____________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"7 DIS. 11.13801! 11.13801! Office and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 9.111., 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). Office, 0V9? A. U. Ulll'l'fly 3 UUILC, nearly opposnte the Registry Office. Residence : Second house south of Registry Office on East side of Albert Street. Ofl‘ice hours : 9 to “am... 2 to In pm. and 7 to 9 pm. Telephone communication between office and residence at all hours. __â€"- m 3"“ ii. “a J. L. SII'I'B, I. 3., I. C. P. 8. 0. (Mice: and residence, corner of Countesss and Lamhton Strovts. oppo- site 0ch Post Ufl‘icc. Ulficu lmurs : 9 to H a.m.. L30 (0 3; p.m.. 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays and Thursday afternoons excepted ,u . ,f Late Assistant Royal London Up- thalmic, Hospital. England. and to rant and NOSP H05- l‘lyn. Ear. Throat 13 Frost Street, upldcn bquam Th pita]. Specialist : and Nose. Ut'ficn: Owen Sound. ___________.___._â€"- DR. BROWN L.R.C.P., London, England. Gram New York and {Ibi- uate of Lnndon. .zago. Diseases 0f Eye, Ear, one inch or Ian. 3 cu. for ï¬lm intention. 3nd 1.6 cents foc each subsequent. martian. Ova- ono inch nnd under two inchâ€. I ,A __L-- ‘_ ‘--':-“:A- J. 1'. GRANT, D. D. 8., L. u. a. llonur ï¬raoluah‘ l'nivm'sity M Tor- nnw, (iraduato Royal (Inllegv Dental Surgvnns nt‘ Untarin. Dmtish‘y in all its brancho-s. ()fl'ic'o, over 1.). (I. me'n's mellvry Stm‘t'. 11R.W.(1.Pumé ()fl'iur owr ..1 Durham, ()ntat i0. Barns loan. '. [(-0 cl .3- -â€" BaIrisIm‘s Sulmuur: -. - her of tlw mm “in I)» III Durham nn IIIINIIM HI' I‘ilI'h \VI' . . mems mm lw maIlv \VIHI the Clerk in the office. I. B. [.llI‘ as K. I). \\. I). HI‘IIIW B. A. Markdalv DIII ham DIIIIdalk THOMAS DELANY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. ‘ ' ‘ » [\V\l’ I.icensed Auctioneer for bounty u. Grey. Satist‘aetien guaranteed. Rea- sonahle terms. Dates of sales made at The (Ihruniele Otfice or with him- self. 5â€le BI: w k FARE FOR SALE Lot 7. Con. 21. Egremoni, conlainâ€" mg 100 acres; about 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwood bos'n; convenient to school; on the prom- ises are a frame barn 42x65 With stone foundation; concrete stabes; also hay barn 30x50 with stone base- lwelve -room nieni: hog pen 20x“); brick house. furnace healed. also frame woodshed: drilled well close to house with windmill, conorete water tanks: 30 acres seeded lo hay; sweet clover; this farm 10 acres lo 18 well fenced and in a good stale of cultivation For information apply to 7 - - n ‘ “cc-DH am Watson’s Dairy, 2 i 2" Priceville. PISBING PROHIBITED Any person found fishing without permission 011 Lots 1 and '2. Con. 1. N.D.R., Gleneig. will be prosecuted. â€"â€"a(‘venrge \Vhitmoro. 3.26 Qmpd __‘ BATGBING EGGS Reduced prices after May 8: White Leghorn. $1.00 per 15, $5.00 perJOO: Choice \Vhite Orpington 81.00 per 15, O.A.C. strain Barred Rocks, 75c. per 15. Day-01d chicks hatched May 25,‘ May 28, June 15 and June Iiiâ€"Mrs; J. 0. Henderson, Box 30, Durham. On- ' 5 3 tf ,, tario. PARK TOR SALE 00 acres; Lot 56.130n. '2. Tmilc east of Durham: in gn of cultivation: will son \ without crop: good ( 56; strawâ€"shed, 35 x 45; go'o house with furnace; hard : 1400 news; Lot 56. Con. '2. Glenelg. {mile east of Durham: in good state ' $011 with or“ without crap: good bank barn. 40 x -shed. 35 x 1.5; go'od frame urnace; hard and soft. ' " shed; running ' Philanthropy givini it back to the D is the business 05- eople you tOOk I it from. mm! Dimtorv. J. Atkinson.“- w! “Dzrea'on' A. B. (SURREY '1‘ 1.13s} FHHVHHI'. Money Durham and Hanowr, ( â€"â€"â€"__-_..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ~»_â€"'â€"-- _ DR.BURT. ifdknnméï¬nmlsw 'I‘ .l. J. Hunter's store, . Sulicitprs. etc}. ï¬rm mn kw Ill 01' much wow-k. [w mmh- with the (110 A mem- Durham Appoint.- l'k l, .0 â€c, U. -0 . B. Bunny 3 ofï¬ce, SMALL ADS; Markdahn (mt. I.0mlon Op- for (1 aunt-y 0‘ You-1y uto- on spplicution. CHIROPRAOTIC The Science that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. 6. G. and Bessie lacGillivray, Ciropractors, 6 1!. 93 H' Durham. 61423 H The Durham 5.19.0. Live Stock Association will sh‘p stock from Durham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. Cliflord Howell, Manager. Phone 921' 11. Durham, RM. 1. SHIPPING EVERY SATURDAY Mr. Arnnm I). Noble informs us that hereafter he will Ship Hogs from Durham every Saturday fore- nnon. Highest prices paid. 11 23 tf Hard and 501 Clark, Durham. FARM FOR SALE 3 n", l North par! of Lots 7 and 8, Con. .;-., lï¬urcmonl. containing 66 acres; z'ifii acres vlwziz'ml. balance hardwood; hush; in good stale of cultivation; frame harn 44x50, stone basement. concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at harn. Also Lots 6 and 7, Con. 4, S.D.R., Glenelg, con- taining: 110 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- taining seven rooms, with good frame woodshed attached; ,' drilled well at door; never failing springs on this farm, making a choice stock farm; this property will be sold right to quick purchaser For par- ticulars apply at - Watson’ 3 Dairy, R. R. 4, Durham. 2 1 2tf A comfortable six-roomed dwell- ing; hard and soft water; quarter acre of land; well fenced; good sta- ble. Apply at, The Chronicle Office, Durham. 3 29 U NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U.F.O. Live RESIDEN CB FOR SALE A desirable 2-storey brick resi- deuce with all modern conveniences; good location in Upper Toxxn; terms to suit purchaser; owner leming tomm Apply to M15. Bailey, Uppe1 Town, Durham. 5331“ All Our Graduates CLYDBSDALE STALLION 'l‘lw Imported Clydosdale Sta‘lliqn- Dunmure “purge. will be at the. Hahn House Stables Saturday after- have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay far it anyway in smaller ealnings and lost opportunities. .Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest ()f cmu'so- many wisp thinks aw said as jt')ko‘S'. but nnthing in compar- ison with the- foolish things said in e-arnnst. ’ .\ Villagm' is a man who can l'nvl important. all «lay over llw sit-mph? furl. Hf having; a strangm‘ ask him for information. Silver r Black Foxes Priceville Fox Co., Limited Priceville, Ont. at $100. Par Value All registered pure bred tock. Low' capitaliza- t 11. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten years ex- rperience breeding. Stock from P.E.I. mm “NEVILLE Fox CUM-ma PRICEVILLE, our. ' WOOD FOR SALE Vim: for tumor particular: to A limited number of shares for sale in HOUSE FOR SALE 50ft. Apply to Zenus m- 727†CHAS. H. MIGHTON, Proprietnr. 0‘ Together and “Let Al! the Folko Generally Elliot PEWE SW‘ Program From Grave to Gay. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) Human beings are gregarious. The dictum that it is not good for man to be alone in not conï¬ned to thinga connubial. Man by nature is a mixer. Folks will flock. Nothing draws like a- .crowd. Let it be known that “They're all going to be there." and they all will try to be there to see them all, and it it be a public sin:- song, to hear them. The Grange, the Farmers' Insti- tutes, and the U.F.O organisations have already done away with much of the old-time isolation of country life, and the energy shown by those younger in years who have partici- pated in the activities of School Fairs and Boys’ and Girls' Clubs has also shown that a new day has arrived for more clubable conditions in rural neighborhoods. Community singing is a social solidifler. Everybody Enjoys Singing. As the result of years of eXperience with Y.M.C.A.'s, men and boys’ clubs, and military camps, I have come to the conclusion that people enjoy more than any other music that in which they take part publicly. A commun- ity sing-sons,’ no matter where in- dulged in, always acts as a social tonic. It is a solvent of creed. caste and ultra dignity. it catches all pres- ent it they will only catch the tune. It takes the croak out of the throat, the iurrows from the worried brow. the hard lines from mouths that have been growing grim, and the crowsteet from the corner of the eyes. It melts the icy manner. it knocks the starch ‘ out of even the so-called superior s people. To sing together is to get to- '. gether. l L 4,!______ I have seen hard-headed business and professional men who have been looked upon with awe or tear by their employees, turn up at banquets or club gatherings in the city and drop all their diznity and “front†as they Joyously bellowed some popular dit- ty, or solemnly joined in a sentimen- tal camp song, and doing it as it late of nations depended upon their being heard. And, with a little coaxing, a farmer can outchant any city chap, because of better chest and lung de- velopment. Music Always Popular} in the Country. Music Always Popular in the Country. Music has alway had a leading place in rural ente tainment. The The old-fashioned singing school gave a generation 0 two or agricul- turists an ear for melody, and reflect- ed itself in the volulme of congress- tional singing that obtained forty {ears ago. To-day in church assem- lies that heartiness and volume is 'very much wanting. IO. I 7 _. __-‘_ the Countryâ€"Community 8m 'v-' â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€" -â€" Comnunity singing will do much to revive the robustious and not less pleasing vocalism oi the good old days. The people who can sing with vim “Keep the Home Fires Burning" or “Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag,†are likely to be Just as heuty in exhorting you to “Count Your Blessings,†or to “Brighten the Corner Where You Are." Canmunity Singing Include. All Real community singing implies a general participation. Everybody should have at least a whack at the choruses. A capable leader with both taste and gumptionrcan bring hearty and genuine melody out of any rural gathering. Simple methods and a knowledge of human nature are all that are needed. He will ï¬rst try out the juniors, and children will never refuse to sing. Then the girls will be heard by themselves, followed by the boys. Now we are getting along. The next thing we know the , leader has the women carolling along all by themselves; and then, wonder of wonders, he calls upon “men only" to sing, and they get at it like the good sports that they are, so as to show the women folks and the kid- dies that music is something that is .in the soul of all, and that driving a ream in the'fleld'is a capital aid to- ward a rich and megaphonic baritone. Vary the Program From Grave to Then let us have community sing- ing, and plenty of it; but let it be something more than mere sing-song. Anythingdecent will do to begin with, and the simpler the better, as a sort ‘_A of iimbering up exercise. But let something more ambitious be at- tempted now and then, such as giees, anthems, cantatas, or perhaps orator- 105, with big soloists trom the cities as Stars, but with all hands drilled for the choruses†Some txme an easy and clean comic opera might be put THE DURHAM CHRONICLE on, ‘but with no intention of crowding out'the more solid music; for it is well to remember the force and Just- ness of that very practical observae tion of the elder Pliny (lib. iv, cap. xi, 24), “The lemon, as well as the sugar, is needed to make the punch.". Community singinz should be en. couraged. It is a social, physio“, mental, and moral tonic. Less pubuc benefactions have been bonused by the stateâ€"Thorn. McGillicuddy, Sta- ;tlstics and Publication Branch. Sukatchunn’: crop cod $187,- 000,000 to produce lat ear. The proceeds amounted to 7,000,000. During the month of .3!“ sad the first No weeks of 3y 300 ciaimo were; registered in die. coun- “Twenty marriage en gemonu at. among the results a twin!- theoworld voyuge of a C.P.R. liner.†Mr: Beatty_hu :_ lot to answer for. -â€"Ottawa 'Journnl. With a papulabion which is over 70 per cent. rural Saskatchewan has a larger automobile registration than any other province. One at every 16 peeple owns a car. One of the largest fish cgught in the history of Leke Timgimi we: recently caught by E. B. Hamlin who, with a small bus hook. and light steel rod landed a salmon trgut weighing 24 pounds and meuurm‘ three feet in length. In 1920 there were cut in Cmada 4,024,826 cords of pulpwood. This would, if piled four feet high and four feet wide, reach in a continu- ous line over 6,000 miles, or the dis- tance from Vancouver to Halifax, and out over the Atlantic to Queehs- town, Ireland. Trees to the number of 10,000 were distributed among Saskatoon school children by the Parks Offi- cials and Dominion,Forcstry Branch on the occasion of Arbor Day. Each child received one maple and'ono The Empress of France, of the Can- adian Pacific fleet, now on the trans- Atlantic service between Hamburg, Southampton and Cherbourg to Que- bec, holds the record for the fastest journey between Quebec and Liver- pool, having crossed in :3 days, 22 hours and 38 minutes, just two hours less than the Empress of Britain. xivâ€"sâ€"h-w Last year only'5,000 trees were distributed. . Gengral Sir Arthur Currie will unveil a memorial cairn at Sault Ste. Marie to Etienne "f-r'u'ir» and hi~= on“- panion Grenoell, the coureurs de bois, who found the Sault and discovered Lake Superior _in 1622. The: rmv‘eil; {BE'wï¬xfliéiaé'piace August 7th dm‘t ing Discovery Week, when the Ojib- ways will produce “Hiawatha" on two afternoons. ~ Notwithstanding that there will be an increase this year in Canadian Pacific steamship traffic on the St. Lawrence, with 17 more sailings than in 1922, Canadian Pacific offi- cials report that ships are being well booked and that according to present indications the 1923 season will show improvement in ocean trade from both Montreal and Quebec. Whales are reported early and plentiful this season and despatches from Victoria state that conditions surrounding the inauguration of the deep-sea hunt this year are the most promising in more than a decade. The demand for canned whale meat has become so pronounced that the prospective pack of the Victorian whalers is already disposed of. Eng- land will be the distributing market for canned whale meat this .vear. A replica of an old time Hudson’s Bay fort, such as once was the nucleus of the western posts of the great company, and which still exist in the far north, will be erected at the Calgary Exhibition grounds, July 9 to 14, as a part of the big Stampede feature. Special arnange- ments are also being made to pro- vide a commodious camping gro'nd for the Old Timers “3‘“ "'“i 9f‘o.";i with the old-f::=‘oion"d LIL-..†waéoas :nd cowboy qui; Running on schedule the Canadian Pacific Steamship’s liner “Empress of Canada,†Captain A. J. Hailey, again demonstrated her right to the claim of “Queen of the Pacific.†The. Canadian vessel left Vancouver: twenty-four hours hehind the Ameri- can liner “ Presidznt Mfliizzley†bound for Yokohama recently. Tho “Empress of Canada" docked about 3 A-M., and the “President I' Kin- tey†arrived at 8 A-M- ( About all you can say {Imam is that ho hul‘ds a I" pnsitinll. Anothm' thing that Drive of gas is tho «list: P011 10 b0 I'l'nm thn up Lion. ' EXCELLENT GRAIN AND STOCK FARM FOR SALE V Lot 28, Can? 6, Glenelg Township, containing 100 acres, 80 ï¬t for crop- ping; balance bush, swamp and pas- ture land; soil mostly rich, sandy loam; spring creek on corner at front; spring and creek in bush at the hack; never-failing spring on watering two ï¬elds; well: H west side, at house; big seven-roamed stone house, cellar full-size; roof almost new; big woodshed and summer kit- chen; stone foundation for barn 36 x 56, L foundation 20 x 30; concrete silo 12 x 30; an acre of standard ap- ple trees. .There are 33 acres in Oats, 5 in Buckwheat, 18 acres of white blossom sweet clover for seed, 15 acres ï¬rst crop Immath clover and .V. v- â€"â€" â€" timothy, :11 iii good shape. Crap and farm for “.000 to quick purchaser, as son is going into motcanme mo. R. '1‘. EDWARDS sons, , R. a. 1, Markdale. Residence : Lot 8. Con. 7. can say for u... hul‘ds a l‘espunsihlv at cm'tfts thv stunco you hap- noxt ï¬lling: ~‘taâ€" STOCK Love.“ ï¬rst sight is possible but! it‘s always advisable to take a sec- ond look. It may be the fault of your glasses. ‘ Its a hard w.orld You cant put anything damn until you reach the three mile limit, and art†that you cant keep it doxxn. The poor ï¬sh deserves little sym- pathy. He never gets the hook until he tries to got sonmllling for [10"]- lung. . Too many maple mink rnligion is a‘ kmd Of a rabbit‘s fun! tn lump had luck away. 6213 What has human.» 01' tho old-fash- innml prvachm' \th mnphasizod his points by making his vvlluluid cufl‘s rattlv furinusly. Anrnhm' gum! intvlligmu-v “-91 is In oxprvss yum' «minim! 01' a m-w baby. ' ~ 'l‘hn (nu,- Irishman «hwsn't wait, in light fur :m him]. All lw asks fur is an idnal light†(IHUI'ISIIip was :1 mnrv ('Hnuulimlml [H'HCPSS in the HM «layalml. “101'" was nu taxivah mvtro- In urgo- makim: it snappy. Ynu can dix'm'cv an unsatisfactmgv malo- but you van'l dimrvv thv lmtv- l'ul quality that. makvs ynu nnvhlo in go! almn: with mw. A LITTLE OF THIS 1!") TIA? It. may low that. fat mun Inm- nmw‘ faith than Ivzm nuns. hut Hwy still vsclww hvlts and cling tn suspmulvl's‘. "(mz' gnu-at [H'Hhivlll is [10! “Punitiv- Iit II. but distx'ilmtiun." 'I‘his‘ strikvs â€I." Mild man WiHl ‘g.‘..\‘uiu.‘ Hh'. .' ï¬tm- ho' shmv . 'I‘hm‘v i.“ a limi! In M. cum â€I“ [n'ngvny Hf " Hy. 2....5 «BEE LEE. .5...» a. .75.; .z: .272: :::.....:a :25 3.1:: ..._1....._. .23 1... .12.? :23 ::_:.7..:;_ :5... $127. i PERHAPS there are many things you would like to buyâ€"but you cannot aï¬ord them now. Why not save up for them? There is much personal satisfaction to be found in sav- ing moneyâ€"one dollar grows to twoâ€"in a short time it is ï¬ve-then ten and so onâ€"but if you are saving (or a deï¬n- ite object. you should open a bank account. Whilst the money is always there for you when you need it, there is less temptation to spend small sur;.s-- i. grows quicker and is safe from loss. You will ï¬nd our Managers and Stafl willing to help you. A THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Making Money Grow whim-1" HELP FOR YOUNG WINE“ keptme f lvuvvvvu w; wâ€"â€"â€"r' â€"' cationthef my arm tom suï¬ered in thin goto bedfortho times Iwonldhl ) w and! fraud duced me to u" Lydh E. Pinkhun' Vegetable Compound. I h" had utmfucbory result. xmuï¬. methods}. 0:“ b'dktbeofloot: I n m- utisfncbory mum In I onunending the Vegan“. my friends. I Intel! an my friendi. laurel “1(le itforlfeelliken ' enntperson now thst I don ’t hove these troubles."â€" ODEUA Howsmï¬ox 98.Vikin¢. Alto. Letters like this ennui-h the merits of Lydis E. Pinkhun's Vegetsble Com- pound. The tell of the relief fromsuch puns and u ments after “king it. Lydis E. Pinkhsm's Vegetshle Coin. pound, made fromnstiverootsnmlierhl. contains no nsrcotic or hnrmful drug and today holds the record of being _ most successful remed for female ills i in this country, and ds of vol- 1 uner testimonisls Prove this fut. “I? y'ou doubt um Lydi. a Pinkhun'n Vegetable Com 6 will help wnte to the Ly in E. Pinkhnm edi- cine ,Co.,_ Cobouyg,‘ Ogtlario, far In. - “â€" ‘_‘ 'A-_ vvvv Knigï¬â€™s privfloatevxt-Ebok Ind burn more about it. c littl suckvr l.~' mvrylhinu. .\ dm-sn't any m nu! ‘ ' huh-rs PAGE 88"“ Illill ‘l-o IN'HPVOB :1 man who