NEWS AROUND TOWN Dr. Browntee of Grimsby. and Miss Trumma of Hamilton were the guests of Miss Nettie Daniel and Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Murdock over the holiday. Mr. O. and Miss M. Hunter motor- Mrs. Arthur Thomas of Bgremont went to Toronto last week to meet :1 friend from England and before re- turning expects to take a trip through the States with Lady Fitz- gerald of Montreal. She may go to Florida before returning. Mrs. John Park and 3011, Mr. John Park of Detroit, Mich, are visiting with Mr. amt Mrs. Arch. Park on Lambtun street, amt other relatives and t'rivnds. Mr. amt Mrs. Murray Smith and two rhildrrn sprnt Sunday with his parrnts. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. Brock Grant was home frnm Welland over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. John McAulifl‘e an- nmini-i- the approaching marriage of their «laughter. Hannah Catherine, to Mr. George Edward Arnolt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnotl. which will lake place in Detroit the latter part- Hl' September. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Scott, Mrs. B. 6an and Miss Jeflries of Toronto, and Mr. T. Cosens of Medicine Hat, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Knochtel in town recently. Mr. and Mrs. VanSlyke and family of Shallow Lake spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Robert McMeeken. Mrs. W. Lobsingm‘ (mm Marie Tifl'any , uni! twn i'hildron of Kit- chmwr. spvnl “in ï¬rst of th- \wok at. Mrs. T. 02. Ritchin's and aim now holidaying with her pzironts. Mr. and Mrs. Jewry Minn! nt' Lamiash. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Bmmw and daughtm's Estiwr J. and Mary E. spi-nt. nwr Sunday with Mrs. Iï¬mrnv’s sistvl' at Riwrvimv. M rs. MacDonald and daughter, Miss MacDonald. of Agton, are visit- ing the farmer's son-inclaw, Mr. S. D. Croft. for a time. Mr. Cecil M‘cMeeken and Mr. Willie Marshall motored to Shallow Lake Saturday to visit the farmer’s sister, Mrs. Luuis VanSlyke at that place. Mr. J. H. )Iacflonald of Vancouver, who camp East to attend the funeral of his sistm‘. tho" late Mrs. Strachan D. Croft, was a vicitor for a day or so with Mr. Croft and family here last woek. Row. and Mrs. Smith and family haw rpturm-d from a holiday spmlt at. Brantfm'd. 'l‘hnrnld, 'l’ortmtu and other points. Mrs. l’o-tvr livid. St. is visiting her daughto-r. Mrs. W. .Inhnston, at St. Marys. Her gramhlaughtm'. Miss Blanch» Johnston. who has hmm on a visit 11011? for smm time. returned homo with hm‘. .l. {1. Nirhnl. Mr. .‘h'lu-an was mug:- inally from Parry Smmd. lmt “mm, “'0“ svwnh-o-u )‘Pars mm and this is his first trip East. Mr. Mclman is o'ngugml in â€w Canadian Natinnul Railway nn'irvs at. Winnipeg. I’l'io-mis 01' .\ll'. Uhfll'lt‘h‘ .‘lighit‘m will iw plvasml in lval'n lw has been able- in n-tm'n frum tin.- Durham â€mph“ and is improving from his row-lit so‘i'inus npv 'zition fur appen- si‘u-itis and suhqum-m illness. Mrs. Mary Bailo-y and dauuhtmz Nurso- Mile-y. 01' Chicago. \Vurv Hu- gnow‘ts u!‘ m- furmvr's nim'on Mrs. .insvpil Ht'ay “HP day “last \\'m'k. Mrs. Dan. McDonald and son Ross of Aim-mini“ \‘isiif‘d uwr the wvek- end with Mr. and Mrs. .lanws [Aiding- ham. z... E... .17.. >75. 7.. £2.22. 3:. 2:4,: 1.25.2: i. ’4._::::.m 1.2:. a :3. :7; 22.x ii: Em 2:13. 2â€"7.. Mr. H. H. Mockler. a former DUI;- hum buy. now of Mnntreal, and his sistmn Miss Mocklnr, of 'l’uruntO. m0- ton-d hm'o- cm Saturday and \VN’P \vm-k-o-nol \‘is‘ilnrs in town. \Vhilv how tho-y rvnvwml many “Idâ€"timo- m-mlainhuu-o-s. Mr. .I. .\. Darling of Simc-m- is Visâ€" it“: his daughter. .‘ll‘s‘. “mu-gr Hag- mm. and sun. .‘ll'. '1. H. Darling. fur a tow days. Mr. hurling is a fnrmc-I' Durham olruggist and is Hun-muddy enjoying: himsvlf rmwwing acquaint- anm-s during: his Visit horn. Mrs. Hlniu Hf Bisnurck, ()ntzn'io. ro-turnml humu 'l‘nvsc‘lay at’to‘r Spvndâ€" ing a mun“: with hm' pat'vnls. Mr. and Mrs. Fl'ml Kvlsvy. Shv was ac- companivd by lwr mnthvr. wlm will stay a mnnth m- sn. Mrs. .luhn linss and four children n-turmul last \wc-k to Hwir hnmv at. Ko-llilwr. Rusk" zlftm' spending nine munths with frio-mls in Durham and \ivinity. Misso's Ack'line Gmlnam. and Dell Lamb-r lvtt Monday for Torontn to o-ntm' in training in the General Hnspital thorn. Mrs. Hiram Dean, who underwent an orperatinn in the Durham Bosni- ta] sum? two weeks ago was removed tn her hnme last week and is im- prm-ing nicely. Mrs. Dean speaks in tho- highest terms Of the hospital and staff and thinks it is the only; plam' to go when ill 01‘ indismrsed. Mrs. James Agnew, who has been a resident here for the past couple of years. and whose husband. it will be remembered. was fatally injured at the plant of the Durham Stone and Sand Company, left last week to re- side in Toronto. During her stay here she was an active member of the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Church. by whom she was honored on the eve of her departure, when the society met at the home of Mrs. J. H. Sherk and presented her with a beautiful brass jardiniere and the following address : Dear Mrs. Agnew,â€"â€"â€""l‘he members of the Ladies†Aid wish to express their regret that you find it neces- sary to leave Durham to make your home in Toronto. Your severe her- eavement and home duties have made it impossible for you to meet with us very often of late, but We appreciate most heartily the interest you have manifested in our soéiety heretofore. and also on the eve of your departure. We sincerely wish for you every happiness in your new home and trust that a loving Father will guide you and give you the Peace that passeth all understanding, which He has promised to all those that love him. Mrs. James Agnew Recipient of Ad- dress and Presentation by Metho- dist Ladies’ Aid. ~ Signed on béhalf of the members: Emily J. Smith, May Gagnon, Secy. Ladies’ Aid. Mr. Hugh '.|‘lmmp.~'¢im returned homr Saturday frnm Visiting Mrs. J. 1). Abraham and family at. Hamilton. PRESENTED WITH JARDINIERE BEEORE LEAVING FOR TORONTO We know that there will he hours when your thoughts will wander heck to the sacred spot in the Dur- ham cemetery where the remains of your loved one rest and in these hours we want you to remember that you have many friends who will also remember kindly the spot for your sake. We ask you to accept this little token from. your fellow work- ers which may prove a reminder of those who were with you in your great sorrow and whose sympathy and kindest wishes still remain with you wherever you may go. Mr. Amhl-(m' Famm of Hamilton smut thv holiday with his parents. and sistm's, in town. and was accomâ€" panied back by his father for a short Visit. Misses Edna and Marjorie Finder 02' Arthur were guests last week of IM'. and Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. .lulm (It'lnlrlnloq' and Mrs. Hmrgv thl'v h-t't Saturday mnrnim..r on a nmtur trip to the Borâ€" der Cities. accompaniml by their sis- h-r. Mrs. Sanftiyrd and Mastvr‘ .lurk \\'a.~:.~'~. whn haw lweu Visiting the last six weeks with Mrs. John Hrutrhloy and friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harding of Ham- iHnn Visitâ€) UVI‘I' Labor Day with Mr pan-ms, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hmwn. Mr. and Mrs. Just-pl: Lvnunx and olaughh‘rs .\|im' and Minniv. :wmm- [valliml by (Zm'il .\|t'.\lm'kvn. mntnrml tu 'l'm'nntn yt-sh'l’tlil)‘ mm'ning‘ and will spmul Ilw I'vmaimlvr nt' thv week at UM! Exhibitinn. / Miss Gladys Tucker of near Price- villor and Miss M. Ramsay of Owen Sound were the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. Burgvss and Miss 'I'm-km‘ motored tn Paisley on Sat- urday and Visited the: latker's uncle, Dr. R. 'I‘m'kmn Miss Anni» iii-n35 and her friend. Miss M. Littlv Hf Guelph. spent a \ka at Hm farmer's home here. Mr. 'l‘lmmns H. Cross 01' Elderslie 91mm Hm m-uk-cnd in fawn with friends. ed to Toronto and spent a week with friends. 7:11. ._. $.31 E... 3252.. :7... .w. $.31. 11:1; 2.14:? E 53.55:. on ._._::..;.._=.<. .51.. ._.:::5.;. £133.? 2:; :33? ré .572 7.1.:â€" v_....“:=:. 47.22-. 2:. .55.. i. :7 z. :27. _: .71.: 1.2:... :: 52:57.. Mr. C. C. Ramage of Toronto is Spending a weeks holiday at the home of his parents in Upper Town. Mr. Ernest McGirr has accepted a position as teacher in the Galt Col- legiate Institute. ..’.aâ€"._._.a :: ::_.::‘_ 2. .13, E: :o :3... E ._..:.r._./ z .5; .::E..:: E biaca...“ 59:97:...2 .: ._. .._=. Mr. (Eran? )lvllumh smut : «lays in 'l‘nx'ontu. thv must ut' hrnthvr. Mr. Archie}. )lfliomh. 5...: 9:5 .3 .22.; 1.2.2. .15». .3: £3, >.::.Z;._ 1.9.5. 3.: 5 F576, :32: .r. .39.: E:.....::: ml? Mr. and Mrs. M. Knm'hlm I:1¢‘)201'9t_l to 'I‘m'nntn on Friday and \‘i4itmi I'rio-nds in Hm ril)’ fur :1 MW days. Miss Katie L. Kt'l‘l' nf Vau'ney left Monday tn l'vsumv hm- thuthingr dut- io-s at meus. l his c‘\\ "Friends attonded from ()akvillo. (ivorgetown, Toronto, Rockw00d, Kitchener, Guelph, \Valkerton, Pal- nwrston, Grand Valley, and a large number from Durham of Mr. Croft‘s bmthm' Masons, and sevm'al railway nfl'icials from Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. tlrot't. have hem restâ€" :lo-nts here for the past tiw wars and had mndn t'nl' tln'nlsrlw‘s a widt- rlrrlc- nt' t'rirnds. whose genuinv sur- ruw and sympathy fnr tllw rmnainim.r hwmlwrs at the family cannnt l'all tn In: a lwlp and a snlarv in tlwir 'llnlll' nt' «temp sm‘t‘tm‘. 'l'ln‘ l'nllnwing‘ is l'rnnl lhv Actnn l'rom l’rvss nl' last wwk '. "'l‘llruugll tlw tlt'illll of â€In wil'u and nmtln-r a happy llnnw is in grrat surl‘nw at Durham. tlm lwads uf whirl! \Vl'l't‘ nnilml in llll'll‘l'ltlg'l‘ in .\e-tnn tun yrars agn. Un Saturday fall's. tlrut't. wlt'r ul' Strarllan 1). Craft. agvnt Hl' tlw tlanadian Natinnal l"'lll\\‘£ly.~' at lmrllaln. [tassml away it: ttw (it-nvral Hnspital. 'l‘m'ontn. at'tvr s¢).\‘vral wm-ks nt’ svrimls illness. .\ llllllul' on tlm brain was the fatal :llllllt’lll l'rnm whirl: slw .s'ull'c-rml,l and nnlwithstamting that all skill llVlllllllllt‘ was rrnpluyt-d ill the trtl'nrt tn (‘Ulllllfll tlw disc-aw it. was un- mailalllr. TIM! lmd)‘ was brought to Artun on Sunday morning and tlw l'nnvral took place l'rnm the lmmo nt' Mrs. Peter MacDunald, mother of deceased. earner of Park and Lakv Avenues, 011 Monday afternoon. In tlw ahsrnre from town of Rev. Mr. Slvwart. and also at llvv. Mr. Hack- at. tlw t'um-ral was conductml by law. Mr. Smith of Durham. pastur of Mr. and Mrs. tirot’t. The funeral was wry largo-[y attended. "Mrs. llmft was a «laughtvr of Mr. and, Mrs. Potvr MacDonald and spent lwl' g‘il'llmml in Actun. In addition tn lwI' sorrmving hpsbznul, Donald. Mn» is eight. years of age. and a baby ll-mg'hlvr of four months, will miss liw luving MW and solicitude of llu-ir (lomtml nlollwr. Her widowed nmtlwr anal Sis‘ll'l‘s, Elizabeth and Anniv, and brother. James, are also survly bereft. Many friends here ull‘nr vm'y sincere sympathy in thv surmw of the bereft. family. ' “The pallbeax'm's were‘Dl‘. Picker- ing. Messrs. P. (iagnon, B. D. Mc- tllucklin. Durham; John MacGregor. Robm't MacPherson, (iioorge Mann. Acton. ' - 'l‘hose sending llowers were : Dur- ham Stone and Sand (20., the family. pillows; Durham Furniture (20., Durâ€" ham Masonic Lodge, Durham 0. N. R. station stall‘. Misses Mary Livingston and Olive Kennedy, (iwrgelown. Mr. William Patterson, Canadian Nation- ::l employees. Division “15. wreaths; Durham Men's Bowling Club, Dur- ham Lailii-s’ Bowling Club. Durham Urey Chapter l.U.D.E.. Mr. and Mrs. William llalder. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. (,Zlilforcl Howell, Durham, Mr. and Mrs. P. (,iagnon, Durham. Mr. and Mrs. A. Derby. Durham, Misses l1. and M. Calder, Durham, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson, Durham, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rife. Holstein, Mr. and Mrs. F. (l. Eiilt, \Wllkerton, Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Jago, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs '1‘. I. l.,roft Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. William Croft, Rockwood, Mr. Elll(lMl‘S.b Q“. Getz, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hynds, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Mann, Mrs. John Mann and family, Mrs. Duncan MacGregor and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mac- Gregor, Mr. and Mrs. J. MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs. C. Swackhamer, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wansborough, Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacPherson, Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, sprays.†Wanted At Once. Good man and wife wanted for farm work; no objectwns to small family; house could be dxvided; with free wood, flour, milk, eggs, pork, butter, and garden ve etab es; only four mlles from Dur am. For furher par- ticulars write W. D. Davis, 2“ An- nette street, Toronto, Ont. MRS. STRACHAN D. CROFT It was with profound l'vgm-t that. this téommunitv lt-ammt nu Szthll- day. August; .3 at the «truth that ttax in tho 'lm'nntu Genet" l1 Hnspital 01 Mrs. tlmt't, with at Mr. Stl'achan l). tlrnl't. Uanadizm Natinnal Railway Agent hero. Mrs. Croft passed away att'tvt' an Operation a few days mmâ€" \'iuus for tumor 0n the Main. and tht'mgh for at time thmlght tn be rn- t'HW‘l‘iIlg’. cnuld nut stand thv shm'k and strain and gradually sank until t‘t'atll I'ctmsmt hm' from her sutt‘vr- tug. was not unexpected. Her maiden name was Selina Armour, a daughter of the late William Armour of Bent- inck. In 1880 she was married to Mr. George Aljoe, who predeceasml her about ten years ago. To them were born four children: Robert. Annie and Vic., in Toronto. and Alex. on the farm in 'Glenelg. Four'bruthâ€" ers also survive: Thomas of (men Sound. who was present at the fun- eral on Monday, John in Saskatoon. Samuel in British Columbia and William in Kansas. The death of Mrs. Aljoe occurred on Friday, August 24, 1923. She had been ill for some time and her death HRS. GEORGE ALJOB fay..- OBITUARY THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The removal of deposits from one bank to another does not necessarily increase .their security, and it is understood that. the banks them- selves, in times like the present. do not favor such action. It only tends still further to disturbance and un- rest when confidence and sanity are essential. ""V W“--.- 'v The Globe is assured, on the high- est iihancial authority, that. the de- DOSits in every chartered bank 0"?- I’ying on business in tmtario 10-day are amply secured, and that there is not the least necessity for concern as to their safety: Musical Announcement. Miss Nellie A. Gardi 0f Untario Ladivs’ (20] pupil of. Arthur Blight, sm'vatory of Music. wi at’ â€W homv of M‘xzs. P. 'l‘unsday. Svptombvr Somo haw gone farther and have changed thnir doposit. accounts. from one bank to another. . The Globe hopes its neatlers will take no part in rocking the boat. Musicï¬ï¬nouncement. The Misses Violet. Fux'sma -M., and Ruth Funsman, AII‘J [)uepared to tako pupils in I’ 'l‘hbm'y. Lessons giwn home-s, Pumls prvpared 1111‘ vavtory exams. For any inï¬ phone Allan Park. Sum" dvpositurs in our Canadian chal‘tmwl bahks haw recently been making inquirics concerning tlwir ï¬nancial standing. Did you get your‘u-Anm'rican Gasoline to-day? Soid exulusiwly by Smuln Brns. - 719M Shingl'es'. 4) Just alilwml 11 «5:1 Inad ‘3‘ B. (L. Shinglvs, I ' 1w NM :H Um Miqunn- m-im-s: 3x. $1.77. pvx‘.~(111 m‘; 3,.\. $Lh. 'l‘uosday. Sd‘ptf' (“gasses in pianq A WORD TO BANK DEPOSITOBS (From T110 Turt'mto (Horn-.7 'l'hv tilulw i? runstraiumt by a: sons.- of duty tu say to bank deposit- 01‘s that upnu thvit' stoudywss and confidence at thv [’u‘nsvnt timv thv ï¬nancial \Vt-ll-lwiug ut' (butaz-in in the immvdiate future Ifu‘wly deâ€" pends. British-luflrican Gasoline. We arv paying 486. to 50c. for Oats. 650. for Barley, 65c. to 68c. for Buck- wheat. $1.20 to $1.25 fur Pea: ana $1.00 for Wheat at our elevator.â€" Rob Roy Mills Limited. Durham. Out. vvv Watch alï¬ Clock Depairing. If your watch or clock is not keep- ing correct time, bring it to (1. (2. Douglas†jewellery and watch repair shOp. All work done on the prem- ises and at, a moderate cost. All wank guaranteedâ€"C. C. Douglas. D '1 an). d, Accounts Mus' Fiw- -to swam-roomod house. modern convmivnces pz'efvrrml. Ap- ply to J. A. M. Robb, Hahn Hons». or High Svhnol. Durham. 963ml High School girls or others m‘ay svcuro acconnnodaticm by applying to 311%. \V. A. Allan, mar Canadian Nationqhskaliun. 8 16 By Wanted To Rent. Stop ThatVthatter†in Your Ford. (me mhhvrâ€"tirml buggy with {VIM “119015. in gum!,wnditiun. Alsn one surrey,,a bargain fonaquick huyvr.’ A}; Smith B11053 Uarage.- 7191f Roomers Wanted. Got yuur claim in aimnw {1* my}. \lel nut hm! hm: zit-thaw ;;1°iww.~â€" J. N_. Mprdppk, Durham. - 90 ‘: Rob Roy Grain Prices. All accounts owing to John Noble must he settled a} once as he is leav- ing town. NH more jerky tralmnissim binds if‘you use \‘evdul FQI‘dOl Th4n nil that is made lnl' Fond 0313. Sold by Smitlhlhosl_ 7191f I.O.ï¬.Heetihg. Jmmdizm Hrnw Hm! 1w 1')!!! \\ ill 105nm“tlwiz'xnm'tin,.~'nu luvs. day. Seplmnlur H. :31 tlw Immv m; Mrs. .lnlm Bump“. All I‘nvmimw ug'v I'vquvstqj Mgtttvml. ' ' ‘ 111"“ Electric lights for gamen parties. For terms and dates'see Smith Bros., Account For Sale. Light Up Your Garden Parties. ', or any reeeiwd :11 Cross: T‘O BANK DEPOSITORS Tim me‘mto (Horn-.7 v ik cnnstrailml by : ty in say to bank deposit- will be sman, AIM). t.T.(}.M., 3.110 1) Piano and (a) at tho for (Innsers inf m'mation 962 7191.! bMHWWWW++WM++++W MID-SUMMER SALE Ladies’ Misses’ and Children's WASH DRESSES Ladies’ :Gingham Dresses, regular $225-$250 3L7. Ladies’ ‘: Pullover Dresses, regular $1.50 for; . . . . .’0. Children’s Dresses, 5 to [O The High school staff mmsisls of Mr. J. A. M. Robb. Principal. Miss .l. \Veix'. Miss Abbott. and Miss Rod- mond. all gracluatvs. 'l‘lw principal and Miss Redmond are llu- new manâ€" llm‘s Hf HIP stall and \W‘ lmlw fur llu' Sakn Uf‘lhl‘ svluml :uul wmxmmit)‘ thvy may lw nminnnlly summssl‘ul. Alwul HO pupils 22w in allvncl- anvo hut thm's will fulluw slmrlly. 'l‘lw capacity Hf llm sclmnl is alx‘vmly mm'laxod aml it. will unl lw lung lwâ€" fax-r- an addition will haw- lu lw mudu tn the building. The! Public St‘hcmi Olwmul with an agg‘l‘ogato :Ittvmlanm- 01' 319. Hun lurge'rst in 1116 histux'y of tho svlmul. \\‘:* are told. ’ SCHOOLS RB-OPBIED TUESDAY WITH GOOD ATTEIDAICB Thp schools ‘ re-og‘wned Tuesday morning and are away to a good start. Both buildings have been re- paired and decorated during the ho!- idays and tlw attractivmwss will giw an inspiration tn tvachvrs and pu- pils that “'9 how will retlvrt in tin- exumination rosuits nvxt midsum- mor. 'I‘hi‘l‘v aw wight icavhvl‘s. as ful- lmx‘s : .l. A. (Th-alum], Prinvipal: Miss» J's A. C. .‘lat‘Kq'llZiv. Sadiv Marlin"â€" aM. Amnio- ‘.\lzu'dnnahl. Mary Mnrtnn. Edna lhnjnvmng, wâ€" .\lvl".su°hm‘n. â€"~ S(°lla¢‘f('l'. 'I‘I'IU last HH‘N' 1111' 110“ mvmlwrs «m Hm stuff. Children’s years, reg. '. Dresses, 5 to [O 1.75â€"1.50 31.], Mia‘s Esther; leman 1an Monday for hm‘ who“! at l‘uu'k “HIS. _ Mrs. Lam-<- Humhlv syn-M a few «lays \h'lh hm- p-zrvms. Mr. and Mrs. Rnlwrl Lawsun. Mrs. 'l‘ilunwsnn has ruim-nvd from Visiting hm- daughivr. Mrs. Bert. 'l‘aylm‘. Mvssl‘s. Hannah. and Nrmmun 'l'hunncson :n-v mm; M m.- Toronto Exhibition for It {my «lays. / . _ . Master Duck Itwy and sister Grace sant. 3 mamm- nl' days with tlwir uncle). Mr. Jutm clasxwll. 'l‘ho threshing mwhinv whistle an be hoard on this linv. Mr. “â€111. \‘ossio‘s outï¬t is nnw this: shin 0f Imvn. Mastm' Brucv mar}: had a birthday party last 'l‘uosda}~ and tho children all had a lovely timv. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘vvfl‘uwl and little mu slum! Sundav \Vllll llwir daugh- lvr. Mr. and MI". .Iamvs Millvl‘. Mrs. ll. Munrv and [Min «laughter :n-u isilim: lwx' pare-ms. Mr. and MN. .\. lirnlvlllm: Miss Ada Middlviun and Shaw 0|- iw spent last. Mnnday with Mr. and .h‘s. Neil leman. (Our own. corresï¬ondent.) Mrs. John \‘nssiv is visiting her son John in St. Marys far a few days. «Io-o wWw-Ovb- 9-0.†PAGE. m