West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Oct 1923, p. 8

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Mr. Roy Traflord is visiting friends in Onesley. He had the misfortune to (Our own correspondent.) Mr. Will Kenny and Mr. Jack Bar- rie have gone to Detroit, where they intend spending the winter. The threshing was principally all done along the line by Messrs. Weh- ber and Pullm'k. Mr. William Vessiw with his big outfit also came in at the t‘los‘i' and took a few barns. The yield was about 111') to the average. Mr. William Lawn-um- pin-chased {rum Mr. Jamieson, M. P. for one of the Simeoes . a pure bred Hereford bull 101 his lit iil ol pun' Mods [(3-- cenlly started. It. is a fancy animal that will both improw him stock and win prizes in the show-ring. v Mr. Roby-rt Barber has also pur- chasml a [burn bro-d He'rvfnrd bull from the! herd of Mr. anling. That particular brood svems tn 1w inter- esting Egremont fux'mvrs at present more than others. m. Rev. Mr. Whealen will conduct the former and Rev. Mr. Richardson of Mount Forest the evening service. On Monday night from 6 to 8 o'clock the ladies will serve up one of those fowl suppers for which they are so noted, in the basement of the church and subsequently a programme will be given. consisting of songs, music and addresses by Revs. West of H01- stein. Whealen of Durham and Mr. Maloney of Hamilton. Mr. 803mm). who recently canw to this part of the country and has been a rogular attendant at church this summer. was accompanimi a week ago by his wife, who has just. arrived. a Miss Irbnp Barbour was appointed Secretary-Treasurer ot the Sunday school in place of Miss Ruby Mor- rison, who is attending Normal at Stratford. Rev. Mr. Henry was much appre- ciated in his address at St. Paul's on Sunday, by a good-sized audience. St. Paul’s Church will hold their Thanksgiving senfices yon Sunday next. 0ct0b_er 1,3“ 3 pm. and 730 p. 'I‘hm'v was a good turnout from this part to the Varney Thanksgiv- ing So'l'ViCea‘ and as an act of grati- tude Vm‘nPy pcuplo- will withdraw the service in their church on Sun- day evening so that all may nth-mi St. Paul’s service. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tucker spent a day l'N‘o‘llHV with friends in thanâ€" worth. 0n Mummy In I‘vmum for :1 Hmv. Mr. Ho'm‘gu Hwy has ho‘o'li Human! doing; dimming: {Mr Mrs. Jan“! H"- Mw-ko'n. both an Hw humo- thvHim.’ and thv :mc acrnss thv mad. Mr. Lorne Poole of Buffalo is vis- iting his aunt. Mrs. .lanws Mark. :77. 7: z. 5. :1... $.31 o: 221.; .: 2.52.: ”.3 Z... 3.52.2. 27$. :3... r. :35" 1.33325 3:. v.7. (Our own (-c_)|"respmulmlt. Hurr we are. again. Harvest. off and tin-vshing all «Inna, mzr ham and oll‘iVousho'd l'vshinulvd. and tin' rum fixml In. and thin: tn do» 1m: \\’r;l.~ Ilo'\\'~' fm' 'l‘hh Uhmnivln. PAGE EIGHT l.. W. Hearty. president ol the (.‘anadxan Pat-die Railway, :5 now on his annual tour of inspection over the Company's .ines. He is aeeompnnied by a number of (Tanadian Pacific Directors. and the trip will probably prove of more tho 'Hual importance in view of the many questions connected with transportation that are under discussion in the West. The party of directors consists of Sir Herbert llolt. Montrealeir Augustus Nanton, Winnipeg; J. K. L. Roan, MW; l'. W. Molson. Montreal; and W. N. 'l‘illey. K.C., of Toronto. Vice-President A.[). M Tier accompanied the W as far as Port Arthur. The party left Montreal on September 6 and made the first stop at Toronto. leavin nut (1|ny Port \r'lwr .nr’. Fort William. Short stops were made at \Vinnipeg, Brandon. Moose CW, Medicine Hat. Cnhrynnd Revelstolu -\t Winnipeg a meeting of the board of directors was held. this bein e first time in the hwy“ t1. Canadian l’neifir dailway that such a meeting has been held in Western Canada. ancouver was reached on September 15th. and the party then irm'eeded to Skagway by the Canadian Pacific Coast Steamshi Service. They will Man to Vancouver on September -4th. The return journey will be made via Nelson, Lethbridge, and Edmonton. A short stop will be made at Nelson on September 30th, at Lethbridge, on October lst, Calgary. Octo 2nd. Edmonton. October 3rd. hskntoon 1 k‘tolier 4th and at Winnipeg the following day. Corner Concerns Canadian Pacific Directors on Annual T ’H TmmMn :1 limv. sorvice. Intux'mo-nt was mum Saturday afâ€" ternoon in Durham cemetery, the New. J. E. Peters nfl'it'iating at the Mun-h sympathy is felt for Mr. and “I“. Hmn';.':' Hug'iH m ”1441' bereave- ment by the death of tlwir tlâ€"u‘wâ€" umnths‘mlci son. “Hugh Hmwin, \\'hn died at an earl'y hour on Friday nwrnim: z-tftm' :l wry bric-I' ilhwss. H0 was quite bright up to three or four hours before death. The rapid increase in the ex rt butter trade of Saskatchewan dugigag the past your or two, has been the outstanding feature of the Provin- eid dairy industry. Recently the Sukat‘chewan Cooperative Cream- ories made a shipment of 25,000 lbs. of butter to China. Mr. and MrS. George Hug-ill Mourn Death of Infant Son. vennon or destruction by fire. Following the disastrous earth- quakes and fires which devastated large areas in Japan, the Canadian Pacific liners “Empress of Canada" and “Empress of Australia” were thrown open to the accommodation of thousands of refpgees, while the The largest consignment of silk from the Orient for many months, consisting of 5,500 bales, valued at $9,000,000, formed part of the cargo of the “Empress of Russia” recently. lplgndid waif}; Portion of the world's supply of adult has been derived from the silver-cobait-nickei arsenidee of the Cobalt district, according to figures co fled by the Dourimon Bumu of §tnt jigs. Th. cobalt production of A shipment of silk from China, consisting of ten carloads, valued at two million dollars, went forward from Vancouver to New York under special guard over the Cana- dian Puific lines recently. satisfies; ' 1'58 cobalt roductidn 6: 01m. in 1922 van 668,960 pounds, which at $3.25 a pound. would be worth $1,852,870. ____- -u-vv-â€"vvu, 'uu “- the some lion, mot; bookshops than any other country in Europe. dc} :H‘ tl i'zu K 1 1!“ mm sin" Mr, .hw hm HIMHI. Fgr almgstjwo docgcjgs the majmf mmtn. Who Russia hgs more illiterates, and at ‘ a. small bone broken in his wrist. .‘sh'. mmmmx hunsmoor has. 1111- :wi Hn‘nshing around (ilunruadin. ~' .Ulan Boyd and dnughtvr. «My. ni‘ Immlvr. Snis‘la, am visit- -.- hm- muthwx' Emu- ;md nthvr HM h Bil] M'Zln Ix'o-xmy and M! Sundm in ern LOST INFANT CHILD .‘J ere and There rescue partial E: 15:21:: 1._ i7. 3 ~..E.::.i 1:. 3.3. .__:::.1. :95: .r...___::c 5:75. ..:. Ml‘lmfl of the vessels did 3 ”limiting and A_L9 ingle hire etch utensil you buy *â€" mder discussion in the Wat.’ innipeg; J. K. L. Roan, Mound; Tier accompanied the Presidefl at Toronto. leaving out day {a {aw} Medicine Hat, Cnhnull HARDING’S HARDWARE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE SOLD IN DURHAM AT fine hills-z Purl Ware. two out: of pearl! I"! and inside and out. Diane-d Wm. three coca. fight and white outside. white “Mu. Crystal WIN. that mo m white inflde 3nd out. with Royal Blue «in. swim like pipin hot, delicious up to startflle meal.‘ Here is a fine pot that will do a lot to help you make good soupâ€"the SMP Enameled Warey London Kettle. Even after“: ”3% easiest or stickiest cooking 8MP Enameled are cleans as easily as a china dish. Ask for SMPWWARE fine llama: Paul Ware. two coats of nearly 1!!! ~8uu1 Hem; Phenom “7"" ’l‘lm-shing in and around thv vil- lag‘v seems in b0 fairly well cum- pleted. Mrs. Elizabvth Mt'Kinnon Hf 'l‘ur- onto is in tho Village till {1110? tho Fair. A numlwr nt' “in Masonic ln'vlhrnn visitnd Muxxwll on Sunday Honing where a Masonic service was held from FIUSIIN'UHI Lmlgv. A pivasant and profitahlo vwning was Um re- sult. Mrs. H. .l. Mrflmlkr)’ In“ 10! DP trail, nu 'I'uvmluy nmrnim.r for an ox- lvmlml Visit with lwr daughter, Mrs. J. C. Harrison. H. E. Kai'stmfl. sew-ms to he having a fair mmmuri- nl‘ sumwss with his poultry i-xhihits at the Val'iHllS fairs, al\\a\s m‘llilli: u \c ly ,umi per-imit- ago (Dr prizvs. (i. MI-Tz ggzIII I’I'llll‘llmi In Hm (‘H\ IlHM' SIN’IHHHL' 3 “wk at his hnmv IIIII'IP. Mrs. Awhiv leman. Gravel Road stl. is slill ailing, also Mrs. 'I‘hus. {\lclx'.-u\\'n. \\"1* how fur their wom- m'y wry sun”. l’rirmillv's Fall Fair Thursday and Friday. [)nn't forget thv (lays :uiil liw rxhihits. Make the hall and g-i-uuml wurth while. The prizes Show a substantial increase owr pri-Vmis finill'h', so get. bohind it and put ”in day nwr succvssfully. A. «I. McLean's house frontage .~~!m\\'s a great improvement in 3.1)- pval'um'n with the new brickwork :md \x'imlmv-caslngs. We sincerely hope for a successful recovery if such is found necessary. Mrs. Angus Kennedy of the village is ailing this past few months. She is under the care of Dr. Carr con- slanlly. (Our own cdrroepondent.) Mrs. John Burnett, South Line Ar- temesia, \\ as taken to Owen Sound hospital on Monday expecting to hm e to undergo anothm opelawtion much rivlu-r who-n such is pcvssihlv. Mrs. Alvx. Whylv I‘vturnml tn Mo-mlmwulv at'tm' swnding :I slml't Imlhluy with lu-r .wn Harm-M. «on ”In H. I). 11., East; Toronto visited hm' father, Mr Taylor. for a few days. “'0 are glad to H‘pHI‘t that another of our young mun has avoided to takv unto himsvlf :1 mm in thv [wr- son of Mr. John A. Nichol, who last Work was “'04th to Miss Ettwl (lil- christ of Floshw-hm. 'l‘lw young cou- ple are spending tho-ir honeymoon in tho States and at ttw pvt-sum tinw “'0 have not burn int'm'mmt MS to ttw tinw of their ruturn In our commun- ity. “'0 home that ”Mr t'uturt- will hp hrightvnmt hy wwry happiness and tlw mmmnnity will \wh-umv the-sc- young: pm’mlo- and will hopv to I'vtuin thvm. as a plzuw is always so Mr. and Mrs. H. r. McLean arrived homo from thvir wmiding trip last \w-rk and arn happiiy settled in their homn on tho 'l‘uwnlinv. north of the Villa"... “’0 wish Hu-m many years of happiness. dread wilted)! weather for tho tor- ture it brings from non hoes clapped hands. (within and cold-com. _ “11th thence hmqusgrotoctod "sun awn”.uw-uuuuprm.cm by lain-Bah. frost and cold winds simply cannot reddon. toughen and chafe your shin.Wash with Zaln- Buk Medicinal Soap andapplytheZaI-Buk balm afterdryin‘, There is nothing like this Zaa-Bnh treatment for keeping the skin smooth. strong and flexible. Composed exclusive- ly of rich herbal essences. lain-Bah soothes and purifies the tissues and pre- vents all roughness and soreness. Where the skin has already become chapped. blistered and sore. lamâ€"But. use of its great antiseptic and healing power is doubly valuable. It takes away the smarting irritation almost filled- iately. kills dangerous disease ms Ind quicfiy heals with new healthy skin. lam-Bub is the best remedy obtlilsblo (or chgpped. cached hmds. cold-octet. frostbite. chilbhins. winter eczem. bums, scalds. sad ‘1! wounds and injuries. 50c. box. I." chemists.

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