Colds and la grippe are all the fashion these days, even the Mayor of the town has been somewhat used up. We are glad to say he is on the Mr. Jake Smith treated his friends and neighbors to a party on Thurs- day night. All report a good time. Mrs. Joseph Neal of \Veyburn. Swim. and Mrs. Joseph Gillespie of Hall. were guests of Mr. John Kirby and family for a few days last week. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Horsburgh and children spent Friday with Mr. 3nd Mrs. P. Cornish. Smith improving. , (Our own correspondent. \. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurston, re- cently married, were given a shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. deCud- There has been nu church service for two weeks on account of the.- ill- npss of the Rev. Mr. West. Wt;- are glad to repurt that he is improving. more on Thesday evening last week when they were presented with a handsome library electric lamp and pretty cut glass vase. There was a large adhering of the young couple’s friends and a merry time was spent until midnight. The Band, of which the moon is a member, serenaded There was‘ a large attendance at the Pfeehyterien Church on Tuesday evening last week when Proton Guild pnid the Guild here e Internal visit. Devotional weren’t“ were ï¬rst con- meted by the visitors. flies lend Aeheeon presiding. lies Ade Ache.- “ are an agellenï¬ paper. .91: wee Med all! very PIC-line with The weathm' has bo-en wry thalm‘able,'makixng coughs and ('uMS quite plentiful. me groom is a u the happy couple}. Another howl-ring miwting will be held on \Vo'ilnesday of this \wok. 'l'hvy think â€my have sutured mough members for the running war. The Creamery Co. is putting in the season’s supply of ice. The Smith Bros. are doing the cutting and the farmers are dning th» draw- in: and packing. The ice is not an heuvy as that of last year. but nf good quality. Mr. and Mrs. Young, and son Geo. leave this Wednesday for 'l‘ui'nntv. where they will visit friends before going West to their home at linit)‘. The training course along agri- cultural lines and conducted by Mr. 1'. 8. Cooper of Markdale is being well patronized. Much practical work is being done. (Our own ctvrreSpondcm. Mrs. Dan. McKnchnie spent a clay recently with her friend, Miss Hos- lip. Mrs. Hugh Macdonald and 3011 Kenneth spent a week with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. William Honess, at Crawford. Mr. Arthur (érm‘nwud has lmught Mr. James Vaughan's big piio- ut‘ wood and is busy hauling it to Dur- Mr. John Mcszie had the mis- fortune tn lose one of his ï¬ne horses. Thvn- are quite a number of horses dropping 0“ suddenly. Mrs. Gillan Boyd has been So-rimns- ly ill. We hepe she will sown he in her usual health. Mr. and Mrs. John Laughlin and niece Miss Glenny Young. Visited with her aunt, Mrs. Boyd, on Thurs- day. (Our own correspondent.) Mr. Arthur Simpson is engaged with Mr. Alex. Fletcher for a few wm'ks. Mrs. W. H. Rogers received the and news of the death of little Jes- sie McCaw, only daughter of Mr. and Ira. Fred MoCaw of Avo'nlea, Sask. Mr. Ernest Grownwood has â€In con- tract Of taking all the timber out of the lot north of the river for Mr. J. Ichechnie of Durham. Rev. Mr. Amos of Palmerston oc- cupied the pulpit in the Presbyter- ian Church last Sabbath on account d the illness of Rev. Mr. Scott. We are pleased to hear all the gmppe pativnts are recovering. (Our own correspondent.; Mr. Arthur Irvin, wife and little non of Duluth returned tn the village last Wednesday. Arthur left here last spring and took emplt..yment with the Duluth Transportatiun (30.. but he decided that employment in Ontario was good enough for him. Mesprs. George Fenton and J. Johns of L.O.L. N0. 2296 aftended the (minty meeting of the L.O.L. in Dur- ham on Monday. lessrs. Ramage and Huang have completed the township audit. Hr. W. 1:2. Hamstreet of London has charge of the Communion Class on mm. o! the illness of lies Snyder, who is slowly improving. Glad to report Mrs. M. Kinney, rs. W. McEachnie, Elmer and Irene PAGE EIGHT. Orchard. 'l‘he \\'nmeu'.~' Institute here gave a gnml entertainment in the High Srhuoi on Wednesday evening last. Hunt the atttmilanee was nut as large lus hupml fur. there being utl’u'l' at- ‘trurtinns. 'l'he prweei‘ls, huwewr. were uwr $30. Reeve LVlr'l‘aVish he- rupiml the ehair and the prc‘igmm was pleasing throughout. The young [it-uplt' Hf Spl'lllg Hi“ put on A“) play which were humnrous and well given, the acturs all taking their parts splem'lii‘lly. Mr. G, W. Littlejnhns gave twn very taking Scott-h songs in which he was re- called, and later. by request, sang one ever again. Mr. and Mrs. McFadden sang: a hunmruus duet which was hetirtily enrured and Mr. McFadden l't‘SlN'Ilt't‘d with a wellâ€"rendered 80h), 'l‘wu readings by Mrs. Bairnes were well given and heartily applauded. Mrs. Blackburn and Miss Mildred tlaswell gave a pretty piano duet in; which they were recalled. The Ma-. ple Lear was heartily sung by thel audience. After a lengthy illness Mr. Jacob Thompson, a lifelong and well- known resident of Artemesia, passed away at his late home on the East Back Line OIL. Friday, February 2, aged 66 years. Mr. Thompson spent most of his life on the farm. indust- rious and hard working, but on ac- count (5 his health conducted the Park House here for a few years and also lived at Markdale. In religion he was a Presbyterian and a member of Chalmer’s Church here. He was married near this village t5 years ago to Miss Sarah Irwin. who sur- vives him, together with two sons and two daughters, Fred, in the West; Robert, near Elesherton; Mrs. B. O. Ferris, Fleshertou; and Mrs. W. H. Holley, Markdale. Mr. David Thompson of this place, who is very ill. is a brother. The funeral took place on Monday to Meatord Road cemetery, service being conducted at the house by the family pastor, Rev. F. G. Fowler. T he annual meeting of Chalmer’s Church held Thursday afternoon last was well attended and very harmon- ious. The pastor. Rev. F. G. Fowler, presided, and Mr. '1‘. R. McKenzie was secretary. The reports presented showed a prosperous year, there be- ing an increase in giving over the previous year. The Session reported about 80 per cent. of the member- ship regular in attendance at the church services. Nine new members were added, seven on profession of faith. Baptisms 23, deaths M. The ï¬nancial report showed all liabili- ties met and a good balance on hand in each department. The giving to Missions both by envelope contribu- tions and the W.M:.S, exceeded well the previmis year. In the election of otl'irers D. Mc'l‘avish, George Cairns, James Harrison and George Stewart were re-elected on the managing board and Charles Stewart was el- ected Chairman of the board. A. M. (tilehrist was re-elected secretary- treasurer and J. E. McKee and Ward Harrison auditors. Mrs. Joseph Blackburn was l‘B-t‘lt‘Cth organist and choir leader and Mrs. McCallum assistant organist. Wtard Harrison and Will Irwin were appointed to receive the otl'erings and to act as ushers with James Harrison and Geo. Stewart. .\ resolution was ad0pted comeying the thanks of the congre- gation to Mr. Robert Purvis, of Eu- genia. for the use of his machine and his time gratuitously given at the building of the manse cement garage. Rev. Henry Miller of Vancouver, BI}... has numerous relatives. in this place and Vicinity who deeply sym- pathize with him in his loss by the death of his beloved wife a few days after an operation. The deceased was brought up at. Thornton, Simcoe «gonnty, and Mr. Miller brought the remains East last. week for interment at t'lookslmvn. he was a Presbyterian and a member of Chalmer’s Church here. He was duration from a married near this village 45 years ago to Miss Sarah Irwin. who sur- vives him, together with two sons and two daughters, Fred, in the West; Robert, near Flesherton; Mrs. R. O. Ferris, Flesherton; and Mrs. W. H. Holley, Markdale. Mr. David Thompson of this place, who is very ill, is a brother. The funeral took place on Monday to Meatord Road cemetery, service being conducted at the house by the family pastor, Rev. F. G. Fowler. The press dispatch from Vancou- ver in the daily papers last week re- porting the mysterious disappear- ance for a few days of Dr. J. W. Ma- han, was a surprise to his old friends here, who hepe he may not haveImet with misadventure. Dr. Mahan re- sided here so years ago when his V__â€"-‘â€"-â€"â€"'.. V.‘ After an illness or four amu’. months' paralytic stroke, Mrs. William J. Henderson passed away at her late home in Flesherton on Saturday, February 3, 1923, aged 67 years. The deceased, whose maiden name was Jane Isabella Mor- ton, was born at Napanee, but when only a few weeks old was brought by her parents to Wareham neigh- borhood, where they settled and where she was brought up and lived until thirteen years ago when she came with her husband to this vil- lage. In 1876 she was married by the late Rev. H. 8. Matthews to Mr. Henderson, who survives her togeth- er with the following children: Robert, at Moose Jaw, Bash; Mrs. Harry Lowick, 'Bstterum, Sash; Mrs. Percy Russell and Miss meme, at Weyburn, Sash; Mrs. George Block-x burn, near mm and In father was pastmd tlelethodist Christina mimetic... Am; The friends here of the Rev. G. Sydney Smith, pastor at the Metho- dist Church, Woodbridge,_-Who was born and brought up at Flesherton, sympathize with him in his bereave- ment by the death of his beloved wife. who had been an invalid for many years. Her girlhood was spent at Bradford, where her remains were taken for burial. A moccasin dance put on at the rink on Wednesday night last met \\ ith limited patronage, but we learn those who took part enjoyed the ev ent. Mrs. W. J. Boyd entertained the Sewing Circle at her home on Wed- iwsday evening last when over 25 ladies spent a pleasant time at the weekly social event. - music. games, etc. Proton orchestra and Spring Hill orchestra supplied music. The home Guild served re- frcshnwnts and the event. was pro- nuunced a gredt success. Tho oxokrntiw of the Presbyterian Guild wore ontorta‘inml at the home of tho prnsiclont, James Harrison, on Monday «wening when plans were made for the Guild’s annual Val-en- tine' social. At the Methodist Young People’s meeting on Monday night the ï¬rst sixteen chapters of Acts were given special study and with profit. Mr. Robert Trimbte is home from Stratford visiting his mother in her illness. Mr. Samuel Henderson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston, Dun- dalk, and Mr. and! Mrs. W. Morton, Wareham, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Henderson on Tuesdav. Owing to the very inclement wea- ther On Sunday the congregation.~ at the churches were small and sen iees were held in the school rooms at 9h» Presbyterian and Methodist churches owing to the din'iculty in heating above. ,In the latter church cum- munion was postponed until next Sunday. Miss Shirlvy Murray came up {ram 'l‘ornntn tn spend the week-end at her home and attnnd thn funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. W3. J. Hender- Mrs. (D12) Murray and Miss Oke \‘isitml Mrs. Lundy Johnston, Moa- fnrd Rnad, a day last “wok. Mr. J. .-\. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stevens. Mrs. Aivx. Ketching, and Mrs. MrNirnll 0f Mr'l‘icr were week- end \'i~'it«:yrs with thn Iairns families and xvi-r0 vntvrtaiiwd at a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns on Mnndny M'vning. Miss Edna Ferris was home from Toronto owr the \wek- end and to attend tho funeral of her grandfathm Ml. Jacob Thompson. Mr. Jack Higginbotham of Winni- peg, grandson of the late ll. J. Sproule of this place, who is in the legal profession, received his call to the bar recently. Congratulations to the young barrister. Miss Reynolds of Beeton has been engaged as assistant in the Public school in the place of Miss Nelson. who has resigned owing to the se- vere illness of her brother at Mono, whom Sll‘t? visited over the week- end. Mrs. George Stewï¬Ã©rt BfWâ€"ey'burn, Sask., is visiting her sister, Mrs. '1‘. Lewis and family. Mrs. (1)12" 'I‘urnhull is visiting for a rm days with friends in Torontn. Mrs. T. E. Aikonhoad of Toronto visited her sister. Mrs. Hickling'. and other relatives part of last week. Mrs. Wilfrvd Graham of Markdalc Spent part of last week with her mother, Mrs. S. Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plcwes are ill with grippr and under the doctor’s care. Mrs. W. 'l‘rimblo whom we report.- ed ill last, week with a paralytic stroke is, we are pleased to learn, showing some improvemant. Her daughter, Mrs. Hodgson of lslington is with nor to assist in nursing. A number or the hockey players hem», took in tho lmckny match at Shelbum‘r- cm Friday night last. We learned with pleasure last week that Mrs. (Rem) lkalfry of Huntsville, formerly of this place, was presented with a valuable wrist watch by the church choir of which she is leader. Mrs. Henry Down’s friends ° are pleased tn see her recovered from recent severe illness. Miss King’s Sunday school class in the Methodist Church held a candy sage on Saturday afternoon and re- alized $5 for their work. A snow automobile invented and built by Mr. George Brackenbury, mechanic in the Mc'l‘avish garage here, is attracting much attention. The front is built on two runners, with'steering wheel attached and the rear end is supported by double tire wheels with deep flanges, to prevent sliding. The machine will travel through one to two feet of loose snow and on fairly firm made a speed of twenty to thirty miles can be made. Mi. Eaton of ChatSw orth was in town last week with a simi- lar car which also attracted attenâ€" tion. Church. He made many friends and was popular with all. ' THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mrs. James Johnston. Dundalk, are the last surviving members of their family. The bereft ones all have the sympathy of many friends in their sorrow. From girlhood Mrs. Hender- son was a faithful member of the MethOdist Church, taught in the Sunday school and was interested'in all Christian work. She was a de- voted wite and mother whose mem- ory will long be cherished by her husband and children. Outside her home she was beloved by all for her 'kindly spirit and unselï¬sh disposi- tion, always ready to serve wherever she could." The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, service being' held in the Methodist Church conducted by the Rev. F. G. Fowler in behalf of the pastor, who was ill. The text for the sermon was Mark 1 :35,-and fav- orite hymns of the deceased were sung. An appropriate selection was rendered by the choir. Beautiful floral tributes were given. among them being wreaths from the fam- ily; son Robert and wife; James Orr; Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Henderson; the Sunday school and Adult Bible class; sickle and sheaf, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray; sprays, F. H. W‘. Hickling and stafl‘; the telephone staff, and the church choir and others. tle eon, Hartley, died 22 years ago, and the eldest daughter, Mrs. E. C. Murray, died nearly seven years ago. Mr. William Morton, Wareham, and “In IBIS?!“ “I! "I! How strong is the bond between sisters? [8 it stronger if they are twine? “Her Majesty," the PIM- soers‘ feature presenting Mollie King and Creighton Hale at the Veterans Star Theatre Thursday and Friday} of this week depicts the romance of twin sisters. A college youth meets one sister and falls in love with her. Then he meets the other twin and. thinks she is the same girl. The second sister keeps up the deception, for this air. tation enables her to carry on a clan- destine romance with a man whom her aunt has forbidden her to see. A mix-up in hearts naturally results. “Her Majesty‘\ contains comedy. dra- ma and romance galore. Miss King plays both sisters. The comedy this week will be the Hall Room Boys, Percy and Ferdie in “All At Sea.†Rev. E. Cameron. B.A.. 8.111., Pastor. and", hit-nay 1171.38. A.ll.-â€""l‘he Author's Work." . P.M.â€"4“The Challenge.†Notice is hereby given pursunnt to the Ontario lnsunnce Act R.S.0.. Sec. 127, ilhnp. 183, that the nnnunl meeting of the Grey Bruce Fire Insurance Company will he held in the Council Chunhers in the Town of Hnnover on Friday, the 16th day of Fehnm'y. £923, at 2 o'clock in the tflernoon, to receive the Auditors Report. for the election of Directors l0?!“ 0! “IDLI- "HIRE “I?!" CUM “In“! flu-Idâ€. PM C. “II. (Second Sermon.) WM. Rm Secy, Phone “8, Hmover, Ont