port of expenditure on Township Roads 1922 re Government subsidy, 810.00; Confederati- Ullico, printing Iccount 1922. $2.04; W. W'. Ramage and Walter Hastie. Auditors. $18.00 etch: Municipal World, seven con- ieo, 37.00; J. B. Philp, use of Hall, nomination meeting, $5.00; E. Robb. port payment in collecting, 810.00; B. Gibson, use of room. $2.;00 mem- bers of Council, attendance at meet- “. “2 .M. Med. council “loaned to meet Monday larch 12 at 10 o‘clock on: for son- ..I business. (Eroatâ€"Aberdeinâ€"Jl‘hat the follow- in; accounts he paid : Clerk, for re- gistration of 61 Births. 15 Marriages. :9 Deaths, $26.25, for making out, pp- \V. W. Ramamr and Walter Hastiv, Audltnl's. pl'v'~-o*!m-d thril' l'o'l‘ml'l lu thn clouucn. Abprdcin 4.:‘0utâ€"Jl'hat. the Audit- ors‘ Report. bl- received and adopted, and 200 cmm-s printed for distribu- lion.«4;arrml. By-law Nu. 2.19. iixim: thw ro-mun- nation nf mwniwrs nt‘ cluuncil whin- attenohng mevil "Hurting: and Cnnmmlvv lllmttillgs at. tlw sum of $3.00 [my day. and fur nwx'sm‘ing work 111 UUIIHM'UUH with maul im- [vrni'o'mo-nts .31 the sum Hf 30 cvnts pvl' hnnr, was passo-cl. L'alclnrâ€"Aln-rolainâ€"That. the ap- pointinr 0f I’anmusto-m be left «m-r untrl next "muting 01' Gounci|.â€"Car. Groat~AhurdeinuThat Mr. McIn- neu be instructed to attend to the wants of thuse' DPODIC until such time as the Council deals with the. matter.â€"â€"Carried. Mr. Charles Mclnnes waited upon the Council in reference to a Mr. and Mrs. Willism'nt‘t who are residing in the Townshm amt are in destitute circumstances. ThP adjumnu- .t â€f account blew'n the Pnlicn \‘.l"s.."v Truslves and â€In Comm! for u,‘:« yc-nr‘ 192? ammmtml In [hr sum '3! $2-37».653. said amHum boring." placed to.- thr «rum Hf HIP l’u- licv Villagv «H‘ Holstvin. cZalolm-i-«A.hurdniuâ€"Jl'hat the Coun- ty 'l‘roasure-r :w» instructed tn m'asv Ilium his harms llu- arm-31's Hf turn-s appvaru g :wrn-‘t part Lot ‘17. Con. 17.4181‘1'f6‘6‘ UK“biltâ€"-~U:H\h'f‘â€"-:rhal the report 1'0 lhv 'I'ro-asm'wâ€.~ survtios lw rvceivml and adapted and Councillor Abordein I‘m-MW Hu- mm of 75 emits fws fur ngistl')‘ (MW ,. and $1.50 for his sw- \ ic'o‘S.â€"~(_Ial'l'n u 3. I'luuncil any. February '12, members q}! pro-smut mzwpting Cuuncillor Mc- Dougulol. win was unavoidably ab- Sm! through death of a l'vlativc. â€mutt-s row! and adopted. Council- IOr,.»\lwrdmn_J -;m1°tml having wareh- cu 'Hn- Raglan-v Ufl’ivv [‘0' £th 'l'l‘oas- un-T's suretw‘ and found them sat- i§fat‘fo’l‘.\'. )Par buiiders have bet-n Helm; waurhsim Mlh om- another in the (-onaIrnc-t (U the» pl lion of those» cars to provide the“ The s ï¬nest otm-rzaï¬on facilitivs along?’ versely with the wuimum of comfort At ' aisle. as Fm yo-ars transcontinental rail- '\.,;_u in \nzerica have tried out unions types of observation cars t; rough 1h» mountains. the objec- nn- being to gite their patrons the best possible views of the scenery. Son)» of-vthem have been simply open platform cars. with no pl'U!(’l‘- tion from (hr sun or in('i+-mw" weather h ntmn tn bun» side of the car he is almost qwruin to be missing some- thing \‘e-rj.’ wonderful on the other VMP. Canada has some of the most! magniï¬cent mountain scene ry in the w.urld a» anyone who has travelled through the northern Canadian. Rockies knows The scenery is so! varied. so full of surprises. that it (no traw-IIvr gives his constant at- Mount Robson, 13,069 Feet, Is the H. EGREMONT COUNCIL M Allan, Clerk. Hxim: thw ro'mun- e nt‘ tlnuncil while "Hurting: and gs at. tlw sum of lulght aftvr' llv had failml t0 uxpluin his lvn lmm‘s’ ahsvnm‘ from llnmu to how vnlirv salisl‘actinn, shv laid him :lc‘l'u.“ lu-r knows and spankml him unlll hn sl’n'ivkml submission. "lt' ulhm- win-s took llwir 'hus- hands in hand as you have (lune, Hlmlys, {mu-1' ul‘ «4111' cilizvns \V’Hllld l».- fouml lnilering in the street drunk and thus gutting in troubln with tlw gull‘t't'." thn jurlgv said. “For a year ynn will lw in charge of your hus- hzmol. whn is placwl 0n probamm.“ Joseph was in court to face a rharge of having liquor in his pos- session. He was arrested at 9.30 o‘- rloek am. and was released to go home after an arraignment in high court. He reached home about mid- night, he said. Gladys demanded an explanation of the absence, he said. and he told her he had been arrested and was up in court. Furthermore, he told her he would have to appear in the morning. "Ynu‘Vo' dune. a gmul SPI‘VH'I' in this cuurt." Judge Cotter told Hm with. fullmving her assertion and â€In husband's zulmissinn that 'l‘uvsclay Gladys got Hw job after shv cun- \'in(rml the ,judgn that pulling: her .wpnllï¬c' acrnss her know and spanking him until hr yelled quits was 110 mum! trying a task than making hm‘ hrvakfast mnmkvs. Fur nun year Mrs. Gladys Lessynâ€" ski. .‘H yvai-s nlil and muscular. will ili‘i as :awwial pruhatimi officm' (m imhiilf Hf .hldgi' 'I‘hnlllas M. CUMPI‘ Hf lili-.llo'('.>:‘.ii-i"s iluul'I. Duh'oit. Mich. During that [M‘l'ilid hm“ solo and im- mmliah- charge will in) nono othnr than Mr husband. Joseph, 30. naughâ€" ty, thungh timid. and 1055 brawny- armi-d than his hotter half. SPOUSB SOUNDLY SPANKED BY HUSKY DETROIT W'IFB This car might almost be de- scribed as a sun-room on wheels. in view of the large percentage of glass used in its construction. it is regulation size. with a closed-in section 44. feet long and a spacious open compartment at each end where passengers mav enjoy the» Open air. The interior of the car has sixteen large windows on each side running from the seat arm rests to the ceiling. These win- dow: are i it 5 in high bx“ 28 in. Wit)». having two panes of glass ‘34 u. hr 24 in. one above the other. There are also two of these win- dows at each end of the car. one at each side ot‘ the door leadinu out 'm ‘ to the platform. I The seats are arranged trans-j wrsely on each side of a centre: last the Canadian National Railway shops at Leaside. Toronto. have turned out a car which has all the rvquisites. m :m uv'dinary car. thvrv ghest Peak in the Canadian Rockies These cars are to be used on U)» Mountain Division of the Canadian National Railways. and Will enable travellers to ViRW the majestic Scenery on both sides of the ca: “ith the "1!"th vase) and comfort One of thew new cars was ex. hibited at Toronto Exhibition last year for the ï¬rst time. and 150.0mi people inane-clad the car during Um fair. It was very favorably com- mmxted upon The car in many ways is an innovation. and mark, another advance move by our No- lional Lino-s. a physirian whn has vxan‘iinml thv child. tlmrv arr â€10 rmlimnnts nf an pm- «Hi (mo siutv (if the taro, hut thr‘rn is no sign whatever of our on thv nther siclv, 'l‘hvrr are nu canals by which iilt' child will 1w ahlr t0 iu‘al‘. Doctors (heclare that tlw child will nvwr l'w ahlo- tn talk. owing to tlw fact. that it will never hear others. The pal‘mits of ttw child are Bim- heim residents. being sixteen double seats on each side providing seating capacity for 64 passengers. The platforms pro- vide capacity for 36 additional persons. The entire car side fram- ing is of steel. with the interior ï¬nished in British Columbia cedar. stained mahogany. The interior is equipped with the. most up-to-daie ventilators. electric light and shades. BORN WITHOUT EARS .\ must mum and unfm‘tunatn casn nf nhnurmal childbirth in Chatham is n-pm-tml. 'l‘hv child in quvstinn was hm'n \Vitlmut. oars. According In “Nu, judgu. lw'll gvt his suppm‘. Hwn Hw spanking. and he‘ll mam'h In lwd afh'r that." (ilu’qus «‘_>xplaim‘d. "AI-p you guing tn put, him to bod withunt his sumwr?" Hm court. ask- ml. "\VMI. Judgv. if you want mm In. I'll spank him vwry day." Gladys told Hw (’mn't :IHPI‘ Shv was ('mn'inc- ml hvx' husband really had been in a muss with thv law. "He'll get a spanking t«_)-night,.†'J‘hvl'mwnn, .lnsoph said. Hm wifv grahlwd him by the 1mm 0!‘ his nvck “IIHI strnlrhm] him cm-r hm' knvos. Slw spankml and spanked until he scrvanml. In- said. Aftvl‘ that slur told him tn :1†In lwd. prumising m avcumgn :tj' him tn rum-t \V'mlm'sday. been doing. You‘ve boon out having a gmul tiuw with ymu' drunken friends." THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. (Milford Cnopvr has relurnmi i'i-nm a Visit with frivnds in Tommi“ and St. (Zalharim-s. .Mi'. \Vvsluy Spai‘rnw of Toronto was a wwkwml visitor with fI‘iPlHiS in tho Villilgl‘. Mr. Albert McDonzild of Thom- bury visited with his mother and hmtho-rs last Saturday. 'l‘lw Missvs Foo wmw' gur‘sts Hf their cousin, Miss (ivrtrude Minion. for a few days rocnntly. Mrs. Manse.“ llmvitt is Spending a fmv «lays with relatives at Massio. Mrs. Conn has Snld lwr residence in Mrs. William Hmnplnn. uur town- ship treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Hamp- lnn will lw mHVing‘ mm “10 \‘illagt‘ in llw m-ar l'ulm'v. Littlv Miss Baum Hamilton â€1' (Ihatswurth is spvnding :1 few days with her cousin, Miss Kathlven Ham- ilton. Miss Hannah Mitchell of Borkvluy spvnt Thursday afternoon with hm‘ frimni. Miss livssiu- McKinley. Mrs. l’alril'k Matthews is wry ill with puvumnnia. Little hopo is hold fur lu'l' I'N‘ovm'y as Slip is 86 )‘(V‘al‘s Hf ago. Mrs. I’vacock of 'l‘umntn is with 1101' muthm'. Mrs. MalUu-ws, «luring: hm' illness. Missvs Lucille Stephens and Mur- ivl Walker of Max'kdale were guests nf Miss Alma Shula (war the wvok- mm. HOLLAND CENTRE The Mission Circle of the M‘BUWâ€" «list, Church were pleasantly untur- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrvlly on Monday mon- . (I m... A number of “UP Village [maple haw [won sick with the flu but all are recm'ering. Mr. G. Jaynos 01' lmtlnbridgo. who has bran Visiting Mrs. A. dutlvdgo. In†last. wwk to visit at, 'l‘nmmtu and (:thur paints beforv returning West. Mr. John Cairns, Mr. Stvvons. Mr. Kitchen, Mrs. McBeth, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and daughter I salwl- In of Mc’l‘icr were visitors for :1 WW “days with Mr. and Mrs. F. l). Cairns. Mr. George Hazard spent, :1 wupic nf days last week in Usprw)’. Miss \Vyvillu nf Max'kdalv is 3 \’IS itor at Mr. Malhmvsou‘s. 'l‘hcrc. arc many children used up with severe colds. only six :~'-Ch(l!al‘% living present at school Monday. Quite a nnniln-r from how look in tiw hockcy match at Shrllinrnue Fri- ulay c-Vcning, while others attmnlml tlir cnnccrt at Flcshcrtnn. Many will lcarn with regret that Mrs. Simons (ncc Viula 'I‘clford) hail passccl smldcnly away at. hcr hump in Kingston on Wledncsday lust. Nu particulars are at hand. Mrs. Simons when a little. girl resided at um place with her parents. hcr fathur bring section forrmnn lirrc. We are glad to ropo..'i Mr. l-‘rwi Wright, whn is quite ill a; time of writing, slightly impnmd. Messrs. F. D. Cairns aml Snowdcn McLeod gave a dance. in the hall to 'Iheir friends Friday evening. Miss Jean Collinson. who spent a week with Tomato friends. has re- turned home. SKATES SHARPENED REPAIRING ALL KINDS MACHINERY Machine Shop Circular and Cross-cut Saws Gummed and Sharpened. Sat- isfastion Guaranteed. Machinht. Etc. Nearly opposite Post ()fTiCt Durham COCKSHUTT AGENT - - DURHA “IVBRYTHING IN FARI IACHINEBY†CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS CLOSED WHILE JOY PALACES OPEN (Walkurton llc-ralol and 'l‘imvs.‘ ’l‘lw loval srhunls havint.r boon clos- ml for annihvr wwk by request of tho Board of Health. while tho. churches, on similar authority. withdrew their sc-rvirvs on Sunday night, Sumo Whu art-u apparmtly strong on scrnplvs rumplainml to the Milli. lhal UHl l’m‘nlm‘cistal lll‘t'llll't‘ll \w'rv holdim.r inc-Minus on work nights, and asking: that it ho stoppml, ADAMS’ SLEIGHS and BRANTFORD CUTTERS WINTER IS COMING! Are You Prepared? See these and get our prices. Renfrew Steel Ranges Gas Engines We have a good atock of In Nearly All Sizes J. SCH UTZ M? I Chief Fm'gusnn was doputnd to take the inattm' tip with one of the lead- m‘s of tho Pontvcostals burn. but the latter. «on ht-ing communicated with very tittingly roplied that they would clnsv up thoir houso of War- ship wht-n the mming-picturo ShOW. curling and skating rinks and other places of amusement tank a sppll Ofl'. Nut much svnsv. hv claimmt. in put- ting thn han un "duration and roli- gion and lotting jny rvmain uncun- tinod hm'v.