"thuibl’rs \V‘ins tlw nah-mm swppp" will w at Um \‘vtm'ans‘ Star to-mor- row and Saturday night and alrvady w» can picture 2hr qnmw ur pvnplp waitinu in linv tn we- â€10' slum: 'I'lw picluro- _-' n-cngnizml {H 0110' Hf thp very ho-st that M'Pr vamp out 01' En- 'Iand anal is PVPD funnim‘ that "Mn nd My Girl." Commi'nting 0n the ictnrn. Tho Landon (Ontarin Prep 03s says in part: "Gigglvs worn lowml by laughs. laughs b\ shunts. .\ Very pretty autumn VV'eItIliu; took place at IIIIIIII yesterday. Wed- nesday. September 2. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. ltudolph. when Inez .‘laV lledtIIIIl became the lIIiIle 'IIt' Mr. Norman W. HelVVig of l‘omn- III. eldest son IIt .‘II. and Mrs \\ iltiam HI-IVV'ig. HIIIIIIVI-I'. 'l he IHI-II‘mOIl)’ “as I'Hlldllt'teit lIV llI-V. ll. .\. Facey and took place under an arch of autumn l'IIIIagI' :IIII] llIIVV'I-I's. The bride. who was giVI-u in marriage by Mr. C. Rudolph. \\'HI'I' a charming French L'HWII of shell pink ch‘II'gI-tte. her tulle Veil was caught with orange blossoms. She carried a shower hou- IpIet IIf IIphelia roses and wore the gift of the groom. a diamond clustre ring. Miss tII'cie Wilson of Owen ~‘IIIIIIIl VV as bl iIlesmaiIl. “em in: blue and silVer tatlI-ta with black picture hat and cm r} ing pII-micr roses. Mr. ltI‘IscIIe Helwig. IIt' Toronto. support- I It the gum Miss Vera Zinn {Ila}- â€I the VVI-IlIliIII: maIch and durin. the signing of the register Miss W' III- IIifrI-Il t laIke sang "Bet ause.‘ A bullet luncheon was serVed by Mrs“ Randall III' StIatt’OId the bride‘s ta- ble being beautifullv decorated in pink and white bordered with pale pink ribbon. knotted hem and there VV ith flow ers inteiwmen and centred VV ith the VVedIting I ake. The dining- Ioom thIoughout “as tastefully ad- orned in pink and VV hite. Mr. and Mrs Helwig left for BigVVin lnn. Lake of Bays the bride traVelling in a mu}? blue suit graV cloche hat. and grav squirrel choker. Im their return they will reside at M? Balmoral AV- I'nue. l'oronto. The Chronicle joins with the many Durham friends III the. bride in extending best wishes to the young couple. Un Wvdnpsday. Septembm' 51h. at 'l‘oroniu. Hw marriagv was solemn- izcd 0f .Io'SSiP Pearl, daughtotr of Mr. and .\ll.~' Hmrgo- [vitih «if 'l‘mnntn. to RObt'li .lnhn Marshall. 1.1).S. DD. S, «m of MI. and MIS. “illiam \laishall uf Hampden. Rex. D12“. l..__‘_\i°msh'i_vng officiated. BEST PICTURE OF SEASON HERB THIS WEEK-END Sequel To “Me And My Gal†Play! At Local Theatre To-morrow and Saturday Nights. Thv bride hmrc-hetj travelling suit. 01' navy h‘lrotim- With bit‘gn (‘l't‘po‘ Mans» and hatch to match. Immediato-Iy anr the (wromony â€I" happy c'nnplv loft tn spend thPil' hmwymoon in Munhmal. On thvir wtul'n Hwy will rpsido- in 'l'nrontn. fll‘ 1h. th. for; u if ho- wcror no: human, allowing him tn liw in this country, but not mum: him thr- franchise. Miss . llraith gun» a wry' interesting talk nn ho-r work as a Dunconess in the uutlyini: distrirts nf anonto. Sh? sow-s tho- funny shin of her work with \Vhirh s'hc- ni’tPn ramp in con- tart .n c-ix'ii survim- clcpartnio-nts. Miss )lrliraiih slmuld he! commend- Pd fur Hn- part sin- is lnkim.r in this wnrk unol «lo-so-rws n“ “w lwlp of her u-lmrrh. .\ must, into-rusting moct- in: rlm‘ml with tho. Lnrci's l’l'ayo't‘. 'Iontth Meeting W. I. good stm-y nu China. telling of the Christianizing 0f the Chinese and of the grunt number in China adopting Occido-ntzil t‘llSiOmS. Miss Margaret McGiI-r tmk the paper. which was on Orimitai Inin’iigration. Miss McGirr drew attwntiun tn the manner in Whit'il \w spunk of the "t'cii-gignfar†The “315.0! the Plesbyteriau Church mo-t 1m Flidav Septembex 1!; in the \1-tn at the chmch. In the them 1- uf Mrs. Derby. the Presi- dent. Mrs. .lnhn Bell 10ch the chair. The [no-Ming opened with a hymn and pram. Miss Calder gaw :1 Bi- ble ren1llm.'..\liss Ethel Dv-IbV 11381! a id shouts hy screams at the Allen leatl'o- yesterday afternoon and M'â€" 'ng when the famous English mm- 'Squihhs Wins the tlaleutta “I" . literally screaming mirth every flicker on the silver sheet with a small dash of seriousness." wn in. delighted crowds that every seat in the. theatre and come. from the time the doors thrown open at 1 o’clock until it ‘fade-out’ at it.†. picture will be in Durham 0 nights only and is being at the popular prices of Mo. QURHAM CHRflNIBlE PAGE FOUR Thursday, September 20, 1923. V IRWIN. Editor and humor MARSHALLâ€"1.8111311 HELWIGâ€"RBDFORD Mi. and Mrs. Hugh Macdona'ld and son Kenneth. accompanied by Messx , James and Gordon Macdonaid s. pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. “illpiam (make in Elmwood. 7W JIIW Mr. am“! \lrs. “Mo-x.“\l('(01:mick and little daughter of Durham visited with Mr. I): _McQ1_1arpiQ _P(’("Cntv1.V. Miss Burtï¬m Ham'ss SpPDt a day last \wnk With hm' sustvr. Mrs. Hugh Mgcdonald. on bf? “'33: tn Tor-onto. FOR SALE , . house and lot. splendxd loca- Pricpville; owner obliged to l mm; to health; position _ as keep 1‘ or Priceville Fox Co.,Lim1ted goes 'ith purchase to suitable per- son. For price, terms, and all par- ticulars applI to the undersjï¬ned. 7 203 . FORD, Pricovl 0, Out. <9“. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb and (laugh- tor' Mary spent Sunday “'1â€: MP. and 3! rs. Thomas Tc‘ll‘l'y. Cohgratulalions to Mr. and Mrs. \. Scheunrmann on the arrival of a sun on Svptembm‘ 8. » Misses Bc‘ssic MM Annio Smith loft om :‘atmjlay. Miss I-hwssin returning: :1» NM} t\m'liiand Miss Annip to visit 101' SIS 0r. . 1's. Lmlwivk 'i :- land. . m Clew- BORN Lewis.â€"In Bmtinck. on September ID. to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lewis, a son. Our school made a ï¬ery qreQit- able showing at. the Fair, wmnmg mapy ï¬rst _al}fi SPCQDGJQI‘IZOS. 7 M1. \lvx. Flptchvr had the misforâ€" 1111111 141 111111 his hand one day last \U‘Pk. \\ v thP it “ill 90011 hp all right 1111111. chrthur.â€"In Glenolg. on Wed- nosda-Y. Septembm' 19. to Mr. and Mug. ngus McA-rthur. a son. Mr: and Mrs. L. McLean Spent a day this \voek in Qhesley. Misses Mary and Carrie Mitchell spent an e'vening last wank with th_e_ir sggter, Mrs:_N9_il McLean. Mr. Malcolm McKechnie went to Hamilton to attend the funeral uf his aunt. Miss Beatrice V'pssie of St. Marys vnsned friends around the quky foxj §_few_ days; (Our own correspondent...', Mr. Hugh Mcliinrm‘ick and Miss Sarah. :wcnmpaniml by Mrs. Mc- Qnm'riv. hm° son Pvtm'. and daugh- tm'. Mary. tank in thv Owen Sound Shaw nn 'l‘hursday. _ Mr. and Mrs. haw Watson 'spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W’altor Clarke. . 4:53.“: .7. .2 .22 .._.::::_ .2: 53/ CFTxEE 2: .23.? 22:: Aim .5 .3352 .27. 7.3 v.2 Rocky Saugeen (Our own correspondent.) Mr. Charlie Wmmlm- spnnt Sunday in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Firth. whn haw bm-n vamping at their summer hum-v at, Uliphanl. \‘isitmi Miss Killc' Firth lwl'v nn tlmil' wzly hump t0 TH- l'nntn. Mrs. Hurt. Losu'r of Calgary. Al- lwrta. visited Hwir aunt. Mrs. Wil- liam Hay. Dmmm'v. and tlwir cun- sins. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hay. of town. Mr. Frank Livingston uf Hamillnn was a visitnr at tho Fall "air hum nu llmlsdm lust and vninwcl Hm ole Inge) “ill: the [PSI of us. Mr. and Mrs. William Haiii'y. tlw fornwr at. nm- timu with «Elan-k Metals lll'l'l'. loit't lnwn 'l‘iwscla)’ and “ill hiko- 11p tiwii' I'vsiilmicv at. Camplwllâ€" i'nl'il. 'l‘hv i'vsicivm’v lam-1y nwmn] by tho-m in l’ppm' Town has hm‘ll pur- i'liasml by Mr. 'I'liomas Si'ai'l'. WM†15 zit_pi-i-._~‘_mit minim: into it, _ P3112 and .\h'.§'.'l_)0uglz}s Brigham nl’ Lin #1ch urn vmtmg his 1varvnts, Mr. and Mrs. \\ m. nglmm. 2.22:3â€" ..: ....5::: .....7 .3. 5. .323... _.:a ..._ 52.22;: ’ .1...»....:..:E.1.:_1.23.1.3 1.. 1.27. 3.22:... .: :33... :7 1.2.5... 3.7. 4.2.5, .13. :32. :_ 1.2... 3.... z .:.:..1. :.::._:._. .2 .... ._. 3.7. Mr. and Mrs. .\. Dvl'hy \‘isitml mm' â€In wm-k-o-nd with fl'ic-mls in Paris. Mrs. «\IM'. (il'ant attmnlml Hw t'mwm! Hf a mum†at Hl'antl'urcl Iasi \x'm'k. Mrs. .lully ul’ I’h'anlt'nrcl is Visiting; lu-I' daughto-r .\lr~'. Rm’. Smith. Mrs. \. vag5 and daughtvr. Miss Kwau'nv; . \wnl tn le'liu Saturday in attvnd tlw rum-ml of “In l'nt‘mm’s hl'nthvl'. {:33 fl 9.....-2...‘ 1:. 2.2.: 7.77%....5 E: .75: 7.57.? a???†.3 ........._.:m_ 2.2.75 31...? 7:: ..__’. Miss M. McFadden: nuttyujnml law \\_'m-k tu 'chv1'«‘»lllcv, ul'tvr Visiting ruin- tm-s anal l'rwncls lwrv. Mr. and Mrs. William Loughl'un and olzmglm-r, Miss Mary Luuglu'an. am! Mr. and ;\ll'.~'. H. Strickm' ul' Mamrvlio'lcl. We'l'v guests 01' MP. and .‘Irs. .l. Hm'gvss tlw ï¬rst nt‘ tlw wwk. Dr. and .\lrs. .\lcFarlmw nt' Arthur nmtmwl Hp m Visit 311'. and Mrs. .\. .\lrlmrhlzm at. l’rirm'illc er tlw \W'o'k-c'lld. Mr. Malcolm McKimwn of 'l‘ciu‘outo mnl his sisters. Mrs. A. McLachlan 21ml .\lr.~'. H. McMillan nl' Privcvillv, \isilml l'z'ivmls in tuwn nu Munday. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. P. McDonald. Miss McDonald. and Mr. S. 1). Craft m-w guests of Mr. anal Mrs. Mam'u'egm'. at \Valkw- tun. Hw ï¬rst of “w week. Mr. .lafm 'l‘m'nlmll is completing his matt‘zculaticm subjects Hljs‘ ymu‘ at _t_hv ï¬ne-{lplg \'«'»(-a_tlQl_lal Ip;st_1tute._ _ MI.:IIN1 Mrs. Thomas Corbett and mo daughtc-rs of Toronto vsitcd with Mr. and Mrs. John Schutz for a fmv days last week: Mr. Russvll )lcllraith of Queen} i'niVo-rsity. Kingston, is visiting his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mollraith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Juhn Rayner. Mr. and Mrs. Hockvy Rayner and son Victm'. of Bm'm'loy 'l‘mvnship. motored up un Saturday and spent the week-mu! with thr cousin. J. \V. Blyth and family. “I“ and u - '- . ' . PS (v . , \ lam . .. . - 111an T Ho'ur‘g‘; 01“-‘;{.,th“ Week-231132“? r011: “1 K . ;" “-DS and da . r51v P‘s-N “Shim, Miss Mr. and Mrs. William Scarf of T or- unto “(we in tomi for the Fall Fair last “430k and 5 mm owr the week- vnd with f1 ionds and relathes heron _â€"-‘-u-w-v" “-u'u cw--- Mrs. \\. H. “hitchurcn 0t 'loron- tu “as in tum: mer the meek-end and renewed many Old friendships wijjn fmwneg; acqgaintanceg. __ Aberdeen. September 20, 1923. Liw hogs .................. $9. 00 Whvat ..................... 90 @ 95 Oats ....................... 40 @ 45 Barley ........ t ............ .60 Buckwheat ................ 65 @ 68 Peas.... ................ 1.20@i.25 Hay ...................... 10.00 Butter ..................... .30 Eggs ....................... E? D. (D m 2 ... 883353 Sheepskins ............ 501.1 (1. Factory site on uld Furnitm'n Fac- tory property in Markdalv. 9202 W. G. Lee, Markdale, Ont. 5F ; . FOR SALE . Ferd Mill ['bl'(»|u..'l‘ly_all¢l IH'\'(‘1'-l'ail- SO-acro smamp lot in Altc-mosia, abont’ miles faom Markdalv lOO-acro farm In Holland twn mile-s fmm Bprkvlov on good mad; 30 ac- PPS good sau-log hush. \\ hich will ha 50] i 'with m' “ithnut tho Ialm. ing‘ watm'pnwnr in' lerkdalv. va mill. now bulkhead nf comm-Mm «lam in lirst- (lass shalw (‘lmppmz plan- m'. m0 lamps. and nthm' mm hinvry installed. No“ housv llll‘l‘o' always was a stall-Ix aunt whn hy ln-r sicln wnnlil galliVanl and guard hm- f1~0m the mashcr’s wile, tln' lmmllum'c: slaw and Sunni-1’s ,2an But liInc-s haw vhangml and at. this than l‘fll'll girl's llw matsm' nl‘ lini' fall“: if shn i-li'i'ls tn mam lllf‘ strm‘t ancl vlhnw Mikv and mm with Win. lhm'v is nu guardian annl nn lll'('k In taki- lll‘l' gently by â€In null; and I'll" llt'l' hmnv with kindly tact and â€ll'l‘t‘ ili't'laim llw l'ifll act. 'I‘lli' morning papers wo [H'I‘llSl' and shnil- (loi' at lhv tlfll'li i'ml nvws. 'l‘lw tnngh and lmmllum ply thon' ti'ailvs; thv \‘ii-tims will aim winsnnn- maids: who g'an'ihnl up and «lawn tlw strvvt. ancl allmw Min and llll’l with Pl‘lt‘. And “‘0 hvwail the? good old «lays. HIP slmltvi'i-cl hnmos. thu qnivt ways. tho girls as sz‘t as growing: plants. whn walkml at vwning with thvii' amM\\'alt Masun. 'l'ln- girls mv thawing nII Hm SH'I‘I'I. Inny III-2m II No .<.~ â€ll‘il li'Ilw fowl! ln “MPH linws HIP II.HI~ [INHIH lF‘t‘thVNl llnb midnight Stl‘l'“! pur- wins: in (ElliI‘l IIHHU'S Hwy stnt tlIviI' nights I-njnying' snl'c- and sano' III.â€" lig‘llts‘; Hwy ['03.] gum! hunks Hm! 3‘00â€le HH' SUN]. and IIIaVI'I! legallw III (“Inkinnlvz at Sl‘t'flih lmms HIM snnght thI- Inn and slI'IIt Ulv [W81 I-lIil IIHIII.~‘«I\\I1,\. And il at Hi}: In a Ilznn- svl fair III-siren! In ,iInn'nI-y :Inywhvl'v â€H‘l‘l' always was a stately aunt \Vlm llightlx «w \unngh, tin; husintus “Hill! hils s. izml «m tlw itlt‘il that :1 Minimum is a mutrwut and â€It? himul nt' mhtmlinn. in auhvring tn that Mna. pi'uhzihiy haul in mine! tlw E'm't that ihvy wishmt tn :zmiit thc- sc Him: in!» wt :1 hymn-«hint that might I'm an :mkwmut thing In liw with in ttw l'utm'c'. It is vasv mmugh in mm “lwu' a faiilx shun: 1150 (011M kw lmilt up for pamicjnt n! tin,- amuunt last but husim-ss I.‘ not cumicd H11 in that \\:i}'. “m" it «limp Sn it \mnlcl mmm that thv wml olvllc 1° 01' um ntlwr lmsinvss man. \umM 1w wrâ€" tain nl' making: mum-y cm “wry dual â€1' un M'i‘l'y SHIP. H WHUM e'limillatv the pussihililï¬' nl' {lch‘s‘ from M'N‘y Iranszu'tiun. ' merchant who claims to haw lust, $1 «m mu'h‘ 1.800 tuns ululiwl'cd last wintm' on contract. His plml was that lw should he! I'¢.'('muwcl for 1h» amuunt sn lost. There were no less than 291 en- tries in the Junior FaFmers’ Judging Competitions at. the C..\'.E. this year. There were six entries from Bruce. says The \Valkerton Telescope.‘an¢l. four of them had the honor of being prize winners. Stanley Tolton 0f Brant took thirteenth prize in judgâ€" ing fruit and vegetables. MalCOIm 'l‘olton took ï¬fth place in Sheep- judging. Norman Sehmntt of Mild- may captured txwlfth position in tN'Pf cattlv judging and Alvin Monk Hf Elmwomi was sixth in picking the swinc'. Four Won Prizes in Various Events at. Canadian National Exhibition. (London Advm-tismn, . 'l‘lm Imuluu Jinan-d 01' Education tm-nvd down tlwappoa} nt’ 2} goal DURHAM MARKET A PAIR DECISION TO MAKE BRUCE 'JUDGES DID WELL 10“ OOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IS ON THE STREET DURHAM CHRONICLE Each ul' llwsv two young folks is :i stung 0110, But wait till the guOd Old stork has in 1mg: 011v. \\ hat lho- ‘um Hill \\ ill thev (In “ill: “Iv \ming (mo? l ilumm! .__Hmn'gvtm\'n Herald. 7 Matt and Marian um marl-ind (mm- plete, They are both looking smouth and shiny and neat. Butâ€"wherv. and nu what, and wlu-n du Hwy 031? us, It Inuks like Hm Hnuw nl' Hc't'ugv for some of us. Ynu as! mu. mistur. \Vhat‘ll hoconlv Of US? NO murv ynu lwur the happy hum Hf Winn-v m'v hw buys that. once wo had \\'J|wn you was u girl and l was a lad. H, in tin- Illnl‘nin‘ tn hull» Oh' dad! I clunnu! Manny's Hw night l “v mmkv Askiu’ myse-il'. fm' hmn'vn‘s sake). WIN-rc- aw llw girls whu muld mimk and bake-2’ :11. 1;: 2.. ‘_.2..,.::,.. 52.3.. 2. 22.7... E: 2.3. :2; ’42:. \\'lmu- m'v hnw 'I‘H “1'0"†3 Win-m- zm' There. isn't any thing strange about sueh proceedings as this, comments 'lhe Yazoo (Mississippi) Sentinel. There is hardly 11 week passes but the mail brings a. letter to the editor asking him to “jumfi on" somebody and nearly always t. 111 writer wants his own name kept. secret. If the newspaper were to do all that is ask- ed 111' it it would he a growling snarling thingâ€"and would accom- plish notl1i11g.â€ll1e newspaper is 11\111° readv to oppose wrongs, or tight for the right to demand inactieal 111t'11111ns.t11 praise the worthv and hlame the 1111\11111tl1\.'ll1e\ are 1111- afraid. Hut the t1ut|1 is.m11sl1_1t'the demands that thepaper jump in with hoth feet and force action' are selliSh pl‘11111‘1s‘ill11lls and 81‘“ 081th lll:.'111] in â€111 [1111111111 “it†themsehe are unwilling 111 1111 11xa11tl) what they l‘t‘tlllvsi H111 1111\\'s‘|1;l|111l‘s i111i11, LET THE PAPER DO IT ' nle other day several prominent citizens of Yagoo Qtty were discuss- ing a local Situation and thought something should. be done. After it was found that. it was unpleasant, unproltable andrlsky for any direct or civic group, it was the concensus of opinion that It was an Opportune time for the newspaper to jump in with action to be taken by any in- dividual with both feet and force the desired action. “111'“.- ill'P Iht‘ hnys Hl' Huxulcl hl'i- gzulu. What knmvml a munkvy wrmu'h I'mm a spmlv. .\n’ lc-miml tlw (WHIP «lawn in tln- glad"? 'iu. MM (is In H10 gone tn ‘3 or “Take Me Back to Blighly†SATUDDAY MATINEB at 2.30 ADMISSION 16c. and 270. “Squibs Wins the FRIDAY-- SATURDAY September 21-22 TWH SHOWS :8 and 9.15 PM. VETERAN STAR "HS “(NV Calcuttaw Sweep†THEATRE‘ ;arclvn and milk :1 mm. me I'M-(shc-vm-cl maul- HIP I DU‘NNO! I dumm! I dunno! I dumm! l chum“! l clnmm! l dunnn! :irls-«thvy all know -\\'lwm‘\'v Hwy â€All." vxvlaimml a mum. "sun a pin and pick it, Up and all day yun'li Inu‘u gum! lurk." and as IH' iwnt «mu- {u pick it up his but full nn' intu Hw mud. his glassvs ch'nmwd frum his 11mm and smaslu-d 4m £|w siaivwalk. In: burs! tlm-v suslwndul' hutlnns and 's t] STAIPIN G OUT PRO PANITY The Peonle’s Mill THE PEOPLE’S MILLS Our Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat deliVered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon " Phone 8, Night or Day. The sweet, ï¬rm loaf that makes rosy cheeks and sunny little people. Strong little people, too. It’s a real health investment, that loaf yoware going to take home to-day. Mother doesn’t say, “Wait until dinner,†but hands out any time a bowl of creamy milk and Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour ,White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats Henderson’s Bakery Bran3:' Shorts Crimpcd Oats Mixed Chop Mixed Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’s Calf Meal Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds JOHN MCGOWAN His Luck. Henderson’s Bread Makers of GOOD BREAD OH JOY! {IVE mas' - new mum Feed Flour tore tho lyultonlwlv out of the newk hum! uz‘ Ins slum. m Ila Took “Emma: For Rheumatism A cum-flu driver is one \vhn van “'0: 1' H11} :I var \VlHlHHl Hm and U1 :1 lucnmutm'. Th Indicino lad. mu ï¬ll! There can be no doubt tint “D...“ - a---" z- 4.. |-_._ _---_|_; “Fruit-a-tives" is the long sought remedy for Rheumatism and Lum- blgo. From all over Canada come letten testifying to this fact. Mr. John E. Guilderson of Parrs-' boro, N .S. writes: “I suffered badly with Rheumatism {or ï¬ve years- trieddiï¬â€˜erentmedicinesâ€"wastreated by doctors in Amherstâ€"and here at age-but the Rheumatism came In 1916, I saw an advertisement for “Fruit-a-tives†and took a box and got relief, so I took them for about six months and the Rheumatism was all gone and I have neveri‘elt it since". 500. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tivec Limited. Ottawa. Ont. Thursday, September fl. 1938. 'lour Oat Chop Mixed Chop Durham. Ont.