Those he?†Are Batu}. ‘ (Kincarq no W0 , Thursday, November 23, 1922. Other Papés’ Opinions An Election Coming. (Meaford Mirror Within a year we will be in the midst of an election campaign, when the Drury Go\'ernment will come be- fore the people for its ï¬rst test, and the Liberal and Conservative parties will make a spirited bid for encloi‘sa- tion. It. will be an interesting occasion. and the electors of Ontario will he. forced to do one of two things : elect or reject Premier Drury’s followers. The dominating factor in the elec- tion will be two-fold. The record of the three partieswill he outstand- ingly the issue. but the personality of the representatives of each party will be‘no small factor, _ __ ' 'l‘lw Farmcrrs’ party is handicap- ped at the outset, as Premier Drury knows, by the fact that it is a Farm- ers’ party, and as such. dvsnrws support from none but farmers. There is no reason why merchants or newspagwrmen should support 3 Farmers’ party; it is natural for men to choose their own. and if there was a marrhants‘ party we wuuld export merchants to be supporting it,aml $0 on, But there is not. Farmers are the only ones who have a party of their own. with occupational restrictions. For that. reason, the rest of us are forced to act from other motives. We must choose whether or not we will support 3 Farmers’ party, or wheth- er one of the all-embracing parties suits us better, There are three parties. so far as the greater part of ()ntariu is con- cernedâ€"«thwgh in some quarters, a fourth party.â€"â€"-Laberâ€"â€"is available. The last ('hOlI'P of the people of ()n- tririn was a new. untried party. which new has a remird Hf three years behind it. It was elected after a vignrnns campaigning organ nl' itie movement. at. that time. Since then it has vastly increased the provin- cial expenditures. That is its chief record. \gain. it has mI't “ith opposition in m: Im (Illalll‘l‘s {01' its administra- tinn III \aIInIIs 1mm. chief of which waa Ihv org anizmi opposiunn of the I-II-mo IIIs “IIII h 310 OIIIIIIISOII In tlm I).'|‘..A\. 'l'tu- Lihm'al [‘00th is long Since a math-v- of history. and thm-o is no Sign of u “vim: of opinion to the part) nmv hunch-cl by tho“ likPahlP hut not. :tgux't-sa'ivv \\'o-llin;.'toll Hay. In- asmm'h as tlw avnwml platform of â€I“ I'llâ€. is largvly that of the Lib- o-ral uu'ly purge-«J, as tho Farmers say. .3' insinco-rity and lint-intm'ost, domination tlwrw is wow likeli- huml‘ul’ a split in tho \‘t‘itt‘s lhl‘l’l‘ that will m'mvnt tlu- Lihl-l'al party‘s I‘v- tm'n in Hntnrio. smrh as ocrnrrml in tlw tut" th-l‘al o'lN'Lion. 'l‘lu-n thoro- i~ tlw (Junserativo p'trty. .Vo Moan-out vxplanation of whv lho- llo-arst â€(wornnwnt. was «to- t'vzitml run lN' gin-n. It is variously :N-rihml to tho c-nactmunt ot' the 0. 'I‘..\. and ‘lw natural revulsion of the po'npll‘ against, all Governments in powo-I' (hiring ttw war. Theme is prnhuhly sumo wright in thh ox- planatinns. Ioming hvt'oro tho pooplp again. tho tlnnswrxutiw party will appar- ently stand an “own broak" with tho otho-r two. hofol‘o tho pooplv. and tho porsonal pnplllarity of the various rvprvsvntatiws will probably ho a strongvr fat-tor than in most, cloc- lions. "l‘hv' Lih malfs’l' Hf Sign of a party nnw not (man-.- â€.th 'any zjato. suph speculations as â€law arv mtorostmg. Nothing in the Papâ€. ~’ Barrio Advance.) “'l'hoi'o’s nothing in the paper,†says tho man who isn’t interested in tho fuol stiuation. crop roports. mu- nicipal nti‘nirs. huilcling trailo and so on. Ho‘s tho man who‘s looking for tho gushing ropoi‘t. of somo human frailty. anol ho is: ono of that. largo numbor or porsons who look stupid and uttoi' tho asinino answor. “I’m not. an informatimn huronu.†whon somoono asks thom an intolligont. quos'tion about. thoir own town's af- fairs. Ho ynwns. throws his homo papor asido. Pranks his car and gums (town tho stroot. to got tho nows. Ho hours a «listou'toil story of somohmly’s projuilicotl opinions on tho most: imâ€" pm'tnnt quostion in tho community and wonolors why tho nowspapors «litln't. hnvo it that. way so it. would ho worth wailing! Tho nowspapor that. «loos not i'o\'oa| some “'torl'ihlo" soandal. sumo glaring human foihlo. somo olom-avijy. has “nothing in it†for tho poi'son who foods on gossip and rations on um'hago {incl knows ovoryhooly‘s. business hottor than his 0“' ll . When to Celebrate. {Moat'nl'il Mirror; Why should Armistice Day be gram-cl on to 'l‘hauksgiviug Day 1’ \\'hy not tho I'oVo-l'sv‘? 'l‘hm'v should ho no groalol‘ occasion for thanks- giving than the day commemorating the clo-w of tho war. To say “we will volohrato that day on tho noar- oat Monday." is to say “we don't care a hoot about tlio'particular oc- casion. what. wo do want is a holiday on Monday, so that commercial trav- Pllers may be able to stay home for an extra day, or that some other folk may stay away from home for an extra flay}: .- I] O'Kll‘fl {la-y. . How absurd it. would be to cele- brate the ï¬st of July on the 26th of .lum‘. because it fell on Saturday of that week! What a farce to cele- brate the 24th of Max 911 the‘ï¬qd! Ll-‘ ' 'S'éxt. 1m}? m" be. asking us to cel- ebrate Gmu‘l Friday on the Monday lwt‘oro'. and the 12th of July on March I? or S! mflhing, "-“V\ ‘ "v - -vo- Log icallv we would sag that “It can t gbp did. " ypt that is m a iously done bx our authorities in Canada. Eithn} lot 113 cglnbrate “Eleven, el- Q'H‘n" 0n "FJPVQD: 01‘ not at. 31). This Monday holiday business is being UVN‘tlHflPâ€"Bfld is causmg peo- p!» tn lnso sight. of the very things that aro cnmmemorated when the holidays are held“. (Kincardino Rm.) There are a lot of people \\ ho at- tempt to spread the idea that there is more booze drunk today than there Was 11th the open bai flrzu ished. We canont 115111113 11.1tl1 111115 talk at all. We a.l well remember the conditions when the bars were in existence. We understand thata larmer recentlv lost a roll of money of considerable size. It is said it was lost because he was full, and this is used as an example of the 1111111111111 conditions of the illicit ii.- 1111111' business. \\ e 113member man) 1111111 11h11 lost a roll in the olden 1la1>. 111111 m1:111ning a farmer from 1111111111 came into town and sold a I11.1s11 tor 011,111 $200. A fev1 hours later 1111 11'11s dead to the world ly- ing in â€He of the back rooms of an I111t11l. When he came to, he didn‘t have a cent. on him. He was so a- shamed of his predicament that he refused to have any publicity. He 11 as not in the habit ot drinking, and this lesson made him a teetotaller. l‘hese days are better than the old days and 1111111' fair- minded man has to acknowledge it. If it, is worth while tn live for two nmnths \\ hm‘o «mo can really ubserw Hm life 01 an eagles familv and un- ders‘tands the why and wherefore of o-ugln clnings. hmx much timv nught \u- tn spend hulking «m tlw aflail's of Live in a Tree. (M itwaukee Journalfl An ornithoIOgist of Cleveland read read a paper in Chirago on the life ot’ the eagle based on his observa- tions while living in a tree. Natur- ally he contributed new facts about the way eagles live. He had put himself in a position of advantage, built a small but. spent. his hours with the eagles. as Fabre spent hours and days with bees and wasps, ants amt spiders. This is a picturesque example of the devotion of real sci- nnee; it, explains why when a sound scientist talks he says something that. lasts. a fellow man from something close to his Imint‘ of View, before we pro- nmtm-mi ,juolumvnt‘.’ ()r‘ a follow na- tiun'.’ 'l‘m') much public “pinion. too nun-h gm'm-mm-nt upinimn. is based wn tho itlva that :1 man who has lwen :u-mss thc- watvr must ho an vxxwr't. it \VHUM [w a gum] thing: tn ask of- to'nm' what ()mmrtunitio-s thv Visit- ors had for Observationâ€"and what natural equipmvnt he had as an 0b- (Uttawa (litizvnb It has lung: lwvn Hm fai'th of pro- hibition workers that tlw nvw gvnm'- at inn would hmwlit. by lmim: allowml in mm Up in a hotter vnvimnment. 'l'lu- incmmsn in ,im't'nilv hunk I'vad- ing" vmxplml with lwttul' srluml at- tmulum'u. may surely‘ be taken as en- (‘Hlll'auing' wViclonm- nf inmrmwmn-nt. What Is The Answer? glN‘tl'nil, Timt‘s.) ln llaili. \Vllm-o- lhu [H'Oplo' al'd‘ nval'ly all hlavk. lhm'v 211w nnw llm'n births to «me «loath. Amt-rivans haw l'mu'lnl lllmn sanitary nwlhmls :mcl pI'PVcntbll lllom murdering (‘ach ullwl' in I'ux'nlutinn. 'l‘hv wwulgtim} M‘I’VPI'. is liw limw what it w as \\hl"ll Ha)“ [mulled against Franco. 0 In and by il will llh‘l'lll'IW. â€ll'll will 001])“ an- HHH‘I IIIIIlIlIm. ll' â€ll‘ whilII man's scionco produces HIP. mme I'ompai'aâ€" liw hll‘nl I‘leI- in l ‘.lIiIIzI \friva and â€Him (Ullllllll‘S. what will 1w lbw answer to the iIInvilablv [)I'Ollll‘m'.’ Tobacco Tax Is Deadly. (Arnpi'ior (’thnit'lvfl Minister ni‘ Finanvo Fivliiing has :ili'vady mw m'in‘s ilvath nn his hands as a result of his tax (in toham'oos. Hnm‘y Dormiz, Hf Saskatoon. stopped smnking last year on act-mint nf the high prion of thv wood and is now child at. the ago mi 117 years, Theory Not Practicable. (tiarlntun Plarn Canadian.) The Ontario Adulvscvnt. Act. which requires thn attrmlanrr of tho yuuth Hf tlw provinrv at, Schnol till thvir 18th year is likoly to be Chang- ml at lhw ('Hming Sf'ssinn 0f tht‘ Im- gislaturv. It. rewrcmvnts thk ot‘fm'N Hf thmrits'ts who. rightly rnmlzrh, thnught that thv twttm' a rhiht vim mlnr'atrd Hm greater tho rhaurns would thnrn be of his or hm‘ success in lifo. What. was forgottrn was that parnnts whn ran atfurtl to keep thnir vhihlro‘n at, srhm‘vl, own part Hf the timn. till thvir oightmnth yoa‘. are few. Where Has It Gone? , (Rvnfmw Méwm')’ " What. has become of tho oldâ€"fashâ€" innml Thanksgiving day wlmn tho chum-hm hold a union sm'x'im' and .ioinml in real praisn and thanks? Shifting the datv from 'l‘hursdajr to khmday has MTUIO Um day a more secular holiday. ‘ THE SMALL CHURCH At. the annual gatherings of nearly all the church organizations refer- once is made to the case of the church in the small centre. It was brought up at the Baptist convention of Ontario and Quebec. in session at Toronto. In the main. the references were quite sympathetic to the small church, but one cannot help feeling at times that. it‘ some of the pastors of the larger churches. and some of the workers and ofl'icials, too, had to ï¬ght the battle of the small church in the small centre they would have a little better understanding of What some of these institutions are (30mg. The history of one small church is the histor of nearly every small church. It olds its young eOple until such time as they tin . they must leave home to get work in the larger centres. In this way the small-centre church is in reality a feeder for the larger church in the city. The large city church would have a difficult. matter trying to keep up an exnstence were it not, for the young life being handed to it by the small church in the small centre. Then, too. there are some big men in these small churches. It takes a big man to put his whole soul into a work where there is less chance for popular approval. - Private phriptmaa Grooï¬ng Cams. $2 .00 the dezen up with enveJOpes to match. No dearer than the com- mun cards and your name is neatly printed thereon.y The Chronicle. Encouraging Evidence. THE STATUTES OF 1922 The wmme containing the Stat- "Us at mrxrin for tho pi‘HSOZLi. year has recently been distributed. This book is rarely seen by anyone ex- cept lawyers and others interested particularly in law, and yet it con- tains many things which the average citizen must know. This year there are over a thou-i sand pages in this book, but tllree hundred of these contain the Muni-l cipal Act which detines the powers“ of municipal councils and other sim- . ilzir bodies. A great deal of this is.- not new matter, but. a collection of! former Acts l'PVlSPd tip to date. , Considerable space is also ilevolial; in insurance. several acts having been passed for the protection of" those IWho are insured for variuus‘ things. Another large act is that; with regard to Mnnicit’ial Electric, Ilailials. which does not affect Ul’ï¬â€˜; neighborhood. ' I Y A very imwrtant change is the giving of the municipal vote to mar- vied women whose husbands haw votes. This remuves a great. cause «if complaint and it is up to all mar- ried women to see that they are Dlll 0n Part I. of the Voters†List next year. Owners of horses, cattle. swine ul- sheen must not allow them to run on the highway. The penalty is 35.00 ft)? every hul'SP. $3.00 fur every “mu! 01' cattle, and $1.04) fur every “Hi-I. sheep 01‘ goat. â€llh ‘ Bits of "loroutn is giwu 1:0“- 01 In hm the radial from Lambtnu in (111le A husband “'11†has Ilvsm'lml his \Vi‘t'v 01' children may be! (mu-rod 1)} {Inc mum to pay a cvrtain sum own \ka tmvards their maintenzmcv. (iraduato muses may l'vgistc'r 11:: 41W tho l’Im me! ial Svcrotarv and \\ ill than haw pmwr tn usv tlw tillw "l{v;.ristut‘m_l Nlu SP. 13" l l . IHUVIH 1-,n \"l.-"--1‘ “1:11-11 In": 1tat1111t “1111111111111 pal 1111n1i11a- ' H1111ti11 l'111'1.1tmtl that It 1V0 1..__ ._ ‘I 3 ““11 illttl 1'11'1'ti1111 may I111 v1111111..1'11t ‘ w 11.1 hyâ€"la11 11111751111 11111 11111111111111 \n-!1111111 7".†"""‘""4".‘)“ 111' paid $1" 00 ‘1111mli111' t 511 that th11 11|111ti011 1|m11'a1t1 f11'1 9111111'tin1':.i111'1ji;~..â€"tla1"1i111t. VV ill be the. ï¬rst MondaV in l)11C11mt11 111' ' WWWâ€"“M Black “I “it “11’ t 11'! IV with â€â€œ1 Immination a \V11 011k alwadihp, i118t1'111't111l tn 111'1111111'11 a 1t11li11n_ 11! that.\|1'1_1:11tV Acton Village I111. t11111 “3'11!“ 1111'.tl111 11111111111: M1111i1i- a1511pt111l “111 new dates. '1Ԡ'1"1'11h11n11 .Vs't11m Mr “111 sum 11f \ 1111VV tnrm 111 1t111|a1'at11111 is t11")"1’0‘â€"’†1†" WV WI†'11‘1'1'1'1‘“ IN'I‘ t111 signmt 11V 11 1"11111ti1tat11 t111' 11111111â€"1'“â€mmit†“.13'1'31'51111 Lut 2'1. 1.1111. It 01111110111110"lt1isallmua11V111111VVtiui"i“"“'%-'- 111‘1'51'11t H\\'llt‘l‘ 111-111;: M11. is 11VV1101' 01' t11nant of a 1tVV111|in1j 111 “311 """"‘1‘1".\'- 3'11! 1111“ 1’9 and 30. 11VV11111' 1if|la111t 11111! 1111t111'111t 1m H1111“ 1m (’1 H11|la111l IMVHSUIH'. .111'1's‘1111t ‘ I a. l)nl‘iu|| LIIhIlbl†l‘\'{\f‘ â€\‘ I“ I. l)..ll‘;‘r 1" l.o «IHIH‘ l{"‘.l‘|(‘.. “4 411'. .\ nmv i'm‘m of (imfial‘aiinll is in iw signed by a randiilalu i'm' muni- cipal Oll'icu. This alliiws anyone who is owner or tonant of a dwelling UI' nwncl' Hf land and (rntvrvd (â€1 HM? \‘i'tvi's‘ List. a British subject (WM I! wars of awn with taxvs paid in- :i'.“i Ming: within twn milvs Hf thv mnnii'ipnlity. tn hultl nti'ii'v. . Pnnzlliii's al‘i' providml fur anyunu ("‘7|fill("iii§â€"" :1 gril'ng'v Emsim-ss \\'Hi'-- wit a license. and any mnstahlv m (ii't'ivm' of thv l)i"1ial'llnmli Hf Highâ€" ways may mm“ and inspm'i :1 ,L’fli'» GLENELG COUNCIL tlnuncil met at 'l‘mvnship Ilall. Nu» wmbel‘ 11 as per adjmu'nnwnl. moon:â€" be'rs all present, Hm Rut-w in lhn «Es-air: minutvs nl’ last mvvting 1mm! and cnuï¬rmml. (Lonnmlnicathm.- wm-v road as fallows : ' Frnm Jamos C. Ross. asking: for snmv foncv tn [)0 cnnstructvd at. Lu! 1H. (Jun. IO. «m sidm'uad. and 21154» avâ€" cnunt for work lwrt‘urnml nu l'uaai: Hum mun-:10 (lan'lplwll. E. ’uttvrmm and IS. Sullivan. for winter work «m 'I‘mx'nlinv Al'tt'mvsia and (ilmwlg; I'm-um 'I‘hnnms (ilmu'mss. for win- fwwo; from Commissiouvrs 01' “Luis '2. 3 and «’4. special job Imports; pvliâ€" tions from ratepayers Opposing mm- pnsed road through M 1'. James Ellis- mn's: from Messrs. J. Ritchie and D. Kvmwdy. asking that Hw (420ml: 'lfvlvphmw Systvm h¢‘_ vxtvndm! 1.. l'ndcr t11«__‘,().'l".;\. flnlt'lhhll“!!ir fin-rc- zm- [wavy lwnullio-s l‘m- [2W ting: falsv lnlwls un 111('mn.~vhi;;.. 2:;- lg«'_\'. Ull'jrvrs \th Iln nu! “Him m nnrl'nw \‘s‘ay al'v :tlm s2‘;|n,_iiw: in :1; diliunal pmmltivs. Liqnm- is m! ; ln- lranspm‘ by motnr truck. 'i'hv grant tn “I‘llt'ul r't'iumls" i vxto-mlvd tn all nl'l-m l'lf!\H|;-: In that 2,000 populaiwn. - .'"\'(“l‘,\' mntnl' truck shall 11:!» ~ printed 01' painted 011 both side-s w New hmly Hm maximum luau! in in - tow at lvast m inch and :1 half my. livury p001 I‘om'n must have a pm- x'lrmal as “M! as u nmnirija-i W‘HS-t‘. tlu-ix' l'vspm‘tiVu [ol'('llliSI'S. .\t H {1.111. iwn minutvs ul' mm»- ph‘tn silmm- was nl’».~'«'-rvml in comâ€" mvmoratinn of Armistivu Day. M. Blackâ€"RPM!inâ€"Jl‘hat Bylaw NH. 632. to ammim, (lnllvclm‘s of Tax M MP 1022. gnu! NH. 633%. In aumin Immimtion and pulling plavvs. h HARDING’S HARDWARE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE SOLD IN DURHAM AT he! i Carriml. . I. ._I. Bla'ckâ€"Turnbull. -â€"'II13I ac- .COllllt (II. (1.11055 IIII‘ $11.00 IIII 1’0- fIII'rIIII III TIIIIIImas I. BIIIIIIII far 111- ‘\IIingaIiIII1.IIII tIIrIIlIII1I at IIIIxI imIIIIting III‘ CIIIJncil ._â€"Ilar1‘iIIII. 3 M. BIackâ€"--.BIIOIIIII.'â€"â€"Ihat IhII ClIIlk IIII maIIII issuer of man iagII IICIInsIIs. â€"-‘za.rl'il‘d. Bram-«J. J. "Blackâ€"'l‘hal followâ€" im’: accounts for wintm' wm'k «m “I‘mvnline (-ilonvlg and Al'tvmosia be Ypaid (mmâ€"half (-nst : (it-:nrm‘ 11am»- 'hvll. $1.00; If. Pattex'sun. (HM: Ed. Sullivan. $1.(\0.~â€"Car 'xc-d. 'l‘urnlmllâ€"Jl. Blackâ€"That acâ€" count of (I. Ramam- Snn fur prim- ing and supplivs, dam: Nuwmlwr 10. 1922. fur $105.85, hp paigI.â€"42ax'. Brodieâ€"M. Black. That Thomas Gloncruss be paid $3.00 l‘mnus fur 1'2 rods wire fouve at Lot 3?». Con. 3., E. ' R .â€"â€"Ca1'1'ied. M Blackâ€"Brodie. â€"-'l‘hat tlw Clork he paid .,.)_0.0Q on} salarVâ€"(‘aumd now read a third time, signedgseal- 'ed and engrossed in Bylaw Book.â€" Carriod. Turnhullâ€"M. Blackâ€"mutt. A. An- derson be paid $2.00 for stoning, and '(J. Howell $5.00 for 121/; hours drag- gig‘g in, N9: 1‘}Vard.â€"â€"Carried. I“...\‘- 'l‘l\n‘ ‘hl‘ ¢"'o '" r" - Thrnbull M. Blackâ€"What. the following Special Job Reports be passed and an order issued on the 'l‘1'035111'en_{f01§ paymept of some :“J. ‘ w-_ ack‘ï¬ovi’, 3160.00; M. Black. No. 4 J'. 3. .00; '1‘. J. Brodie, No. 4, $96.2? .â€" B 35 Turnbullâ€"J. J. Blackâ€"That grav- el accounts he paid as {0110“ s : Jas. Ellisnn 2:630:31. “ilsnn 31.90.11. Eckhardt. $11 .UO.â€"â€"-Ca11ied. "l‘nrnbullâ€"«J. J. Blacksâ€"'I‘hat M. Black bv instructed tn vrvct Umw 01' four rods of snow funcv at Ln: 10. Cup. '10. on sideroad.â€"â€"Carriod. 'I‘m'nlml.â€"~_\l. lmu°k.â€"'Jl‘hï¬2t pum- mlssum «m «ijwmlptuy'c lw‘pajtj aï¬ mu \\ ~ : .l. J. â€Black. $8.00: 3i. Black wâ€: I. I". Ht'mliv. $8.(m,---.4 13mm, (ZnunviLmljmu'm-d tn nwvt l‘m'vm- fu-r 1.â€) at in mm. M'tm- mtinm'nnwnt. in acmrdam'o with anmmnqvmvnl in 1mm! papm's a numlin: Hl' Iï¬llvpzu’v'r‘ ‘\\'.!.~‘ lwld in Hz:- Hall in discus“ 93w l'!‘mm.~‘c'(’ 1‘â€:ch ihz‘m'gim Mr. .lumvs JCHB m's, -\1'l~‘r Thvrv is as much com- in'T ill ,LWHHI [HII'P iiinil H5 ill “Hy ()liwl' lviH>S ing with which man is endowed- Our b1°e;..=‘ is at the top of t 9 perfect provender program. It is tasty and always uni- form 1n quality. Ask for our bread by name. We have a big assort- ment of Men’s and Boys’ Pants, Overalls, Shirts, Smocks, etc. Boys’ Overcoats to ar- rive shortly. All sizes. DRY GOODS DEPT. (nut gawk-n pvzlï¬-~abmli 5 lbs.}. iwans {about 2 lbs.. ilzix fur 500d and flax tor fibio (abuutz lbs. . 'l h.» (mum! l)i\ ision (if the Ex xpm iâ€" mmilal I’m-mg branch has improved many «‘1' Min HM Vill'ii‘iiifs of grain and iiits-miucml many nvw vai'ivtivs. The» host of thnm haw burn multiâ€" pliml and puma; atmi undvr diroct supelj} isinn of iospmisihlo oflicors «m the Exlwrimvntal Farms both East and Wnst. This Smut will form thv hulk star); from whit'h ttw variuus samples will bu takml. 'l'tw smut is thet‘ot‘m'o the purest and best that is obtainable. (If sumu ut‘ the mum» r'v- cvnt intmduvtiuns. more) is only a limitmt sulmty. so it wuuld 110 all-- visahlv tn apply as soon as pOSSihlv for those. Among the grains for distribution will be found the Liberty hulless oat an oat that. is excellent for human use. and to a limited extent for young liye stock. Among the wheats tho most outstanding for distribu- tion will he the Ruby wheat. a wheat that ripens from eight. to ten days earlier than Marquis and is suitable for i‘listrï¬'ts where Marquis is not early enough. This year among the harloys will he found Charlottetown No. 80. This is a. t\\'(,i-roweil harley that has a tendency to drop its uwns. O'l‘he supply of this variety is WW): llmitmt. \YH linpt‘ also in disâ€"- tribute Himilayan harloy. a “lint": variety which is a good yieltlor and suitahle for young: li\e stoek, There will be only one variety of pens for «listrihutiun. namely. Markay tltta- wa 2.3. whirh is a main rrop pea and not suited to districts where earl}; trusts Ht‘t‘fll'. much discussian pro and con, the cuncpnsus 0f npinion appeared to be om’msmi to the buying of the pru- hosml mad a_t. Ibo â€31:80!!! ‘ti_m¢-.. A free distribution of SUDCI‘lO‘l' sorts of grain will be made during the coming winter to Canadian far- mers by the Cereal Division of â€W lixporimcmtal Farms, Ottawa. 'l'lu- samples will consist of spring when! (about. 5 llis.). white oats (about 5 â€l8._‘ . barley (about 5 lbs). lioldyom 'l‘tw (thit't‘l. «of tho «listlilmtinn IS twofold. First, that the falnm man wt :1 small sumplc- Ht gum] smut tn slmt his smull mt St't‘tlllt'. that tho Central Di\isi|0n may ï¬nd «mt lmw ltu-ir impmvmt grains will lmhaw undvr various muulitinns 01' sail and vlimzltv, 'l‘lmw-t'mm. it is lll‘cvs‘stll'V FREE DISTRIBUTION OF GRAIN The sweet, ï¬rm loaf that makes rosy cheeks and sunny little people. Strong little people, too. , It’s a real health investment, that loaf you are, \going to take home to-day. Where we try to please an? “SERVICE.†Rolled Smoked Meat, per pound - - - 30c Pure Lard. in bulk, per pound - - - - 22c Swift’s Lard, 3 pound pail for - - - - 65c Swift’s Lard. 5 pound pail for - - - - 1.10 Finest Domestic Shortening, in bulk, per lb. 20¢ Pure Red Clover Honey, 10 lb. pail - - - 1.75 Best Japan Tea, in bulk, per pound - - 50c Mother doesn’t say ,“Wait until dinner, †but hands out any time a bowl of creamy milk and DEAL AT THE ~ «‘ WEST END GROCERY Woodhouse’s Tonic for Horses, Hogs, Cattle and llels HENDERSON’S BAKERY ' TRY US FOR CANNED GOODS VOLLETT’S H! H. McDonald, Clerk. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT W000.“ Henderson“; Bread SHOP AT OH JOY! FREE TfltAL Cnt out t9]. ’ â€~3- Irtlc!c, wt“; paper, and mail it (with IC. stamp to pay return postage) to Peps (30.. Toronto. A free trial packet will then be sent you. All drums“ and stores sell Peps. 50c. box. --â€" -uâ€" ‘1'..- ._â€"â€".v _ Peps-contain éeï¬nln medicinal In- g'cdicms. which. when placed upon the tongue, immodiatgly tun}- unto that all the information asked for on tho application form should b0 fully answered. This also holds true \\ :lli llm report. forms which each man is askod to ï¬ll out. after he hll grown llio sample, ‘..:wlii_'-‘lion must'be made on. O z'illlwl form which will be sup- m1 by Hu- «Li-real Division, Central xgvM'inii-nlal Farm. Ottawa. N0 _ â€sin-go i~‘ rvquil'od on letters 80 MI- :il'ow‘u‘ll. X†appliralion forms W'i" m- Milt: liml zit-«‘1' February 15; 1923. l’:n'm~l.~ "w {wisrl lo send at, once f: " Comm it; (‘l‘lll‘l‘ not to he disap- 3'u§"lml. :1 in sumo i‘asvs lho 81,1le 2s iimilml. 'l‘lw allolmont of samâ€" ili. ~ \x 4;. 1w mmlo in oriloz' 0f appli- -:e 3m, imiy Hlll' samplp \\ ill be sent 4 .. form.- ACHI‘l'lli Division. Conlral l ‘l'l imunl'l i’m'm. Ottawa. Um. I. l‘. l. scientific preparation put up in pastille form. which Provides an entirely new and effect- ive treatment for coughs, colds, cheat a nd throat troubles. In a word, while no liquid or soul can get to the lungs and air passages. these Peps fumes get there direct. and at once commence healing. vapor, up; are bl"..;’t..ed dean the“! passages to the lungs. On their jour- ney, they soothe the inflamed and irritated membranes of the bronchial tubes, the delicate well! of the II: passages, and finally enter and carry relief and healing to the lungs. Have you had about Peps ? Pep: lo a scientific preparation put up in pastille form. which our motto ls PAGE rm