. I E. A. Rowe 1 Baker Confectioner "Now aftm- four bottlvs of Drown. I am like a new pvrson. 'l‘n PM. is a pleasure and I take whatever I wish with no bad after affects. I have no pains or dizzy spells. I can vat "l’ur tho- past yval'." status Mrs. \Vnir. "l haw sufl'm-Pd agcimies caus- ml by gastritis. 'l'lw fund 1 at» lay in my stomach. It would not digest. Ha< \wuld hlnal mv and press against my twart causing pz‘dpitatiun and shhl'tnvss uf bl‘vath, and it seamed at timvs that I would smother. For n'mnths l was unable to eat putatoes Hr mo'at cooked in any way. Pains “amid shunt through my back and acruss my kidnvys. I t'nuldn’t 510(1) and dizzy snails â€ft-0n attacked mo- and M'vrything sommml tn gm muud in {mm of my vyvs. It was a fact that l 113th at times tn wnturv out“ alone as I nvwr knew when a gas- the or dizzy spell would attack mu. M y ontirv systnm 509mm! tin-d nut. I had no allergy and was hardly ahlv to do) my work some days. Acute Digestive Troubles Ended by Drewâ€"London Woman’s Case Typical of the Beneï¬ts Oflered by this Splendid Remedy. Mrs. .lamI's Weir of 373 Grey SL. LIIIIIImI. Hut†tI‘l'ls a story that will stI-ikn home with thousands of nivn aIIsIl \vnmIm. for HIP“! 31'†many who sufl'I'I- t'I'IIm “HP 01' â€H‘ HUN‘I’ Hr UH‘ synrpmms sh» IiI'er'ihvs. Thoy I‘ll’i' IIIII- In :I “Paki'ni'ol I'IIIIIlitiIIII of U)» Ingans hmught ahnut In [H‘lSiSN‘Ilt Indigo-shun and Innsiipatiun. RI'm-I} ml} HUN“ mu ailmInts and the} who!» bIIIiy I'I'spunds. Mrs. Wrir \I'IH IIIH yIIII hnw DI'I'I'II :II'I'IImIIlish- I-Ii this IiI-sII'tIMII I'I'Sll“ iII III-I' (“350. The New Whole Wheat Bread COULD NOT EAT COOKED FOOD or tmbh thin little (0!. mi 1n. III-“ï¬n nthm MAW W to lulu wool». burdened only "cinnamon: Mot otflckouudlnnicn- cosmonauts. mam!- bhuumo. Orphuodby “Woman. mmmhomgohsto Mo labor to lunch... who m undo moments he picked up ell-route. how. u Uscllnx on the mmmuanwhommducud humdmmmwmtoutwom Maltana Thursday, June 7, 1m. lOc Alone From Uscilug to Milwaukee Via Canada Durham is an’ attractive and heal- thy town apd good accommodation can be obtained at reasonable rates. C. H. DANARD, B. A.. Principal. C. L. GRANT, Chairman. The School has a crediiahle record in the past which it hopes to main- tain in the future.- Information, as to Courses may be obtained from the Principal. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. Durham High School The "Kid†as ho “as lamiliarlv kmmn. camc- m-ar lwing Hm hmwv- “night champion of Hm \\ 0PM. It hamwnvd in 1900. MPUU)’ was matcho'wl In light, Jumps .l. llnrlwtt l'nr' tlw hoavy\\'vight championship. “KID†MCCOY, QUONDAM PRIZE-FIGHTER, NOW A SLEU‘TH IN “OATHBOUND†Nut-man Svlhy. whn hm'amv t'm'mms in â€w prizv ring: undvr Hw mum» nf "Kicl" McCoy, and whn summrls Dustin Farnum in his latvgt plmtu- play offering. "lmthhmlml." was mm of tlw fonw-nwst. tighlm's of h'im~ day. Dreco is being specially introduc- ed in Durham by McPadden’s Drug Store and is sold by a good druggist everywhere. Dram is prvparml from lmrbs, roots, bark and loaves of established medicinal value and contains no mercury, pntash nr hiahit furming drugs. It is a scimititlc combination of Natllrv~’s nwn rummlivs l'nl' all disnrdvrs of Hm stnmarll. kidnvy. liwr and bowels and rcsfm'vs (ham Ln lwaltlry u'rtinn in an i-iitimhy natural way. [just ï¬ne and get up in the mornings feeling refreshed My neighbors even remark how well I am leaking and gladly do I tell them. Dreco has brought me these wondrous results. Drere gets my praise at every avail- able opportunity. 8.32; («och 00+ 494 omzlqrw m cm >2 5m... .Opmwb'; 001m Paw-NOW ... JERRY ON THE JOB LITTLE JIMMY 20:0 which would carry him thrth to hia destination. Cronin; to Endand he sailed on the “lemma." be- ing. from the time he left Warsaw. under the ‘care 0! the Canadian Pacific. The direct mileage from Dill. wankee to menu: ia not by any mean- the tail mileage dt hia travela. The ahip’a officera estimate that he ran at ieaat twenty milea a day over the veaael. and the port oiflciala had an anxiona time when he made aor- reptitiooa peregrinationa 'in aaarch oi aomeone who spoke hia own tongue. He waa glad. of course. to meet hia father. but what an adventure it ia to travel far and ‘1'!)ng ho up; given 9 _tlck9_t almost :1 long as mu Em. 3?; Well equiï¬yied'for turfiing out the ï¬nest work on short order. McCoy lost the light. and his chance for the world’s title. The “Kid.†us- ing his famous corkscrew punch, had a short time het’nrr mm the middflr- weighl championship of tho world when he. knocked out Tummy Ryan, who was our of thr grratrst tight- vrs who ever hrld tlw middlwvrigl‘it title. a o II4II"‘ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE \NiLL M ’v HANDLE out; 1 9-806: W Mathwâ€"Rohkopfâ€"That Doug. J. Mthmald and Robert (iriersorkbe a committee to investigate conditions on S.L. 10, Con. 15, and report, alt the next. 1mm! ing.â€" Carried. Mat hvrâ€"«Mclmnaldâ€"Jl‘hat. Herd lw paid $6.00 for damages plow whilv plowing S.L. 40. Rnhk«_>pfâ€"â€"~;.-'\lcDonélclâ€"That Mrs. M. Nam.» ho paid $39 fur two Show) and Council adjourned to resume gen- eral business. Griersonâ€"‘Mather~That the clerk revise assessment roll and Assessor be paid his salary. McDonaldâ€"ï¬riersonâ€"That assess- ment of Thomas Reaburn, Lot 16, Con2 ,..WG 8., be conï¬rmed, and Lot 12, Con. 12, be reduced 8100.â€"Carrievd McDonaldâ€"Matherâ€"That assess- ment of Robert Bennington, Lot, 16, Con. 6, be reduced 6206â€"0arried. Rehkopfâ€"Griersonâ€"That assess- ment of Henry Reuber be reduced $100 ~Larr1ed Dogs of Mrs. M. Noble and Coutts were struck off roll. Rehkopfâ€"Griersonâ€"That assess- ment. of Robert Mackey, part Lots 11 and 12, be reduced 8100.â€"-Oarried. Griersonâ€"Rehkoptâ€"That asses ment ofG. S. Hopkins, Lot7, Con. N...DR be reduced $100 .â€"Carrie‘d. M cDonald â€" Matherâ€"That assess- ment of .Alex. McFarlane, lot 3, Con. 14, be reduced $150, and on Lot WV; 4, Con. 14, be reduced 8200, and as- sessment of building of J.H. GeiSel be struck off MILâ€"Carried. Appeals were received from Alex. McFarlane, Robert Mackey, Thomas Reaburn, Henry Reuber, G. S. Hop- kins, J. H. Geisel, Robert Benning- ton. snmncx COUICIL Council met May 28, mentbers all present. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Council met as a Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll. ,3ch 32,930 (ocmm >z..roo.h . I><mzï¬ . 490sz 1.2m (‘Nfl 358688- The following accounts were paid: J. F. McLean, salary anï¬i postage, 8105.98; G. H .Mitcheli, printing Part III. and part. contract. $110.43; J. Pust 40 yards gnavel. 84.00; J. Pust and others, graveiiing, 840.66; E. Noble. rep. bridge. $1.65; J. Hudson, wire Rehkopfâ€"McDonaldâ€"That James Carson and James Turnbull be paid $13.50 and $15.00 for erection of wire fences. Rehkopfâ€"Griersonâ€"That account of Mrs. Rogers of 820.00 for attem- ance and board of Betty Bryden, an indigent, be paidâ€"Carried. Grierson~Mather~M a grant of 820.00 be given in aid of Township School Fainâ€"(hrried. three lambs killed by dogs, and HR. Ridden $2.00 for inspectingâ€"Car. Henderson’s Bakery â€"Is the true Home Loaf. Better than nuts- and-honey. Better than cake. Better than sweetmeats. Better than anything but just true, honest-to-goodness home Bread. IF all the world was a loaf of Bread, little folks could fairly eat their way through it. Henderson’s Bread â€"â€"BREAD IS BEST FOODâ€" Makers of GOOD BREAD EM? By Swinnerton Griersonâ€"Mathprâ€"Thal we now adjourn to meet on SatuMay. June 30, for transaction of general busi- ness. -â€"J. H. Chittick. Clerk. railing. 85.60; H. W. Hunt. inspect- ing. 81.00; E. Baker. dragging. um; D. Slewnrt, 8 land: gravel, 6%.; F. Jacklin, payment Elmwood deben- ture, 83(833; one meeting of Coun- cil. 813.75; Council, impacting bridge 813.75. When in Palmerston be sure and coll on the PALIBRS'I'OI all! next the Bank of Hamilton It will welcome you and appre- ciate your trade. Open day and night. Meals at all hours. 5 24 3nd Percy I. loves. Prop.