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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Jan 1923, p. 4

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ma is . very who name v v In the event. (if salaries bring at- tarhml HIPI'P may he a danger of too many municipal aspirants. hut un- der payment for services there will he. chance fur a free criticism of their actiuns. Under the present vulnntary system it doesn't seem fair to coax a man to take an oll'ice and then timl fault with him for having (lone so. We’ll watch with interest huw the pay system works in Hano- ver if adopted by the Council. each session. which doesn‘t seem exhorhitant. The giving of public service for nothing never did appeal to the writer and frequently we have suggested our disapproval. 0n «liti‘erent oreasions we have hml trouble here in getting enough members to fill the seats at the (lumen: even this year we had to start. tlie'vear with a shortage of two tn he adoleil subsequently by a spe- cies of begging to get men to till the ofl‘ices. The London. England, Quakers are taking a hand in the, renewal agita- tion {or the abolition of capital pun- ishment occasioned by the. recent hangings of condemned murderers. 'l‘liey trace the cause of most crimes to tainted heredity and evil environ- ment and believe a moral failure should he, met In Pedt'mpthe care. 1 They diwute the assumption that' some incliVidllIllS are past redemp-~ tion and denounce the doctrine that executions act as a deterrent. “President Harding has severe cold,” says a news dispatch. So have we, and so have a lot of other prom- inent peeple in Durham and vicinity. Somehow, the Associated Press has not yet learned of it. A man in Missouri has had his picture (head and shoulders} in the. papar because! he wore a .pair of pants for 25 years. But why this head and Shflulder stuff. They might have included the pants. PAYING 1'0" COUNCILS Hanover Council is making a move for the payment of its members. and we really think it right that public officers acting for the public good in any capacity should he nanl for their services. In most towns. “Ht. Durham is one of them. the Councils have been doing the work Rl‘ltltlll‘ ously, often at an incmvenieuce to themselves, and always at an ex. pemliture of time that might. be oth « erwise used. The notice of motion to come 111) before the Hanover Council provides for the payment ot 825 a year to each member of the Council and $50 to the Mayor. Should monthly meetings he held. \\‘llh no sveriuls. the remuneration for ser- \'ices would he practically $2.00 for Exit "the man with the Ford"; on- trr Um man with the snow-shovel. Dnminion Parliament meets Janu- ary 31. Get out “the old grey bonnet with the blue ribbons on it." And don‘t forget the old serge dress. The man in the moon is like the rest of us. When he gets full on moonshine his head gets lobsided shortly after. Several Mealord Mirror subscrib- ers stopped their paper because they didn’t like some of the editorial op- inions. Possibly they belong to the samo- rlass as the man who swore that the wlmlv world was rotten be- eause someone had smeared his face with limhurger cheese while he slept. DURHAM BHRON|BLE Daily pzuwrs during tho last two weeks have had interesting items in child births. 011v Pei-port statm‘l that a baby one day old had had two teeth remnvml. The latest comes from New York and tells (if a baby being born with a full set of teeth. The next. thing we may t'XDt‘ct is to hear of the birth of one with a full set of teeth. and fully dressed and ready for the road. Surely the world is travelling faster and get- ting more complicated every day. gun after the l'.F.O. member who jumped ever to the Liberals a couple of weeks ago. The. Old Man says: “Seeing he won’t be recalled. I’ll have to wait to get a crack at him.” Just so. The Chronicle is right once more. We always did maintain that the “Recall” plank in the U.F.O plat- form was about as much use as a fur coat in July. It was a mighty ”Th9 Traitor Collie” is the title of an able cartoon in a recent issue of the Farmers” Sun. and shows Old Man Muskoka III-‘1). out with his ABOLISH CAPITAL PUNISHIENT V IN“. Editor Di W" Thursday, January 1!, 1923 Ni I’I'I‘IS AND COMMENTS PM}! 1001. l'hv drrmsml, whose maiden name “as Sarah I‘Illvn Braithwaite, was horn in ankshire, England,, sixty- twu yours mm and at the age at fif- to‘vn <hv ranw to this country with her parents and settled near Varney. whvrv shv was married forty-two years agn tn Thomas McAnulty. who survives. tngether with five child- rmn. as t'ulhm's: Lump. at Brock. Saskatrlwwan: Edward. also of Brno-k. lmt lwrv Sillt'e' last. vamhor; )la'll'gurvt. at lmmv with hc-r paronts; Mrs. \Villiam Prrw, at D’Arcy, 838k, and Mrs. Frank Bunce in town. The late Robert Braithwaite was a brgther, and two brothers survive in the \Vost, also one sistor, Mrs. Annio Tucker of Saskatoon. Tho funvrnl was held on Monday morning from Trinity Church, Whero Rev. Mr. Hardy condurtmi the Sier- vico and \clolivmwl an appronriato sermon. Aftm' Hu' sorviro, which was largvly nttomlml. the remains woro iakon to Mapluwnml ri-motory for intormont. Mrs. McAnulty was of a kindly disposition and generous to a fault in rxl‘mnrling her energies for the comfort of those in need of her as- sistance. She was an Anglican in religion and a willing workrr in all the church schemes. and full of good. but what’s in a nanw? may be asked after reading an item from Calgary dated January 10. which says: “Seven years in l’rinrv Albert penitentiary was the, swim-hr» prunounced by Magistrate Sundm‘sun on S. E. Sinnott, local harristm‘. and former Mayor of Cal- gang whvn hr pleaded guilty in [)0- lu'v mnrl tn two charges of misap- prnprlntmx rlimits’ funds totaling sin-tum“) gnwn tn him in trust for mwstnwnl." (in Sinnott would be :\ gum! parting mlvivo from the judge. Hr. nu his discharge from Pringc Al- '99 MM. "fin. Sumutt again. MRS. JOHN PARK DEAD After an illm-ss of soveral months” cluralinn. )lrs. .lnlm Park «'liml on Friday at lu-r lump. in Bentinck. near Allan Park. She was in her 68th yvar. a ulaughtvr of the- late Henry Willis and had been a life- long resident of the Township, where she was wall and favorably known and respected. .\lr~‘ l‘lmnms McAnulty died here on Saturday muim' sad circumstan- cvs my l‘lmrsdny evening she be- mmv wrmusly I“ and was taken to 1va huswtnl. \\ lwrp an operation was wx't'urmmi. elmwm: the appendix to tw- :11 MIN: 3 'iISc-nSWI cnuditlun that l :tlv ur nu Inn-w was held for her l'm'm (‘1‘). and sh ‘ dim! on Saturday at our U’t‘lflt‘k. Beautiful floral sprays were plac- ml on the casket. by Trinity Church Guild, the Women’s Institute and tho Saunders family. Interment took place Moday after- noon in Hanover cemetery, Rev. F. G. Harding of the Anglican Church here officiating at the obsequies in the absence of her own minister, ill at his home in Hanover. In July last she was» stricken with paralysis, from which she never re- covered fully, and a final stroke on Monday preceding her death hasten- ed the end. Besides her sorrowing husband, and one son, Andrew, both on the homestead, she leaves four brothers: Mark and William Willis, in Bent- inck; Wellington Willis in Winnipeg and Nelson Willis in Tacoma, Wash- ington. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Clendenning, in Winnipeg. DEATH OF IRS. THOS. IOANULTY NEW ALIBI POUND FOR MOUNT FOREST BANK ROBBBRS APCOl'lllng to a Toronto dispatch a Deputy Sheriff of Texas has come to the defense of Lloyd Austin and Floyd Nolan who were expected to appear before the extradition (om- missioner in New York Saturday on a charge of robbing the Royal Bank of Canada at. Mount Forest on the night of December 15. According to the Deputy Sheriff. :1 copy of whose deposition has been Received at the Attm'ney-General's Department at 'I‘c'n'nntn. he hml the two men under surveillance or in custody at the time of the bank robbery at Mount, Forest. His original deposition has since been altered twice as to ‘date. Wantedâ€"«A steady, respectable youngmantolotikafteragard and milk; cow who has a good voi and Depositions sent to New York by the Minister of Justice for Canada set. forth that. at least three witness- es have identified the photos of the prisoners as those of men seen in Mount Forest about the time of the robbery. A Mount Forest lawyer has also sworn that a number of Govern- ment bonds stolen from his safety deposit box in the bank corresponds with the number of the bondsJound on the prisoners. Granted that a mistake has been made and that the men under arrest are not Austin and Nolan. they Will still have quite a time exlilaining their possesSion of bonds that were not legally in their possession. We clipped this advertisement out of an American newspaper : accustomed to sing in {he choir. _ . 1" a". ‘5? '4» ”95.“ z m Two luttvi‘s wow road by the Sec- retary, Mrs. Mth-aith, one from Mrs. (Dr.) Farquharson. thanking the so- ciety fur the "In Momoriam'” the so- ciety gave in memory of James and William Furquharson. Mrs. Parqu- haI-son said both she and the D". have many fondfi-ewollections of the time Spvnt in Durham when their 'Sons wow growing frnm buys tn .manhoml. Mrs. Whaley was mos iai‘iprm'iatiw (if ”14- "in Mvmm‘iam" 'giwn in Mr. Whalvy's memory and said thmjv was nuthing thi‘. snoioty (amid g‘iw which \VHlllii lili‘asv Mr. Whalny 11mm. IISSIOIIARY SOCIETY HELD [NAUGURAL IBBTING The Women’s Missionary Society of the Presb3tnrian ( hmch held the first meeting 01' H11 3931‘ 1111 .lanua1v U at “10 [101110 “I .‘ilfis l‘humas Mc- Girr.Althn11gh H11 1133 \3 as sun- my and the roads 111-1133. there 33:15 a good mneting and a good attendance. On Monday night the uti‘it‘ers ot’ (trey Lodge No. ltitl. I. l). t). F.. were installed for the ensuing term. Huâ€" ing to the vou‘ilition of the roads. the I‘).D.tl.M. Mr. Ilardgnan of Arthur was unable to be present and author- ized the appointment of Pas! sum-ml John Ritchie to discharge the duty. To complete the instal'iu: team. Mr. Ritchie. amiminteil Bros. David Nichu 01, \V. l. Ritchie. Charles Ritchie. \V .II".\\lll \V. Laidlaw and \V. Vollet to fill the «liffeient i hairs. and to say the VV ork was well done un- der the circumstances is giving away no secret. The following,r are the officers installed : Bro. Calvin Kinnee. N. G., “ Peter Ramage, V. G., “ Bert Stoneouse. R. 8.. “ Cameron Lauder. F. S.. “ W. H. Smith, Treas. “ R. Giles, R. S. V. G., “ David Nichot. L. S. N. G.. “ Robert McLean. R. S. V. G.. “ Harper McGirr. L. S. V. G.. “ W. McGirr. Warden. “ Thomas Bell. Conductor, “ Robert Whitmore. R. S. S “ John McKenzie L. S. S, “ W. McFadden. I. G.. “ Thomas Whitmore. O. G.. “ .lames A Brow.n Chaplain. There were about thirty- the in attendance amt at the close of the ceremony a light lunch was served. Mrs. Andrew Derby. President, was in the chair and opened the meeting with prayer, followed by a hymn. Mrs. J. J. Smith read the Bible Les- sons aud Mrs. Derby gave the paper, which was out of the new studSr book, "Building: the Nation." on ,ex- ploring pioneer missionary work, going back to the time of Columbus who, after landing on the island, called it, San Salvador, meaning Holy Saviour. \TlliS he did out of thank- fulness for a safe journey. _ . Mrs. A. \V“. H. Lauder runzl an ox- planatory (flmptm- nf the study lmok; ”Building a Nation.” A onllm'm‘m was lakml and Hu- meoting vlnsml with the Lord’s Prayer. 'I‘his m'aym' slu‘mld he mm'o apprmriatml and mum tl‘lomughly understood after thn addrossos given in the chm-rims during the \erk of Prayer. Mrs. Mcfiii'r SPI'VNI ihv ladies with ‘efreshmonts, which were very much nnjoydil and :ifitm' shaking hands with Mrs. Mollii'i' and Miss Rollo. who is unable tn attvnd the meeting. lmt rvgulailv «untrihutos hm' paiH'I‘. thus taki mi interost in all tlw society is having, the lailins took their (leparturv {WM :1 most. pleasant af- tvrnnon. I. 0.0. F. INSTALLATION TOOK PLACE MONDAY Peas ....... x ............ i .35 Hay ........................ Butter ..................... Eggs ....................... Pptatoes, per bag‘. ......... Hldes ...................... Sheepskins ................. Chickens, per lbw; Geese ...................... Corrected January 18, 1923. Live hogs ................... S 9.25 Wheat .................. 1.08 @ 1.10 Oats ......................... 40 (it: 45 Barley .................... .55 @ 60‘ Buckwheat ................ .60 @ 05 Peas ...... a. ............ 1 .35 @ 1.40 Hay ........................ 10. 00 Butter ..................... .30 Potatoes, per bag‘. ......... 50 Hides ...................... .07 Sheepskins ................. .50 Chickens, per mm; .20 Geese ...................... 15 @ 18 Ducks ...................... 20 @ 23 Turkeys ........... , ........ .35 A BOO-font tc-mpm'ax‘v susg'wnainn bridge was thrown acrms tho Wit» liamntto Rivm‘ atDregm City. Hm»- gon, recently in thirteen h-j‘urs. Th0 socioty is in good shape finan- cially. has a mvmhorship of «.WN‘ seventy and is gl‘mving gradually. DURHAM MARKET For‘infomntion write email on Timber Wanted Basswood Heading Bolts, Track Ties and Fence Posts. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE DUKE“ ROYAL ARCH “80KB INSTALLED OFFICERS HONDA! The installation and investment of «officers in the local Chapter of Royal Arch Masons took place at the Ma- sonic Hall here on Monday evening. The installation ceremony was con- ducted by V. Ex. Comp. W. E. Clark, assisted by Ex: Comp. S. D. Croft. Af- ter the installation and investment, a social time was spent, after which refreshments were Served. The fol- lowim: are the officers installed and invested : Ex. Comp. D. B. Jamieson, I.P.Z. Comp. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL “ T. M. McFadden, J. S. Ex. Comp. W’. E. Clark, D. of (1. Comp. '1‘. Hendmsnn M. 4th V. F. F. Mclhaith, M. 3rd V. D.(‘. "ltmn M. ‘2nd V. “ R. Moorhead, M. 13*. V. “ Jamvs Burt. Jan. Mrs. Lnsliv'mes of 'l‘omntn is spending a \ka m' SD with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Hudsnn of antim'k. whiln hm- husband is in tho \Vvst, altc-nc'ling'lhv fmwral of his fatlmr. Mr. .lamvs .lmws of Brandon. Manitoba. M '. and Mrs. l‘. 'l‘. Jamioson of lefmt. Sasku SUN“ a mark with her hmtlwr. l)i'. \\ nlfn, and lamily. Th0... loft yvsim‘clay al'tm‘nnon and before i'nlm-ning in tlivii' homv in the Wiest will visit frivmls and i'vlatives in Markdalo. 0mm Sound and in the 'l‘mvnship nl' Al'r‘an. Mr. and Mrs. Jamic-smi have been in the West for tho pflsl, tmi m- e-lown years. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McNally of Landau are Visiting his mother, Mrs. S. l.. McNally. Mr. H. \\'. Hunt, Home of Bentinck, was in 'I‘nmmto (mn- Sunday. Mr. Pvtcr livid, Jr.. has purchased tlw I'm'mvr Lanmlon property on (Inllvgv Sh'm‘t from Mr. R. E. Richâ€" ardsonl Mr. Mnlvin Grvig of Toronto Spent tlw work-0nd with MI‘. and Mrs. W‘. (Ialdm‘. It may be an inherent taste fur martyrdom that. causes a half dress- ed wnman to smile in the face of a north wind. H‘s just. as well that women don’t umlvrstand politics. No man enjoys. lhn knowledge that his We know more than he. If aman is on hiamwm ho, is full of pep. but in the case of :1. woman it. only means French heels. Tho war period gave us many new OXInl‘nSSiOIIS, but it robbed us of “Say when." Wives are people who keep won- daring if the Havenport wouldn‘t look better against the other wall. Correct this sentence: “If you will marry me," he said, “I will 6‘ A LITTLE OF THIS AND THAT We Know How name's GARAGE DURHAM THEATRE Open Friday and Saturday Evenings BATTERIES TWO SHOWS :8 and 9 PM. VET'ERAN STAR presents “TRACKS” THIS WEEK Playgoérs Pictures mp. D. B. Jamieson, I.P.Z. E. A. Hay, Z. E. D. McClocklin, H. W. S. Hunter, J. C. H. Darling, S. E. W. C. Pickering, S. N. ’ J. A. Rowland, Treas. J. F. Grant, P. S. R. E. Richardson, S. S. Stored Recharged Rebuflt and Cured For. never look at another woman as long as I live.” \ Some of the idiots are behind tall iron fences and some are behind steering wheels. The bloom at youth is charming unless it blooms a little higher in one cheek than in the other. If a woman has no children. how does she relieve her feelings when another woman snubs her? it-won’t remove the poison from bootleg hoo'tch. When the average man picks up the newspapers he has scattnroi he thinks he is a great help about thv house. The pilo you make this year will be an ash Dill" first. Patriots who kick about paying war tax should be thankful that they are not requirmi to salute while do- ing it. Corrnct this suntoncv : “Julut.” said the wifo after five years. “I don’t mind a little kissing. but I don‘t like $0 much of it.” In England lhoy hang a woman for mm'oly killing her lmshaml.-â€"Bull'al«_y Cummvrcial. In justice to the O.'I‘.A., it should not be condemned till some parties in T(;n'mltu have tried it.â€"-T0ront0 Telegram. (h-rm‘any van‘t 800111 to understand how Franco (-nn bu so “milkâ€"Buf- falo (Jnmmnrcial. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, ’23 Tae begin wi’mtlu- Chairman wull spec] the platform aboot auchl. 0’ clock. an a” the lads and lassies wull sing thogither Admission 35c. All Seats Rese_r_ve_(_l. “ANNIE LAWRIE“ Scotland‘s National Anthem wull noo be gi’en by the Choir. Then we'll hae abit speechie frae THE MEENIS’I’ER N00 we’ll ham 3 sang tree a brave thel an’ ithers wha wull honor the day by the sang “BURNS AND SCOTLAND YE!" For a bit change we’ll noo hae a talk on Robbie himsel'. A Jacobite sang is aye in order. It. wull be a guid ane. Did ye ever see a fish wife? \Veel. ye’ll baith see an’ hear ane singing as natral as life “CALLER HERRIN’ ' You’re gang tae hear a bricht Scotch sang frae four wee tots “WHEN YE GANG AWA‘ JAMIE“ We’ll n00 see 80M ETHIN’ OREEGINAI. We‘re mo telling. A bonnie lassie. will non be gi'en a SCOTCH READING N00 this Scotch choir wull he Singin' a grow) of auld timers that we all We. ’ Canna’ hae nwre muckle n‘ a mid thing. 'l‘wn lassies will non sing.- “WHEN THE BONNIE HEA’I‘HFH IS BI,O(')MING” Faith may remuve mountains. but Grand Scofch Concert Dinna Forget tae get a guid Sate for the Henderson’s START 1923 RIGHT in thehTOON' HA,§DURHAM on Robbie Burns" Birthday---Scotland’s Bard HENDERSON’S BAKERY ' Makers of GOOD BREAD (Under Auspices Durham Presbyterian Choir“: Christmas holidays often induce a longing to get back to plain wholesome foods that beget good digestion. A prime favorite, for overs of food that 15 plain, yet de- licious and wholesome 1s PART ANE W33“ PROGRAMME: Plan at McFadden’s Drug Store. I” szxx's: Pius IX, Mom “For three years, I was 3 “Hi“ yufeurfi'on Dyspepsia and my general health was very bad. I consulted s physician and took his medicine but I did not improve; ana finally beta“ me tint I could not be cued. SA'Ifl HE 800“] NEVER BE Wfll Miss Bloomâ€"Jack says hv amnn-ns mp because I am the picture» of lmalth. Miss Ryvalâ€"Hc always “as «23.3 fm‘ anything hand-painted. BORN Noblorâ€"III Boutinvk, on January 16. lo MI“. and Mrs. va‘gv A. XHIII“. a daughter. Rahort<tbn.-â€"lu Cluéslvy. un Janu- ary 5. to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. lit‘flbm'mun fnrmm'ly at Durham. :1 sun ml 2m ('iordonT'. At this time, a friend sdvilod no N try “Ma-lives”. After akin; m boxes, I was greatly relieved; and this fruit medicine made me cow ML My digestion and geneul hell. no now splendid”. A‘n‘ om' guid Kingâ€"juist honor hum by a verse 0' “GOD SAVE THE KING" Just hae your lugs clean an’ ye wui! hear the language our first parents spake in the Garden of Eden. Several fair lassies are noo ga’en tap gae us an mver pretty exm'mse. \‘n'll be sure tae like it. Wad a’ the lads and lassios risv n00 an' jine in singin‘ a verse 0' “ACLU LANG SYNE" Wilson.â€"ln I'Mn'ham. un .lamzaq: 10, 10 Mr. and Mrs, Samuel \Vllsvn. a A brave Scotch ”Hunt, wull non we ane 0' Burns’ best, love sang: “O A’ THE AIRTS THE \VIND CAN BLA\V“ Syne we'll hac a duett. An auld Scatch ane by twa auld froene' “H00 CAN YE GANG! AUDI!“ “WE’RE A” SCOTCH HERE" Am: 0‘ 001' ain lassies will mo favor us. She‘s a bricht ane. “OH SING TAE ME THE A! Ll: SCOTCH SANGS“ An‘ noo we ga‘en to hue a but word true a- true Scotty whn lo‘vs Rob- bie Burns. Hand youd wheesht for some Ends an’ lassies are gi‘en us a HIGHLAND SCHO'I‘I‘ISCHE 50o t box. 6 for $2.50, trial sisal“. At deders or sent postpnid h Faith-fives Limited. Ottun. MP ('m‘tio. how's somethin‘ aixfm. A real Highland laddic wult unrâ€" form on the kist 0‘ whustles. Ye‘ll a” be Scotch when ye listen tae this male solo and chorus. “Fain-mes” Bastard Mmmflum Thursday, January it. 1033 GASPARI) DUBARD. PART '1‘\\'.\ Bread

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