West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Dec 1923, p. 2

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PAGE NO We are glad to see Mr. George Kress is around again after his se- vere illness. Though not fully reâ€" covered he is gaining strength ev- ery day. .‘ ,. Prom Tho clan-bum. Pile of December u, {903. The schools closed Tuesday noon and the teachers left to holiday at their respective homes. Miss Forfar goes to Toronto, Mr. Sheppard to Paisley, and Mr. McIntosh to Port Elgin. On Friday the school children sur- prised Mr. Shepap (1, who acted as assnstant principal uring the Model school term. There was a short pro- gram and an address and presenta- tion to Mr. Sheppard. C. Smith .Sons are advertising for an apprentice to learn the mold- ing business. i)1‘. Huuon has moved to the new brick resudence at the foot of Gara- fraxa street hizll. - Inspectpr Campbull is in Owen Snund this week In. connection WlUl Model school oxammatmn work. At the Liberal convention last wvnk Mr. H. H. Millm‘ “as ChOSPn as standard bearer to contest the riding of Snuth Gray at tho m-xt ol- Potion for tho HOUSP of Cummons. In the ballot ho “on out from Dr. Mvarns. tho other candidato, whose name wont beforo the (:nm'c-ntim. 'l‘hn Varnoy corl'vspondpnt tells us the recent, snowstorm was tho heav- iest nvnr oxpm'ivncml at this timo of war. The roof of R. Potty‘s siahlv. and tho roof of R. Bryans’ ham \wnt down undm' the weight 0f snuw. Mrs. Mary 'l‘nms passml away in Bantinck 0n "I‘hursday of last. Work at Hm ago of 91 years. «’1 months. She was born in Germany and aftvr hvr husband’s death canw tn Canada alum! 31 years ago; Cuuncil met at. thv 'I‘nwnship Hall on Saturday, Dmmmhm' 15. as per statute. Momhm's all [)I‘osvnl. ‘ tho mev. M r. A. Macflnaig, in tlu- chair. Minutvs of last mvvting \vm'v road and apprnvml. By-laws 647 1‘0 nom- inatiuns, pulling plat-vs and l).l{.(,).’s and Pull Clerks, and 648 appointing Schnnl Attomltmvv ()fl'icm‘s fur 192’: worn intrmlucml and road a I‘n‘st timn. llw fnlhm mg avcmmts “on v pass- ml um] nnmlm issued on tlw l‘was- mm m payment. of same. . 'I‘n thv amoral svlmnl 'l'ruston Bnards of Hm Township for gvnm'al and tl'usl‘ons’ lovy, $12.. $0.48; Lump Livingstmw. 2 shvep kil|ml. $18.00; Mrs. S. Baiuvs. l slump. $9.00: Albm't Livingstmw. l slump, $11.00: R. E. English, 1_ 811001): $9.00;_t__). Moxy‘rlthur, 3 inspections. $4.50; M. Quillinnn, bonus for 80 rods wire fnnrr. . 20.00; \\‘m. Henderson, 127 rods. $31.75; John Ellison. 40 rods. $10.00; Thomas Lamgl‘nlin. 66 rods. $16.50: Goo. Pat- ton-ton. 8/: rods. $21.00; John Brann, rofnnd of dog tax, $2.00; Goo. Braun. rrfnnd dog tux. 32.00: M rs. Catharino Davis. refund dog tax. $2.00; Dan. (laIEaghan, refund dog tax. $2.“): W. Paylor_._grav_ol, $4.20. road to pit, $L:.: TWENTY YEARS AGO R. .l. MrGillivray. grawl. 46 yards. $1.60: I). P. Watson. 8 yards. 80c.: 'l‘. Langhlin, 80 yards. $8.00; Brrt Lint- fry. 15') yards. $1.50; Connor 8103., 30 yards, $3.00: H. E. English. 2-5 yds. $2.50: Murd. McMillan. 3 days' stal- 1114- lahor. $11.50; R. 1']. English. rrl‘nnd slatntr labor. $3.75. rol’nnd school lamps. 1921, error, $1.58: Harm-r Mrâ€" (lirr. rrl‘und 01‘ 1022 11mm, rrrnr. $6.84; Markdzdr Standard. printing arrunnt. 1922â€"23. $10.50; Durham Rrvivw. printing account. 1922. $6.27); Alf. ()‘Neil, rarotakrr 'l‘wn. Hall 1923, $25.00. sunnlirs l’nr hall. $2.00: \V.N. \Vhilmnrr. salary, Schoul Atlr'nd- nnrn llll'icrr. 1023. $10.00; .lnmvs Lud- inghnm. salary. Srhnnl Allundancr (lll'irrr. $10.00.; 'l‘hns. .l. Brmlir. Innin- 1rnanrr l'nrs. lenvlg Muniripal 'l‘rl- nphnnr, $240.00; Angus Hnniwi'. 101:- ‘ging: chain and nlnw l'1‘lli'lll'. $5.00: ;.I. 11. Russ. rrl‘nnd slalnlu lnhnr. $0.: .l, 11. Russ. rrdar hridgn rm'rring :ind luhnr. $321.00; .lanins llustir. ri-pnir- ing.r gradrr :ind snnwlilnw. $71.17»: .\lrx Slnnrhmisn, wintrr \\'1)l'l{ in 10223. $2.80: A. Mactiiaig. sin-rial rmnl jobs. 'l‘nwn Linus and lh-idgrs. $10.41; .\..\. .\l,inr. sprrial jnhs. Ward 1. $01.00: .1. .1, Mark. sprrial jnhs. Ward :2. $91.00; .1. .1. lilnrk. apnrunrinliim. \Vnri 2. $63.25; M. Hlark. snrrial .inhs. Ward 3. $40.84; 'l‘. .l. Brndir. spacial juhs, \Vard ’1. $165.40: A. A. .'\lj1)1‘, rum. nn rxnrnditnro,‘~\\'aril 1. $5.00; J. .1. Black. cum. on rxnrndilurr. W’ard 2, $12.31); ’I‘. J. Brmlir. com. on rxprnd- l iturn, Ward 4. $13.20; w. J, Ritchie, halanrn salary at 'l‘reasnrrr. 1023. $100.00; W. J. Ritchir. pnslagr 30.01.. 1923. $16.75: Thus. Ritchie, nnstagn as lollrrtor. Ward 1. $4.18; H, H. Mr- Dnnald. balanrn salary as Clark. 1923 $50.00; H. H. McDonald. writing minâ€" utes to local pnprrs, $10.00; H. H. McDonald, postage ‘arcnnnt. $8.00. Al.) 00â€"M. Blackw’l‘hat (Inlloc tors of tho four \\ ards he paid $3: > .00 0 win when they return Hum; NIHâ€"41m.â€" Aljoeâ€"J. J. Blackâ€"'l‘hat Byâ€"laws 647 and 6/18 he now I'QflfLil svboml Hulaâ€"Carried. Aljoeâ€"J. J. Blackâ€"That By-laws 6/17 and 648 be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossos in By- Farmers’ Sales Notes GLENBLG COUNCIL THE DURHAM CHRONICLE STANDgQRBANK ~ Brodieâ€"M. Blackâ€"That the time fox: payment of taxes be extended for thirty days free of the 5 per cent.â€" Canned. .Aljoeâ€"-J.. J. Blackâ€"That. $2.00 dog tax, error In roll in A. B. MoArthur‘s taxes, be struck oftâ€"Carried. Brodieâ€"M. Blackâ€"That the Clerk be Instructed to prepare a by-law for $250.00, debenture for 10 yeqrs at. 6 per cent. per annum for admis- siop pf Messrs. 'l‘hos. Watson and M. Omlhnan to the Glenelg Municipal Telephnne System.â€"Carr1ed. law Bookâ€"Carried. -']‘hc Reeve was granted leave .to refund to the Treasurer, per W11- liamson adjustment of eXpenditure on Town Linn, refund from Arteme- sia. $7.40 and for remnants of bridge mvering. Lot 16, Con. 5, $5.00. .-\ijoe-~-M. Blackâ€"«That the Reeve and 'l‘. J. Brndie be a committee to receive tenders for sgle of timber east of Let H (.0 the old survey on Can. M.»â€"-Carriml. Council adjourned sine die. «H. H. McDonald, Clerk. The Rome liming vacated the chair, same was taken bv Councillor \1. Black “II“ road thv fOHOWing address : To the Home of the T\\']). (ilvnelg: \VP. tho mrmhors of tho Council, at this tho closing mooting of the your (losiro to oxpross our grateful- noss for many kindnessos shown to us «luring the your. “"0 congratu- lato you on Ult' ablo. otl‘icirnt and impartial mannor in which you have occupiml tho position as head of this Council. “'0 would also oxpross our appreciation to our worthy and aa- pnhlo 'l‘roamri‘u‘ and tllork on tho way thry haw port'ormrd tho «lutios ot' thril' I'osprrtivo oll'icrs. and in roi‘HLtliisioii We» wish you a wry mor- ry til‘u'istnias and a happy and pros- perous Now Your. Sigurd by mum- hors of Council-JP. .l. Hl‘Udlt‘. A. A. Aljoo. .l. J. lllark, M. Black. Short. I'vplivs wow madv by tho meo and momlwrs of the Council in npprwiatitm nl' tlw harmony pro- vailing‘ at tho Hum-d tlu'nuglumt tho your. CANADA GROWS Camidian seed growers haVe again] denumstrated their ability to pro..; duee wheat of outstanding merit hy the many winnings made at the reâ€" eent Hay and (i am Show at the 25th annual International LiVe Stork I'Zx- position recently held at Chicago. In the elass of hard red spring wheat. open to all of North America. Canada sureemled. from a field of 91 exhibits. in winning?r l5 out of :35 prizes. including: the grand cham- pionship which went, to Major Strange of li‘enn. Alherta, with Mar- quis variety. Major Strange, a prom~ inent and sueresst‘ul member of the Canadian Seed Crowers’ Association. also won first prize in white field peas. Second prize for hard wheat went to a Montana grower who had obtained his seed from Indian Head. Sask. 'l‘hird to twelfth prizes in- rlusive were awarded to Canadian iseed grmvel's with the exception 'only of the sixth and eighth. which Montana elaimed. All but two of the prizeâ€"winning samples. inrluding the first and seeond. were of the Marquis Vartety: the exceptions were Ruhy and lx'itehener. At least the tlrst three prize winning samples at the International Hay and Grain Show. sinre. and ineludim;r its in- eeption in 1919. have been of the Marquis _\'ariety. n ‘1\_\:‘ I... mealing his \‘iclury 0" 1922. Mr. Higlands of anmho, Amel‘ta, won tho champinnship I‘m' whit". nuts against. all Nun-(h Ann-rim. In. Hm rvginnal (-nntvst. 28 «mt. Hf tho 33') pl'izos nm'l‘ml fur that svctilm com- prising Canada and 11:0 “at growing state‘s wvst nf Chivagn _\wrn “1111. by Canadian smut gl'uwm‘s lucatmt ('hivt". ly in Alhorta. .~x\l‘ll.“ll;..' thv Varicms winnings t'm' harlv)’ «\xhihits was that at va‘gn Awry ut' Kvlsn. Sask.. who canturml tirst in ”In tanâ€"mam! class. In tho six-mwmt Mass Mr. Awry tank a svcnncl nrizv. In tho 'l‘rvhi. which invlmtml thn largv lwrnnlhwt harlvys gmwn nnclm‘ irrigaticm. Canadian {.rl'val's («Ink thil'cl. fifth and tc'nth pl‘lZPS. .‘miy thrm' minibus from Canada ('umiwtml in tin- whitv livid [ma (ii- Vision and thaw stmui first. third and fourth. _ _ .. “.1 Amnng nthm' “innings “win first and vighill plan's Mr Phil i'hwm‘ svml: sm'uncl. sixth and U‘llth i'm‘ Al- siko sovd: wound. hour”! and lift!) for smwl clm'm' svmi; fourth and sixth fur Alsikv: eighth and twvlfth for Timothy: SPHHHI pinch fur 13'"; first. vighth and vlvwnth and thir- tvonth prizes {01' Flint cum. all grimly in sunth-“vstm'n Ontario. - .‘Ilnng‘11‘.|.l l‘l' EI‘V'VVII III ---------- .--v-._-_ Mneh attention was attracted by the exhibit put en hv the Priwineial Depth'tment nt' .:\gl‘i('ulul‘e at Alâ€" hel‘ta. whieh eonsistett nt‘ 3 enlleetinn nf Very creditable ears nt‘ perfectly matured men. It was a decided rev- elation tn the. many Americans who have lung been under the impression that Western Canada was well be- yond the northern limit of the corn belt. (lixpm'imvntal Farms Now. GOOD SEED TWO MOO!" I8! (Ripley Express.) Oflicers Blood and White. who 1 were searching the County of Bruce . for one Dan. McKay, who passed a forged cheque at the Sterling Bank. Dungannon, for “‘0, were elated when visiting Huron to learn that there were two Dan McKays resid- ing in this township. They visited Dan McKay 6th Concession, Huron, gand asked 1m to accompany them to Walkerton. Dan put up a big battle and had two neighbors to corroborate hlS statement that he had not left his home on the day the cheque was cashed at the Dun- gannon Bank. but the constable dis- played his badge and he was forced. to go with the officers. The consta-g bles then proceeded to the home ot‘ Mr. Dan McKay, on the 9th Conces- sion of Huron Township, who had a gang of men engaged in chopping. He also made a pretest. but. what he said or his neighbors Silld hadne elTect on the otl‘ieers. The two Dan McKays were taken to \Vtalkertun, and on being presented to the law- yer and banker they were told that neither one of them was the Dan McKay who had fooled the lawyer and banker, and cashed the. eheqne for $350. The two Dan McKays were immediately released and had to pay for their suppers. With farmers were Very much disuleased. LUCKNOW COURT CLERK MAY . HAVE SUIT FOR DAMAGES Citizen Wrongly Searched For Theft May Take Legal Action. Mr. William Lililv. division mun-i (‘lvrk of Lucknow. is likc-ly in haw in ('(‘fl‘lld a. suit for $10,000 damagvs. A farmm' mmn Into his stow and paid him $8.00. which ho «iopnsitmi in a drawvr. Mr. Little had noraâ€" siun in an out fur a whilv. 10mins the farmer in the _oflice. After the farmer left. My Little numbed for the $8.00 and being unable to find it, had the farmer searched, but. wgth- out result.“ Luger on he found. the \'\-v 3 U money in the druyer and went to tender his apomgles to tho man he had suspected and searched. but they were not accepted and an action for damages has hem institutmi. A SOLE“ 80!!“ This is the graw (if Johnny Skinnor. Who was neither Saint nor sinnvr: But died from too much Christmas dinner.

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