West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Oct 1923, p. 6

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"a ‘ Nurthern Untariu has not yet svâ€" cm'ml its wintrr sunply 0f coal o-x- cent fur railroad purposvs. Tho t1..\‘. R. had 200,000 tnns of coal at Capri-Hi. thrv last yvnr they had only 60mm. This gives an intimation 0f thp hum 3' n-vight lraffic tht' Natinnal lainl'.‘ nxpnct to carry this wintvr. AVERAGE MAN SENT TO PRISON 18 NOT A CRIUINAL I am profoundly convinced that the awawo- man sont t0 prism) i! “Mi cssmitmiiy a criminal. As .-\t.tm'no-).'- Genvrail nt’ the Stat» l px'usvcutmt m- N'y t'i'iminal case. that ramp hvl'ni'v tho- Suprmm- Court in right yvai's. During; tin-5v years I was. inlnlt‘l°.~t‘ti in tho- stud) 01' crimes and criminals. It was my duty to sustain (ivory t'Hii-< victinn wtwn lvguliy pnssihlv tn tit) 80. aunt my \vni‘k tvnctml tn «hm-hm a bias against thu‘px'ismim'. But those eight yours” o-xpci'io-ncn and study havo m'm‘iuccil in my mind a flow» and «ti-tinitc conviction that thc awn-ago- Vinlator of tho law is HUY am oi-ui pem'cl't, is not cssvntiziliy a criminal, but is a po'i't‘i‘ciiy Hull... man. who. by rt'ah't)" of an MtViI‘im- nwnt for which hc was not responsi- bin, or by reason of sum» smtitcn passion or U\'o'l'\\’ht‘in‘liltf_' tempta- tion, commits an act for which tw is very properly Scnt. to prison. But afto-r this normal man has boom in prison for n consonahtc timc. it' tho statc gives him anothci‘ chanCc hc will not he a mcnacc to society. but will lw a hcttcr citizen than hc was bcfoi'o- tic, toll into tPfll'pt-attfln. Hc has lcau-ncd somcthing about the. wago-s of sin. “'hile opvmting a circular saw on tho- o-nginP nf his fathm’s thrashing outfit. William, young son of W)!- liam Edwards of Howick sustainm! sewro' injuries to his hand. thv rv- sult of coming in cnntavt with m:- saw. The bone. H! 0va finger was Severmi. while two nthm's wow had- ly Jag: angled. “thelt McNamara. our of \Iilul- mm s oldest rusidents. sn tainml lu- jurio-s as thv [mum of a fall at his TIII- “'PBHH'I‘ on Sumln mm mm! 0! ”lo- dish-id around Sudbun “as clI-ar and 9.01“ “it“ Indications fm a iii-my final for Athg night. 'l‘ho-rv am, of course. gross and vi- tinus‘ o‘xrvptinns to this gvm-ral rulo'. hm. Hm rom'ictinn that the avm'axv prismu-r is nut, fundamentally wick- Bd hm hwn into-milled by my study of rrimc-s' and my oxlmrmnm-s with criminals during: my four ymu‘s‘ ser- vh-o- as G()\vl'lml°. Bruce County Village Has lore than Its Share of Excitement Recently. It was stated'that in the section meets-d. eight inches of snow full on "H' leyel. and this. driven before a strong gale. had filled the cuts to a depth of between three and four l'mot. An ineh «if snow fell in the Sud- bury district in the early hours ml Sunday morning. but disappeared I00" :il'ter daylight. There was a agiim'fall Saturday along the main Inn,- ut' the C.P.R. in the Chaple;iu- White River district, the latter plate.» reporting 11 inches. Canadian Na- tmnal divisimril oll’iees at Caprenl on Sunday night reported no snow alum: the Toronto division south and emit of Fnlnyet. SnOWploughs were out an the Canadian National but all trains were running on schedule tune up to 8 o'clock Sunday night. _ ACCIDENT AND ROBBERY FEATURES AT MILDMAY Former Governor Bickon of North Carolina 80 Expresses Himself. Three Mildmay youths who con- dm'tod themselves in a noisy man- ner at a dance one night ro-mrntly am- being summoned to appour M- for» the magistrate to answer a Charge offldisogdgrly: gongnct. II. A vv vuy ‘I to yasscngers. While Mrs. Robert Nicklp and hM‘ family. of Hnwick, woro attnnding church at Belmoro, her rosidmuw was broekn itno and a sum of mnnvy. valuable articles, and a quantity nf cdables wore 890181). The housr now TIE PEOPLE VOTED (Wiarton Canadian-Echo.) The figures {or the Ontario elec- tions last June have been compnlml and show that %5,665 votes were out, or mow.fewer than in l919. Tho W'atwes. polled 456.41! votes. or 70,000 more than in 1919. the U.F.O. polled 207,591, or $9.000 loss than in 1M9; the Liberals polled 191.691, or 139,000 less than in l9l9; while the Labor vote and Independ- gut vote totalled 721889, or l00,000 less n‘â€"-An-.A‘:-vn that; in 1935.: _ ”The" Conservatives polled not quite 506?” cent of the vote and the hold er cent of the “its in the ones. heir vote was higher than that of any. arty in the election of 1919 md has er even most significant thing the Conservatives Increased their vote b 70,01”, the U.F.O. lost 39,00), the Lt rule 139,000 and the Labor and In ndent vote lost 100,00. . It vw mwd si s of a rough. hash ch an the cat was lying deal? on the floor. ‘ _ ml]! IN NORTH!” ONTARIO DELAYED BY ”0"!!le "It. Up Three to [our Foot in Cuts '03: o! Cochrano. It 6-31 )0 Dow. numerous glide croqsing accidents “tinned some people that ... no. mo ‘ mm with an au- 2‘. 'w-éét of Cochrane. according ,iqn A_ 01 i Tm.- death of Miss 1.in Dougall, llrst editor of \\'orld-\Vide, will at- tract even more attention in Great Britain than in her native Canada. Hers was.a strong intellectual per- ' sonality and she gathered around her ~ in her later years the best religious 'thinkers of her dayâ€"Clutton-Brock, the essayist of The Times Literary gSupplemenl; Canon Streetor, of Hereford; the Archbishop of Dublin and others equally distinguished. .\l iss Dougall was the daughter of the late John Dougall, founder of The [Montreal Witness. Her first pub- llished work was a novel in 1891; then [she wrote a book of essays, and an- }onymously turned to theology and at. once commanded a. very distin- guished public. She became a col- laborator with the group of reli- gious thinkers mentioned above and her house was often the scene of their conferences. Sn with familiar hymns. \Ve have sun: tlwm so nftrn that we 110 not nrml a book. but do we know, alwayS, whurv thv hymn writers got their lilo-as. tlwir tiguros uf sperch. their pirturws of life, death. and the life m mmv‘.’ Where) in ”10 Bible do the uriginals of those rvt‘eruncos occur? "'t‘hnugh likv thp wandvrer, the sun gnnv down." “Shall wr gather at the riwr'f‘ “Ruck of ages." “Could we lint rtimh whore Mnsvs stooo‘l,” "All pmplv that on earth do alwvll,” “Thou ut' llft' tlw fountain art." "And owr u‘vr its llal'wl sounds thv hlrssed an- gi-ls sing.“ “We touch him in life‘s thriving and press." “The spacious fir- mament on high." “Bread of hoavén. l'o-ml moi. till I want no min-r." “Some «lay the silver cord will break.” “Will thvrv hr any stars In my crnwn‘.’" "'l‘hc- half has nmrr yet [wen tulil," ".\illin,~'t pm'suailmt. now t0 halirvo," “Hrrv ‘l’ll raisv my Ebenezer,” “The yoar nt‘ jubilee is comp." "()n Jordan’s stnrmy hanks I stand." "Hark! the huralil ango'ts sing." “'l‘lw ninety amt ninn." ".lvrusalum thv golden." 'l‘lw Bible has halt a profnuutl in- ltuvmm on English litvratux'u and spew-h. amt its wry words are ofh-n lake'n without uur i‘oalizing that we :m- using Scriptural material. (live tho- Biblical nrigin 0f the following titu-s of storivs and povms: “The tnsidv nt‘ thv Cup," "Back tn Methu- St‘lall." "A Curtain Rich Man,” “The ”01150 of ltimmou," “The Four llm'svn'wn of tho Apocalypse,” “Jeph- thah's haughtvr." "The Destruction nt' Smmat'llt‘i‘ih." "Paradise Lost.” "'l‘lw Suns of Martha,” “The Appeat tn tvlzwsat'." ”'l'ni'i'y 'l‘lluu Till I 001110.” “The Other Wise Man.” “Belshazzar’s Fc-zlst." ”Figs and 'l‘liistlvs.” "Samson amt l)o-litah." “The Jericho Road," "Saul." “'l‘tw Witlnw‘s Mitn." “The ttmiso- nt‘ Humlugv.” "A Bill of Di- wn'vmviil. Miss Lily Dougall, First. Editor of World-Wide, Was a Canadian. Ur take a group of incidental lit- erary allusinns, selected from the small change of novelists, essayists. poets and the general run of comer- satinn. Where in the Bible is the original 01' these references? Never mind ehapter and verse; just give the connection. "Abraham’s bosom." "Agur’s wish." "the apple of the eye," "the Babyienish garment." "chuwving his hew at a venture," "the putter's iii-id," "bricks without draw." ”cunts of tire," "like Noah‘s time." "wheels within wheels." "Ar- magei‘hlmi." “spying out the land," "spoiling the Egyptians,” “slaughter Hf the innocents." "the widow's cruse," "flowing with milk and hen- e.\'." ”the St‘t'HHtt mile." "wars and runners at “an-s." "hiding one's light under a hnshei.” "bread upon the waters." :13? "1511111111121 Jéppihdh, ’Ketm-ah, wi, Methusaleh, Naomi, Onesimu’s, ha1a0h 111-.uhen Samuel. Timothy, l'1'1z111. q nptelligence tests proposed by Mr .bdlson and others sug estccl 3 sm 11an test of Bible know edge to th editor of the “Epworth Herald." H9, preposed t0 Epworth Leaguers than. they should answer a number simple quegstious about the con- ts of the Blble without prepara- n. ‘irst, the names of Biblical char- ters. Identify andplace the fol- ving: Abner. Barnabus, Calaphas. borah. En:;ch,_l‘estps,_ Gidgop, H}- BIBLE INTELLIGBUCB TEST BRILLIANT WRITER DIES JUST ARRIVED. A SHIPMENT OF WILLIAM STONE FERTILIZER “None Betta” cocxsnvrr mm - _ . - DURHAM “EVERYTHING IN nun MACHINERY” Aylmer ' - Force and Lift Pumps SPRING FARM MACHINERY Renfrew Cream Separators “The Beat on the Market” J. SCH UTZ A Full Line of ,(1) To (increase thn size of the bud- gvt and live within the income of the province. This would moan a reduc- tion in tlw nnmbm' of names on the my mu. These are all sane, businesslike provosals, which will appeal to the rommon sense of the [H‘Olllt' of ()n- tario. The most pressing need in Canada to-day is economy in aid- ministration and a lessening of 'the burden of taxation. which is ham- pering business diweloiin'ient. licen- omy and etl’ieieney of administration are sorely needed by federal, provin- cial and municipal governments. It was reaction against extravagance which had so much to do with the defeat of the. Drury (im'el‘nment. 'l‘he Ferguson Ministry evidently realizes that the people demaml economy and are acting accordingly. As long as they follow the lines of policies they have indicated the Government need have no fear of losing the confidence of the people. (3i Tn draw from thv storohouso of raw mutvrial in Northern Ontario. increase industries and hlliltl up a gl'gat tmmr markrt. (2) To (‘Xllalld lim scope of opera- tions by bringing in more population. Tln- ilqiartmont of agriculture has about [)oI-l‘mtml a plan for bringing in Ill-”.111" who will stay on tho land. NEW CANADIAN INVENTION MAY RBVOLU‘TIONIZE MOVIES 'l‘ho Billboard says: 'l‘ho' appli- ance is called tlw Marten Biwulax' l’mjoctinn \tttl.chmvnt and is the fnwntiun 0f lht mas Hvun Marten. a Capadi: In why has :rlwac'ly distin- The application of the attachment achieves the. following effect: The whole proscenium is illuminated, forming a huge frame, or setting in colors, of a design to suit the nature of the picture. This illuminated frame which surrounds the picture appears to be set back at least a foot into the proscenium, giving an im- pression of depth which continues into the picture itself. The color, de- sign or entire setting can be changed to provide the preper atmosphere for the picture. A Special screen, of gigantic proportion never before used in a theatre, is being built to accommodate the new Marten pro- jection. A 111‘“ inwntinn, ()[H‘llillg lip an IIIItiIInx mm “0111 in motion picture [ll'tijt‘t’tltllL is being giwn its initial installatinn at “10 Capitol Theatre. New \IIIk City. 8((011'(“||8‘ to tho las. ism“ IIt 'l'tm Billboard, AmIIr- ica’s biggest and best theatrical pu- “Pl“. ltxpvrimvnts III [IIII't'oct tho proij-tiun of pictures have hPPll t?dl°l'lI‘tl IIII under the diI'I-ctiqn of S. L. RIItlIafIIl. g’l‘iishml himsolf as an engraver. art- ist and vnginwr.» 'l‘lm nutstunding features of the attachmvnt are the rmluction of eyostrain to a minimum. the production of an appearance- 0f depth and tho illusion of a third dimmsion, and the creating 0f speâ€" cial atmOSphPI‘O to ofl'spt the flat tone of the scrovn. Mr. Ferguson has shown courage. directness and ability in handllng the various questions which have arisen. In the case of the Home Bank, the Ontario Government has shown itself fully alive to its res- ponsibilities. while recently when there was a run on the Dominion Bank it, acted promptly and practi‘ eally in depositing a million and a hall“ of provincial funds, helping to restore ronthlence in the soundness of the _l_)ank’s position. M 1'. Ferguson in his addrvss to Hm Liberal-4Ionsm-x'ativo Business Men’s Club in 'l‘m'untn recently showed how it was prtmosed to improve lhv financial pt'mitim) of tho. provincv. Ho plnnngd :_ .- . n n Uses Big Screen in Illuminated Frame .-Claimed to Reduce Bye- strain and Give Third deension. (London Free Press.) Seldom has a new prime minister 01 a no“ Gox ernmeut in as short time create: as fine an im 1ession 01 made good 3 rap idly on. Howâ€" a1d Feig uson and the 3Cabinet with \\ hlch he. has surrounded himSelf. M1 Fe1guson and his colleagues haxe set at work in a constructiw manner to meet the problems of the moxiuce and to strai hten out the affaus of Oahu io, tang ed bv the in- en'jciency of the late admimstration. onumo's snow Lungnsmy THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. Lamont pointed to thv Amor- ican high tariff as being responsible fur annthcr angle of thv luw price of wheat. A high tarifl‘, hv said, forces Europvan labor to go to “H' farms to earn their livings and this. he said. nwans greater agricultural produc- tinn and a lessened demand for im- ported foodstufl's. .â€"\ thousand liutlrrllios will hr krpt in (“Hill storagr in llw London. ling- land. Zoo this w'inlor for their own sal’rly. Hitlwrto tho '/.oo 5 wrimons lmw born allow'oil to find tiioir own w'inlor rotroats in the outdoor winter onrlosnrr. illll many wrrr. blown away and l'rw suniwcl This yrar llim will 1w lionsocl in an iro Mn and a l'ww will ho takon out period- irally ancl allowod to imol anmm.r tlow'ors sprnyml with (lilntml lionry and liatliml in artificial sunlight. HII ilSSI'l’U‘d this “as 1] ngd thing in our “3), for it nIIIans EInOpII \\ ill haw :I quantitv ()f 1000 during the ninh-r. 'lheIIII is no (lallg(‘l', accord- ing to him of anothIIr European \xaI'. IIIIsIIito mam glonnn i‘IIrIIII ash: and dIIsIIII IjatII situations. "If I were. a fawn-r,“ said Mr. La- nmnt, "I wouldn't worry about our imports increasing. nut abnut mu- M'mu'ls c’lecl"'asillg. [W in find nut “in and attmnpl to asvmt: lill tho rtmvdv.‘ European Depression Blamed by J. P. Morgan's Partner. The farmers troubles are not due to a falling market at home, but to a depression in Eurooe, which pro-- v’rnts foreign countries from spend- im.r money for Anirrir an “heat Thomas \V. Lamont a partner of J. P. Morgan, drelarod the other (la\ in CI! wago. . WILL KEEP BUTTERFLIES 0N ICE DURING WINTER [OW PRICE 0F WHEAT The information in this letter should be known to every prospective Ford buyer. It opens up an opportunity for the family without a closed car . to get one at prices which will probably not be as low again. This is an opportunity for the man with a largemrtorelievethelargercaranddecrease ' deprecia tion, especxall' ' y dunng' the coming winter months. ‘ ' SMITH BROS.‘ Durham, Holstein, Mt. Forest “no" .0. W '- mun-00¢ saw.- 0. upodaoocao. m nmmmmm "you hum order. you an to «liver to can put. um m1». ninth-tuna: tormcommnu-umm tor 10:. A11 «(on ma. uni-029:0. to un- w you In: In mutu- to louver mot .- prior ”on you“. Runyon» mlmhthonuw-ucnuumm emu pludvlthuuuumor nun pnltnlulucu than "ox-occu- In». mmpouommthOIvbunhflmmou of cm. .0401. to “no” at. m. (-1 to «mac. :8: no put. I'- mum ulna. III In an cu. annuity of than“ ya. at w you. tho p511. :- uni-nun” of that «an. In '10- 0! our ”wanna. at I: on» ”fit you w M canal: at: an tho Pom mu; p01“. a mu: 1: «nut. to tutor- M %It 3: a. promo: at. u u c utter or an hetero :11 cm. Jot- Iul to mum: uncut! or to Mon. 13 my cunt. It can not to an. to outrun emu an M10:- n or um- lombu 1». 0| “3% «to I. an close our boots. '0 morn the rm: to do can. can". 1! most-:1. o mum» «cud. Supt-hr nu. to m at who!” Coup noon. '0 hi as had walnut: ’0 “MI low ‘50 ”In; public "1‘ ”0‘ a ”I! on priced hos-own” WM. ‘- mu can clout an: 0100. 1- "too-- an Coup. t? “98.. the Sal-I to “as. we. LOJ. Ion. Guano (ml-In use. utn . COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED. FORD. ONTARIO .001 was: an as- ton (Owen Sound Sun-Times.) The sturgeon caught by Mr. Nath- an Doran, assisted by Mr. Herbert Ebel. in their pound net. was 7 feet long and weighed 170 ionnds. being the record for Stokes‘ hay by 30 ms. Mr. Doran was accompanied 0n the trip to the nets bv Mr. and Mrs. (my and Mr. and Mrs. Ryass of Jeannette. Penna. One of the ladies on the way out remarked that she hoped that they caught a fish heavier than she was. It was a strange Cn- ineidenee that the fish weighed two pounds more than she. a. 1mm over his head and behind his gills. It gave two of (ham all they muid do to get him into the boat as he put up a grand Ii In. The stur- goon was still alive w 1011 brought to shore. It was shippml tn New York and netted Mr. Dorrm nearly $100. The caviar was not at its best. for had it. been Hw lish wnulcl haw brought twice as much. ONB REASON WHY (Kincardino Revicw.‘ Hon. ’l‘hmuas A. Crorar was a «Mr- o-ctm' of Hm Home Bank sumo yvars ag . During that time a stock-sell- 'lhero were Smile t'iirvills in landing tho big follow. They got_ tlu: loop of Automobile and Truck ['1me 'oflugizm"'7:Ibâ€"W" ' 'm" an.” FOidJOhtdi'lo. ”CI. 0.0 m You! my truly. m um mm or m. smut. 9:100 lunar. in; campai wu put on and grain growers ouflvest were urged to buy shores and nuke the Home Book a real turmers‘ bank. Two yous no he found out enough abouty it to do- cide that he had better sell. He did. but the grain growers who were In- duced to hm were not so fortunate. They are therefore doode to lose their stock and are stuck {OI double that amount. why Prominetil mé‘d 'béc'omé mm; 0P8 0 banks. Silver .v Black Foxes :l‘he incigient_ explqins how. uyd Pricevillc. Out. "7 at 8100. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten years er- perlence breeding. Stock from P.E.I. Write [or further putlculars to PRICEVILLE FOX emu.“ Priceville Fox Co., Tim. 0m II. “I. hein- Uooo- Cut. PIICEVILLE. ONT.

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