Rev. Dr. Bates is expected to preach in the Baptist Church on Sunday. August 5.118 will speak on “Education." Miss Sihyl Lawrence of Hutton Hill. teacher in the Township of ï¬rm-flock. County Uf Bruce, had great, success with her Entrance pupils at the last examination, when sit \H'nte and all were successful. The llhrunicle tenders congratula- '1‘ he ‘ lions. Passod Entrance Pupils. Arnold Noble Doing Nicely. Mr. .-\l'nuld Noble, who was aper- att'rtl 0m fur appendicitis at his lmmo h“ 0' yvsto'mlny mnrning H “aborted as olning well and n0 immmlialn dan- go-r is anticipated. This nim'niv 5', Mr. (lonrgo- Torry of Bvulincl-L as at tho- Durham Hnsliitul unilm'guing a similar Upo'l'illlUlI. Dr. I). ll. .lzmiiuâ€" sun was llw surgmm in bull: cusps. Congratulations. The Chrnnicle o-xtrnds congratu- lations and bust wishes to Mr. “'93. )lnrtun and Miss Jemima Drummnnd. both uf town. who» wurr marrird at the I'rrshylrrian mans» 'yrsterday mnrning. 'l'hry 10“ on a shurt motor trip tn Detroit and other plarrs, and oxlwrt tn return rarly next wruk. Tho-y will rrsiolc in Durham. Progressing in lusic and Art. “’0.- vungralnluto' Miss )layolm- Mc- .\\rlo~y Hf Barrio. a l'nrmm' rvsioh'nl llo'l'é‘. un hm' succ'o'ss in â€In ro‘mmt nmsival nxaminatiuns. We noticc' l'rnm Hm publishml report, in the Harm-i Examinm- that sho lonk ï¬rst Mass hnnm's in I'llvmo-ntary 'l‘lwm'y :mol hunura in Junior ,l’ipv Organ. Slw has alsn‘lmml making 3 wonâ€! in drawing and painting. Celebrated Diamond Wedding. Mr. anal Mrs. Duncan Stvwart. of Stratt'ord ro-lo-hratml their diamnml wmlding om Munolay. Mr. Stpwart is ttu- sun of tho- late .Jth Stewart Of Nurth l'lasthnpt‘. who rame t0 tianmla in 1832. Mr. Dunran Stewart was born in Easthnpo- in I834 and was tho ï¬rst whit» rhilol burn tlwre. His \\ it'c- was clhristina chpen and was! born in North Easthupe 77 years ago and is hwlw years younger than twr husband. A Good Lacrosse Player. Heorgo- Watt. sun of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watt. inl'morly ut' this place, but. now of Soutl‘mmpton. has devel- “[wd into a ï¬rstâ€"class lacrosse play- m', amwmting tu The Southampton Bvacon. Hporgp was born in Durâ€" J" “1â€" n ham and possibly learned the rudi- ments of the game around here. ,He is starring this year with Southamp- ton. which is in the district com prised of Hanover. Port Elgin and Southampton. Attended Family Reunion. In a letter received at this office from Mr. John Pilkey, he informs us that he l'erently attended an old- time gathering. when his brothers and sisters with their families. num- bering about 40, met at his birthplace and had an enjoyable time. Mr. Pil-l key does not mention where his birthplace was, but presume this small neglect on his part did not in the least detract from the happy gathering. Two Boys Drowned at Owen Sound. 1‘wo 'vight-year-old boys, Earl Wilson and Elinm‘ Park. wore drownml at Owen Sound at the on- tranm- tn tlw hal'bnr :xhnut nmm nn Monday. They were last seen by a mm» 01' othm‘ buys who we‘re dressing. playing and splashing vach nthvr on a sand-bank [war «Imp watm'. and who-n tho- oilwr two hnys werv ahmu tn h-rm- thvy noticpd that the twu whom thvy had 30011 in the watm‘ had disappgnrod. They gaw- thv alarm and a search resulted in thc' ï¬nding 0! the bodies. nno about an hour aftm'. and the other two hours after the accident. The paronts of the two buys reside at. Owen Sound. Dry W “tor Continues. The ontinued dry weathez" i'l this section is beginnig to be felt, and a good rain is badly needed. The grain is ripening pp fast, anyf for the past week or so the pasttiro ï¬elds have been hard put it and the cattle are sum-ring. he probabili- ties promise us cooler weather, and this morning a few rumblings of thunder could he heard in the West. so it is not likely we will be any length of time longer withou‘t rain. The surrounding country seems to have been gettin rain during the past ten days, bu the district imme- diately surrounding Du'hain has not bed a drop. It rained last Monday night in Mount Forest and on Tues- dny we noticed a short strip in the vicinity of Bunessan that had had quite t rainfall. ‘ A dispatch from London ’says: Royal assent was given Tuesday to Lady Astor’s liquor bill which pro- hibits the 3313 of intoxicating ‘liâ€" quors to any" son under 18 years Lady Astor's Bill Plated. Quick Work On Entranqe. Miss Murdock who is teaching in a country school near Wroxeter, tells us she passed a pugil at the last En- trance examination after only two and a half months’ training in Sen- ior Fourth book work. Will Celebrate Golden Wedding. (m 'l‘uo-sclay mixt. August 8, Mr. and Mrs. Adam. RolwrtSim Will 0918-- brain the ï¬ftieth ‘zmniversary of' llwir wedding day. Mrs. G. A. Smith of )la-um (lib lmxa, is here now and mill bo- [ire-emit. on the occasion. Mrs. (1)12? Burnett and Mr. Allan Rnlwrtsim nl' Hamilton will al‘riw TRINITY CHURCH GARDEN PARTY WILL BE HELD AUGUST 16 M a menting held at Trinity (Ilium-h Rectory on 'l‘uvsdz‘ly night it was dvcidml tn hnlcil the annual gav- olun party on 'I‘hursday evening, the 16th nf August. latvl'. "l‘lw garden} party this ymu' will be hold «m the spacious lawn 08‘ Mr. Abraham Crutchlny, north of town. and arrangmnents are bein: made Mr an vaollent program. A further :mnnnncvment will be made later. Ligï¬wllp Your Garden Parties. 1.1mm lights fm gal-den panting. Fur twrms and dates 8638 Smith “1115., l)ux;h:un., 7 19 tf Any quantity. Highesf price at {he 110053193 Mills. 3 1523 U Wheat Wanted. \I' ‘ Britisï¬-American Gasoline. Did you get your British-American Hasoline tu-day'.’ Sold exclusively by Smith Bros. 719†W’heat, Barley, Buckwheat, Peas, Oats and Mixed Grain wanted. High- est prices paid.â€"â€"R0b Roy Mills Lim- ited, Durham, Ont. 112M Grain Wanted. Um h: ml. “1:54:21 dim A! Films Developed Free. Prints 4c., host card size 50., glaz- ed ï¬nish; ï¬nished twice a week. Bring or send to Kelsey Studio, Dur- ham. 01; leave at D. C. Town’s jewelâ€" i-y store. 510 3pdtf Lucas 8: Henry’s Law 0%“. Open every day for business. A member of the ï¬rm.will be in the office every Tuesday. Special ap- pointments may be made at the of- â€"Aa‘ Lice S‘p'e'ciaflist Coming. An Eyp. Ear. Nose and Throat spoâ€" (ialist wiil he at Dr. Jamiesons 01“- Iicv .tlw second week in August. Any wishing treatment must make ap- pointmt‘nts with Dr. Jamiesnn im- mediately. 2 II’i’ud Clock Dopairing. If your watch or clock is not keep- ing correct time, bring it to C. (J. Douglas’ jewellery and watch repair shop. All work done on the prem- ises and at a moderate cost. All work guaranteed-43. C. Douglas. wort gu ran! Zion arden Zion Garden Party. The annual garden party of Zion lipworth Leagus will be held in the tield at the church on Thmzsday ev- oning \ngust 9.‘ \ keen baseliuall match between Edge Hill and the home team’ “in be played. (i001! slimiei semed. and a tine p'wglam given. Admissinn. adults 350., child- ren lje. , ;:ciflist Comi v- -â€"-v One rubber-tired buggy with wire wbef‘ls, in gum condition. Also one surrey. a bargain For a quick buyer. A; $111M} Bros.’ Garage. 719tf For “r“ Stgp 'l'hat “.Bhgtta‘r" in Ypu’r‘Pord. _- 1A.. â€"____,___ V“, -â€"'-v Nn more jerky transmission hands if you use Veodol Fordol. The oil that, is made for Ford cats. Sold by Smith Bros. 7 19 ti" Rob Roy Grain Prices. We are paying 480. to 50c. for Oats, 650. for Barley, 650. to 686. for Buck- wheat. 3120 to 81.25 for Peas ano $1.00 for‘flhqat at 9n}: elevatogfr -L- _- vv J“ Q’ I 0"" I Rob go}; gillfé‘Lfm'iiedibui-ham. Out. I L I W: t On_co._‘ ‘ . WW I‘t' Once. Good man and wife wanted for farm work; no objections to zmall family; house could be divide ; with {fee wood, flour, milk, eggs, pork, butter, and garden ve etables; ‘ only four miles from Dur am. For furher par- ticulars write W“. D. Davis, 244 An- nette street, Toronto, Ont. Used 3 For 8:10.. Smi l1 Bros. list of used ca1s for this week is as follows: 1 1915 roadster 1 1915 touring, 2 1916 tourings 1 1918 touring, 1 1919 roadster, 1 1920 roadster with startâ€" er,‘ 1 19% Sedan,1 ton truck with stake body, 1 1917 Chevrolet touring, _ AL ..... “Fisher touring. before buying. Business Locals. â€"--‘ See these 0368 7 19 tf 53H SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. G. A. Smith (Jessie Robert- son), and son Ross, of Mason City. Iowa, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Robertsnn. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aljoe, his Bis- ter, Miss Vic. Aljoe and Miss Mar- guerite Alexander motored to Ham- ilton on Sunday. Miss "Nellie Mayne is visitihg in Toronto. Miss Edna McDougall of Crawford spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. Harry McDougall. Rev. and Mrs. P. C. Cameron and daughter of ()rillia, on their way tn Detroit, spent a day with hie hruther, Rev. E. Cameron, here. ' Mr. Cecil Wiggins of Kitchener Spent over ï¬nnday at his home here, "_-"_ _..1| IV“- _‘.--- \-‘\."\‘ ‘Mr. Dave‘ HastiQ 0f Chesley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDougall. Miss Hermie Pettigrew of Hamil- tnn returned home Saturday after Visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘. C. Morton, for a month. MOSSI‘S. George Medford and “'11- i11id Hafknvss, Miss Jean Harkuess, Miss brace Pettig‘rc“ and M11. C. Svarsun, all 01' Tees“ atop, Spent (H1111 the week-end with Mr. and 3111s. '1‘. 11. 3111111011. Rev. B. W‘alter Wright, ToruntH. and Mrs. Wright, aminuuce the en- gagcn‘wnt of their youngest daughter- Iiniily Nurma Kathleen, to Mr. (lharlps S. Cotter. sun of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Cottvr Hf St. Annv‘s, Jamaica. B.\\'.I., the marriage in hike! lil‘dCt‘ in August. Mr. and Mrs. John M. MurKrnziv and children of Milton. mntnro'd 11;» Sunday and spent. thv \\'e'¢._-k-('ncl wit h 13w laltvr's sistc'r. Mrs. Dan. McDon- aid and nthnr friends. .\II'. aml Mrs. andcling and family Hf Kitvhmwx’ 211-0 Visiting at‘ Hu- kalm' hnmn at [nu-«cut. .v\mung‘ thnsn I'l'um tnwn who \‘iS- ith at \\’a.-nga Huavh uwr Sunday \wrn thv Huntm', Pivkvring and Bur- Lam‘s famine-s. and also Mrs. N. Mc- Naunwl Hf tnwn and nor sistvl' Mrs. Nlcl’lwrson 0f 'l‘m'cmtn. M 1-5, Ix'niswr or St. 'l'lmmas. is Vis- Hing hm; mother. Mrs. L. Elvidgo. Missos Efl'iv and Elsiv Hunto' urn \Esiling fur a few months with the Hum-Vs sistm'. Mrs. Charles McKin- nnn. at Bassano. Alberta. 'I‘lw Prosbytvl'ian Choir are (911ij- ing their picnic tn-day at \Vasaga l-h-ach. Mrs. M. M. Marshall left on Mon- day aflvrnnon for a munth’s visit at Milvm'tnn and Torontn. Miss Gladys Douglas 01' Toronto is Visiting her mother, Mrs. Robert Douglas, here. Rm: and Mrs. T. F. \Vhealen of Ailsa Craig. and Mr. Harold Lemmas-e! of Toronto, visited the formerq’ 5011. RM; and Mrs. \Vheulen, a? the Ruc- tory. Mr. W. J. French, wife and UV» children, of Thedford, were guests at the! Rectory here for a couple of days last week. Mrs. Barker, son Tum and daughâ€" tm' Margarpt. are guests of her sister. Mrs. T. A. Cook. M r. and Mrs. Griffin of Toronto are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bryon. \ Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Buffalp are on a motoring trip and visiting hm' nmthvr. Mrs. Curriv. herv. Mr. and Mrs. John McRohb motor- mi from their home near Arthur on Sunday and Visited with M1. Frank- iin R. .Vluulock and family and also Milw- his mnthm; and sister, Miss Elizabeth Murdock. Miss Margaret Dm'by of Edmonton. Alberta. and Mr. Ralph Kinnco. of \‘zzncuuvm'. are Spending tho‘sum- nwr months with the farmer‘s uncle. Mr. H. N. Burnett. They 1'01“.†a pleasant. motor trip from Edmontmi. mining by way of the l‘nited Status and making the trip in two weeks. Miss [In Wilkinson of Mt. Forest is spending a few days Visiting her uncle, Mr. H. N. Burnett. Mr. J. K. Alarm! is also a Visitor in town, hav- ing mntored from Ceylon. Sask. Viz. J. W. Eedy of the St. Marys .hmrnal-Argus, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Body and three chldren of The \Vjalkerton TPIE’SCOpe, gave us a brief call on Friday last as they were on lhpir way to Eugenia. Mr. Guy Sherk, who has been en- gaged in Detroit since early spring was in town over Sunday to visit his parents†Mr. and Mrs. Murray Boy of Strai- ford are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGirr. M. Harper McGipr was home from Detroit over Sunday. Mr. George Arnett of Detroit vis~ ited his brothers, John in mm, and Wes in Glenelg, for a few days last week. Sheâ€"Oh, Charlie, you don‘t know what you’ve done! Father has al- ways declared he would shoot the ï¬rst man who kissed me. Who was that talking to you 1 while ago? “That was my family physician.†“What did he say?†“He said ‘No’.’j Heâ€"Tell me, did he really do it? Fâ€); Q .~ " â€"i $§ï¬ï¬‚ mun! run won our; won non noun!!! 2-1 Whom the} game had prug‘rvssml about hwnty-tix’n minutoés tho refc.‘1~m_> railed a pvnalty nn (Iharlvs Plotsch for touching the ball with his hand. Holstein's big hack. Hib- son, came} Up thv livM aw] druw the ball tl'u'cmgh for Hulstciu‘s ï¬l'S‘ and only fully. The gnmr I't-SUIIIWi with Mildmay clotvrmiuml tn «wrn 11p and a tow minutns later, with tho Mildmay t'mwvards prmsing their ummsing dwt’rnro. :1 [whaltx- t'uul was award- ed Mildmuy. ,‘thmwun kirkvd thv prnalt)‘ and thu hail hit “10 HUI- stein guah-r. hut Mrtiowan and Schot'ter caught it. on the rebound and drmr it thwugh tn own tho score. After that the Mildmax fans hrnathml rash-r. In the second periml, with Mildâ€" may kicking into their own favor- ite goal, the game was vastly dif- ferent and our forwards fairly lmnï¬iai‘ded the Holstein goal. that they were not successful in piling: up a big score is a tribute to the ability of the' opposing defence. who have few equals in the game to-tlay. Time after time what looked like a sure goal was turned aside by Gibson, the big powerful full back for Holstein. The Stars, however, kept going at top speed and with about. twenty minutes still to play Mildmay was awarded a corner kick, which was made by McGowan. It dromied just infront of the. cross-bar and the Holstein defence man in an attempt to clear headed it back into the goal for Mildmay’s second and winning count. That ended the scoring, although the Star tom ards were. right in on the Holstein goal a dozen times later. 'l‘ho, spectators. and they were present. from Holstein, Palmerston. Harriston, Clifford, Ayton, Zorgil; and “ther places. were united in the opinion that it was the faslvst and most, keenly contestwi game ever witnessed. The following is tho list. of dates of Fall Fails in this pant of (lulano : Allistnn .................... Oct 4â€"5 A1 thm‘ .................. Sept.18-19 Ban w .................. SON. 17â€"19 Benton ..................... 0v l. 8- 9 Blvth .................... Sept. 27-- “8 Bolton .................. Sep t. 18-19 Ill vth“ vll‘s ( 01 1101‘s, , , , , , Sept. 18-19 BI ucv Minvs ...... ‘ ...... Sept. 26»? lc'llnn......;...., ..... Se p1. ‘26-‘27 l Whalmnnth .............. Oct. 11-12 .K.. A.‘ ï¬liét'éi'xiliï¬t'ln'f.’ . 'o'ct. 11-12 tlhos'lvy. . . . . . . . .- ....... Sept. 27-". (llax‘kslmrg .............. Sept. 18-19 Goldwater ............... Sept. 20-21 Ctlllillg\\’<'md ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Svpt. â€-14 Doslmro ................. Sept. 18-19 Dundalk ................ Sept. 25-26 DURHAM ................ Sept. 12â€"13 Elmx'ale ................. Sept. '35â€"‘26 Erin ........................ (h't. 12 Fergus .................. Sept. 20â€"21 Fexi'ersham ................. Oct. .‘2-3 Gore Bay. . .x ............. Sow. 15-26 Gorrie ........................ ( lot. 6 Grand Valley ............ Sept. 27â€"28 lHanover ................ Sept. '25â€"‘26 Harriston ............ .. . .. Sept. £344 Hepworth .............. Sept. 18-19 HOLSTEIN... .............. Sept. 26 Kagawong. . .2 .............. Oct. 4-5 Kemble ............... Sept. 27-28 Kincardine .............. Sept. 20-21 Lion’s Head ................ Oct. 3â€"4 Listowel .............. q. Sept-- 20-21 London (Western Fair. . . Sept. 8-15 Lucknow ................ Sept. 27-23 Markdale .......... . ........ 00L 2'3 Midland. . . . .; .......... Sept. 27-29 M'i-ldmay ................ Sept. 17-18 Mount Forest. . . ......... Sept» 19-20 Orangeville .............. Sept. it?“ Ottawa (Central Canada‘. .. Sept ‘47 Owen Sound..... ....... Sept. 12â€"“ Paisley ...... ....... Sept 25'2“ Palmerston ..... ... ......... t. 2-3 Parry Sound ............ Sept- 1749 PRICEVILLE, , , , , . , . .,. ..... Oct. 6â€"5 Ripiay'Oooooooooloooo0‘00' S. t. Fig Epcglyn ooooo ...‘.........;5:-n4 [Lia DATES 0!" FALL FAIRS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , Sept. 18-19 , Sept. 17â€" 19 o o . . (h' k. 8- 9 Sept. 27-- ‘_’8 - (The Continent, Chicago.) Sahdy and his lass had been sitting together about half an hour in silence. “Ay, so ye wf‘ere “An’ I was here on Tuesday uicht, an Wednesday nicht, an Thursday nicht, an Fri‘day nichi‘“ “A'ye, I’m thinkin’ that‘s so.†“An†this is Saturday uicht 311’ I'm here again?†“Mame," he said, at length “was- na I hear on the Sawbeth nicht?" ‘ Aye, Sandy, I duar say you w.ere †“An‘ wasna I here on Monday nicht?†"Weel, I‘m sure yo‘rn very welâ€" come.†Sandy (desmrately‘: â€"- “Maégiv. woman! UP IN lwgin to suspect, sumething?" Mark Twain was callml upun to} sneak at a vluh dinner and took fur his theme “Honvsty.†Hr said whvn he was a. [my ho mm day saw a ram full of mvluns. Ho \vas.a |myâ€"â€"a11d he was (“mph-d; hvsinh's he likwi mulons. "l sm-akml up tn thai van-t," said Mark. â€and I ship a mulun. l mmt into an alloy to mwuur it. But ~~I had nu SHUIN'I’ svl my “th1 (m it than I pausml; a strain!“ feuding camp nvc-r m“. l camv M a quirk wsolution. FirmJ)‘. I “when! up in the cart. plum-«i the siulvn mvlmi |\\'|H‘_l_‘f’. I got, it frmn.â€"â€"aml hmk a rim ‘.ll(‘. MARK TWAIN’S REPBNTANCE NEW MERCHANDISE 0F . VERY BEST QUALITY Now vircnlar "“3‘3 ("H-nu. lino quallty. it) a ‘4: ms. \nm» Now shootings in plain and twllled. New ch'utz and cmions, per yard ., m‘. to 50c. WE BUY ONLY N0. 1 GRADE MERCHANDISE Come in and let us show you our stock of Staple nnd Pnncy Dry Goods. No trouble to show goods. H. MORLOCK SONS - We lead the way. “'6. carry the stock. Help Wand. l‘.‘ 7r and can assure our cu tomers that woods purchast 4 fr )1“. u “1.1 -vi\e absolute satis- faction as: v (.2 MW onlv from the \er) best houses m the htl<i11€ss MID-SUMMER SALE Children’s Dresses, 5t0 xq years, reg. 1.75-4.50 3L], Ladies'ï¬ilk and Wool Pull- overs, popular shades and light weight $2.25 and 33... Children’s Rompers, regular 1.0.0 and 1.25 for. . .. I". All coupons must be in by July Slst on our profit sharing plan Ladies" Misses’ and Children Men’s Fine Shirts V (" â€"11“. Z lll>.\\'mv plain and ‘Gingham Dresses, $2 25 --$2 50 $1.79 .. -v .un She left her hubby alone in their room at the hotel while she did some shopping. She wlmned The my doors’ and numlwls confused her. But sht sum! decided “hich was her room. She knocked and «ï¬lled: “I'm back, honeyâ€"let me in!“ . N0 answer. “Honey. honey, M mc- in!" she callvd again. luux‘king harder. “Honey. it's nu-râ€"wvasv. hum-y.“ 81‘in silence. â€mu :2 man's Voice, cnld and full of dignity. came from UH‘ utlwr side of llw door : â€Madam, this is not a lwohiw: it‘s a hath- rmm.“ Earthquake Was Ilild Comparativaly A man living in IllIaI-Io-stuu during tho earthquukv thorn ymII's ago felt that his IIIItivs I‘vquII-I-«l him to reâ€" main HII-I-I- In dn wha. h.- mighl far the SIIITII‘I'I'N. hm sI-III his six-war- “Id sun out (If “11* «Lilluc‘r and (mum- sinll to tlw yulxllush'r's grandfather in \‘vw York. THI'IH' «flax-s after the hm s aIIi\al HIP I 2:1: II 3-.- on man Iv,- when! this I« -II-;.' mm M UH] III~ flUlvl‘I "Send us yum hark ymll‘ boy.‘ ' If you «hurt lilv your incumv tax rc-mrn. yuu may haw tn ï¬le ynur way nut. nf jail. Fancy Turkish bath 10wels, am. and $1.00 mach. an-y tovg'ls. pure linen in Iw'fl dog-#13118. Fim- quality flannolotte blan- was. law-u 517.0. grvy or white Why lousy Wu Slow. If.» vw‘vv Call and see our line. °t|uquaku and take , PAGE m u‘. u.‘ f,"