West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Apr 1928, p. 6

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Thomas King. 17-year-old son of John King. formerly. of Hope Buy, Bruce Peninsula, but now residing at Listowei. was the victim of a drowning accident at Hope Bay on Saturday afternoon. King and a friend, Earl Hepburn. had built a raft to sail on the large pond, about four acres in extent, which forms at the back of the farms owned by their fathers. They started across the pond for the Hepburn farm, but young Hepburn boncludmi the raft At Mountain Lako. in tho oxtromc north cm! of (in-y county. Ashley Johnston, 8-yoar-olci son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Johnston, lost his life on Saturday morning while he was attempting to rotriovo a duck which his brothcr had shot. Arthur, an obicr brother. shot a wild duck, which toll on tho ice some distance away from shorc. and. in going out to got it. tho tact broke through the icr. only an inch and a hair thick, and sank. The body was re- covered about an hour and a half latgr in Divot. of watcr. Two :tmwning accidents occurred In VVIIMy separated districts of (way and [mum I-mIntins on Sat- m'daV‘, tho- Victims in van II case 1w- ing _yp_ung hmms The» two Indians who woro suc- cesslully i'oundcd up and locked up for site-alim.r at Southampton on Saturday. aro agaih at. largo. When Constable Murray wcnt to the colts on Monday morning to get that!) l‘cady for tho 5.55 train. to lw taken to Walkorton, he found that they wcrc K00". but. not. to Walkcrton. Evido-nlly one of ”an) had broken a In: of the iron couch he was sleeping on, and punchcd a hole through a 10-inch t'l'mt‘lll wall and got. his hand through and broke thei- lock on tho cell (1001' and got himscll’ froc. Thcn ho hrlikc the transom owr tho door in thc. otlwr cell. and lihcratvd his partner, both escaping through tho basement window. Provincial ()tficcr Wid- nicycr was notiliml and is again on thcir trail. hut no doubt the In- dians will not ho so casily roundod no this limo.-~Sinilliampton Beacon Two Lads Drowned Two Indians Escape from Jail Last Wednesday a hobo paid a visit to several farms on the 4th concession. Garrick. and insolently demanded a meal and night’s lodg- ing. He said he was looking for work, but didn‘t want to work on a farm. At one place, when he was told there was no room to sleep, he threatened to start a fire unless ac- commodation was provided for him. The next morning he was in this village. but the local constable at him to shake oil the dust of t is place in a hurry. and he hasn‘t been seen here sinee.â€"-~Itlilclmay Gazelle. ball will be used as a school room until the summer vacation, and. it. is expected that the new building will be. ready (or occupation by September 1.â€"-Mnldmay Gazette. Hobo Threatened Trouble The Eeparate School, which has stood as an historic landmark in this village for nearly half a cen- tury, was attacked on Monday by a gang of mechanics, who will take the building down, and prepare the ground for the erection of a new school. to be erected this summer. The. new building will comifly with all the regulations and wil be up- to-fiiatein‘ every _detail,' Theparish Turing Down Separate School Tho Rnnarala chhnnl which PAGE 8. a large chemical extinguisher on the premises and grabbing this he fought the flames to such purpose that he soon had the situation under control. and eventually suc- ceeded in extinguishing the blaze without calling out the town bri- gade. With the entire front of the garage a sheet of fire matters looked serious for a time, and. the way the __vâ€"-â€" v-v uâ€"vvuvâ€"VQV'I Whilc Dr, .loycc of Cal‘gill was having his auto filled with gas in front of Scott’s garage at. Walkcrton about 9 o’clock Saturday night, a smokcr standing near the car struck a match for the purpose of lighting his pipe but the fumes from the car caught quickcr than tho tobacrn and to the surprise of tho smokcr ho found himsclt’ not only onwlopmt with tlamcs. but, bc- htihi a gcncral coutiagration, with tho crowd scurrying about and the car in tho midst of a biazc about tit'tccn foot high. Mr. t'ioorgc Scott, who was operating the gas pump. pulled tho hosc from the flaming bus and as tho gas ran ovcr tho side-t walk a rivor ot’ fire was soon in tho malking. ti‘ortunatcly Mr. Scott had: Ca‘qqugs Smoker Starts Sensation (in Sunday t'orcnoon. two bank barns on the 9th concession of Ar- thur Township worn destroyed by tirv. Tho first barn to fall a prey to tho llamas was on the farm of Him“ Schmidt. Tho Poof had fallen in when the barn close by on Morris Flynn's adjoining farm caught fir» and hui‘ncd down. The. high wind which prevailed on Sun- day was hlowint.r dircctly from the first ham to tho second. Mr. Schmidt lost his car and some im- [dc-moms, along with one calf and Sumo fowl. Son)» l’owl wm'o also olt‘Sll'Ule in Mr. Flynn's barn. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt were at church in Ko-nilwnrth whom the contlagt'ation originatml.â€"~â€".\r)thur Enterprise. Balfns'ubesproygd by Fire Sam Bellamy, Jr,, of this place .got into the. calcmm_glare this 'week by trapping a white muskrat. The albino had only a few brown whiskers and about two inches of its tail were of the darker shade. Apart from that it was pure white and was alive in the trap when caught. It appeared more vicious than the ordinary muskrats. Had the animal been taken alive, it! would have ben a valuable acquisi-â€"I lion to a museum of zooâ€"Dundalk‘ Herald. 0 1 Trapped White luakrat Rev. James H. Lemon tendered to the oflicial board his resignatipn to the. pastoral charge of the .Cllfl'ord Umted church, after a ministry. in .the village of 16 years. A meetmg of the Board was called and was well attended by both the Clifford and the Lakelet members, and the board refused to accept the resig. nation, and so. strongl urged Mr. Lemon to remam that eus recon- sidering hlS act:on.â€"Glm‘ord Ex- press. Resignation Refund corner spied the white crow among its blacker brothers angi Sisters. They clanm sure enough It’s a crow and it is almost pure White.~â€"Dun- dalk Herald. V _ I .- .v. .I “‘IIIID l'l H0010 One horsepower is sutl‘icient to lift 33.000 pounds one foot in one minute. The method used in de- termining: this unit 18 very inter- ,esting. Back in the 18th century, 'James Watt. inventor of the steam engine. and Matthew Boulton start- ed to maimt'arture hoisting engines to replace the horses then used in the coal mines in England. In order to compare the power of one of their engines with that of the number of horses required to per- form the same work, they under- took to test the pulling power of a heavy draft horse. They found that a horse could hit 330 pounds of coal, 100 feet in one minute, which is equivalent. to lifting 233.000 pounds, one foot in one minute. A recent engineering test in a Chicago laboratory showed that an automobilo ongine: runs 20 miles an hour and equipped with Spark plugs that had boon in use Slightly more» than 10.000 milrs. devrloped 20.6 inn-sopmvmn Tho same engine with a now sot. of plugs gave a horscmrnvor reading or 23.4. HORSE POWERâ€"WHAT IT MEANS A well-dressed young man swind- led two local merchants out of about $225 last week in a new and 'novel way. He spent a day or two in town and represented himself as a buyer for a large Toronto firm. lAfter introducing himself and en- quiring the price. of eggs said the price was too high. and returning later said he had phoned the firm and received their consent to pur- chase. tine merchant sold him ten eases and another sold him nine cases of eggs. The hen fruit was shipped to the Toronto firm in good i faith by the merchants but appar-s ently the swindler so arranged ship- 1 ments that. the rhemws were sent from Toronto to him and he de- camped with the proceeds leaving no trace. heliind.â€"â€"-1\iitchellAdvo- cate. 1 Smooth Swindllng crowd scattered showed they con- sidered discretion the better part of valor, and that becoming a burnt. offering wasn't exactly to their liking, so to speak. The car was considerably damaged, but the smoker, who started the damage, escaped with nothing more serious than a bad scare andaparual singe- ing of his hair and eyebrows.â€" Walkerton Herald and Times. n. Toron'tol'fid'dfiibEQdiE} WERE! ford. Engineer J. . Brooks of Toronto was instantly lulled when the locomotive toppled over, bury- Considerable mystery surrounds aha cause of,derajlmen§_of the C. N "1-..--- . -....- ' THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “""K' â€"--.v“ “u“ Illa UL USA A. Boss, sheep valuator $200; A. Calder, senices as collector of Taxes $17. 50; Pay Sheet No. 4, for road improvement, $357.11 Super- intendent services, $30. 45; members of Council attendance at meeting to rR01m~mmm That the following accounts he paid: C Ramage Son, printing account, $49.50 Municipal World supplies $23.54; A. McLean, gheep killed and injured $105.00; n - I _ I l A... ‘- The Clerk reported the receipt of a summarized statement of ex- penditures made on the roads dur- ing the year 1927 and of the Gov- ernment subsidy allowed thereon as follows: total amount of state- ment $8564.71 including the sum of $13.63 held back from 1926 work. Amount. of grant. 30%, $2569.41; superintendenee $300.65; amount of grant. 50% $150.32; total amount of grant $2719.73. Hunterâ€"~Mack: That the Clerk communicate with the manager of the Bell Telephone (10., Stratford, .in regard to our service problem. {We feel that the 50. station to sta- tion call with Mount Forest and Durham would he the best solution and are willing to co~operate in any other way that might be suggest- (adâ€"Carried. Robbâ€"«Philp: In reference to the request of the sheep valuator for division 3 as to being relieved from the office. thatohe be request- ed to continue in office until an ap- [Pintment is mat_ie.â€"â€"â€"Gal‘ried. nn‘lll,! DII;"|. 'I‘IIA‘ ‘1‘}. rA|IA---:-__. Philpâ€"Mack: That the Patrol men be instructed to give four days’ notice to farmers before being callfd tQ‘ \Vka on madamâ€"Carried. Philpâ€"Mack: That six road drags be ordered from the Canada Ingot Irgr} ”Co.“ _Gu_elph.:â€"_Carried. ried. Council met. April 16th. Members all resent, minutes adopted. ackâ€"Hunter: That the Reeve be instructed to sign pay sheet No. 4 fqrjwork performed on roads.â€"-â€"Car- The fireman on the train was also injured. The engine, tender apd nine cars were derailed. The plo- ture shows the locomotive lying on its Slde, as seen from in front. A. McCABE SeethenewDurantSixes. . .goforatideh dlem...askyourlocalDurantdeale1-whydley are"finerandfuter”. .askhimtocompeae the specifications with those of higher ”pied automobiles. .then judgetheee younelf. . ontheirmenu! Faster...becauseofthe studied new of the already famous Red Seal Continental "L”ohead Motor . . . the superior grade of upholstery materials . . . the roominess of the interior and its easy riding ’INER . . . because of the exclusive design of the Durant built Hayes-Hunt bodies . . . 'Establishing RugbyTrudsqudSthaMleo-“lxm a New Standard in Auto-O‘Ilct’ l A father was telling his little ‘ irl the story of Py lion and ‘ nlnten. The child “8 ned intent- ly as he related how the sculptor fashioned the wonderful status with a hammer, how he tell In love with it when it was finished, and how it came to life under the warmth and sincerity of his love. When he hcd finished the {other waited for the child's comments. “Daddy," she sand alter o“ short ause, “what did he do with the ammer?” Prospective Employer: “How are you on spell: ?“ Prospective teno spher: “Well, ! know how_togspel the synonvms Prospective §teno apher: “v I know how to spel the synon‘ for the words I do not know I to spell." date, 015.00; R. Christie. use of room. O2.00.-.-Gurried. Council mourned to meet Mon- day, June «n 9t. 10 o‘clock mm. for neral bpsmeas end a t cour of revision on the Assess. want no". Court of revxslon opens at 2 o'clock pm. â€"-DAVID ALLAN, Clerk. 602115 DURHAM uoney Harbor. The yers were: Mrs. J. Ouelette, sout ; O. J. Onl- ette, west; F. S. Grise, north; Its! Margaret Grise. east. The cards were made by south. cut by north end dealt by east. Eat bid «3' heart, south two 8 odes, end tile looks from partner, bid seven spades. North then threw d remarking: “I have the best h but cannot hid it." The others dis- carded and to the surprise of III. MAL L-‘J ‘- _ -r ---_w w held a few night; :30. In I letter 8i ned by the {our players, they re Me the followi The. me took Sfaoe at the Page- unguls ene home of Fred Gnu. manager of AthemDelewana Inn at

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