‘ A normal man is one who thinks his wife wu nthor fortunate to get . W at his quality. swam runuc 5mm 'i" 2 portion of the II (Ito-mean: System which serves all t associated municipalities and is administered by the Hydro-Electric Power Commu- nion of Ontario has a revenue of about “£00,000 and this sum is er: in ogeration, maintenance and carry- ing-maria. in addition the Com- mlSSion as spent from year to year very large sums for construction of generating plants, transforming sta- tions- and transmission lines. Nearly 370.000.000 has been spent on the Chi ,)3\N:t~QuecnSt0n plant alone. . . A Lhou h the “Hydro†has enemies in e ery ush no one has been able to s y truthfully that the administra- tion of these great sums of money has l'CCT. loose or in any sense improper. Yet one of the chief objections to Mu. icipa! or Public Ownership, as cite-1 by the schoolmen. is that politics or (,Lher considerations must interfere with the application of l‘='-«.ines-‘.s prinâ€" ciple; to the ordinarjrï¬lr y‘s-work. TlZP‘e has been no SUt’li interference in the Hydro-Electric System. The (Lox nission from the time of its est. Pilishment has operated the Sys- te: .is a straight business enterprise, choosing its engineers, accountants and other employees entirely because of their competency and without reference to their politics, the color of their hair, or an other extraneous and minor consi ration. All sup- plies. have been purchased by a Pur- chasing Agent. Such an antique as a “patronage list†of preferred merch- * - . -_ 1----.1 :n 41.1. yttlvuasv "at v. I'""“ - ants has never been found in. th Hydro-Electric ofï¬ces. The audit: is constant and close. Vouchers must accompany every charge. Even the accounting system is a model of con- densation and simplicity. Ten years of operation have proved that the theory of the Natural and Inevitable lnefliciency of a Public Service is false ~-body and bones. “nth the {in of horse-sense and the determina- ion to do a $ood job the members of the Hydro-F. ectric Commission have giaproved the theory and have estab: ‘fHV'V'Vu â€"1 :uvv-g ""7." . lghed a tradatnon of efllcnqcy which V111 prevent decadence 1n future "Iun. \_ . . . The [re uent invatigation of the “Hydro", t e airy intc spite-charg- es and rumors o inefficiency, has not danmged in any degree the reputation of the institution with the general public The fact rcmaim that the peOple of Ontario are tting light and power at rates far be ow the aver- age schedule of char es in communi- tm where Private 'nership is re: The Hydro-Electric System is sell- im: 544,000 horse-power of energy de- rived from water-power to 335.000 cus- tnmers. In 1915 the output was 101,- 001) horse-power, sold to 120,000 customers. The avem e rate is the lowest in the world. ' he service is reliable and of the highest grade and the demand is steadily increasing th Q‘ughout all theft-evince. '..J A- HYDRO AND COAL Mmible for the d'mribution of Cher . Not only so. but in their low mon y bills they are reducing from year to year the balance of Inability on the capital investment, and thus puking Inger rates possible for;~ the '--- v_“'-v“' v.-- "_ ' k The amount of coal required to generate one horse-power of contin- uous electrical energy vari‘ s. from 6 to 32 tons in accordance with the eflie- ieney of the plant. In a generating station reducing 100,000 horse-power under tï¬e most modern and economi- cal conditions a eonsuxnption of 6 tons has been registered. But this is as exceptional. as is the 32 tons needed by an ancient boiler wastefully tired. There is authority to justify the use ol ‘.-.’.0 tons as an average, but to be on the conservative side. let it be Slip- poscd that one hydraulically produced horse-power is the equivalent of 10 [Min «if Null. Mr. Judson Kin , Secretary of the American Nationa Popular Gom- Iient League, Washington, wrote recently: “I stopped or a week in Ontario. Canada and invatigated at first hand the stupendous and marvel- ously successful Hydro Electric Sys. tem owned and operated by the municipalities of the Province. Think of sending electric energy 250 miles over a wire from Niagara Falls to Windsor and selling it at three vents r kilowatt hour to tight and do ousework for the people in their homes while we in Washington pay 106. for the sz'me service." In thm sentence is one secret of II dro Eleflrir smtcess, and the at 1' secret is found in the general administrutxx'c and engineering emc- icnry of the. institution. Q 'l'hon the present production of the .lydrn-l‘llertric System is equal to 5.110.000 tons of steam coal per an- num Whirl) is worth at present prices more than Fifty Millions of Dollars. The customers of the “Hydro†pay for their service about $1010.09“? a your. so that coâ€"operative municipal ownershi ) is saving the people of Ontario ully $10,000,000 a year and is reducing the production-cost of all manner of manufacturpd goodg. Furthermore the reduction in the (leri and for steam 6031 by reason 01' the US? nf “Hydro†wer is lessening materially the bur en on the railways. It ‘Mruld take 136,(l)0 cars to trans- port 5,’H(L0(II tons of coal at 40 tons to the var. That is the equivalent of a train 1,030 miles longâ€"0r of one train :3 miles long every day in the l’ly the “ider and still wider use of ('lL-ctrirlty in all branches of industry it will be possible to reach the place ‘vrherc all the coal imported from the l’nited States to Ontario may be re- served for heating pu ses. The t_:-'Im0nuc advantage to t e Province ,,.- l’eepin‘: all this money at home can- . 2 l 3;: be plain to every businessman. 2. the rapid month .of the Hydro- ic lric system and in its prospective expansion Ontario and Canada have a l n.--._ A...“ -- IJié‘r'z'EWCIâ€"éalor of Prosperity. By J. E. Middleton Thursday, In: 3, 1933. By J. E. Middleton 833D moi. £67 A new phase in relation to seed control is being provided in a Bill before parliament. at Ottawa. This measure, which constitutes an am- endment to the Seed Control Act, prohibits the oxfering for sale of farm seeds that have been given 1 a false or spurious name. Neither will the seller be allowed to offer seeds or plants under a new variety name not generally employed in Canada for that particular variety unless he first obtains :1 license therefor from the Minister of Agriculture. The Minister may refuse to issue a li- eense in respect of the use of any kind or variety name unless or until the seeds 111' plants have been sub- mitted to a propagating: test or the mature plants have been examined and operated 1111011. -\ license will not be granted for the selling of an old variety under a new name. In ernlanation of this amendment it may he eited that farmer or dealer might unintentionally sell seed oats under the name of "Banner" and de-l liver seed Hats that were not true to; that variety. A romnlaint might be laid against him under another see- i tien (if the Act. but the section under ‘1e\ie\\ is not intended it) apply to sneh an offence since the variety named “Banner" as applied to oats cannot he held to be false or spur- ious or new. The. provision is in- tended to apply to persons who i11- ivent new names for old standard varieties. It is rw'aided as likely 'that. this new regulation will give zenetvuragement to plant. breeders by atria-ding them more protection with respeet to sueh new sorts as they Iniay nriginate. nzw cumzs nun: II EUROPEAN CORN BORER QUARANTINE AREA EXTENDED ()n Foln'nary 26 an m'ilorâ€"in-munâ€" vil was passm‘l which quarantined Hm f(_)llowing twrritnry in Ontario on awmmt. 0f the 'Em-upoan cum borer: The Counties of Essex. Kent. Lamhton, Elgin. Milldlesex, Norfolk. Oxford, Halilimanct. Welland. Lin- roln, Wentworth. Brant. IIalton, Waterloo, Perth, Huron (with the exception of Ashtielal. Wawanosh East. Wawanosh West. and Howick 'l’ownships}. Peel (with the excep- tion of Calei'ton '.l'0\\'nshii_i), as well as Culross Township in Bruce Coun- ty; Guelph in Wellinghm County: Etobiroke. Srarboro and York in York County; Pickering. W’hithy East and Whitby West in Ontario County; Darlington and Clarke in Durham County and Brighton Town- ship in Northumlwrland County. (in account. of the severity of the in- festation in Elgin and Middlesex Counties they have been placed un- der double quarantine. 'l‘ho- citivs nt‘ 'l‘m'mitu and Hamiltcm mm mm incliiclmt in Hip quarantined tm'i'itury. enlistiqiwutly thi- markvts in ttu-sv vitivs will [in upon to all gi't‘nx‘m's (if sun-M 001'“ with the oxâ€" w‘ptinn nt’ theme situated in the ('mintins nf Elgin and Middlosox. It is pointed nut, tmwm'm'. that quar- antiiwd pmihu-ts must. not be shipâ€" pi-d from 'l‘nrontn ur Hamilton to any point outside the quarantinml twi'ritnry. Tim px-mlncts airected by the reg- ulaiinns are corn fodder. corn stalks. including broom corn whothvr used for packing 01" other purposes. green sweet corn. roasting vars. corn on the cab 01' (’Ul'll cabs. The mowmeni of those pi‘i'niiwts {rum tho quaran- iinwi awn l0 nuisidv [mints is pru- hihitmi. l‘nitod State‘s Quarantinv N0. 41‘ pl'ullibiting tlw imyml'lalion. Wilh- nut impaction, nf various mlflnwers and \‘t‘gnlablos l’rnm Ontario «en ar- cuunt 0f Um Eumpo'an Porn lmrvr. is still in force. 'I‘hv Dominiun Do- parlmonl uf Agricullurn will on- nporutv with gmwvl‘s again this am- snn in making all roasunablo inspec- l‘nms and furnishing tho- m-cessary wrtilicales for mmmsml shlpmvnts. Fin' furthm- information «inaling with the Eumpvan ('Ul'll bm'm' quar- antini» 01‘ the} illspi‘ctinll 0f pl'ndlu'ts t‘m' export. [)(‘I‘SOHS interested Shttllld communicate with the Division of Foreign Pests Suppression. Depart- mvnt of Agriculture, ()ttavi‘a. A normal man is one who observes other women’s husbands and reflects that. his wife did very well. JERRY ON THE JOB The' Right Road 80 Say: Ir. Eaton of Draco, in Prais- ing It for His Recovery from Pain- ful Scinica Rheumatism. “Since ‘ November 22,†says Mr. James Eaton of 505 Nelson street, London, Ont, an ironworker in the London Rolling Mills, “1 have had mine. through my ankles and back. The pain was so intense it seemed I would have to quit work at. times. I walked the fluor many limos as it smmod that who" I would Sit dawn nr lie down. the pain \vnuld ho mm'v swore and W110“ I “Will“! Ivan (WW I muld hardly get up again. I was unable to 1309 my own shows and ('HUll' hardly got. out nf'hml mm'ningm my limbs wow so snro and full of pain. "Before this attack of Seiativa Rheumatism 1 had been in perfeel health and never knew what, it was In sull‘er pain. I cannot... really desâ€" erihe the torture I have endured. Nn «me really knows unless they have vxpl‘l‘ioncml these agonizing pains. “Drew was being so 1 ighly prais- mi that my wife ilmught had bottm' fly it. The ï¬rst bulilo lwlpod mv wrx little, but Mrs. Eaton insistml that I lump at it. I am no“ on HIV tiHh lmttlo and eraclimlly 1100 from win. It is simply wonderful tlw way it. has rolinvod my rheumatism m quickly. 1 van 5100;) goml and mi my in tho mm'nings fouling I'mv. "Ruth my wife and I haw MM many [wouln of tho grunt, merits of Drum and I fool sure our praise has stn'tm! many on the right mad l†:wcox'm'y." Mr. liatun‘s casvâ€"«lhat, of a hard- wm'king man. ï¬nding: his livelim’ms -mi:1ngvrvd by tho intonsity uf swmingly incurahlv sutfvringsâ€"has many cmmtm‘parls right. in this dis- trict. livery sun‘vrm' will find thv Dreco is being specially introduc- ed in Durham by McPadden’s Drug Store and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. Just think 01‘ the injustice of try- im: 10 start :1 MW \VaI‘ beforo all ’31“, hunks un the last «me have boon bUld.~â€"n‘l ilwaukoo Journal. FOR GOOD HEALTH Try Chirogractic First Not Last Middaugh House CONSULTATION FREE Drs. C. G. and Bessie MacGillivray THE DURHAM CHRONICLE To Recovery Chronic Nervous and Spinal Diseases a Specialty Chiropractic Specialists tame on: 11: you (The Youth’s Companion.) Up almost at the northern tip of Alaska, looking out on the frozen Arctic Ocean, is the little hamlet of Wainwright. Probably few if any of our readers ever heard of it before but it will win at least a momentary fame when, on June 20, Mr. Roald' Amundsen “hops off" there on his" aeronlane flight across the north polar regions. He means to fly in a straight line from Wainwright to some point on the island of Spitz- hergen. That will carry him direct- ly over the Pole and will give him an extraordinary opportunity to ob- serve and map-if there is anything to mapma large (‘XllallSt‘ in the heart «if the polar zone on which no one else has ever looked. There is not 'murh likelihood that he will pass over any land until he reaches Spitz- hergrn. for the top of the earth lr~ most likely (‘tht‘I‘t'tl by â€It‘ Arrlir Sea; but. if there are any islands within» a l‘eaStmable distance of his course he should are them. It, is two thousad Illllt‘s from Wainwright. to Spitzl‘wrgou, ln “[0- 0013' it is possihlr to fly that dist- anrr without tlosrrntliug‘; artualh' it is not. prohahlr that Amunilson will ht) :lhlt‘ to (In it. 'I'horo am- all sorts of things that ran go far vnough wrong: to romprl him to clos- rrnd. But our ol‘ tho things that Admiral I’rary «lisroVrrml is that tho iro far up towaril tho polo is rt-laâ€" tivoly smooth and unhrokrn. and Amumlson exports to find no grout «lit‘firulty in landim.r it' llt‘ has to land. Of course tltr lliu'ht will takv plarr in tho wry Blitltut‘ of tho six months’ day. so that whatvwr hapâ€"t pons he will not haw tho inrom't-niâ€" once or dangor of «larklivss to roll--! trnd with. 'l‘ho rhiof poril is a rmn~‘ ‘plotchrrakttown of tho aoroplant- rnginr, whirh might lraw tho oxâ€" ploror holplrss on tho iro. a thou- sand miles from tho noarost human bring and with only tho smalli-et supply of provisions. But hr. plans to guard against that by moans of aeroplane patrols srnt out from Spitzhrrgon. If Amundson «loos not arrive within two or three days of his doparturo from Wainwright, now or more scout pianos will hr (lis- patched to soarrh for him and giw him help if he needs it. How will it, hr. known cxactly whcn Amundsen lcavcs Wain- wright? Wcathcr or accidcnt may delay his dcparturc, and thc radio station ncarcst Wainwright is at Noorvick 011 thc Kohuk Rivcr. ncar Kotczhuc Sound. which is four llllll- tlrctl milcs away. 'l‘hc ucws will hc rclaycd thithcr by a chain of hun- Durham, Ont. tlres built on the headlands along the coast. The tires will be about ï¬fteen miles apart. There will be two Es- nimos at each llre. As soon as any pair sees the smoke rising from the tire to the eastward of them they willlight their own pile of drift- wood. It is believed that. word of Amundson‘s departure can thus ho broadcast. to the world within an hour or two. 11' the news had to travel along the shore by slod and runners. it would he prrhaps throw works on tlw way. Altogether it is an unusual and romantic sort nt‘ vxlwditinn. Proh- ably the scivntitiv rnsults will not he itmmx'tant. hut Hm \vm'td will watch with koon intm'ost tn we who- tlwr tho plucky oxplm‘m' gets safe) across thv lonely vxpt‘mso 0f pnlar iw tn his goal in Spitzhm‘m'n. H i4 (Us- tinctly a sporting (‘hitllt'l‘ that ho is taking. 110 was an vxâ€"guh and had duciu‘mi tn 1:in Fram'v â€IO HIvaâ€"M'm'. lmi this timv hn was wing in «in it in style. Accm-«lingly. hv tuuk :1 ï¬rst- class cabin. dislmsod Hf his inggtlgu and thvn szmnlm-ml «m dwk with a vivw toward slrvtvhiug' himsvlf in a lung ('hair and taking; â€Hugs (-asy. 'l‘u his horror luv saw a linv I'm'mingr. I‘vminiscvnt of llw 0M days. ,..‘.._:.__.. 4.33:7. u:_.r......s._ : 3 .5233“ :73: 1......5 3:: "$3.5: "NH. Sir." l‘vpliml “'l‘hv ship‘s alum! UH mile limo. That's 31!. Arrested for Theft. thahl l'mtvuus. :1 \nun" ézunm ul Kinlnss “as :wwstm! last \ka «m :1 rhnruv of slvalim.’ a \‘iulm t'rvm HH- l’mwlw‘. m izm Chnwh slim! a? Kincaulinv hull)“ timn in I’vhruary Cumlahlu HM"! mum- Ilu- arm's! and brought him in Kim'ardinv \thl'p hv Don’t Crowd. 1 and convenience. Pay-afale without charge at any branch of any bank in Canada (Yukon excepted) and Newfoundland. $Sandunder ....... 3:. Over 35 not r. x0. (d ng 810 ......... ()c Over $10, not (.xcud1g $30 ........ l0c. Over 330, not exca ding $50, ....... 15c. PURCHASE :1 Bank Money Order for onA nnnuonionc‘p Van 0110 nr‘thnuf When Sending Money by Mail T H E R O Y A L B A N K > O F C A N A D A J. A. ROWLAND, Manager Durham, Ont Hw sh‘wm'd truss llu- HIPI'P- [11' ll.“ was let out on hail of 81.000. 8100!! MWH‘El-‘I thv house for nuwnshino a ww days ago. but fuund mm! .\' mw! ha I mark Imk‘; now"? In \x‘uszx matter fun-lun- as 1 mwk Imkm; days zm' (rune. mwm' In rvmt'n. Then it mun math-r nf anxiuus conâ€" ,iw-hmv as h \xlzvtlwr 01‘ not Hm! hatch of lm-zld wuuld rise wupm'ly. AH Hf our baking is :1 svivnh'ï¬v suvcoss. Our bread <h~uld ho MW of yum' standard Lanny foods. l X mm! luxmw lhv HM guess- PAGE m