West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Dec 1922, p. 1

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'loly Communion non Sunday. L There will he a celebration of the £3101}! Communion next Sunday morn- ing in Trinity ChurclLat 11 o’clock .at which all parishioners are ex- pected to make their Christmas Communion. Special music. Come ”There will he no servire on Christ- inns Day. or Seized at Chamam. A consignment of $5.000 worth of otch whiskey and champagne flipped as "hardware” to fictitious ybusiness men at. Chatham and Stony zPoint was seized and confiscated by ,License lnSpPCtOP Matthew Side and EPI‘oVint-ial Officer Low. The whole. Lahipmenl. which came from Mont- real. has been sent to the Govern- Ement Dispensary at Toronto. _, Christmas, coming as is does this year on Monday, will be iittingh obserVed in the town ChllI'thPS in their Sunday senices. In all, we believe. special music is being gas en and the services for the lax “ill be of a real Christmas flawt. [Brianna Services in Durham. service of fifteen years, M Hamil- 1011 Allen has decided to reign his position as trustee of the: Public .Ichool board. This leaves an open- Aftera faithful and ce-Itilmous "ing in the East Ward to be'filled at the next election. Iuignod Trusteeship. betrocntod While Charging Radio. Alfred Humbert. a i7-ymr-old mm of Chatham-a wireless amaâ€" , was Moctmcuted Sunday whilp ing his battery to enable him en in on a concert in Cuba. In 3 .conuoctinns 110 wits shot ‘ is body. He found it impossiâ€" " let go and called for assist.- When his brother mum and the switch the uni'nrtunutv mrday night. by Mrs. Sadie Con- lghton, aged 1:0, wife Of a C.I'.R. yineer. The tragedy took place I shed at the rear of the McKee , . directly opposite the (ion-- home. Mrs. Connaughton ‘ . ‘ . to have entered the” Mo- ; . . by a rear door and it was IcKee was trying to have her the house she put a bullet. r his brain. She at. once went ' ' 4’ house, confessed her 3' had a boy sent to notify the “ad was taken on the next ludbury, where she is now The only explanation ahe - given is that. “he ruined; - _ » will notmin another.” 1 ' «m is laid to have ‘ . . in church and ao- lost. Orangoman Dead. 'ohn Sherritt, 103, the oldest 0r- ;eman in Canada. died in London Sunday at the home of his daugh- L Mrs. T. A. Wright. Ho was born Ireland. came to Canana 86 years v, settled at Blyth. where he mar- d and lived till the death of his Fe fifteen years ago. Since then has been living with his daugh- He was an ()rangeman for 84 rumor King is 48. . .. The Ian's Class. Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzne 5mg! There will be rio meeting of the lebrated his £8“) birthday on 51"“ Class next Sunday, December 24, on .y last. He was born at Kitchener, account. of the Christmas holidav. at. December 17, 1874. { ' - cont, issue 0! the 'l‘ommto Star .that. friends 01‘ L'. \V. Hartman hrksburg. Ont... in Western Un- !, and particularly in the Geor- Bay district. arc again putting name forward for the. vacant. ‘in the Canadian Svmtu \lr. ‘ is and has lnwn thc Lino-I'm fin that formcrly strung: Urn- aye part of Ontalio hinlnp‘ ' Grey County against thc mt“ Sproulc. He holds the E and confidence of all pal‘lins was stnongly considered few months ago when the last :7 was filled. Flimman for Senate Vacancy. Dad by Woman. hn McKee. aged 42, a C.P.R. en- :r, well-known at Chapleau for :ty years. was shot and killed 'o Hundred Dollars or Jail. 'or having a still in operation in house in Owen Sound, Joseph (Infield was fined two hundred bra by Police Magistrate Creasor. bhult of payment he has an 0p- I‘of six months in jail. Inland 'enue officers raided the house on urday and found the still in opâ€" lion. Bloomfield pleaded guilty. NEWS AROUND TOWN Inn fell over unconscious and a few minutes. N0. 2896. Rink Opened On Tuesday. Tuesday night of this week saw the Durham Rink Opened for the season and a large crowd availed themselves of the first opportunity to spend the evening on the ice. The ice this year was pronounced the best over yet seen on a Durham rink for the Opening night. The old price of 15 cents for adults and 10 cents. for children under 12 is again in; vogue, and with the big Mam\ ct supplying constant music during the whole evening the Rink this winter promises to be the big attraction on tiaptain \. \. St‘lt‘ltnlltll. Serbian IIIIISIIl- (iencml of Canada. paid 8. HS”. to Hamilton hm \nmk IInIler instructions of ”it‘ Kim: of Serbia to present the Cross of Mercy, one of the higheet Imperial Sci Man tumors. to a number of local citizen< \V‘IhI termed the Serbian Reliel Committee during the war. The decoration is only given by Reyal decree for ser- vice to the country in time of war. A very elaborate civic welcome was tendered Captain Sel‘erovitch by Mayor Emiley. Amongst the honor- ed ones we notice the name of Mrs. J. P. Whelan. Mrs. J. P. Whelan Honored. Miss Agnvs .-\die, the dramatic sn- Fpmno whu amwared here last month with tho. 'l‘m'nnto Ladies‘ Quartetto. has just I'oturnml from a Sll¢;'('f‘SS‘flll appvaranvv in New Yurk, where shn tillml twu or throw viig‘aw‘nivllts. Miss Miin appval's in Philadf‘lpllia in the nuar l'utm'w. This iti'm Hf nv'ws may nut. hp 01' win-vial iiitm'vst tn Dur- ham PeSidt‘H'S‘, hut it. shnws the kind of talent that is iii-mg limught hero by the LY('Plllll Cumnrittm- of 'I‘I'in- ity Church. ’l‘hn nvxt concert, takes plain) «in January .3. when the} Art-antic Quzu'tvttu. ”HP at the" lwsi in America will 5111)}in the) program. An interesting' time was held «m 'l‘uesday evening in the. haSement of Trinity Church when the child‘rn oi the Sunday school enjnys‘d a serial anniversary. Supper was served, randy distributml, a ’ll“'),‘.:i'(ln'l pre- vided and short addresses delivered by the rector, Rev. F. G. Hardy. and superintendent Frank Bunce. Santa Claus dropped in and graciously re- membered all the little folks. Special prizes for ell'icienry in their res- pective Masses were. awarded Geerge Hahn. Ruby Hulme. Jack Schut'l. 'l‘eddy llunee and Mabel (lrutchley. Made Hit In New York. - Annual 8. 8. Entertainment. The trustees of Durham Red Cross Memorial Hespital are gratified to report that the good people of Aber- deen school section. have very gener- ously donated $70.00 towards this new and needed institution. It was the net proceeds of a box social and concert. held by them in their schml last Friday. They were pioneers in similar work during the war and they do not yet weary in well-doing. Last week we told Of the call re- ceived from Brantferd by the Rev. F. G. Hardy, Rector of Trinity Church here for the past four years, and intimated that he was likely to accept the call. . When our last. issue came off the press. Mr. Hardy had not then decided as to what. he would do. but has since decided to accept the call and will preach his farewell sermon on January 21. A Handsome Gift. Mr. W. T. Cooke of Bentinck has sold his farm in that Township to Messrs. Gordon and James McDonald of Proton, who get possession on. the 15th of February. Mr. Cooke has as yet made no plans for his future, more than that he is going to retiio from the falm'. Rev. Hardy Goes to Brantford. Sold Farm and Will Retire. The Mission Circle and the Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist Church report a good year’s work. The same officers have been elected to take .up the work for the coming year. ---â€"- VJ ‘â€"--- -" ‘VV - -m-.'. 'l he ladies of Trinity Church LGuild had a wry Successful bazaar in the Public Librar) on Saturday Mter- mum and waning. when the prdceeds amounted to more than $150.00; Trinity Guild Bad Good Bazaar. A Good Year’s Work. uaulca ouuul, "I 'l'OI'OIHIO and M”, J. A. Brown in Durham. Two broth- Selaâ€"«Mr. Bert. Saunder‘é. ‘ Subjectâ€"“Jesus the King.” ‘â€"-.â€".â€"â€"â€" Lyman J Caldwell, :11 Dayalqul, Al ’ [LINED berm, also survive. ~ Her mother, mmupmqom Besides her husband, she leaves a little daughter about a year and a halt old, {our sisters, Maud, in Buf- falo; Mrs. Miller, Cincinnati; Mrs. James Smith, in Toronto and Mrs. .\ telegram was receivml here on Tuesday night by Mrs. J. A. Brown announcing the death that afternoon 61' her sister, Mrs. Cyril Berthelot (nee Margaret Caldwell), at Pene- tanguishene. No particulars have been received as to cause. of death. She w/ as about forty years of age and had been a teacher for years pre- vious to her marriage four or five years ago. From the. present. outlook, Durham will have two hockey teams this winter, holh junior. At the last minute the locals, we understand, wnt clown their entrance fee and entered a team in the (Z).H.A. High school hockey will also he run, too, if the contemmlated arrangements ran he made, So far as we learn, it is proposed to have a district com- prisml oi' Sholhurne, Dundalk, Mark- dale and Durham High schools, with any others. that. will come in. These ;n'rangoment.s, however. are not com- iiii-lod and it is impossible to predict what will turn up. Intermediate or; sehior hockey this year is absolutelyi out it the question. This, however, will not hinder the rink company from getting in other attractions and plans are already being laid for a good measure of amusement this winter at Durhami’s ice palace. Will Have Two Teams. ! Election mattors in tho Townships haw boon quiot so far and nothing dotinito will ho known till after tho nominations to-nun-row. In Glenolg, Mr. Thomas 'l‘urnhull, who has been a momhoi' of tho ('llonelg Council for a number of years, will oppose M 1'. Motluaig this year for tho Reeves-hip. We learn that Egremont is likoly to haw, an vloction. and if rumors that Doputy-Roow Filsingm‘ intends to try l'oxgtho Roowship of Normanhy are true, that township will [at :u have a light. 'l‘horo are some Bent- invk I'atmiayoi‘s who aro in favor of an oloction this war. but it is liko-. ly that the- old Council will get an acclamation, though not. at all cor- lain. So far as Durham is concomâ€" ml, nothing (lotinito will ho known until to-morrow night. The Township Elections. The employees of the Durham Furniture Company are again being made the recipients of substantial Christmas» remembrances, the form this year being like last, a goose for each married employee and suitable gifts of a different nature for the single men and lady workers. This bend of friendship between employ- er and employee is to be commended and in a measure possibly explains why the local company is able to keep" running when the furniture business is somewhat slack in other places. This fall the Durham Fur- niture Company has been kept very busy and still the orders roll in, and from the present outlook this winter will be a busy one at the local fac-i tory. 3 The Royal Bank at Mount Forest was broken into and robbed on Fri- day morning by what is believed to have been profess'onal yeggs, who got away with the contents of 18 safety deposit boxes containing mostly registered Victory Bonds, 53 Wills and 23 cents cash from the stamp box. The vault door was blown off, but the time lock was ev- idently too much, or the burglars got scared and decamped without try- ing for any of the bank’s money. That the bandits knew how to work is shown by the manner)n which the telephone and telegraph wires had been cut, otl‘eetively isolating Mount Forest from the rest of the world. So far, no clue has been secured, but the Provincial police are working on the,case. Christmas Greetings for Employees. Mount forest Bank Robbed. The Chrenicle Wishes its' staff of correspondents, readers, and the public generally, the season’s greetings, with best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. MRS. BERTHELOT DEAD THE SEASONS GREETINGS Heard.’ “Turner. “Shepherds of Bethlehem. "â€"‘Judson. “Shepherd’s Dream.” Geibel. Anthem.fffGod From On H'igh Hit-ii Subjectâ€""Jesus {he amid?" 6.45 P. M. Solo.â€"-“Peaceful N fight" Solo.â€"-Mr. Benson. Anthemâ€"IA 8le rs? Given.” Male Quartette. “ I O CHRISTMAS SERVICES IN DURHAM METHODIST CHURCH Foiloxxing is tlw pmglam for the (.1 hristmus Uax smxicus in the \Ieth- 0dist Church, on Sunday. Dec.“ 24 . H A. M. Cordial grvntings aw nxtemlcd to the policyhnldvrs and friends of The Mutual Lifu Assurance Company Of Canada. in Durham and vicinvxy. from W'. A. Glass. Special Agent Durham, and A. .l. Chisholm. Gonoral Agent, Owen Sound. . Ind Season's Greetings. Azalans. mink. F‘m-ns. Auracanas, fh-gonias. l’rinmlas. Cyclamen. (th‘ry Trws. Funvy Huskot. arrange- nwnts. (Jhoiw l’mHuvn and Celery; alsm full linv 01' cut tl()wm's.â€"â€"H. M. an'l'ish. Flm'isl. Plum“ “8. \Valkor- ton. 4 Minnaâ€"In Toronto, on De- ambor 9,1922, Mrs. John Collier of orham to fir. Thoma Jones of Tor- The Durham Furniture Company will buy all soft. vlm lugs and :1 lim- ited quantity of maple. birch, and lmsswood. ley aw also ulTeriug good green StllVlWVOOl] for sale. Ap- llly at Oll'ice m' tn David Kinnoo. 2 0 Christmas Specialties. Logs Wantedm-Wood For Sale. I am in the market for Raw Furs. and am prepared to pay the highest market price. If you have anything on hand, bring it. in to Levine's store. Durham. and make moneyâ€"J. Le- vine; Durham. 12 1!;de I am in the market. to buy all grades of logs delivered at my saw- mill in Duralim. If you have any for sale, call and advise at the store.â€" .I. Levine. Durham. '12212pd Raw Furs Wanted. 16-inch hardwood, delivered to your yard, $3.50 per cord. Leave your order at Levine’s store and you will get prompt, doliverxâ€"J. Levine. Durham. 12 14 2nd Logs Wanted. As we have started to do business on the Cash System, we would ask all parties indebted to us to call and settle at onceâ€"John McGowan. tf Wood For Sale. Wheat, Barley, Buckwheat, Peas, Oats and Mind Grain wanted. High- est prices paid.â€"Rob Roy Mills Lim- ited, Durham, Ont. 1120” Adapting Cash System. The Baptist Sunday School enter- tainment, “White Gifts for the King” will be held on December 29 at 8 pm. Christmas rates now on at the Kélsey Studio. Fifteen in the dozen. Order yours now. 928“ Grain Wanted. A base burner and kitchen range, in first-class condition. Inquire at The Chronicle Otfice. 1130M Christmas Rates Now On. Baptist Entertainment. Take your storage battery to the Smith Bros.’ Garage for winter stor- age. 11 30 4 Stoves For Sale. Fresh dry cells and Hotshot bat- teries at Smith Bros.’ Garage. 11304 Winter Storage of Batteries. Custom Chapping. Custom choppmg every day at. the McKechnie Mills. 101th The Chronicle specializes in good printing. A trial will convince you. Any quantity; highest price. At the People’s Mills, Durham. 8|25|U Dry Cells and Batteries. Fifteen in the dozen until Christâ€" me.â€"F. W'. Kelsey. 9 28 tr No. i What Wanted. Get your skatessharpened at the Durham Machine Shop. ‘ 12 2W Photographs. Get. Your Printing Done Here. ‘ Skaws'Sharpened. Business Locals. Malq Quartette. Mrs. Wilson. J. 6’: J. HUNTER FOR LADIES and Genuine Quality. UV“, Garment Guaranteesâ€"gum don '[he Name “STANFIELD” Extra Fine Silk and Wool Mixture in Vests, Drawers and Combinations. mm

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