and Poles do not 1 get along together any better there than they do elsewhere. I] of Sun Yat-sen after his flight from Canton, prove that he was interested in a project for an alliance between Germany, China, and Soviet Russia. iPresumably the scheme issued from the fertile brains of the Commisars at Moscow, who are turning their‘ attention more and more to making' trouble among the Asiatic nations. According to an Associated Press dispatch from Shanghai, Dr. Sun has admitted that the letters are auth- entic. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE I These are. of course, not, isolated E cases. The innocent. are continu- . ally sutfering for the guilty. Hardly ’ a member of the human race goes ' wrong but his transgression is re- ’ llected in the distress of others, his friends, sometimes his whole com- munity. His detection and punish- ment almost always involve the dis- grace, and sometimes the impover- ishment of those who share his jhome. l l But the law cannot. on that ac- vouut, withhold its hand. It cannot. ignore crime. It; cannot fail to pun- ish crime. 0n the other hand. so- ciety owes a duty to those who are {not thomsolws criminals, but who sutl‘or poverty on account of tho misdoods and im'arcoratifm of their l)1'021¢_tâ€"\\'in110rs. Society cannot wipnl out the disgraco. But sm'ioty can at toast makv- the ttngl’at‘t'tl family as mmt'ortahlo at. homo as tho pfl‘ond- mg momtmr of it is in tho commun- ity’s jail. (Toronto Star Weekly.) The Chatham Planet draws atten- tion to the case of a wife and eight children left. destitute by the incar- ones with the assistance of civic funds. The London Advertiser re- fers to another case in which no isuch assistance was forthcoming. a Montreal woman having to surren- der her three children to the court because her husband‘s removal to prison left her without means of supporting them. THE rmmns OP “PRISON“ ., .3 Strikes and indstrial wars may make them more valuable in the future. Even in Western Ontario there is; a much land that would be better it‘ planted to trees than going on as o weedy pasture. One might. go on to if a great length snowing why what is left of our woodlots should be pre- d served, and, where the cattle have _ been allowed to run in them, why they should be fenced in and re- planted with young trees to give them a proper start. But I do not think any better argument. could he found for this reforestation than that it will provide farmers with in- numerable helpers in the strenuous business of keeping down insect pests. Every once in a while the entomolOgists issue a warnim.r that unless insects are kept in check. food production will rapidly become unprofitable. if not impossible. Some of the most eminent of them do not hesitate to assert that llllless‘ the in- - sects are fought. methtulirally and strenuously they will render the earth uninhabitahle for human he- ing's. We have already lleVelnped all kinds of sprays and poisons as the munitions for this war, but I am in- clined to think that the natural method is the best. Start a hack-tn- the-land nioyemc‘mt for our insectâ€" iyorous birds by prm'idim.r the ne- “‘ Cessary nesting places and hiding "15 places for them. and protecting them â€'3 BIRDS “1808 3008 (By Peter McArthur.) A woodlot that is sun‘icienuy pro- tected to serve as a bird sanctuary is a beauty spot where wild flowers and wild fruits will flourish. More- who by taking by“. l. Phkham’s V03.- '0 table Compound. I. anxious to lot pt other woman how of this splendid - Women from tom-Jo an. s meats, 1nd!“ such symptom. as blchoho, Ilflous troubles. hot flashes. Mm ll tho 3160 1nd :1 con [from PIN-miti-s. If i! were possible It“ start Hu- «oppositv 01' a sanctuary for lmusv sparrows and mwbit‘ds I wouldn‘t mind having one blazing in c-w-I'y tnwnship. but I hardly see how it. would ho mauagmi. How would it «In tn start to walk with a slagan: "Bird sanctuaries instead of bug sam'tuarivs’“! helping women. Let It help you. Lydle E. Planar- Text-Book upon “Ailmenu Mun- to Women" will be sent you I: request. ertn to Lydi. I. Medicine 00.. ". ._- -w vu-wea m made known. Women from tomue all. meats. 1mm such symptom. as buchoho. litmus troubles. hot flashes. min II tho Ilde und a ton- eral run-do man of the whole system, “loud Lydu E. Pink- ham's Venn“. pound. For nanny my man has been ‘uA‘â€"‘â€"- â€".â€"-‘ - and