Though the weather was unfavor- able the High school and Public school combined had a successful Field Day on Thursday last under the direction of Principals W. Car- roll and R. G. Holland. A good pro- gram was run ntf. In a basketball game the village girls defeated the High school 6 t0 4. .\ baseball match between Flesliei'ton Uld Boys and the High school had to he called in the third inning on account of the wea- ther. We have received an initial num- ber of a bright and newsy church paper, The Wesley Foundation News, published at Amherst, Mass... amt edited by Row. 1". A. Lcitch. pastnr of tho Wesley Methodist EplSCOpal church there. Rev. Mr. Leitch was brought up at Flosherton. has boon a successful pastor in largo churches in tho l'nitod States and will doubt- less mako good in tho now respon- sibility assumed in his prosont pas- torate. Sunday school Rally Day sorvico was held in tho .\-lo'-th(xli.~'t church on Suml'iy morning: in [113190 of tho rogular survive. 'l‘lio Supoi'intond- out. Mr. W. ll. )lillor, ouncluctml the program which was well rcndorml and interns-ling. 'l‘ho pastor. Row. H. H. l-Iatim. muo- a imml aililross. The I’rvshyto-rian Sunohy echool observ- eol Rally Day llw Sunday ho-fnrv. A! a ,iuinl tum-ling Hf l’ivslwrlnn. Plum-Ina :Illoi l'mtnn l’rowllylvi'ian ('Ungro'galinns ill'ili lwrv nu Friday awning laxl. runalm-lml by Roy. H. Shannnn nl' Mrlnlyrv. a ml] to Rev. G. H. 'l‘lmnr=.-'. l-l..\.. IHL nl' 'I'm'l‘mtn. was gin-n \Vilii'il. it is. o‘xm'l'lmL \yill rumo- lwl'wiu- :i sin-rial [limiting of i'ro'ï¬hylm'y umm. Tim plilpits \Vl'l‘v snpprol nn Sunday by Roy. Hugh Mathvson. Knox (Inllvgo Librarian. whn prvachml wry inlvrc'sting svr- mans. 'l'hm'» was a gum] lnrnmil from hi'l'f‘ to â€in fall fairs al Fmrrsham :iml l’rimwillv last work and a num- lwr won» prizn-winnm's. The fairs wo'ro rmmrlml gum]. Principal Car- ml! and “if“ and Principal Holland and \vil'o- ailvmlm‘l thP School Fair at P‘o-vorslmm nu Saturday. Frivnds hare of Mrs. C. Hall of Own" Sound. deeply sympathize with her in her bpreavement by the un- timvly dmath of hor husband on Sat- urduy afto-r an accident. and the loss of her beloved father, Mr. Browse of Chatswnrth. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. VanDllspn and Mr. and Mrs. W'. L. Wright visited the bereft. families on Sunday. Row. H. H. and Mrs. Eaton “'an at (matswnrth on Saturday owning thvir HM l'rio-nd. \\'. HI‘PPSP, whn was wry ii! and passml away during thvir Visit tho-w. Mrs. A. S Van- IMSc-n. an nld friend of We family. is Visiting (ht-m in thoir sorrow this weak. Mrs. C. N. Richardson visited in Toronto part of last week. Mr. Fred Mathewson has returned from his visit to the West. Mr. and Mrs. William Blackburn and son-in-law. Mr. J. Rinsborough, of Staynm', \‘isitnd I'vlatiws in tho vilalge and Vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kennedy and Mrs. W. Hnm'y visited at Dungannnn on Friday and .zlttondnd tho' faiir thew. Mr. and Mrs. KPnnm‘ly returned to Toronto 0n Saturday atftvr a visit with thv lattor’s parents here. Mrs. Hodgsnn and little clmighfrr returned in their home. at Islington [amt work aftrr visiting the formers parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trim- Mr. Mr. F. Cairns is spending a fvw days with his son-in-law and daugh- ter at, \Vrstnn and will 1w zlccnm- panivd home by his wife. who Visit- ed hm' daughtvr. Mrs. C. J. CPOsSJPy of Toronto is visiting hvr mother, Mrs. W. Boyd. [his \Vm'k. Mrs. ('3. E. Brown of Brighton. who visited her mother, Mrs. M. Thistle- thwaito, left for home on Tuesday. Mrs. J. Juhnston of Dundalk is visiting her brother, Mr. W. J. Hen- derson and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan of Moorefleld were week-end visitors with the latter’s parents, Mr .and Mrs. J. A. Lever. At the Presbyterian Guild medl- ing last week Mr. R. W. Paton, re- turning to Knox College, gave an in- teresting talk on his work on a mis- sion ï¬eld in the West during the summer. Miss Hazel Inkster was el- ected Secretary or the Guild in place of Miss Elsie Ferris, gone to business coHege. Mr. Sanford Thompson of New- market is acting manager of the Bank of Montreal in place of Mr. Stevenson, assisting in Toronto for a time. Mr. R. 6. Holland and Miss Rey- nolds and Miss Ferris go to Toronto on Wednesday to attend the conven- tion of East Grey Teachers’ Associ- anon. Judge Sutherland of Owen Sound presided ti. Court of Revision for Artemosia on Monday 8nd twenty (Our own correspondent.) (Intended forA last week. “My, Detour u. “â€- names were List. ed a very enjoyable tea given by Mrs; Henry of Markdale on Wednesday evening last. v MrsiParslow made a week-end vi- sit with. friends at Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duncan visit- ed relatives at Paisley on Sunday. Mrs. (1)er Murray leaves on Wed- nesday to visit her sister at Beach- ville, accompanied by her little «laughtm‘. Betty. ' Miss Mildred Sharp has gone to 'I‘nrunto to take a position. Miss Mildred McCallum hdlidayed the past work will] friends at Max- well and Fourth Lino. The High school baseban team hvre playvd a match at Markdale last \work with the High school team thore, which won 8 tn 5. On Monday evening the boys here wont to Dun- dalk but \VOI'O‘ again defoated 6-2. The absvncv of tho. usual pitcher Mr. and Mrs. George: Patton. Owen Sound. are visiting this week with thv former‘s parents here. ROY. and Mrs. Eaton, MI“. and Mrs. C. E. VanDusm and Mr. and Mrs. F. Duncan purpose attnnding the funnr- al Hf thn last Mr. BI‘QQSP at Ghats- wm'th «in \Vednesday. hum..- accounted largely for the dc- feats nwt with. (This Week" \‘ews' l Al'tera long conï¬nement your (301' â€" respondent enjoyed a ShOIt outing last week when Dr. Murray gave us an auto ride around town. We were pleased to see substantial improve.â€" ments in some of the hsuinI‘Iss placesl and in many I'esiIlIInees. :Ill tokens OfI prosperity; On Saturday we had {1' iIIIIk in at The Advanee IIII'iI'II tI) .s'IIIII the line new liIIIIthIII I'I'II'IIIIth Ill-I stalled. 'llIe splendid Illat‘IlIlll‘ :Idd< "ll‘8II\ to the IIIIIIIIInIe III III the IIIâ€- III II and “e ennui: Itulate the FditILIII and his son IIII tlIeII II'IItI-IIII'iSII .\t. the East HIIIIV 'l'I-aIIhIII'†ton- \IIIItimI held in 'I'III'I'IIIIII last. \\I.II_.Ik Me. It. Ii. Holland presiding. ollieers for the en IIiIII: \eaII \Kt‘l'I‘ elected as t"IIllII\\.~_I : Hon. PI'I,‘.~'., Ul‘. Hut}; PIIes., I I I I I I l I I I l I I I I I I I I V A. Smail. Meafnrol: 1st Viee,’ C. N. Morris. .l’ex'ersham: 'Jnol Vice. Miss B. l)insmore, 'l'l‘iornhnry; Secy.-Trca. and Librarian. .\liss l1. lil'o‘W‘S. Mea- fordz Auditors, .\l iss M. Sheppard and Miss ('1. Brown. Meaforil: HXPCUtiVO Committee: Artemesia. Mrs. F. Seaâ€" ley; Osprey. Miss .\'. McKinley; Eu- phrasia, S. A. Golf: Collingwood, Miss A. Acheson; Meaforol. Miss G. Suther- land; St. Vincent. Miss E. Scott; Thornhury. Mr. ITI‘qnhart: Flesher- ton, R. G. Holland: 0. E. Delegates. Miss E. Ferris. and Miss 1'). Brown. Thornbnry was chosen for the next annual convention. .\ feature of the. convention was the excellent address given by H. U. Lockett. M.A.. Normal school, Hamilton. on “The Rural Teachers‘ Problems and Opportuni- ties." The teachers visited a num- : her of South York schools and enjoy- leiil their visit to the city. 1m: Ha“ aiian orchestra here go to Badgmos this \\ eek to entertain at a f0“ 1 supper. Mr. H. Carringtnn. painter, and his holpm‘. Hurry Follow, have re- turned to the village after repaint- ing Mr. (iourgo- Shannon's residence noar \‘andeleur. The funeral of the late Mr. Albert Arnott of \Vareham. Whose tragic death we reporlml last week. took place from his late home to Mount Zion remetery on Thursday after- noon last and was the largest ever in the community. showing the deep sympathy felt for the bereft family and the high esteem in which the «leeeased was held. A very impress- lw service was held at the home, conducted by the family pastor, Rev. A. E. Duffield of Maxwell, who spoke from St. John 14:2 with earnestness and deep feeling to the. ï¬lled house and great throng outside. Fitting reference was made to the exem- plary life and Christian character of the deceased, who was a lifelong Me- thodist and a valued member of the church at Wareham. The funeral was under the auspices of Dundalk Masonic Lodge. of which the deceas- ed was a member and the impressive burial service of the Order was con- ducted by the Master, Wor. Bro. Champ, assisted by Rt. Wor. Bro. Rev. Blackwell, D.D.G.M. of Grey District. The sister lodges at Flesh- erton and Markdale were well repre- , sented with brethren from other7 points. Mr. Arnott was also an Odd- fellow and an 'Orangeman and in politics a Conservative. He was a well-known farmer in Osprey Town- ship, which honored him with the ofl'ice of Deputy Reeve. Beautiful floral tributes were given by the fa- mily, the Masonic Lodge. the Odd- fellows, the Ladies’ Aid of the church and many friends near and far. Among those from a distance who attended were the deceased’s uncle, Dr. Henry Arnott, Hamilton, Mr. James Orr, Toronto, Mr. John Burke, Shelburne, and Mr. George Wright, Owen Sound. Good congregations attended the Methodist Church on Sunday to hear Ir. WL .m, a young Christian Chine-In, Mate of, a Chinese the Vowrs’ College, who is taking a theological course in Knox College, Toronto, preparatory to preaching the gospel in his own country. His addresses were thoughtful and interesting. Special contributions were taken in behalf of the Japanese suï¬â€˜erers by the earthquake. A good baseball match here on Monday evening between Dundalk and Flesherton High school teams was won by the visitors, 3 t0 2. 1 Mrs. «'1. mum†is Visiting Polaâ€" ,Liws at St. (lutlmrinns. . ' i .\l1'.:1nd.-\ll-s. Lug'iv ul' ’l‘t‘n‘mltn. mat-rim rn-m‘nlly. wow the guosts 0f "11'. and Mrs. William “Watt nn i'i'hursduy and Friday lust. 311's. Lu- cgio- was I'm'nwrly tlw \Vit'v Hf Mr. '\\"illiam Minn. M'HHH‘I‘ of Mrs. ’lWyaH. The Methodist church has now a surpliced choir. The new gowns purchased by the Ladies†Aid were \wrn on Sunday for the ï¬rst time.- The anniversary services of the church will be held next Sunday. mmdueted by the pastor. Mrs. ('ivmmvll nl' lmkum Visitml iwr (-uusin, Mr. \V. .I. «luswvll and family last mmk and an Iwr I'vtm'n 'mmv wa< :u'cnmpaniml to Mount - I’m-wt. on Friday by Mrs. tiuswell and idunghtm's Myl'tlo and )lihlrml. . Mr. \V. \‘vrnun Snidw' anal sislm‘. §Miss Eiloon, 0f \Vatm‘lun. \wro \ka- ' vnd Visitors at. Mr. W. .I. (luswvll‘s'. Bornâ€"At ‘21 Marion stroot, 'I‘omn- to, on Wednesday, ()ctobor 10, to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hogan (nae tha Bus- kin '. a daughtvr. Mr. (I. J. Bollamy, LPN. of Prince Arthur Lodgv, AF.A.M. here, has bmm uppnixttwt District Secretary of Grey District Nu. 25. Thu appoint- ment was made by Rt. War. Bro. Blackwvtl. D.l).(i.M. RM. 4'}. H. 'l‘homas Hf Toronto has clN-linml thv call vxtvndcd to him by tho- Pl‘osbytvriun mngrngmions of this charm. Other candidates will HOW DO hoard. Miss 'l'ona Henderson of the Hick- ling: sturo staff, hulidayml lust \wok. nmstly in Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. (I. N. Richzu'clwn madv a visit to ()m-n Smmd frivmls nn Friday cwvning last. Mrs. A. (lanwrnn and mm M Turâ€" nntu \‘isito‘d thv formm-‘s Sish'l'. Mrs. lid. Best, last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Down and Mrs. J. Wilson made a Visit. tn ()wmx Snunc'l on Friday. Mrs. Elizahnth Watson of Toronto accomlmniml her son-in-law, Mr. R. (l. Holland t'mm the city on Saturday to mako an vxtendvd visit. with her daughter. Mrs. {Du} Patterson and little son Charles Reay, this week. of Toronto are visiting her parents. Mrs. W. A. Livingston spent last Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. ‘ Saturday afternoon at Owen Sound. Mr. T. C. Blakely spent the week- end at Harriston, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever Visited their daughter at Mooreï¬eld. By an intvrcsting letter frnm Mr. Charles Janos. who has been for some tinw at. Hudson Bay Junction. we loam he is nuw at Waldo, B.C.. doing: WM} and n-njtwing lifv there. A number of friends from Laurel made Mr. and Mrs. Carroll 3 visit the beginning of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald of stion made a week-end visit here. Th0 latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Cairns, returned to their home hero. with them. Nurse Eva Inkster returned on Tuesday from spending a few days in 'l‘orontt’v. Mrs. C. H. \‘auDuson loaves this wookun a business visit. for two mmks at hor old home in Chicago. .J.,....r/ «TA: 1.7.: 1.22.7. .2: .L 21.7 a 11::â€" fizzâ€"bu. a}: .E Liecaï¬z .m...i..: .2,“ Dr. and Mrs. COIPl'iIlgP uf King's- \‘iliv mutm-ml hp“! and spout thv \YW‘k-Plid with thu lattm".~r pare-Hts. Mr. and Mrs. 1.). Mc'l‘m'ish. Miss Mamic- .\1i"l‘:i\‘ish. who was visiting: her sisti'i'. i'vturnmi homv. :7.» 753:; 32:3. ’17 :35: 3.2: ._..:.::r_. c: m 11.: 3.2. :2. 2....7141. Mr. and M 1's. H. A. Mc'l‘m'ish and 311'. um! Mrs. W. Miilvr madv :1 mm M HHIIHVM‘ nn Sunday. Ebenezer. (Our uwn CHI-respondent.) \\'Hh Hu- threshing all linishml up lm “w s. 11mm and must ul' the fail l'cmts llnoit'l' Shvlh-I l‘. \‘Hlll' svx'iho' will surely haw muz'v time In «lthv‘ 4 the m1I'c-sgmmlvnw. anv m. at any I‘Zlh'. 'l‘lw t'm'mvl's lu-ro- :m- He‘al'l)’ all sm'n nut wnjming' llw nim' :mlumn' I \VO‘ZIHH‘I‘. turning Ihu mu! m tlw tivlci.‘ \V‘Jth linu \x‘vzlthm' for a I'vw \\'I'o~k.~“ mm tlw grnuncl \ViH lw tillml and :1 better ('hum‘v is :n'uiluhlv in tlu- springtinw who!) it cunws to svmling. Miss Hazvl Torry of Mulock spun! at l'o'w clays“ hulidays last \ka with [101' musim. Hu- Mo-rx'yn family. Mr. and Mrs. Nt‘\\'tOll Phillips â€1' P311; Hvail Sllt'llt thv ï¬rst 01‘ the wow-k with the kittens father. Mr. 'l‘. H. Lawrvncv. Mr. and Mrs. James LiVillgStOll and «laughter «of Hamilton \‘lSlit‘d Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Livingston last \\'t't‘}\- end. MI'. (Io‘t'il Ntvhlv uf Mlllth'k Cpl-M, Sunday :n’to‘fmmm last with friends in “HP hurts. Miss Butler. school teacher hm‘.‘ atto'mlml â€10 tvzwhm‘s’ conwntitm for the South Grey district, hold in Durham on Thursday and Friday «'f last week. Mr- and Mrs. William Vollett and family of Durham Visited Mrs. Vol- lptt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Adlam. (Our own correspondent.) Mr. Angus McCormick of PM! Ar- thur spout a fem daxs of last \wok “ith his pan‘vnts, Mr. and Mrs. Am h. \lch mivk. Mr. and Mrs. Fwd Win and family nf Svafm'th spout the1 ï¬rst Hf the* W001: at Mr. Alex. Flt‘it‘ilt‘l“9. Mr. and Mrs. J. McKwhnin spvnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ewnn. Mr. Hugh Mci'inrmick motm‘vd to Pruton on Sunday fur his father. Mr. Arch. Mctlnrmick. whu has boon Vis- iting his (.iaughtm-s; Mrs. Hugh Mcâ€" Phail and Mrs. vatm' valtwhm'n. l IIQII (Sll‘l .‘II No lll‘t l‘Jl .Vll I: H II': I ll. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mavdunald and sum Kvmwth \isitml hivucis in Pro- tnn last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. .Iuhn Lynn and famih Hf Durham slu-nt Sunday at Mr. L Clark’s. WMMM-ï¬-ï¬-ï¬-ï¬mmm-w u Rocky Saugeen (Our mm correspondent.) Mr. mul Mrs. Ruin-rt Mummy] and t\\'u suns spout Sunday \\'iHl frimhis in â€\wn Snnnd. Mrs. .\'o-il leman syn-m Suncl (Ming tu the.japan disaster Silks of all kinds are buund tn admnw {mm :o In 40 per cent. Our stock is large in DRESS SILKS. (.:.\.\"m.\'.s.' ("Rl'll’li-lnil'THINES smx'r sxrms. )Vv urge uur vusmnwrs m hazy mm and save paying the big prices. Watson‘s famous Spring Needle Knit I,_..'ndc-twear for mmflrrt and wearing qualities. 3. full line to (thumb frum. Real snappy line of the famous \X'ashablc Suede, Grifï¬n Gloves in the mwcst shades and styles. H. MORLOCK SONS Have you seen our New Coats? lix‘vr)‘ (“mat Guaranteed to Keep its Shape. Stylish and uptudatc Watson’s Underwear Penman’s Hosiery N ORTHWAY’S COATS Grifï¬n’s Gloves Sport Flannels Aberdeen. FALL SILKS zn‘ with friends at Buneoun. Miss Merton McArthur went tho “wk-end with her parents. md at- tended the teachers’ convention. Mr. md Mrs. Herb. Tran'ord spent Sunday with their dlughtcr, Mrs. J. Miller. Miss Esther McLean returned to lwr school after Spending the “wok- vnd at her home here. Sorry to report Mr. and Mrs. John lh'aun's baby being sick and under Hm doctor‘s care. Mr. and Mrs. [humid McDonald and family spent a. day last. week with the McLean famihvs . Mr. William Lc‘ggvtlo 0f Chesley \ Salted his brothm‘ (inorun for a few ciayS. The standard of excellence. A larger and better assorted stock than ever. We lead the way fur Good Hosiery. Nothing Newer for Fall Dresses 54 inches wide and all wool in Navy, Green, Brown and Red. Advertise in The (nu-onion. All Our Graduates have been pun-ml m date and still there are vans for more. Hot your course NOW. if you '10 not {mt it you pay for it anyway in snmller earnings and lust bpportunities. [inter any day. Write, «all «m plume for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratfurd and Mmmt Forest 'Q‘W'U .0 0°“W PAGE Fl"