‘ ' and: mint st ghe ofljce, qua- $23233Â¥W 11123111. U’ntario, by VL lrwm. Editor and Proprietor. The Chronicle is mailed to any address . at the rate of 82.00 Her year, 81.00 {or six £05.53?) cents for threemontï¬g. [‘0 any uddlgssfm the United States of America. $2.00 per yegr, $1.3 gr six months. 65 (-Pnts for three months. foreign su - .srcription rategon 391%?th -I-\I‘I|nn‘! ‘JL‘AI'iQ'il‘I‘ H’l’hwug of an into 1917 I" "- and HHVOBI‘ A VOLUIB WITH mum â€Through Five Republics on Horseback,†is the title of an into-resting and instructive book published in 191; i.\ H. Winth-la Ray, F.R.G.S.. pioneer missionary The live republics are in amt limo-rnmvut explorer. Bolivia, Para.â€" South America and comprise Argentine. guay. Brazil and l'ruguay. To get. a conception of the Iucatmn of tho-so republics it would lw Well at the oucwt tn take a map of South America as u whole, and asm-i-tnin tho.- ro-iutiw positions ut’ the territories trav- i-llml :iml tin-n learn their magnitudes amt 1.»Ossibilitivs. llan those whu have trrn'clh-cl ¢;'xtvli~_‘l\‘cly know it tlw \wriol rnnuvm'mt with the sum total \m'x iliiio't Sn far as tlzinmla is: mn- Of {ti lhv \\Hl'M t‘t'lllilill‘. cernml \Vo' haw hail tlu- goml t'm'tmw in m...“ n“, 90“., ““"l-l NW“ l'l'uln “t't’illl tn nrmm. 'l'his Him-s us :1 small tinvh \V “‘h Ill thin nu will It'll"! ‘ I SMHI Ann-rim \Vus ilisvuvci'wi by Spanish navigatâ€" im- {3ch Hf the tit’tm'nlh i'o-iltltl'y. In H975 I't.‘ It i. A'l. ! 2h~ f- . "a! w! ‘hait thi-se) no‘\\' funds. iivzu‘iy twim' thu SiZP nt‘ Fin-OPP. <hnuld become: the possessinn ut’ the lltltt'itt’i'it- â€1' Spain and Pm‘tngal. 'l’lllts'. by right (if «Huiiilvst and gift. South Amvrica with its gown and It. hult' niiiiion "“105 of torritni'y and its miltiuns of Indian inhabitants. was divided hotwm'n the: two cunnâ€" trio-s. Brazil In) ’anw itw lit,)sso's<itiii (if the» Pnrtng‘twsv. and â€In rust or the continent went tn the crown of Spam. South \uieriea is 4.60†miles long from north to i .300 mile 5 at its greatest breadth from east to \xwt. "ltu-w tigures mean but little unless we com- them with distances at which we have a greater [n length it is one and one-half times the Hitlill .mi. pare knowledge. distance from here to Vaneouvm'. and to cross the widest point would be equivalent to a trip to Vancou- wr amt back again to Calgary. It is a country of plains aml mountains and rivers. The Andean Moun- tain range is 4.400 miles long. Twelw peaks tower three miles or more above ocean level and some reach into the sky for more than four miles. Many are burning mountains. The rivers are among the longest in the norm. The Amazon drains an area of 3,686 square miles Its plains are almost boundless and its forests limitless. There are deserts “here no rain ever fails and there are stretches of coast line where no «tax e\ er passes without rain. It is a country of all climates. The northern part is equatorial, and is the hottest. The southern part stretches its length toward the pole. The book, published in 1917, says titty millions of [maple now dwell beneath the southern cross and speak the Portuguese and Spanish languages and it is estimated that. with the present increase. 180 mil- lions will sneak these languages by 1920. South Am- erica is pro-eminently the coming rontlnent. It is more thinly settled than any other part of the world. At least six million miles of its territory are suitable for immigrants-«loubie the available territory of the United States. No other tract of good land exists that is so large and s0 unwrupied as South America. [)1 Dr. Ray. who 31w“! :1 immhm‘ of yeais in the unâ€" vxpinrmi areas 01' South America, is if‘tttul‘tnfl on his travels with the Chautauqua and was in tiw same group as the? writo‘rs’ daughtM‘ iu thv \V’vst Hump or four years ago. The book to which \w row was a prpwm. to us from the author and \w appri‘ciate it wrv min-h. “'0 may rvfer to his trawis again. Tins DURHAM cnnomcus It is Hot the duty of a Registrar to give information nor to o-Xpress an Opinion as to the validity Ur effect 0! registered instruments. He must not even exprms an Opinion on the validity of a title. This is contrary to publir opinion generally. Many have the idea that to search a title to property the Registrar should act as adviser to say whether it is good or otherwise. This is evidently not so, according to a report given by James W. Mallon. B.A.. L.L.B., K.C., Inspector of Legal and Registry Offices. We quote from the Inspector’s report as follows: "Some llrms and corporations. I understa‘nd, ' are in the habit of sending out forms to be ï¬lled in by the Registrar, whom they expect to answer cer- tain printed questions, including ‘ownership,†and encumbrances, etc. Any answer given by the Re- gistrar as to ownership or encumbrances necessar- ily involves the giving of an opinion about title, which the Registrar is expressly forbidden by the statute to do.-â€"8ec. l9, subsection 1†. The Registrar is expetced to make searches and give â€me ' and abstracts it requested. Making searches means in: the instruments and mtries relating h ‘7â€".. I! hlo-a Of our all kmnvh'dgc‘ 0f Canmla. and that, grvat hvritagw as tkmmlians. yvt aw «mix 1; sm kumx'lcdgn is vague and misalisfactul'y. “'0 have -i_\ tmwhml Hw fringe ur Hw grout cuntinout on lin and Hm â€the-1' vuntinmlts are) of vquul an'mul tn [mm by tram-i Hm many I \\'0' «'1. “"6." cannot - m- WHUM like) to know. and 10 Ivan) these we ch) 51» by lwoks and ntlwr mo-ams. Hay giw-s us pen pictures of many things in the liw lw raise-d throng , and \w «'nnmn-nd his pub- '11 In our x'cacku's as u snurw' nt’ int'm'mation that trun- th mun-casting and prnlilahlv. H: Amvrim was discovered by Spanish navigat- ;-.;A~ luv ._;;.l Hf the Iiftm'nth mntury. In 149-3 ll x lmu‘hml lho- fringe \u- liw and the uthv I. “"0 cannot all’rml t: \w wnuld like to km: Thursday, October 25, 1923 MUST IIO'I‘ GIVE OPINION it wuuld he \vaI at the America as u whole, and 13' Hf the torrituries trav- _.'niludo;s and 1.»0.~'sihililivs. wile-cl cxtvn-glwly know vm'ml with tlw sum total :.. far as Canada is: mm- Association. expression of Opinion. To say that a man is the ’last registered owner is an expression of Opinion as to title. To say that there are only certain encumbrances is also an expression of opinion as to title. To say that a mortgage is discharged is an express i on of Opinion as to title. All that a Registrar can do in the last case is to say that an instrument purporting to be a discharge has been registered, but it is for the searcher to make up his own mind whether the in- strument has been discharged. V5. “---vâ€"â€"' 50 also as to the statement that a man is dead. All that a Registrar should do in such a case as this is to state that the Letters of Administration or Letters Probate are ï¬led and to give exnacts if required. In short, a Registrar's duty with reference to search- es, etc.. is to produce the documents and entries relat- ins,r thereto, to give copies or extracts if required, but not to express any opinion whatever with reference to the validity or the ett‘ect of registered instruments as to the validity or the title. From the above it will be seen that the Registrar has Very little latitude and his duties are so defined that he can neither giwe information nor opinion in relation to registered instruments. It is well for the pnblie to know that he is forced to lie. dumb to all in- quiries relating to titles of properly. We know of a. partienlar ease where a man held the 'ltlllh'_s1 IVIuU-glo _ ticular case when» a man hvld the We kuuw of a par dcvd of his property fur lwal'ly twenty wars and never had it. l'egistmwrd till he, undertook to dispusv of .it. In Uh: H0:."ist1'y ()Il'icc tlw t/Ith‘r had 110er passed out of tho» hands of the fm‘mm' owner. In a rash nt’ this kind it \\«_,.h.d lw impossibh' for a Ihsgish'ar to say whn was I (luv rightful owumn. Win-n mm :1 man qiiil mm; and In ilmxn Iiili Iinmwinllv‘.’ This is u quvs ii‘wml ull lls‘ {It Sum“ illllv m iilili'nl is that nu man z~ pulsning .i snip um murv in “w "I! than his iiitiii-si :mmmiis in. 111 HIP lil'sl, piiu‘e' il i911†llltvl'v In HH‘ “n luau um :‘mmunls â€In. 111 Hw ï¬rst, piiu'v it is luin llw ummmt om \Vllivh 2: mm Howls and the numls nl' thosc- ch Sllpmsu it wquirvs $90M a war tu \Vit'v. 'l‘lns mvuns tlw imm'nst Mn 'l'n gvt lo the [mini at (mm. a pursun to 1w in a sal’v hositinn to l‘ntirc- t'mm thv activitivs â€1' “fr, tlw immu- est on his available: 'zwital should furnish vnough fur his upkeep whiln lhc- "apital remains intact. Of course a man may I'o'tirv on lvss, and thm'v aw sumo who use up principal and interest as they go along and leave nothing behind for their families to quarrel over. By the exercise of care. a person having lif teen or twenty thousand may quit work and live without drawing on his capital. When he shuffles off this ï¬fteen or twenty thousand will necessarily pass into other hands, doing good in some cases, and evil in others. We‘ll just leave the matter here for the conâ€" sideration of our raders. ' IS IT CHILDREN OR MORAL DBGBNBRATBS? Some person or persons are charged with stealing flowers from graves in the Durham Cemetery. On hearing of it, ï¬rst we thought it must have been the work of children who did the. deed thoughtlessly, as nu right-minded grown-up would be guilty of such i'unduct. “’0. an». :issm-ml. however, that some of the guilty mivs aw nut childrmi. and it grieves us to think such (-liai'avtvrs exist, in the community. Children might. 1w vxvusml as. llu-y don‘t knmf any better, but thm'u is 1w vxcuse for olhers unless they are mentally- ilepravml. Those wannul lw i'liachml by a mild condem- natiuu of such i-umlucl in the public moss, and if the mil mnlimws harsher mvzisurvs should he adopted. Only children 01- imbeciles can be ckcused. Frame» is determined that paix shall mean pay.â€"â€"- Littlo Rock (.-\rkansas‘) Gazvtte. \Vondnr what Hm Gnu-man countm‘fvitm's _arv doing fur a hving thpsv dnys‘Pâ€"IMtle Rock (Ark) Gazette. The power to du great thingé generally arises from tho. willingness to do small thi‘ngs.â€"¢St. Cathagines Standard. I W; cén't hglp wondering how wars got started back in primitlve timvs when men know nothing of diplomacy.â€"‘-Calgary Herald. _If tho-world would soon be as dry as some of Rov. Ben Sponco’s romarks, prohibitiomsts would have htâ€" tlo worry about.~â€"â€"Toronto Telegram. Firpo ate a steak half a dozen eggs and seven glasses at milk for one meal. No wonder he has to ï¬ght. for a liVing. ~â€"«Borde1 Cities Star. The way to a man‘s heart is thr ugh his stomach, but the operation requires some t 01 more emcnent than a can-opener.â€"-»,Brandon Sun. A New Jersey horticulturist is .reported to have produced an. initialed a ple. Looks hke the forerunner of sun higher-priced ruit_.-â€"Buffglo CouAner. . I'l' LOOKS NICE [I um I!“ 128 The Sheik. in the ï¬lm, grabbed his Victlm' And lugged her away to his tent, , Where {{is subsequent actions-were flagrant miracâ€" lODS \ '~ 0f every known rule of a cut. But Savdie. obeerying bin}, mgpmurpgi, nth. -L - L Illm’ In)“: 3.)“- ", While she ‘b‘liish'é‘c'f to the brim ofvhey hat. “Well. maybe, I’m sappy, but I could dne happy If some guy would treat me like that!†WHEN CAN A MAN RETIRE CRISP COMMENT ‘k and liw \xlthuul gum: is u mwsllnn lhzst will lw n' nllwr. Hm vunll-nliun szll'v {fmn'w‘ H H l'vqllil't‘s llllo-I'vsl ill vm'wnl vulva o- it is nm'vss.\l'_\' tn :L-‘wrâ€" THE DURHAM CHRONICLE an: wanna nu wns an: on runsnu Conducting Investigation Regarding Alhaod Infraction of dune Luvs. Game Warden Ely 01' Owen .Sound was in town Tuesday investigating the hints in last week’s Chronicle that partridge were being hunted out of season and also being bartered. He motored here from Tobermorry, and has been conducting a quiet in- vestigation for the past couple of days. We understand he picked up a couple of good clues and more wall possibly be heard of the matter at a later date. . Mr. Ely informs us that he intends ‘doing all in his power to secure a conviction of any breaches of ï¬ne (lame and Fisheries Act, as all have every opportunity of reading up the law on the matter. WILL GIVE UP BUSINESS . AT END 01“ MONTH Wil.‘ Be Ree d\ For Pres out :ticn Short'i' ms, and W 11 Be Coed. Local Vulcanizing Plant. to Close.â€" OWner Ma_y_ Accept Position With Mr. .I. lm'kiv. \VIIH has lwon horn' fur the past ““11â€" of yours in Um Vulcanizing l‘msinoss has lll‘CldtHl to lmw town and will likely accept a pusiliun with a ï¬rm at Hamilton. Mr. Lm'kiv was a gnml cltizon and u usul‘ul man in tho mnmmnily and lhv wlmlv luwn and (-ummunity, vs- lwvially auto mum's wlm m‘v sums. 1n haw liru tmulllv. will l'vgrvl In lvtu'n nl' his lle-pzn'lm-v. llc- will luaw allmnl llw lirsl of vamhm- as Hw pl't‘misvs ncvumml by him haw lu-vn wusm by Mr. ll. Lindsay for his :zl'cmm')‘ inhinves. 'l‘lw lmilclim: now m'cupiml by Mr. Lindsay will lw lulu-n nxm- lay Mr. m‘unl .“l‘CUnlll. \Hm i< o-nfm'illg llu- nu-w-mlila- lmznnws. l ‘. 'l'ln- yumâ€: w-lecf of â€In .-\.H;.'li'.j:|ll «mm-n :u'o- I'vllmlrmng‘ :1 way whwln i\\'ill ht' gn‘v-u‘nlwl shortly. It is ‘m- it; I'rvlwzu'm-«l unclvr Hxv dirm'l iz‘n m' Mrs. ’ Hm; Win-awn. whn. \w under- %â€" :mcl is an mm»! at this kind Hf -\\m'k. H is vxpm'tml llw [wl'l'm'm- :amvv \Vhl .lw :unmunvml mul'tly and I“ III 1w lu'M sumo timv in wa‘mhm' {w MI'LV lh'wmhc-I'. ANGLICAN YOUNG PEOPLE ARE RBHBARSING PLAY 3’ OCIAL AND PERSONAL Inn-I'istm' .I. H. Hunks of Kamszu'k. Susku \Vus hvrv on a \isH Iwwwwdly my! gun- us :1 MM (“all a f«*\\' «luv E'L'u. \\'v rugrvt ho was so stuck for Low that ho couldn't. toll us anything: of ('UINHUUIIS :md prospvcis in tho (nuun \Vbst. }h‘is a son of Euro. hmks. nmn' Edgv Hill. and prior to suking his voursv in law was a stu- dvut at. Durham school. Mrs. H. Collinson and daughter. Miss Joan (It'llinson. of Ceylon. and Mr. 'l‘lIumIH Darg'zn'ol of \Vial'ton, \‘isitml on Monday with Mrs. Thomas Morton. .-\lwrdm'n. Miss 'I‘I'uax rpturood last_ _wock from Toronto mld-wmtm' milllnm‘y Oponmgs. “ . Al- - fidï¬iilton Firm. V..." U. Miss Maud_QutIe spe11t_ over the week-end Vlsmng her friend, MISS Cora Harper of Mount, Forest. Mflists mm: Hopkins spent the past week vismng her sister, Mrs. Alfred Ashley, in town. 0 .v-â€"- ' Mrfiviiélvin Ashley and niece, Miss Christina Ashley of Brampton, spent the week-end visiting Mrs. Alfred Ashley, here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen motor- t‘d up from Hamilton last week to spvnd tho week-end with his par- onls. Mr. and Mrs. David Allen. Miss Vera Allen returned to TOP- onto 011 Saturday after sponding tho summer munlhs at her home horv. Mr. Ray Doolitllo and Miss Mary Farr moturml- from ()rilliu and Visâ€" iiml MP. and Mrs. Roy Bvll'ry (wcr “I" \vmik-vnd. Mr. Arnim lloll‘ry from Engi-nia Fills was thv gnvst of his brother. Mr. Roy Bull'l'y, uwr the \\'Ci_,'k-('lltl. ELECTED OFFICERS LAST WEEK Thu local ’l‘uxis boys nwt last. Fm- llay «maxing and rvm'gunizcd for tho mining your. 'l‘lw following ofl‘icm's Wo-I'c' l‘ll'l'lml: Ml‘nlm‘, \V. A. Glass; Grand Pl'aotnr, Cecil Ml'LPan; Dap- nly Grand l’rautor, Clarence Noble; Grand Common William Edwards; Program Cum-mitten, Eddie Kearnvy. (hn'dun Ridden, Irvine Sharp, Donald in a taxi and she watched with growâ€" ing alarm as tho driver continually put his hand outside the car as a signal to the traffic following. At. last she became exasperated. “Young man,†she seid, “you look aftm‘ that car of yours and watch where you’re driving. I’ll tell you when it starts raining."â€"â€"Everyb0dy’s Graham. Magazine.- . THEATRE TWO SHOWS :8 and 9.15 PM. our Feeds are of the Best ' Flour is Guaranteed. Pr! “The Buster†Sunshine Comedy ' \ VETERAN STAR DUSTIN FARNUM in BOYDâ€"TMPPOID (Glenroadin Correspondence.) A pretty autumn wedding was so!- emnized at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Traftord. Glen- elg, when their third daughter, Alice ijas'united in Enarriage to Mr. John A. Boyd, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Boyd of Lender. Snsk. Evergreens ï¬nd autumn leaves in profusion decked the house for tho wemqny, which was performed by the brl_de_’6_ pastor, Rev. :Mr: Ail‘d. â€"-â€"â€"â€" |‘-' LIIU Ul'uvut """" -~--,â€"-~.-V-_ The bride, w 0 was given away by 1 her father, were a dress of copen.! silk crepe and carried a bouquet of 1 pretty autumn flowers. Miss Bessie McClung, friend of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. Rey 'l‘rm‘- turd ably supported the groom. After the Ceremony 3 dainty three- course dinner was served. In the evening a reception was gix'en tn the young people 01' the neighlmrâ€" hood. The presents received by the [bride were costly and useful. Mr. and Mrs. Buyd are spending their honeymoon zit. ltiwrview and Shelburne, the. bride traVeiiing in t'. tailored suit of raster ltl'umh'luth. Friends from Chesh')‘. \\'ellanci. Hamilten and Leader. Sash†attendâ€" t'tl the wedding. A LAIDâ€"CATON A quivt \wdding tunk [Harv «m Sutâ€" urdzly, Svplrmlu-r 29, at Hw hnmv of Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Judd. 50:3 l’vrry SL. Ilth-npul'i. luwu. whrn Miss Jesstn Stowart, (latnn. yuungvst daughter of Mrs. l“. Catnu uf Gillwrt Plains, Manâ€" Huha. and furmm'iy “1' Durham. 1w- (fame the bride of Dr. Full. Lamb Hr Kansas (lit); Missnuri. Hm. hr. (Iran-n nfl'iriutml. Mrs. Lamb \ms furmo'rly u \wll- kmmn ru-‘idvnl nl' Durham up m :1 fr“ yrars up“. “11““ {hr family mmâ€" An! in Munituha. 'l'hv (lhrmm-iv. with {wr mnnvruus I‘r'muls hvrv. \\‘i~"n hvr murh ,im and happinv». The Way It. Was. ".\ girl â€\‘m' lws'und Mutml l’i I'm away will: a l'uliur niunt M‘f inst. 11ml :1th mm'mwl." m-Intw ( .huimsnn nl' Rumpus “MW“. ".41 gu‘ a MUN-r. 19mm mwlvs. txw §..‘+" i'uiiwl's and Wur hmihvl‘s. 1L. “hivh tm'k qicmn Hw'u' gum :b‘ ~ as (In-y lwm'ml alumt. H. :m' " “(Swat grivl'l" «giavulatml hi~' h« M'. “Am! foilmwl 'o~m an' shut built in MPH-9‘?" “Nut prvsize'ly: in fan-l, Hwy m-nt mm'un'shiVarmul Hw _‘.n I'Mks‘ as scum as Hwy gm! Inu‘k f nnrrying."~l\'ansas (lily Star. A Wider Pxeld. 'l'he'l‘c' was it damn \Vlm â€Wt! In um]: Sh“ \Vo‘nt in fur thv mulnr find, Shv usvd (u gud from hnmv tn humv But mmmlays shv's going sumv. 'l'hv Inotm‘ fad brought, hvr I'nnnxx'11 And now she gads fmm town tn tcm'n. E Every Day Is Bargain Day THE PEOPLE’S MILLS . “Then you’ll grow a big dirl.†Miss Three has the right idea. Good Bread and plenty of it is Childhood’s right. The Home Loaf is the perfect ration for building strong boys and girls. . Phone 8, Night or Day. Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flou White .Lin Paslry Flour Wheat Cereal and Rolled Oats Bran 0| Shorts Feed Flour 0.: Chop Crimped Oats ' Mixed Chop Blatchford’s Calf Meal ‘ Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds “EAT MORE BREAD, DOLLY !†pm! 1hr ymuuz ' gm! hack t‘rmn My Star. Makers of GOOD BREAD l7. Pm Hr IMPIJSSIBlE Ill 6H RELIEF - mum In. in. m LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS OF MUCH PUBLIC INTEREST Thu-day. October 35. â€33° tn haw hr.- mrm w nnlv“!'ipalit_\' M' In.» m! In tho 'l‘u\\11,~'211;. nthvr is hy-Pcm' NH. lc‘l'vsl «hm-nwnvrs. 1“ Hi. vnfnrwmvm l, 3.3. 210. l, Everett. Ont. “Immanuugsormm with 14‘; why In lbuu‘t fm'uvl Hw 'l'rm- DURHAM MARKET Corrected October 25. 1923. hm.“ ........ . ......... “(Q Eclipse Flour uhl. (M'tn‘H Viking an .imdluu "farhmi ‘k'mm â€a. Mann and attach- M'Hlvno'lu. Th. 783%. and \\'.l! in- wlm must qmmit [n' Hm ciumwil N '0‘. (I! "'2 ‘. I (u I 7. mt! II 'H â€Hr Vuxmg n' I? H. Fl 1U ’1‘- Hr! rlmrâ€" Han. 10.00 $1.00