In his laws! pictmv "Sks High." he beats tho spew! nf his (mu I u'lvts If amancv nuticv. mean anything. What. with Tony. his: \wmlc-M'ul homo", a gnwl'umc-nt airplanv. 1nd as does tlw intrt‘pid "Tum" in his durmlevil stunts and camm arting. Patrons. htHN‘l't'H' . “ill nut tulmet Priday and Sutuulas nights nt this. week. whom their t'amritu. 'l'nm Mix returns aftm' an absence ul‘ sum-rat months. It is doubtful if wa is a star of ï¬lmdom who holds the» stage Further 11mm town 31'» (.1111 dim lights of the? Bowory. famous in Sung and story. Across H19. water 403111 the lights of ( â€111-y Isla11ol.â€ll11r1» 11119 1113113 111111131111 Manhattan 11111! a†haw their 51013'. as this picture shows, Down in Urennwich Villam- .ulmm‘i all sorts of colors, Sign puns In lbw eating places of Bohemia. Aml mice a week when the Village dance-e. u~- ually On Friday nights, (him: is all the color of a New ()rlvans March liras. ll is'masqum-ailn night. and on» may dress in vwi'ylhiim‘ but“ (Wi'ning i-lolhes. Hm'i' Spanish cav- ulivl's I‘uh slim lili-rs with bold pir- ates and (lanJe wilh Elizabelhan maidens. Fifth Avenue itself gleams bril- liantly but not with the garish. lights of Broadway. There is a soft Sllil- dued tom» about the famous awmm and its lights that thrills. .\ml there an- few lovelier sights than Fifth Awnno on a night whrn a hit of fog settles over Manhattan. 'l‘hm'c is magic in the air and anything. it serms, may happen. And. Lnlmul. as 0. Henry knvw 3n wrll. amthing ofth does happen. But thew an.- other lights than theso' in New York. and many of them aw mm: morn rmnzmtic. No city in ttw world has the cosmopoli- tan touch of New York. Ono stro'vt east of Broadway is Sixth Avenue. where, as U. 0. McIntyre, the famous chmniclor of Manhattan says. "the shiny sorgv of Broadway meets tlw shiny silk of Fifth Avenue.†be it)“ attraction. “Lights of New York" has an amwaling title. The ï¬rst thing visuiiized by the reader is probably BX‘UMIWB)’ and Forty- second aim-u! and the myriad lights of Times SQUIII'P. WE STAB mum OPEN IOU}! MGBTS um WEEK Movie {ans :u-e duv for a treat next Tuesday and Wednesday nights. the 24th and 25th. when the big special picture. "Lights Hf New York," will “Ir-day. April 1:. ma. 'OI 'OI0.0~T.GOVY.Y â€" - mv Stunt. no (Lt "-33:51... gYANOAQO (OUIDMKNY On ‘oA‘-. -_- ‘- -_ SMITH BROS†DURHAM. ONT. '3 COLLINGWOOD EDITOR l SUPPBRS L038 BY FIRE - (Collingwood Bulletin.) 5 Just before 12 o’clock Friday night the tiromon were called to the home of Mr. David Williams, where a blazo had broken out in the front room of tho uppor “001'. When no- ticod by tho family, who were all at homo. the Past. ond of the! room was ablazo from tho floor to the ceiling. and when the liromrn arrived the tiro was burning liorcoly and tho hnuso was titled with donso smoke. In halt‘ an hour tho tire was extinâ€" guishod hut not hot’orr hravy dam- ago had two" cannot] in the library ahow. the living room below and throughout tho houso. The loss is osporiall)’ St'l'lUUb‘ in tho don whoro a numhor of array hooksxlwr “100 historical picture‘s portaining to tho }town. and many books of rot‘oronco 'woro totally dostroyrd, many of tho plt‘llll't's and hooks lwing hoyond ro- ptzwonwnt. tlonsidorahlo furniture was hurnod as was a quantity of rlothing. In addition to this the damago by water and smoko oxtonds to ewe-r)" room. Tho origin it' tho tire is not known and 5001113 inoxplain- aldo. 'l'tw loss is partly (‘0‘;an by insuranrv. I Tim big outstanding stunt is his Hi'tsii through thv Grand Canyon in {an airplane-in‘aving air-pockets, skimming oif the sides of the giant ’{Jl'o‘t'ipiCPS and dropping from a rope in!“ Hip (Iolm'ado River. Before that in- x'icivs 'l'ony hoil-for-leathei' right ai-mimi ihv dizzy rim of the Canyon. Easy. "Hnw did ynu kwp (Tot? "Sky-High" shows Mix in the kind of ruh- his dmoteos like best. He is soon as u (im't‘rnmeut Immigx-utlou Agent. «'10wa in Arizona, trying to squolch a hand of smugglers who are Slwaking Iihinmm-n through. And Tom musscs up Um landscape con- sidvrahly boron" he's through with them. bvst I’PaSUU his fullowcrs ever have had fur doing so. It is umally found that Tum duvsn'i bother ah m: thing :p to his advance notices. He keeps iar ahvad of â€mm. '1 hero re a lot of reasons why mlrtiun picture fans adore Tom MIX, and "Sky-High" is declared to he the the Grand Canyon of Arizom as a background, Mix is said to 051-)“: himself in stunts and sh9c1~wel1, foolishness. .svnt in The Foâ€"rélw hi; given the public trans ortation which IN ten years the Ford Car has ego assed the street car, orse and buggy and the locomotive as a means of toansgortation an almnymnus (rm-qua" ynln' «lunatiml amt-ans ul' advancing principlvs. Right nf wrong, he has dC’Clal'Ot‘l "Mr. ln-m'y naturally «1003 not mm with vquaninlity ulmn the pus- sihility nf rulinquishing (Ml'icv. It is just. pussihlv. hUWt‘Vt‘I', that ho plac- es tun mm'h emphasis mum office as “The farm electors are indebted to the promim' for clearing the air. The Post is for tho farmvrs thvmsplws. If they are not prepared tn follow Mr. Drnry intu malition and eventual absorption by thn Liberal party, but rattwr arr :trto-rmiuod to pwserve tlw distimttjw and int‘lupmu’lent vharartvr 01' “Mr mowmvnt. there is a way and 11 Marc tn do it. If the sturdy declaration nt' indrprnd- mum madv by thv l'nitml Farmers in rum'vntion last Urcvmbur ex- prvssmt ttw spirit nt' I'lll'ut Ontario, than tlw t'armo‘r ramtidatvs put in ttw [it'll] t'Ur thv cuming contest will. in llw main. bu mun wtm have pledgâ€"‘ mt ttwmsvlvcs tn stand resolutely against rnalitiun ur fusion. mm if in prvsvrving tiw integrity of their gruuu Hwy 1in it nvcvssary to give up a partnmï¬hip hnlct un power. "Having been put, in a’ post. of high honor by the farmers 31d labor men of Ontario, hv must, it scmms. stay more even if Um forces that kvnp him in office must cume from “[894 where. “Premier Drury was not asked to pledge himself ‘not to accept sup- port from any members of the Le- gislature who are not called by our party name.’ He was asked, how- lever, to give the farm electors 0f the province an assurance that he will not secure that support by a (mali- tion involving the Opening of his Cabinet to Liberals and fusing. as such a course necessarily would, the two political elements. That is the pledge which Mr. Drury declines to give. nuns so! 1mm: w‘ui . on nnunrs rusiol scam Premier Drury’s declaration at Milton on Saturday that he is open to fusion with the Liberals after the election has' drawn a prompt reply from The Farmers’ Sun. The. LXI-20. ,tion of independence with a sugges-V ‘tion that rural Ontario may declarei its independence of Mr. Drury. While not going so far as to use An- drew Hieks‘ phrase, “lust of power," in reference to the premier, The Sun says that Mr. Drury is inclined to place too much emphasis upon of- flee. ['nder date of Tuesday The Sun says editorially : Unfortmiately this sort of work requires more time than the average farmer cares to devote to it. In such cases it. is recommended that the reverse course be taken and that samples at seed of the varieties un- der suspicion be sent the Experi- mental Farm for study as above suggested. Such a course not only may lead to! the acquiring of valu- able information regarding the value of a given sort~ but also serves to es- tablish an intimate and direct con- nection between the Cereal Division {and the farmer whom it seeks to serve. Furthermore. the expert: connected with the above Division maniac in the meme I mm. The great «litterence which exists between ditl‘ereut varieties in res- pect of their ability to give paying returns «in a given ï¬arm makes it highly important that farmers check hp periodically the sorts they are growing. This, of course, can he done best.hy trying out on the farm concerned a few of the sorts1 which are most highly recommended by the nearest Experimental Station. OTTAWA EXPERIMENTAL FAR]! OFFERS FIRST AID T0 FAMERS (llxpvrinnmtal Farms Notv.) Farnn-rs who am growing Varioâ€" tivs of grain the quality or produc- ing powvr of which is in doubt are invitvd to send 8-mince samples to the (larval Division, EXDt‘l‘imt’lltal Farm. Ottawa, for an analysis and hold trial. 'l‘hn lots giving grvatnst proniisn will bt' carried over for mommrison with standard varieties , in subsequent yoars until their valnn can lw dulvrniinvrl. As the land at prosoni availahlo for this work is rathnr limitml. samples will be in- clndml in tho test in the order of their arrival. Those coming late may haw to be hold over for trial next year. An exrellent mail map, thoroughly upâ€"ln-«lale in every respect. has been issued by the. Ontario Motor League. It shows all the principal roads in Untariu, Western Quebec. ‘New Ym-k State and Eastern Michi- gan. giving location of cities, towns. Villages. lakes, rivers. and summer resorts in an area of 200,000 square miles. The PI‘OV'yillClla'l and State .ruatls are shown in red and the hel-T ter improved roads in heavy black. 0n the reverse side is printed a lot of valuable inl'urmation for the tour- isl. VALUABLE MAP ISSUED BY ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE _ __ I'OV“.JI‘--’llullu'l9 “‘1‘. sons Thomas and Elmer, also four brnlhm‘s. John, James. Thomas and Elijah rusicling in the West. The l‘nnvral was bold from his res~ idencv un Monday afternoon. Rm; Patton conducting the services. In- termmn was mado in Zion cometary. Mr. 1»:an was a brothm' of Hm latv Horn-y Dvnnctt 0f Egromnnt. The lah- Mr. Dennott was born in Egrvnmnt 'I‘ownship and spout his youth there. In 1888 he was married to Miss Martha Brucv, who survives him with throw daughtnrs, Mrs. Boll. Mrs. Bowman. Mrs. McCh-mahan. and Sump limo with and tho and canu‘ Saturday mnming. THE LATE HIRAM BENNETT WAS A NATIVE OF GREY COUNTY 'l‘hn «inath of Mr. Hiram Demmtt. which took [â€1800 at. his home in vawnrth nu Saturday morning, tho 7th of April. in his 63rd year, will be hoard with chum rogrrt by a largo oirclv of friends and :icquaintancrs. Thu 4190de had been sailing for Signed in behalf of frivnds and neighbors.â€"-«Robort Lindsay, Robert. McFmMon. Asa aslight token of our apprecia- tion we ask mu (0 My vpt those chairs trusting that in lutuw years tlwy may sorw as a momvmn nf llw many happy ‘ V‘flalS 34m spun! amongst us. strength. As you are about to remme fiom our midst. we take this Optiortunity to (‘XDPL‘SS our esteem and say good- b3 before you leave. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION ’ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFadden ‘were honored on Friday night at their home in Glonelg on the eve at their departure for their new home just south of Durham. The address following was read by Miss Marietta Park and the presentations made by Robert, Lindsay and Robert McFad- den : To Mr. and Mrs. McFadden : Grlmmlg, April 13, 1923 himself ' and Uniwd' Phillie“ who would have avoided an issue with one who has held’so high a place in their regard have been left with no ziitemative but to accept his chal- longe." limv with Bright’s Disoaso camv peacefully early [source from which valuable “intert- Eing points" for imroved varieties 'may be discovered. Samples weighing up to 12 ounces are free by mail when addressed to Dominion Cereaiist, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont. Inside each package there should be a statement giving the name and address of the sender, name or names by which the variety has been HENDERSON ’S BAKERY ptoof mt strwo'n'g’ mE'IETaï¬. or“; minus: periodâ€"while the method or- with pure zinc spelter. This me nukes it Absolutely rustdefy and proof taunt .mpng gable nods or the Thke loaf so good little folks love it more than ca e. You know how children thrive on Bread-and- butter or Bread-and-jam. You know how good it is for them. A real calamity, a lost slice of Bread-and- jam, when the Bread is Rust- JOHN SHUTZ, DURHAM Henderson’s Bread Hot Galvanized enlist. knm, when the. seed was Inc‘- tained and when. the apparent suit- ability of the variety for tho dim where grown, its susceptibility to rust and smut. ability to stand up under adverse, conditions, mture 0! soil where grown. system of cultiâ€" vation followed. and any other inâ€" formation which might be of inter- estâ€"«L. H. Newman. Dominion Cer- STABLE EQUIPMENT PAGE m.