LOT 7, CON. 2!. EGREMONT, CON- taiuing 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- isos are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation: concrete stables; also hov barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled_well close 0 U 3mm! 9 to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay; in acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and_in a good state of cultivation. For information apply tn Watson’s Dairy. Mt. 4, Durham, Inn! n“. A. We will be in the market for the winter months for pure milk and cream. Orders taken for choice dairy butler delivered of! the rig; also buttermilkâ€"Watson’s Dairy. P. P. lacARTHUR Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc. Durham, Ontario Deeds, Mortgages, Discharges, Leases, Assignments, Wills, Agree- ments, em, prepared on the shortest notice, and fully and properly ex- ecuted. Your business solicited. Office in residence, opposite chaughlin's Garage GEORGE E. DUNCAN Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County. Sales taken on reasonable terms. Date-s arranged at The Chronicle ofl'ice. Geo. E. Duncan Dundalk, Ont, Phone 42 r 3. ' 31Dec28pd NORTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 2?. lï¬gremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn 45x50, stone basement. concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and 7, (Inn. 4. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taining 110 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- taining seven rooms, with good frame woodshed attached; drilled well at door: never failing springs on this farm. making a choice stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson‘s Dairy. Ml. 4. Durham, Ont. 102523“ Ontario. manic}. Advertising Pm! Try It... JOHN AITKBN Auctioneer Grey and Bruce Sales promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms upon application. Phone Allan Park Central 9 r 515 Hanover, R. B. 2. 2.9.2m llDDLBBRO’ 8: lacQUARRIB Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. DURHAM, UWEN SOUND DUNDALK, FLESHERTON Lambton SL. 868 2nd Ave, Durham. Owen Sound. Flesherton (,m'ice open every Satur- day, 1. 30 to 9.30; Dundalk Ofï¬ce Open every Friday all day. 0. C. liddlobro’, J. H. lacharrlo, LUCAS HENRY Barristers, Soiicitors, etc. A mem- hm- u! the ï¬rm will he in Durham on l‘unsdny of each week. Appointments llLity he made with the Clerk in the nfln'u. J. 1'. GRANT, D. D. 8., 1.. D. 8. Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block. Millb‘lreet, second door east of Macketh's Drug Store. Chiropractors Graduutm Canadian Chiropractic College, 'l‘nronm. Ofï¬ce Macfurlane Block. Durham. Day and night phone I23. 6 Us 23“ DR. A. I. BELL Physician and Surgeon. Ofï¬ce Lambtnn street, Durham. Ont. Gradu- ate lfniversity of Toronto. Eyes tested and corrected. 0"in hnnrs: 2 t†5 p excepted. "on. w. c. mcxnnmc, DENTIST unm, over J. 6; J. Hunter‘s store, Durham. Ontario. J. 1.. SUITE, I. 8., I. C. P. S. 0. â€men and residence, corner of (.‘mmltess and Lambton Streets. oppo- mm «M Plh't Oflice. (mice hours : 0 to H a.m.. 130 to 7: p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). nns. JAIIESON a JAIIBSOI ("Tire and residence a short dist- Olute cast of the Hahn House on Lamhtnn Street. Lower Town, Dur- ham. Un‘ice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 t0 8 p.111. (except Sundays; . I‘UNBRAL SERVICE New Modern funeral Parlor: Phone Kingsdale ‘3“ 122-124 Avenue Road 10'0“") John W. Batu fl. Haddocks Formerly of F Iesherton BATES BURIAL C0. C. 6. AND BESSIE MOGILLIVRAY ()wcn Sonind. Thursday, April 19, 1928 Medical Dz‘rectorv. Denial Directorv Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. FARMS FOR SALE .. 7 to 9 p. m., Sundays 10 25 23 if Durham. 107†3.29. . As the estate of‘the late William Calder must be settled at once, it is requestmil that, all accounts ow- ing. be paid on or before April 27, 1928. “Mummy." said a little maiden of ton years. to hop parents. "where arn you and Daddy going to live when I get. married?†ANYONE THINKING OF ERECTING a monument, or having inscription work done. should see me before placing their 0rder.â€"â€"W. J. McFad- den. Durham, Ont. 2.16.†FARM TO RENT M-ACRE FARM, SOUTH OF DUR- HAM. Apply to Mrs, Will Firth, Upper Town. 4 5 3pd PARM FOR RENT ONE HUNDRED ACRES FOR PAS- FARM FOR SALE OR RENT LOTSI AND 2, CON. 1., E. (E. R.. (.lvnelg. (nntaining 108 acres; good buildings: good watm fom and a hull miles Past 01‘ Duiliam. Apply MiS. {Zaiiio Alj(,io,[)iiiham.419tf ture, well watered by running stream.â€"â€"-Peter Bl‘ack, Durham. Water! Water! I ater! fl WhaLls Good He orlh? SETTING EGGS FOR SALE BREI) 'l‘l) LAY WHITE \VYAN- [MT’I‘Ez 111100.11 ('ggs 101 $1.00 30 _f«)1'$l.75. Apply Alf. Shalpe, _'Du1- ‘1‘- ham. The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham un 'l'uesdays. Shippers are requested _t.n givc: three dayg: notice. 8-ROOMED BRICK VENEER HOUSE on Queen strevt. - electric lights, furnaco. running water. Apply Mrs. Metcalf. 3 15 if) tf LOT 7. CON. :31, EGREMONT, THE property of the John Lawrence Es- tate. (-omprisin. 100 acres in good condition; h1~ic house, bank barn, good “aim l1om drilled well; wind- mill: gmd silo; reasonable mice to quick purchaser. F01 further pa1- thlllalS apply to Philip Lawrence or W. J. Lawrence, Durham, Execu- tors. 2.16.11‘ Janfes Lawrence; Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, R.R. 1. RR. No. A. Durham. Phone 98-11 Cl )1“ I“! )RTABLE DWELLING HOUSE and lot. on Albert street, Durham, inside water. chicken house. For particulars apply John Crutchley. Durham. 1 12 U. SEVEN ROOMED BRICK HOUSE ON Garafraxa Street, electric lights, furnace and water, good location and in goml state of remitâ€"George S. Lawrence, Mount Forest. 3-1tt‘ EIGHT ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, in good repair; good stable 20x40 in connection. For particulars apply to Chronicle Office. 3 8 tf T HAT PWZWERTY KNOWN AS Park L016, Jackson’s Survey, within Hm comm-anon of the Town of Durham. containing approximately four acrns. F01 furthei paIticulars 1011111111111? this propeity apply at Thu Chionicle Ofl'ico Du1ham. tf ARTICLES WANTED Ql 'AN'l‘l'l‘Y ( W HAY; MASSEY- Hamis Hindu neatly new. Apply J. J. Atkinson, Duxham. 4192 ()VERLANDâ€"W'HIPPET CARS FOR sale. Service at McLaughlin’s Garagesâ€"C. B. Lawrence. 3 29 M building lots on George street. North 0! Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to 1). Hopkins. 2 2! ti LATH FOR SALEâ€"APPLY ZENUS Clark. Durham. McLaughlin’s Garage. FUR!) ROADSTER IN GOOD CONDI- tion. self stal‘tm'. 1923 mmlvl. Apply Milvs \Vilsnn. â€HI [78le PIANO FOR SALE. APPLY FUR SALEâ€"A NI’MBER OF GOOD WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on short order. tf PROPERTY FOR SALE ED. J . PRATT Why take a chan and use water that is [)0 ted and unï¬t for domestic nse. when Pure Water can e had by having I illod. We handle Pumps (1 Pump Re- pairs. FARMS FOR SALE Satisfacnon Guaranteed NOTICE TO FARMERS FOR SALE MONUMENTS MARGARET CALDER, Executrix. NOTICE 3.29.6pd 3,29,“. 4 19“ 3 ’29 3mpd The School~is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2} Entrance to Normal Schnoi. Eaph member or the Staff is a Um- versny Graduate 'and experienced Teacher. J. H. NOBLE, AGENT I am Durham Agent for Inter- national Harvester, Tudhofpe-An- derson, Wilkinson Farm Machinery, Deeringâ€"McCormick Cream Separa- tors, Louden Litter Carriers. and Bain Buggies. See me at, Noble’s garage.â€"â€"â€"J. H. Noble, Durham. Also agentgfor‘the Superior (10., Fergus. The SclIB6I‘-ilavs"5 cvrinl'inâ€"lmé'rocm'd in the past which it hnm‘s to main- min in the future. "iihifï¬a‘ï¬f 3:...3‘; attractive am“ healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be obtained at. reasonable Information as to Courses mnv IN ohmtqinpd from the Principé‘l The Caledon Mountain grade has a quagmire at the bottom of the big hill and motorists by the hundred have been pulled therefrom within the past few days, Saturday there were five teams pulling out motor- ists and on Monday three teams were on the. job. A team can be had at any hour of the night. This service is supplied free of charge by the Department of Highways. We believe this is a service which the Department. owes to the motor- ing public who travel provincial highways. Where the greater part M the road is in excellent shape and :1 few bog-holes appear on the road’s surface, we believe it’s 11p to the highways branch to instinct their men on the beat to see that motorists are not, detained unav 01d- ably. Too often is the motorist held up by some paity interested in lining his own pocket only who takes advantage of the motorists awkward position. In his license fee and "as tax the motm ist has al- ready paid for his use of the high- w.ay and when defects occur the Intending poplin should prepare tr- enjef at beginning of team. I'l'wu'y lal'mm' iakPS 1"han11'15..'.l‘ht‘ “heat gI'OVVPI' runs a \thlv g1.1n'111t 01 1'hani'115 1mm drought amt hiUh VVinits altm' seeding, to trust and impussihlv harvvst. \V'11atiu11' in tho t'all. '_l‘h«'1 putatn gmwvrs taku ('hancvs with “hugs‘ z111dho111tlvs. and Night and halt a «107.1111 11(11'11lt diseasv: that alloct, H111 ('1'011. 'llu1 I'i'uit gmww is suijct tn tlm vagai'ivs 0t' “111 insvct anit t'ungous pasts and the 1'api'i1'11s 01' 11111 W113- thm'. Th111'11 is an 11h1nu1nt of 1111- 111-1'1.taintv about 11V111'y f'aiming 1111- tar-[iiisv hut th11 t"a1mm' VVho pur- (hasvs and SO\\S clmm' 5111111 that is plainly stained a distinct (1011111 to indicate that it, lacks hardiness. 111' huys and sows g'ass $11111] that he knows contains noxious wvml sands is iie1lilwi'at1‘1ly ti'ansgl'ossing. There are times when one must take chances, but. we never yet heard of anyone winning when tak- ing a chance with poor seedâ€"- Farmer’s Advocate. I'nder certain conditions. how- ever. it will pay to take: care of the. farm orchard. in order to sup- ply the home with good quality fruit, and perhaps have a surplus for neighbors who am without trees. A small orchard bf twenty- tive to ï¬fty trees can easily be pruned without interfering with chores or other work, and that number of trees will justify the purchase of a barrel sprayer. which is needed on most, farms now for spraying stable, hen c00ps. and other outbuildings. A couple of barrels’ of spray can he. put on at the. prOper time without disturbing. to any great. extent, the program of work in the holds: and by followâ€" ing the spray calcmlar carefully and doing: the work thoroughly any farmer can get reasonably smell quality fruit. from the farm orchâ€" If such a policy wccc adoutcd it. would ho licnclicial to tho comnwc- cial woman for many farm orch- ards. in a Ilt‘glPCtOd condition. ai'o nothing but, sancluarics for inscct and I'llng'ous posts. Thcso bromi- ing gi'ouncvls holp to intcnsif)‘ tho infcstations and scmu'gos which commcrcial growers must light. chcy yuanâ€"l’m'mcï¬s Advocatc. Scattered throughout the length andhreadth of Old Ontario there are farm orchards that are worse than latent. Occasionally they do Yield a quantity of fruit that is dumped on the local market at slaughter prices, much to the det- riment of the apple industry. Fruit growing is now a Specmlty, and it IS unwise for the farmer with a small orchard ‘to set himself up as a. fruit grower unless he has the time and inclination to go at the tasli in a systematic manner, _ zinl. OTHER 'I’AI’ERS’ OPINIONS DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Should the Department Pay? J. A. M. “ORB. B.A.. Principal JOHN MORRISON, Chairman. Taking a Chance! Latent Orchards THE DURHAM CHRONICLE In “Type" Terms l’urty IIIiIIIItvs is â€In lllllt' limit. l'1II' sII1'1'1'lws iII lh1- HOIISII 1Il' 110m- lllUllS. It you 1l1III‘t think a last spt'ilkt'l' '21“ say 1'IIIIsi1l1II'alIl1' in “HM lllllllllt‘s. talw 11 101111 at. Hans- aml. \\'1- haw it llg‘lll‘t‘ti that thwnt sllt’ilka‘s 11111 ' ‘a\ at 1111131 11 111,11- IIIIIII in tvn minutvs.\l.m1Ist an h1IIII s timv is l't‘tlllllttl in sat up :1 1011mm 1Il tum III] “I“ linohpo. Sn “hm 0110 nl 1IIII‘ lt’pl't‘St'lllall\t'S makvs a sin-01h in his 01' lH‘l' Ips- [N'ctiw Hausa. llI1- linnluw npm'al- Hl’ is hit haul 1mm \xith a limit 1If tort) miIIIIh-s. as is th1- 01180 in tho Commons. It, takvs him at. least llll't't‘ housn and a half tn put in typv a siwvch of forty minutes. “Sticking" by hand \mulit I'oquiI-I- about 8. flax and a half in sat up in tum a spovch “hich look but. fortv minutos l0 1'00! 011 â€"â€"1)IIII1l1Ilk Hor- aid. Go Slow on Old Age Pensions Promivr Forgumn is taking a \ViSt‘ courso in rot'using to ho stampmlml into ontarting an Old ago ponsinn law without first. giving the prono- sition mature. and careful ronsiclor- ation. Simply lwranso otlwr prov incos haw fltiODlt’ti Sllt‘il legislation is no ronson why Ontario should follow suit without. considering tho question from «ivory angle. 'l‘lio tinancial obligations of other prov- A bill has been introduced into thv lhiï¬sh Housetfl'ï¬nnunons to stabilize Easter. 1119 [Imposed (lav is the SImIlm after the second SatUIdaA'iII Axuil. .Fhat is to sa\. inStt‘atl ot Ianging mop a period of about six mwks \\ eoks. l aster Sun- Ilay “mild :11“ ms full liomeon {Aprfl 9 and 16. 'lluélhnno Seemi- tal'y statml that lay opininn at 110me and nhrnad hain favorIfl' a ï¬xvd lilastvr, TIN", Illlt‘l'llalltlll'al (lliamlwr ot' (:(lnllllt‘l't‘t‘. “It" [It‘agllt‘ IIt' Nations C(lmllllllm' and railway (‘Ulllptllllt'S £fl\1Iit their suulwnl. llvprvsenta- tivvs at all tlui Chinwfluua haVo statml that no [mint (If dogma is in\tll\l'tl, and that. lIlIIViIlI‘Il it “('10 [IIIIwIl tII lw ltll‘ “lt‘ (Oll\t'lllt‘ll('t' IIl Hw [mmdm iMItHMPMN wmfld llIIl 1w likI'ly tII (Iplmsv. 'l‘llt' Schul- astiv [IPUfPSSlnll EUSII hivors tlu‘ mmmmm. Tva mwms Hwn n0 rmwm1“hy.WMWv0mmthvhHlfl Imvwd.thv(mHImmmtsmnmlnm tziki- HH' IIIH'IIIssqu sic-[Is lII St‘t‘lllt‘ IMIMMHmImmmummmim mviv “Mmm hmhw:iHIMnglamlnn vaMnHmmL Ivamyth was IIU<vd_-thatzilutu Eastpr“ as unarâ€" l\ uh\a\SltHH\. qutthat Huilun'â€" IWI\MH‘HUlh“d~MW|wHHmHV â€mm-nix unnadenM, Hm â€Ia IMnmw su ammflomml m lMut ImMMmmmhml :IWUMHMH Hm â€MN“ I\MmHh thmmht HH\ might as \wll ltllic‘ tlII- ilSk .â€".\li|Il~ may (izm'ltv. Agriculture in Schools A. P. Mewhinney. M.P.P. for North Bruce, speakmg in the Legis- lature with regard to Premier Fer- guson's Township School Board Bill, said there was no public de- mand for It. There has been talk of teaching agriculture in rural schools. he noted. I want to say. he declared. "That boys and girls of rural schools are snck and tired of agriculture. They get. It two hours before they go to School and three or four 'hours aftermnrd."â€"â€"Cheslcy expense should not be placed on the motorists themselves. -â€" Herald. Dundalk Enterprise. A Fixed Easter inces al't‘ IIiViIIl in comparison with \Vhit‘il thIIsI- of Ontario VlelIl bl! lllltit'l‘ such a lIIVV and it is WiSI‘ not to shoulder such an undertak- ing until “0 IIIIIIVV ('XEN‘HV what “0 211‘? Iloing, Ulll' ideas at (‘ilal‘iU aIIIl Illiit‘tl Sllilit't‘iS hth‘ IIIIIlI‘i'ROW‘ SOmI‘Wllai III II ('llallgt‘ Iiul'illt; 1'0 ('t‘lli Vt'alh'. (If (‘Illll’SI' [IO\(‘li\ aIIIl miIstIIi‘tIIIIII in Old 2120 alt’ things t“ lIII tit‘pifll't‘ti. I‘Sllt’ti‘aâ€\ ““0“ “I" Victims alt’ lIIIIughI III that stage lIV' I'IIIIIlitiIIIIs OVt‘l' \\ili('il iht‘) hIIIl IIII ("Illliltli. lhI- IIIIlIIlIsI- III a bank and Hiilt‘l' iIIstitIItiIIIIs IIIIVI- S\\P|li IIVVIIV â€l0 sIIViIIIrs IIf tlII‘it'tV llt‘uplt‘ VVhII lIIIIl |Il°tl\'ltit'ti for ith' IIlIl ago and loft lilt'lll IIIIIIIIiIIIss. t'IaSI'S sIII°h as this ZIP“ VVIII'I'I- IIlIl-IIg‘o pensions VVIIIIlIl III-ow II (itNiSt’llti. lIIIt tlII-I-I- 'ill‘t' tliilt'l‘ lllï¬lilllt‘t‘s‘ that. 31‘“ â€Ht. sII IlI-seriIIIr. “II III “II‘ l'tlt't‘â€"il':l('k. stI-II iIItII tlII~ |Ilt‘illl'0 shows any night. and VIIII I°IIII sun â€I“ 01st III' t'IIllIIVV's VVIIII \Vill lw IlI'IIVV‘iIII." (liti-‘IHJI' [II'IIsiIIIIs lIInIIII'I°II\V. 'l‘hv thril'tV. lIIII'Il-VVIII'lIiIII: III-IIIIIII VVill hI‘IVv tII SW01“ tII [ll'tIVlIiI' thI~ IIII'IIIIs to kt't‘ll thus“ iIIIIIIIIViIlI-Iit lIIII‘IIs iII ('tIllltltll'Ilil\I' lIIxII'V in â€I“ I‘VI‘llillL" IIt' iilt‘il‘ “VHS and this I'IIIISS IIl' IIII-gIIIIIls iin‘ II IHII ' tiIIII‘. 'l'lII- IIIIIIIiIII IIt' IIII-IlV IN'HIII‘ VVIIII lIIIVI- M ii“ kI-Iit III â€III “â€1le I'\- [It'llï¬t' is \I'l\ small. but iilt’ lIIIIIIs and ill“ IIII'III'-IlIIâ€" \VI-lls is lIIIgI. \\'II_V. \VI- ask. slIIIIIlIl iilt' IIIIstlI'rs Wehbutlna“SALADAâ€:ch.-an youohhlnmchhlghqullltym sold!- prlco and In sum tlutmchqualltgwlllconflnul. Tamar-dun! Ifltdou'notp'luu {meal-wIIglatllyufllmlyouâ€mummy;I and self-sustaining who labor and koop themsolws. ho taxvd to main- tain that. class whu were nvvel' any good to mesvlvvs or to anybod olso‘.’ Pwmim' Ferguson is wel adVismi to go slow on this old-age lwnsmn lmsists.â€"Urangmillv Sun Tlm III‘\\I\'- “ads on IIIoir honPyâ€" IIIIIIIII IIaII HIP mining room. The gIImIII gaw â€I0 Iwuro [IOIII‘I' :1 am- IaI- not to (I'll all\|)01l\ (III the main “'H‘} WI‘H‘ “PM“ and KII10m\\III!n the happy ('(IIIDIP wont, III â€I0 dint?!“ fur III-I'akl'asl III‘XI- morning all me [Iassongvrs SHII‘kI‘l‘I‘d aIIII [IOIIIUNI IIIIII vyml â€l0 ('HIIIIII? knmvinuly. The groom I'allml “I0 III‘II'II‘I' and de- III'dlIIII'III "Did you '1Ԡanybody on â€In Iran†“‘0 wum .ilISI- IIIIII'I'ioII‘?" Advertise in The Chronicle. It pays! (ZHMINH AGAIN --i’l{Hl". If. KATZ. â€XII. sir." said llw IIIIslu puller. "I (UM vm \IIII all “as just guod I'I'Imuis. llw c-vv spm‘ialisl. tnrolivvocyc- sham and banish lwadaclws. 0n ll1«-.~‘«ia\..\m'il :37 H! Um Hahn Honsv, Durham. Why nut end that 1'3}:ng and m-rvmxs fvoling :nnl dM'c-vlh'v \‘isiun by svcuring I paw ul' nur funmus mouiscus Ic-nsvs. My 0111' grval s‘kill and mvthmi. \\'4- van help you M'Pn if HHH‘I‘S Iran- l'ailmi. PAGE 1.