West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jun 1923, p. 5

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,1! ' t3ields “th l iallv. .v~ . \ 0 Potato Inspection. There has, recently come to the amt-t; ut’ the Agricultural Represent- ative applicaiittll {OPUS TOP inspec- tion at putatm-s. The aim of this MIWiL’t' i3 tn primarily interest the putuiu grunt-1‘s Hf this province in lu- [il'millt'iit'll hf disease-free pota- £99., \\"ilitil will increase Ontario F ieltl illilit‘t tions. are made because ”of the l|l¢.'l't‘a“illg prevalence of such V tiiseases {ts' Imul' Bull, Mosinc and Black Lug. These can only be de- tected when [u_vti;irtnes are growing in the tie-M. Mixture ut‘ varieties, Might. rte, can also be noted. The three uamml diseases are carried MV'O'I' thv \Vintm' by thread-like strands insiclv the potato tuber. The (“spasm putatoos cannot therefore he told whc-n planting. In the point.“ seclinns Of Grey County fax-mm»: comld quite profit- ably haw an impaction nf their p0- iato crop made in July.‘ The tubers from an inspected field could be sold for seed at a premium if the cum was satisfactory when harvest- ed. Forms are on hand which can be secured by writing to the Depart- mmt at .‘larkviale. The British larkot. Ontario‘s Agant-Gvneral, Mr. W. C. Noxon. Lunolun. England. has been Importing nu tho British market. Al- though his lottnr is “)0 long tn pub- lish in its Putiro'ty. ho makos the following cummvnts: ”The tirst thing \Vhlt‘h tho Canadian farmer must ro'mo'mlwr it‘ he would really lindo-i'staiiol the British market is that it. is o-ssvntially and pro-eminâ€" vntly a marko-t fur surplus. Whom uno- hours at Canadian far- When one- hours ul‘ lianailian far- mers rumplaining Hf lurk Hf markvls, one cannot. lwlp wnmlcriug why it is that l'lanaila sends so little. com- paraliwly speaking. in the British mark-L which has always absorbml all that. Canada has shut. and still ah- snrhs vnnrmcmsly largvr quantities of prmlurn l'rnm Amtralia. New Zea- laml. Sunth Amnrira, Denmark and many nthor (°Ollllll'lPS. The followâ€" ing.r iigurm illustrati- the pl‘OpOP- Lion of llrmacla's routrilmtim‘i of whirl: prim-ma] fund products split. «luring: January an‘il February of this war : «inmnmlity Brit. Impts. BUHN' 9631;") cW’ls. mum-so 3325!: MN . . Bacun 138313)?» cwta‘. Eggs 26.3075 100 cw t .4. I’m. Canada 253-" cwt. 378“ OWL 1223137 cwt. [37664]) egg (Lanadian 9'hi'mwx's nt' vlttlo may he intm-vstmt tn knnw that English and Scam-h mark-h hmk 777-19 head Hf catth' t'rum lrvland during Hw first throw months at this year. (lan- adian shipmrs only want 5.202 head. The awmgo- prim- ro'cvivvd fur thvse cattle was £27, 01' about. $131.24 ('avh. Canadian bin-on is sailing in Eng- Canadian bamn is selling in Eng:- land for 08 to 102. shillings per. il‘l pounds, or the English Inns: hundred. Danish is selling for I?" shillings. The Department of .-\;.rrieulture at. Mbrkdale, in presenting these facts to the public, believes the Canadian farmers’ Opportunity to capture the British market. is exceptional. To do this there are, however. a few es- sentials necessary and every farmer positively must consent. to follow these directions. It may mean the subjugation of individual prefer- ences. Briefly, these essentials are : 1. Producing the articles \vantnd by the British consun‘m's; 2. Submitting t.“ and indeml dw- manding ewrything he sold on a graded basis; 3. Exlmrt only thv chnicest. agri- cultural prnducts. The British-peo- ple have tlw whole world to draw their produce from. 4. (Io-Operate with one another in the mattm‘ ot' set-tiring the best, of sires, and maintain them. COâ€"upep- ate- tu feed a market. nut to glut. it. Co~0p0rate to secure one selling agency for ouch commodity produc- ed and take a contract to sell through that agency. JP. III;-â€"JL‘SSiC Grant. ‘\'llfl‘id Grasby, .\l arga rot Harper, Irene Grasby. Jr. l\'.-»â€".\lav Nohln. Arthur McCabc Sr. Ill.~~mmrluttt- Patterson. Hap- old (flashy. LCIOI '.|I P1-â€"\n!ma Blyth, "I‘illie Bryans, Elgin Myth, \Iaxjmie Kern Norman Grant, Dorothy Bogle. blv. Sr. .ll.â€"-â€"Domgias 6mm, Dorothy Caldwell. ‘HI.â€"E\'Cl.\°ll Grant, Clements Pat- tersnn. Billie Caldwell. A No. 10, Bantinck. Sr. I\'.-â€"Glifl'ord Roseborough, Nor- an Ritchie. No. i, Bgremont and Normanhy. Sr. I\'.â€"~-Fiorcnm Grant. Sadie N0- Thursday, Jan. 7, 1923. 'â€"â€"J. W. Kerr, Teacher. J 1'. II.â€"-â€"l’earl R’osebo‘rough, Tommy Milligan, Violet Armstrong, Reta Vallett, Elwin Vallett. SI. I.-â€"Allie Hopkins. Jr. I. (heLMaud Picken, Ciscely ankins., Jr. I (a ~â€"Arnetta Mamie. Pr. C.â€"Jrvine Webber, Jim Arm- stmnu. Clan-once Ritchiv. Pr. [isâ€"«Dawson Vollett. Sr. III.â€"-:Elmer Webber and George Hopkins (equal), Carman Rosebor- ough, Allan Picken. Jr. [ILâ€"Lawrence Hopkins, Maple Armin-(mg. DURHAM STORES SLASH PBIGES Tomato SOUp ...... i ...... 10c. tin Corn Flakes, reg. 2 for 25, 3 for 25c Heinz’ s Spaghetti, 2 Th tins. . . 25c. Remember! ----- These Bargains Hold Good for Wednesday Only Remnants in Ginghams and Beach Cloth ................... 22c. yd. D. A. Corsets, summer weight, sizes 20 to 30 .............. 89c.. Linen Crash Towelling, 16 inches wide, white or grey, yd.. . . . 25c. :33 pm. Womvn's white canym hals" ruhhm' sole and spurt hep], reg. $3.30 fmn . . . $1.89 :5 ms. \Vumvn's whit» canVas hair; Imltlwlj sulC ml swrt. hmgl, 1mg. $3.30. fuzz... $1.50 anon‘s black ('am'as strap slippvl'. lva'va snln and mhImI‘ hvvl. extra gum! \m-hw $1.50 Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. Specials To-day in Hosiery Black Shoe Polish ............ 3 tins for 12c. Granite Wash Basins ................... 250. ‘2-qt. Tea Kettles ........................ 290. Granite Prosorving Kettles .............. 390. Goodyear Bicycle Tulws, first quality. . .. 750,. N0. 9 heavy (llo‘tlms Boiler ............. $1.39 Gomlyiirar Bicycle Tires. first quality.. $1.89 Men’s Harvest Bluc., reg $3.25, for ........................ $3.00 Men’s Tan Elk Blue., at. . Bird Sons Paroid Roofing and Shingles for Every Purpose. Heavy rock-finished, red or green $4.00square Shingles $7.00 sq. Canadian Rubber Roofing : ' Heavy $3.25 sq., Medium $3.00 sq. Light $2.50 sq. CROSS SUTHERLAND HARDWARE CO." Look over-the HATCHWAY Something real new and classy WEDNESDAY SPECIALS The Store with the Stock J. W. McLACHLAN A. S. HUNTER CO. J. S. McILRAITH The Cash Shoe Store G. S. BURNETT J. McKECHNIE and Underwear R. BURNETT Pr. A.â€"Raym.ond Hopkins and Fred Roseborough (equalx Average attendance. 20. â€"Millie E. Whitmore. Teacher. Messrs. Adam; Anderson and W1}. Firth have each purchased a Fwd (Our own borrespondent.) Mls. McKechnie of Pricexille \is- ited M et the “- eek-end “ith the Mc- Donald family Mr. D. Robinson was ill with pneu- monia and under the doctor's val-c. but is now able tn be around again. Edge Hill. m3 Stores Closed Thurs. Afternoon THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Horlick’s Malted Miik', 50c. . . . Horlick’s Malted Milk, $1 ..... Baby’s Own Tablets, 25¢; ...... Baby Talcum, reg. 25c ........ Rippcllntte ("finghanm in smoral different Shatle. I'vg. 30¢. on Sill“ ..... . . 24C. Dadivs himlnth- Bluusvs lwautiful vmhmi- «1mm! dusigns.1 Hg: ..m, “H Sn!" ...... $3 .49 Ladies blag'k PaWN “UP-Shaj) Slimwr, 199d:- ium 1100!. fig. $4.25. on Sill-4‘... . . ”33.49 Men‘s {inn Balhfiggan ungwmx'vm‘. :11] sizvs 690 Men‘s linv (9;, Shirts. 11-118}le makv and (will: ity. “I] saliioooooo oooooooooooo ‘oooooooo $1.79 Mum's Hal'wstor Shm's'. in I'vhahlu (Illilllt-Y. nu $310....” ...................... .. $2.98 Ferrozone, reg. 50c. for ...... 39c. Ironized Yeast, reg. $1.00 for. . 87c. Nuxated Iron, reg. $1. 00, fer” 89c. Natures Remedy Tablets, reg. 50c., for .................. 39c. Choice Sockeye Salmon Regular 50c, special 40c. Choice Black Tea, best quality Regular 75c., special, 65c. Heather Silk Hose, reg. $1. 30 $1. 00 pr. Men’s Heavy Grey Cotton Work Hose, special .............. 25c. Cal'. Mr. J. A. McDonald spent a few days at. his old home at Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Firth and fam- ily of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Firth of Stoney Creek visited over thé holiday with their brothers, J.G. and W. G. Firt..h The \oung people joumey 0d am to the ROCkV on Fridax ewning {01 a game of baseball “ith the team of that noighbmhood. The bo§s came out second best. but the girls won out. in their gamv. The return gamws were [flayed hero on Monday even- McFADDEN’S DRUG STORE MacBETH’S DRUG STORE H MORLOCK SONS . . sowral different J. LEVINE ing. when the Edge Hill girls \wro defeated by the Rocky team. but the Edge Hill boys won from the Rocky team with a score of 5-2. Edge Hill beef-ring is to open for 1923 next week. For the first two weeks we get our beef on Friday morning. afior that. on Thursday (Informing, the same as last year. mau‘ron sun Idval lmmestoad farm for mu- m Brucv Township; M) acres. (2:111 at, The Chronicle ()tfice‘ fur pru'tioLâ€" 131's. 6 7 I3 Woven Wire Springs ....... $5.00 Strong all-steel Springs ..... $5.00 Strong spiral steel Springs. . $8.00 Non-sway spiral steel Spring $9.00 Flexible steel slat fabric Spring . -. ...... " ......... $12.00 P1110 T"11‘" 1'111111'.111‘1‘ 1‘\\‘1. ....... .. $3.139 1 .‘11(‘1.~‘1'. [NW ”1. . . ................. 211'. 1 111 1111 111-11 mhnnn .................... 1121‘. ”1 tin 111111 Stimuli ................... 171°. ”1111's P111k 31111 Bva11>.. 1 1111s 1111‘ 231‘. 1 111 1.111 1’111‘1'11111 Baking HI’11\\111“........1 211‘. Extra. spacial Black T1111 .............. . . '191. ’1 111.11, «Ironm 01‘ “11031 (1111111 251‘. Secure Your Pineapples Before They Are All Gone Again we offer HOLEPROOF SILK HOSE, Elastic Tops, black and brown, for ........... 98c. pr. Half dozen Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers for ................ $1.19 Children’s Straw Hats. . . . 15c. ea. Curtain Nett, Madras, Scrim and Muslin. Extra Special Prices on Remnants. ODD AND USEFUL EVERYDAY GIFTS Ladivs‘ l'mbrollas. (‘xtra goml \aluo a". '5 and up. (mm s Soft (ullar Pins. thn h. LW qualitx Beauty Pins, 1.1m. are alwuy; usvml Sidwr Polish 1.11;: 35v. silo. fm. collar Buttons. all kinds mum ...... 100. “0 am shmxim: a beaut'iml 1in of Silverware. Cut Glass and (Lia-ks. They make the most upprncmted wedding gift. D. C. TOWN, Jeweler Optician 10 Percent. Off All Colored Madras Bleached Sheeting at ..... 60c. yd. Print Work Aprons, at. . . . 37c. ea. Gingham Polly Prim Aprons 89c. Mangel Seed (Rennie’s), 1b., 50c. Turnip Seed (Swede), per 1b., 75c. Greystone, per 11) ............ 50c. Black Fence Wire, per Ib. . . 5of4c. Large Cl'othes Baskets. . $1.75 ea. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT HARDING’S HARDWARE BED SPRINGS THE VARIETY STORE ’ur. [wr C\\'l........~... $3.69 .................... ..... .40. 1mm. ..... ....... 32¢. :lmun.......... ..... 1w. l’wans...... 3 tins. 1nr :.’.n-. I Baking 1'mxdol‘........ 24c. ilavk Iva. 49V. 'Whoat (bulk 256. 100 news; L411 436. 1'. ‘11. 2, (ilvnelg. I milt' Past of Durham: fa 11414141 slate of cultiVaziun: wit >421 wiUI 411', withuut. (mp: 341414! b R {1131' , £0 x 36-: straw-shod 34 11mg 114111541 with fun .114f 4:441“ “3161'; gnud- 411'i\'1u..' Mu'u; 11111141113 “ii-401' nu buUi rm» 0. .4ai'lll' 411911 40 m'14:s 1111-11114. L441 .12. 4:4411.2.a4lini11- 111.:131111\\1H I44 >4... H.441 14.414144]; 11111'4L111s411'. .\11: 'j‘ 1.7: fl'w 141'4'1111~41s 1011.1. “Rim-44.1 Hrii'. inhurhmh. J. 8; J. HUNTER BEGGS’ STORE J. H. HARDING FAR)! FOR SALE AT GRANT’S ED. KRESS. 250 ,. pr. and up .350 . 16:91.00 PAGE F IVE up

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