III II I. II'I‘V IIIIIS arIIIIIII \w Iliscussml IIIII â€IIIIImIIIIII imIIIIIIIIII 'IIIII IIII- IIIIII I\I‘ III-IIIIIIIIIIIII Is IIIIII.IIII_\ a ““011- IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII InIIIIIIIIII. IIIII “1",:II’I wIIII I-IIIII-II III gIIIIIIIIIIl has IIIIIIIImII IIIIIIIIIIIIgIIIlII IIIIII Iil\\'II‘>'.". IIIIII so IIIIIIIIN IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIs III' IIIII III'I'IIIIIIIS III' â€III la“ IIII haying II strung IIIII- IIIIIIII y III' IIIIssIIIII III SI‘IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII- IIIIII such IN sIIxIIIII IIIIIIIIgIIIICII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIaIIIsm IIII I thm- IIIIIIIIII) has INII IIIII mIII' III IIII“ III III IIIIIIII'III IIII'SI' III-IIIIIIIII II‘S III [IIISF‘IIIIH IIIIII III I‘IIIISII- IIIIIIIII‘II‘I cIIh inIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII \iIIIaI- HIL' SIII' IIII\ s laws I'IIII .~IIII I: II \\IIIIaIII 't'tII-I'I- t'Hfllt'S tn IIIiIIIt II VIIIIIII: to!- in“ wtm had a mania I'III- sIIttiIII: ï¬l't‘ t.II buildings. stacks and â€III Hkt'. NI» ammm: Hl' kiIIIl IIt' IIIIIIEshIIII-II: tIaIl aIIV I-tt'I-I-t. in t'llt'htltz." this mania. HII I-VIIIIIIII'ItiIIII hw \\’1t.~' t'IIIInIt tn 1w "II-IItIIIFV ItI-t'III'tIVIu III- was put in a training' svhnut and III ItIII- I'IIIIrsI- was '..'Y\t‘ll I'IIIII'gI' It â€110‘ â€1' â€Ir I'll?- IIIII-I~~ Ht thI- ht‘tlittt: plant. FI'IIm that ItaV tII thIs alllltt hII lI:I.~' [tilï¬h't'd ttII'I-I- IlI-I°aItI-~' of [III . hI- has :iVI‘n IIII t'III'ttII'I' tI'IIIItIiI- and Is ttIIII'IIIIghly I~IIIItI-IItI-It aIIIt II:I|I|IV. l l‘I't‘ft†‘tnt'th‘l' I'II~'I- IIi' II imy \\'||H hint it II“ “in†“W t NU NV and would I ll' up a VVIII III III IIIIV >IIIIIit I II‘atlll‘I‘ hI- IIIII.It I'I'IIItIIII-. HI- \\ Is Iti<III\I'I- I-It I'llHtttg Hp iIIItI hV tllt‘ll a “VP t‘htt‘kt‘ll and by and IIV attackvd a titttII I°tIiIIL HIIII that huy bI-I‘n al- IIIVVI-It tn t'ttltttllllt‘ at. IihPl'W “0 WIIIItIt s'IImII Itay IIEIVI' ht't'll guilty 0f IInI- II!’ “In shurkin: amt I'I‘Vultiugly hrIItIIt t’l'tmt‘S that hamwn not infraâ€" qIII-IIttV. SIII'h ItIItiIIqIII-nts (IIr lat- I-r. Iriminats‘ al't' mI-IItallV IiIIt'IfI'tiw and nut so Ullll’h t.II htamv as is sn- 1in t) that flows nnt haw all I’hildren examinmt by II nlt‘lltillb‘ [)O‘t'l ialist and thaw“ tm :Ht‘ muntally defective thus Ilismwrpd and I‘-'iVIIn such spe- cializod car» and training as will at least. proton socioty against their natural criminal tt‘lltlt‘llCiPS. I think of anotho-r youth of 19who hcing mcntally \vcak was also cursed as i~i wry frcqucntly tlic casc with mcntal ilcfcctiws. with abnormally Sll‘flm.’ scxml passions, which wcrc dlmclopml by a pcrvcrtcd form of indulgnnco until onc day he suc- ccmlcil in invcigling a young girl in hcr carly tccns into a Vacant collar and :iftcr committing an indecent as- sault. murilcrcd and toarfully mu- tilatml his victim and was in due coursc convicted and cxccutcd. Girls who are thus (lrfrrtivo usu- ally fall into sexual ntl‘onros though ol‘trn also into othor crimes. 'l‘hoy aro oasily victimizml and in due oourso hocome virtiniizors and the proliï¬c sources of View. venereal (lis- easo and illegitimary cursing not only their more guilty partners but innocent women who have the mis- fortune to marry these latter and tht‘ll‘ children unto tho third and fourth generation._ "v‘ 1y mï¬Edemm should b6 examinéd by quoialiabâ€"not. mere Insanity opecinllsp, but speculum 'in mental The mentally dvfoctiw delinquent constitutes one of tho) most. serious and difficult. of the social problems or tn-day. W’hat is to be done about it? Clearly whey: discovered in delin- quency or cnme they should be mtpd. All 960991333, not more: DEFECTIVE DELINQUENTS UEBEC is again to haveareal, live carnival that shall be truly representative of the wonderful sporting attractions of the ancient Capital. The success of the dog races held in Quebec last year has encouraged the organizers to sponsor a very much bigger program for this year, and a comprehensive series of sporting events will be held on February 21, 22, and 23, in which all the sports for which Quebec is so naturall adapted will be represented, and culminating in a an masquerade ball at the Chateau Frontenac. In a dition to the interna- tional races for the Eastern Dog Sled Derby Trophy, there will be events in snow-shoeing, skiing, ce racing, curling and skatin . The whole of these events will take place within the xhibition Grounds, and it is proposed to o_n_ce again give Quebec an_ ice palace.- ‘The people of Quebec take, and naturally, a great pride in their wonderful old city, and the ancient capital is not no large that its people cennot get together on occasion tolete en rnagee. A earnivgl in Quebecig not tohe (orgotten, for the whole populace absorbs the spirit of the Thursday, Dr. J. G. Shearer. Quebec to Repeat Carnival Success IIIIIasIIIIIImIIIIt. and when mental IlIIâ€" l'IIIItiV'IIIIIIss is IIstIIhlishIIIl they <lIIIIIlIl IIIIVIIr ragIIin have the liberty that atl’orIls opportunity to IIXIIIIcise tlIIIiII criminal tIInIlIInci 108. They should lIIIVV'IIV'IIII as II rule haVII the IIIII'II. trIIatmIInt. and training which is [HHSllIlP only in a training school for that. sort. of otTendIIr, not more inIpIIisnnn‘IIInt as in a prison or pen- itIInliarV'. and thIIy ought to lIII IIx- IImpt from IIXIIcution. But. pIIIIV'IIntion is always tIIIttIIII. inIJnIIIIsnIIIIlIlVI lIIIttIIr. than mIIrII IIIIIIII or control aflIIr tlIII nIisrlIiIIl‘ is IlIInII. 'l'lIIIIIII shonlIl tlIIIIII'It'oIIII in IIV'IIIIV' pIIIIV'inIIII hII mIIntal spacialâ€" ist< nIIIIliIIIIl ml‘ll-â€"I\Vh0 shall (Io- IIpIIIIIIlI- with tho rIIgnlaII mIIIliCIIl in- spIIII tors of schools to I‘IxaminII and Ilisr IIVIIII llIII mIIntal IlIIfIIIItiVIIs wlIilII VIt IIlIil lIIIII. 'l‘hIIn thIIy slIonlIl lIII tIIIIglIt in ~|IIIII ial (IlaSSIIs by spIItIiIIl|3 lIIIIinIIIl tIIIItIhIIIIs and VVlIIIn tlIIIV' ’IIaVII St’lltlfll “IPV should [IIIIICIIIIIl tn iIIIlII. IIIiIIl training school.» VVlIIIIIII llIIIiI- training: can hII I'IIImplIItIIIl anIl tlIIIV' IIIIII in VVIhIIlII or in part lIIIIIIInIII soil-SH Mining and not IriV'IIn l'IIll lilIIIIILV' until thIIV IIIIII pIIIIVIIII al'tIIII lIInI.’ StIIIlV to ho alIlII lII liVII III lihâ€" IIII lV and own thIIn to lIII lot out IIIIlV' on IIIIIII.IlII "llIIIs‘II mIIthIIIls IIIIII ll†lIIIIgIIII IIXpII‘IIimIIIItal. "l‘lIII III-Ilinzlry medical lllS|.I('('tâ€l'.(_li‘ "l'he ordinary medical inspertnr Hf ~rlnmls is not always a sale guide Ill judging mental defectiveness. I lim'e before me the report of one such who says that out of 6,000 chilâ€" dren under his care there are only three rertain eases of mental defect. and ten others slightly under par but capable of making good progress in srlmol. In such a case there is either something quite abnm‘mal in the mental health of the children of that particular city or something “peculiar" about that inspector. Some would be cruel enough to sug- gest that he himself he examined by a specialist. I would not. He is probably a case of the “closed mind,†a terrible enough condition in a sci- entist as in a theologian. This was the afl‘liction of the Pharisees of our Saviour’s day and there was no sin he so scathingly denounced as the closed mind of the members of that sect. A medical man’s training in science ought to save him from it though it does not by any means al- Labor in Britain, like the famous Barkis, is willingâ€"Border Cities Star. ' ways' do so. Palkinghamâ€"Jn Durham Hospital on December 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Frml Falkingham, a son. ' Manning.th Newmarket, on ] cember12, to Mr. and M.rs E. Manning‘"(nne Madeline Darlingh son. Robert Darling. ’ D1311 Drimmio.-â€"At Holstein, on Wed- nesday, December :12, 1923, John Drimmie, beloved {ether of Alexan- der, John and Mary, Mrs. Val. Alles, in his 90th year Interment was made from the heme of his daughter on Saturday at 2 p .m. to Amos ceme- IIIWIIII‘IID ULCIIIBIULI.’ 'V'fl" U†.11 WW music. song and dancerâ€"a thousand thing: to do. excursions which simply must be made on snow-shoes. As for evening entertainment, the hell room of the C‘hs- tesu Frontenac is the scene of a dance nightly. There sre ~. moonlight excqrsjons, events on s_ll_ _ illuminated rinks. By reason of its even and exhilarating climate, its accessibilitg and natural and artiï¬cial opportunities for sport, Que so is the home of the winter sports for the continent. Each wintry season, _more people are at- tracted to it, and for long periods it becomes the social centre, as well as the sporting centre of North America. Practically everything that is carried on is on an open scaleâ€"Quebec is the soul of hospitality. A hundred rinks invite you to skate, as far as you can see, fir-clad hills invite you to ski through their myriad glorious glades, of toboggan slides _there are not a _few, and there are many season, arawmg its visitors into the gay vortex, so that even the walls which rang to laughter centuries ago lose their aged atmosphere, and lepd themselves to the fete. 80nd Him The Chronicle. ‘If you are in doubt alnmt the kind of Christmas present to send that, boy Or girl or friend away from lmmv. “'0 may lwlp you by suggvfl- ing a yvur's subsm'iplinn to The llhrqnicle. This will ho a: weekly I-vnnmlm' 0f home and the gym; and m' an- surn WI†ho approclamd by â€w rowulwr, Wv know of ab way of spvnclmg a small amount to pro- .mm- _sn laygv :_1_n nm_m_mt.__of measure. THE DURHA M CHRONICLE FALCORBRâ€"GRBBIWLY A pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday evening of last week'. the 12th of December, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Falconer, Elgin St.. when their eldest. son, Harold Har- rison. was united in marriage with Miss Dorothy Greenway. The wed- ding. which was solemnized at. 6 o'clock. took place under a bower of evergreens, streamers and white wedding hells. The bride was at- tended hy her sislel‘. Miss (iertrinle m'ei’inway nt‘ Hraiigeville. and! Mr. Eddie Falconer. brother of the groom was grm’inismaii. The bride‘s g‘uwn was «if pearl satin trimmed with rusehud trim- ming. Tl'he hridesniaid was dressed in “111“ sill; t‘.lllinll crepe. FHHMVillg' the eei'einen) and mind wishes. :dmut thirty guests sat down in a splendid t'ewl supper, the talde heinu deeuraled with streamers le 'l'ho- hl‘ntc-‘s gnwn \\ satin trimmmt with m ming. Il'lw tn'ictusn‘taid in 1.1110 silk vLmtnu «rt-[t Fulln\\7ing ttn- cvrvnn \vistws. utmnt thirty gu tn :1 splvmtiti fowl sum twill}: ott't'nl'ulo'd Wtâ€! .~ ttu- t'mn' curnvrs. whitt- was plaw-«t Htv Htt'tw-dt vakv «Ivmn'utml with and lt'ttVus‘. .\t 1114- ("H past 11, Must tn Hlt' hl‘tt was ttl‘ultHSNI tty Ht‘V. f \\'hi('lt tttt' grnnm‘s t'attt 'I'ht' hl'iolv l't‘t‘t‘tVt‘tl “In “1111' was plat} vakv «IN and Ivan past a, h \Vus m‘u Annmgr Hll' gnu-sis prvsvm 11mm :1 dislunw- \wrc-z MI'. and Mrs. Jams-é Vulmmc'r. 'l'cn'nnln: Miss livl'h'lldv tire-mum}; z'n'ango-Villuz Mvssrs. Hum. Hm. Hardy and '11me Man'- risnn. all unvlvs of llw grunm. with Hwil' \Viws t'mm [CHI-0mmâ€. M 1', and Mrs. Fnlwnwr will iak" Um rusiclvm'v in Durham and '1'!“- (Llu'nnivlv joins thq- (-mmmmity in wishing {hum much happilzms. Mrs. G l'm'mm hl'itlu 1 A wry quivt \vmlding lnuk plm'n (HI Friday. vamlm' 30. at tlw humv nt' lhw. M. S. Elliott. paslnr Hf (lu- l'niun ('hurch, ()wmx Sound North. \th'u Miss “011:1 Ire-1w Wilsnn. «laughter uf Mr. fl‘lmmas Wilson. I235 ï¬lm] avonuo vast. bvmmv tho hl'idu (If Mr. George. Galbm't \Vilsun. 9.011 Hf Mr. Archibald Wilson of Dur- ha/n. The ceremony was perl‘orn‘ied by ReV. M. S. Elliott at 5 o’clock. The Al’iride and groom were. attended by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Owen Sound North. The bride is a Very esteemed young lady and admired for her splendid character by all who know her. Her presence will be greatly missed in the home, where since. the death of her mother a number of years ago. she has had eharge of her young brothers and sisters. 'mm'l)‘ M“ NH much- .-\nmn:." ll lwim." MIN 4 t'uUwr an H. lhulaml |\' Hf “11111th WILSONâ€"WILSON uul l with 5 s, \Vhilu â€Irma-<1 with thv ('IH HM 1:;m, ‘ lwmH 105:3 {Uh 5 fat!“ 'I'ile SPIN} «'(1114‘5 vrvlm. H‘mun)’ v gllvsts sulmc-r, ('lcm hl'idc‘ Hf I‘S H'nm HH‘ i‘mm .‘Ii’. and l' ’arry Smmd. with whom thv was nf {war} I'Hsvhud trim- d was (h'vSSe-cl strc-zu ~ in H; lm'vy siln' .\lr 5mm H'ts'. f'l'nll 4 nl Mrs Hf ‘ and Hm] gum] 4 sat «luwn , tln- lahlv ‘fllllPl'S i“ â€av (“willl'o' HM Gall and nthor points. have return- od and settled on the groom‘s farm near Durham. The Chrunicle wishes “mm a happy wedded life with a good measure of prosperity. European hotelmen al'P visiting America. Now's our chance.â€"Col-- umliia Record. The least that can be‘ said for New \oxk’s gunman is that thov take life seriouslyâ€"JAN. El! \\'H\' .\'()'l‘ (Too Late for Classiï¬cation.) CLASSIFIED ADS. [/S'mu' nvxt My (Scrum L. (Joe has to be careful when he sits in the house these days for {car he might sit on a Christmas pm Mp- 9r with a needle in it.â€"-Brock\'illc Recorder. All Our Graduates have been placed to date and «ill there are calls for mnl‘o. not your course NOW. :9“ you «in not g9! it you pay fur u anyway in smaller earnings and lost Opportunities. lento: an} day. Write. «an nr plume for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE sn-atfm'd and Mann! I’lwvs‘. PAGE rm