Green fowl is Valuahhv, not only for its succulrncu. which makns it palutubh' tn pnultry. but 3180 be- causv it mntains minm'al matter. imrhuting nutritiw PDDSU'llPH'S, m- cessary to sustain life, pl‘nmnh) growth. and :wsnny rom'mhurtinn. Foremost amnng thvsv (mnstittwuts are the vitaminvs, tlw absence of which from any ration. wlwtlwr fur humms. animals or hints, will ul- timatvly mow fatal. 'J‘hvro-fnx'o. i! hehoows awry poul- try km‘por, whethm' hac'kyal'dm', speâ€" cial'h't. m' l'armm‘. to mako provis- ion fur an ample supply nf gmwn fowl in sumu form, and in View of the" shurtness of our growing spasm) and Hm late spring experienced this year. no time Should he, lost. dreo-n feed may b0 divided int.“ tm» kinds. that, intended for immoâ€" diato runsumption, and that which is to M hum for winter use. Certain variriins, hnwnvrr. are grown for DWI I'Ul‘lmses. this being particular- Thu mmlwm fvmimu'y is tn give a shun-what. narrow ratitm containing pl'nh'in in :s highiy mlwvntl'atml turn]. This is particularl) true with tram-d in pnum'y law, in (tonmwâ€" mvnt and full hmn'ily for vgg pru- duction. as :m- a law» proportiun 0f Hm birds nll uur Canadian farms during at [vast tiw months of tlw war. A libm'al Sllpply uf grvon fend minimum Hm dangors of this sys- tem by adding both bulk and variety tn Hut mtinn and at thv same“ tinw ro-plam-s a rvrtam quantity nl‘ grain. (I-me’rimvntnl Farms Notv (513mm fowl. in somw form. consti- tntvs an msvntial part ur any \WH- balmu-M [mum-y ratinn. whvthor fur ynung chicks. grmx‘ing stuck 01‘ adult birds. PAGE SIX THE NEED FOR GREEN FEED HE Hebrideans are a home loving race of people not much given to wandering from their native hearths. but the arrival at St. John aboard the Canadian Pacific steamships Marloch and Metagama of over six hundred sturdy men and women of the western isles. forced by s’em ne- cessity to seek their fortunes in the land of promise is not without pre- cedent. In the year 1803 a contin- gent of 111 was brought from the .vuw vâ€" _ Isle of Mull by Lord Selkirk to de- velop the sheep industry on St. (flair Flats. Kent County. If times were hard when these people left home, Priceville. Ont. at $100. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten years ex - pedence breeding. Stock from P.E.I. mm for hm panic-Ian to PRICBVILLB Fox 994mm“ Silver Black Foxes Priceville Fox (10., A limited number of shares for sale in ‘ J .Do\.u More Hebrideans Canada Bound Limited .\H‘afla mukvs vxcvllent. groom rpm! for grmving stock. an’cl whon mum! is \‘uluahlw for wintvr fowl- ing. It has Hw added mlvantago of lwing ablv tn withstand prolongml drought. The favorite varieties are Grimm and Turkestan. Amnng the grown few-(ls which are tn lu- usml as sum :15 grown, rape holds ï¬rst. plzu'v by wasnn of its quirk gmwth. palatahility and value fur rlo-aning and I‘rvslwning Hm yard. 'Hw lwst. Varivty is Dwarf Essex and it slmuM lw snwu hromlcast. Ihulm' “01'me \vvalthm' ('mu‘litinlls it is wmly for grazing {mm live to six \s'owks after lwing snwn. Mungnls m' semi-sugar boots form the bulk of the grvon feed for win- Iy tmw of gl‘assqs and loguminous plants. sung tarewell to loved ones on me Meagan. fate was not more kind to them after} Life will not be a bed of roses UH they had settled here. Forty-five ofithose who have newly arriwd and their number were carried off by 'they will have to work. and hard; fever in the first year and the war l but this they can do- They are the of 1812 wiped out the settlement. descendants of the “lords of mi». homes/stock and crops. 4isles" who by strength of arms re- †1812 Lord Selkirk's agent, (‘Olinipulsed the invasions of the Scandi- Robinson. 0f the 1510 Of Lewis, per- E‘navians and Rants Soriai and it - suaded a number 0‘ his fellow island- dustrial d:.-)ve‘.op:uent was retarded to ers to whom the abolition of the Plan a great extent by the cl-tn system. system had brought hig rents and‘but those who have adopted (‘z‘iywia misery, to settle in the Red River, "f" are. well mixieated and a simple . distriet. 'i‘his party encountered of toil in adversity through enem- the hostilities of the Indians and, tians has given them a splendid through their industry and progres- physique and simple digsiuity. Al- sion. the jealousy of the white trad- .though forced by lair-d times to 10:1 ve ers. When the settlement was wiped "their homes to make new ones, most out on one occasion and many of.ot' them are in sufficient funds and them wiped out. the remainder were lnot a few families aboard the .‘alont- fo-‘eed to leave. However, they re- icalm were 1)(N~(?:4:: -d of over :2: MW). turned in time to harvest the first ; Some have sfon‘wl in Ontario bité the western wheat (rep and many attri- ' larger proport'oti of them have “.‘Ullt bute to this fact that Winnipeg stands to Red Deer. Alberta. wbvxr ’hey where it does to-day. will form a small colony. fate was not more kind to them after: they had settled here. Fozty- -five of their number were carried off by fever in the first yeux and the wax (1(1812 wiped out the settlement, hemes. stock and cxops. If you want all the value you can get at the lowest price that you can safely pay----listen! We’ve got the car that beats, the World. Quality considered, there isn’t a low-priced car on the market that can come near the value of the Material is A-l; workmanship is very best that can be put into a car. Service is built into them and we have made arrangegiepts .in Dur- ham, where you Evil] feceive the kind of service you would expect when purchasing a car. CHEVROLET NEW SUPERIOR A Price That Can’t Be Touched CHEVROLET AND McLAUGHLlN DEALERS Flesherton , - ~ - OI 385*} D. McTavish Son ’l‘lm .lvrusalom Artirhukv, and vs- pvcially â€H.‘ Mammnth Frvnch Whitu dosm'ws mnm- attvntinn from [mul- h'ymvn. lixtrnmoly hardy and pm- lil‘u'. it, (“an ho grown almnst any- “11011. and under any conditions. 'l‘hP grown shqots farm abundant Shadv and sucvulont fccd for grow- ing stuvk. the' clusenoss 0f the fol- iagn hvlps tn ("lmkv out woods, while the tubers kw!) \wll, are relished for winter feed fur laying hens and car- IM‘ 1150; Hwy are easily harvested, kvvp well. and gvnvl'ally Cl‘Up we‘ll. 'l‘lw Mammoth Long Rod nr Hate Post. aw l‘nmforablv, as they Cnntain u higllm' pvrcentago nf dry mutlvr. Mmmvls should not. be I‘m! innumliately aftvr being harvested. as \thn wry fresh they might causw bowel tmubiM. ' l 923 MODELS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Comparisons sell Chevrolet and your elose inspection of the New Superlor Models is sincerely re- quested before buying any car at any price. We would be pleased to give you a demonstration at any time. ly spring feed for little chicks. Details regarding methods and time for. planting all the above men- tioned kinds of green feed will he found in bulletins 87 and 88 (second series) and‘ pamphlet 23. which may be obtained free from the Publica- tions Branch, Department of x *ri- culture, Ottawa, Ont. South and Centre Glenelg Likv cw'ry other place, the farm- m‘s 01’ the South Lino arv comï¬lain- mg â€1' the unfawrahlc weather. Sumo who. sowed on low lands three \Vwks ago are) moslly covered with water. Sam!" worn done before the snnw-stm'm of a couple of weeks :13â€, while others didn’t, sow any ycl. Ih‘cw. Arch Mci‘luaig got dam» Im- t'urc the wet \vcatlu-r vamp. William McLeod has purchased Lot. 22. Con. i. SJHL, from livclm- McDonald; Neil McKinnnn lmught. Lots 41 and (Our own corrosnnndent; This week we change our heading fl'Hfll Px'icevilie and South Line tn "minnow." as we see that a ï¬rst- class cm'rpspondent is in Priccvillo and doing justice to the residents of that imvn and vicinity. Naturally, “'0 take the South Line and thvn [ii‘UCt'Ptl to the Ninth. .22, Gun. 1, 6.1).“. from Neil Mcl’lmil Hf Toronto. Those having measles are nearly all well again. Sumo of the sii-k mum aw not improving as fast as thvii' l'i'ivnds would likv. Sunday’s min was thv heaviest this. summer, for it continued mostly all day, ai'itt'impaniml by thunder and lightning. The ground is in bad shapv fur wurking, in some ('asvs tw- ing ('(in'orml with \Vatnt‘. The Sau- mwn is highvr than whom the snow wvnt. away but “'0 «lid not Imai' of any damago dmw hy bridges hving takvn away. so it will saw tho 'i'mvnship Fatlwi's thp oxponsn of l't‘plactllg‘ thvni with nvw onus. ersoc-r Thomas Nichnl was to start at Hm mod Roads this Monday Hm 2151. inst, but on 2100011111. of the Navy am on Sunday the work has tn lw put, 011‘ fur a few days yet. Durham is an attractive and heal- thy town and good accommodation can he obtained at reasonable rates. C. H. DANARD. B. A., Principal. C. L. GRANT, Chairman. The School is thetouglilx equipped tn lake Up the tulle“ mg cmiises: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2‘: Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Stair is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Information as to Courses may be ubtauu-d from the. Prmcnpal. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. The School has aproditable record inflhe past which 1t. hopes to main- tam in the future. Mr. Hunting. Hu- obliging hank- man at tlw Standard Bank at Pricvâ€" \‘iHv. makes his Visits I'v'gulal'ly nu Durham High School Ontario Tuesdays and Fridays every week, to the satisfaction of the many patrons of the bank. The Board of, Health met at. the Township Hall; Glenelg, on Friday of last week. ORANGBVILLB GIOlR W0! NO “881' PRIZES In a recent Ontario Musical Fos- tival at Toronto the Orangovillo pub-1 lic school choir was brilliantly suc- cessful. Mr. J. E. Jossop ontorvd tho choir in two events and in varh ("use carried otl‘ a ï¬rst prize. Although ()rangevillo has much loss than 5,000 population, tho choir won ï¬rst prize in tho (‘onnwtitiun own to towns from 5.000 to l0.000. and in this «wont worn giwn 80 rrmiits out of n possi- hlc 100. In sight wading: the choir also won tirst prize with :i. pvrcvnt- ago of unai'ly 80. In tho tirst rum- petition tho choir was awnrdml a: beautiful shivld. and Mr. .lossop as sucrosst’ul romluctor. rorvivml a lino gulcl mmlal. Novelluss to am tlw rit- izmis ot Urunumilli- aw \my purud of thoir giltml choir and amnw i: â€0 tho honor the-y haw lnuught thvii' tmui by “inning these important. ewnts. Ladins «‘115804! in thr- middln age-s. Now Hwy don‘t wait, for tho middlv ages. ‘Aylmer 'Force and Lift Pumps ' JUST ARRIVED. A SHIPMENT OF WILLIAM STONE FERTILIZER “None Better" cocxsmn'r AGENT . - DURHAM “EVERYTHING IN FARM MACHINERY†A Full Line of SPRING FARM MACHINERY Renfrew Cream Separators “The Best on the Market" J. SCflUTZ and you will get your crops in on time regardless of the late- ness of the season. SMITH BROTHERS Durham, Ont. Inn Hotel Cancun our Cannon LIII‘IID Fono Outuno Deï¬es Rust! “Toronto" Stable Equip. ment which nukes me spee- ielly proud to sell it. It's the if: thatl the galvaniz- mg rough y covers an completely coats both the inside and the outside of the "J?! tub“); 8’“?! Run zinc in; thoroughly covers and completely costs both the inside and the outside of the speitcr. _ This “hot" process makes it absolutely. i an; defying and proof astimt stroqg stable acids for the my. lay a. «a. JOHN suu'rz, DURHAM, ouumo Fiï¬! "’4