4. 1m. to lit. and Mrs. J. Wallace Hepburn. 3 son. James Edward. Mrs. R. J. Alexander, 3 daughter base line. An excellent supper was set- ved by the hostess. assisted by her sis- ter-ln-law. Mrs. Gordon Rydall. “Hap- py New Year†pecans: were exchan- on till the wee and) hours. Following Mr. and Mn. Rydcll ore acknowledged as folk who know how to launch a New um nude! Hem has returned to Toronto after spending a few days with her parents here. ed amusement to the finish of the game. Meanwhile the children of the sectlon raced and ran in the big hall and up and down the grand stair of the almost historic old house on the On New Year’s Eve Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Rydall were at. home to their nelghbours. Several tables of progres- slxe croklnole were played and Chinese checkers occupied another table. Mrs. Jock Ray and Mr. Jack Walsh won the prizes, 3 box 0! hendkerchlels and a mlrror, Balloon consolation prizes ad- In. Bryce Dargavel attended the funeral of her uncle. Mr. Joseph King at “burst on Monday. The late Mr. neighbours Much regret has been expressed al- so at the passing of Mr. John McKech- we 01 Olenelg. The {act that Mr. Mc- Kechnte Ins sble to visit his brother- ln-lav here so recently as Christmas I)â€. makes his death more of a shock to life-long acquaintances for miles a- sage on Wednesday last stating that her sister-in-law. Miss Esther Ridden. had passed away in Roches‘u. where she had lived for many yers. The dc- ceased My. over eighty years of age. was a daughter of one o! Welbeck's earnest pioneer families, The sole sur- vtving member of that kamily is Miss Margaret Ridden of Rochester. In for- mer years the two sisters usually paid a summer visit to their brother and his temny here, and are kindly remem- mutiny of the community is exten- ded to narrowing relatives. W131 Durham Hospital Mrs. H. R. Ridden received a mes- A special tonic for Hogs only. Stimulates the ap- petite, and supplies a nerve tonic. Controls worms. A healthy pig is a paying pig- Dr. Hess keeps them healthy. A Poultry Tonic with mineral supplement Keeps hens healthy, stimulates the egg-prodhcing organs. Costs only 11/30. per month per hen. DR. HESS HOG SPECIAL DR. HESS STOCK TONIC DR. HESS PAN-A-MIN DR. HESS DIP AND DISINFECTANT Keeps the milk flow on a level for a longer period. Adds two-tluyd.s of a Round to beef cattle per day. It pays big dmdends m healthy stock. Actually costs nothing to feed. . it; 1iberal use around the stable greatly reduces the whole problem of vermin. Per qt. 75c. Controls vermin on the animal and in the pen or ‘0‘ -_._- A“---_.‘ LL- _L-L‘_ A.--AL1__ Padfield’s Hardware Resolve Now PAGE 8 To raise more beef, more bacon. more eggs, etc. Our war effort depends on these basic farm pro- ducts. Dr. Hess Products can definitely help increase your pro- duction- - -we guarantee that. II M and 0mm new Year, 7cm Let us also take this opportunity to wish you health and happiness in the New Year. Signed on behalf of the community, the Ebenezer School section, No, 3, Bentinck. and trust that you will not forget that each and every one of us is behind you in this great fight for freedom. We take great pleasure in asking you to accept this watch and parse as a remembrance of your many friends of It is with the deeth feeling of édmiration that we, your friends have gathered here this evening to honour you on your departure from civilian which all joined in singing “There’ll Always Be an England". The program- me closed by the singing of the Na- tional Anthem. The remainder o! the evening was spent in cards and dancing. Music was supplied by James Langrill, Jack Tee- ter and Archie 'l‘urnbull. Refreshments were served by the ladies. On Friday evening 0! last week resi- dents o! Ebenezer S. S. No. 3 gathered at the school house to do honour to Pte. Frank Baker of the Queen’s Own Rifles Regiment, who for the past five years before his departure from the section, made his home with Mr, and Frank replied very tittingly and Mes- srs. Joe and Brown and Deputy Reeve A. Hopkins gave short addresses after acting as chairman, called Frank to the platform, where he was presented with a watch and purse by Wilfred Wise and George Bartman, accompanied by an address read by Archie Turnbull. The following is thee address: Reay. Harry Reay. Archie Vickers Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol entertain- ed members of the Nichol families on New Year’s day. Be: One night when you were away Iheardamlar. You‘lmuld have aeenmecolngdownstslnthreeetepe ethane. We: When we: heâ€"on the root. Miss Monica Lambert of Elora, Jam- ie and Laurie Sutherland of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Carson and El- more Neun spent New Year’s at Mc- Lachlan’s. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKenzie and family or Dromore spent New Year’s at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family were New Year’s visitors at home of Mr. W. J. Hay, Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Art Richardson. Swin- ton Park, visited Saturday at Mr. J. A. Carson’s. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrie and son, Wayne of Atwood spent Ne Year's at Mr, Charles Tucker’s and also visited other friends. Miss Beatty, R. N., returned to Owen Sound after spending three weeks nursing 1m. Kate McArthur. Glad to know she is improving. ' The Aidcorn boys spent the artist- rnas season with their mother. tertained some relatives to dinner Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFarlane and Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. R Oli- ver were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oliver, Em- ma and Sadie; Mr. Jim Turner and son, R. J. of Laurel; Mr. William Crut- chley of Dixie; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fer- guson. Marilyn and Adele of Grand Valley; and Mr. Ivan Turner of Gait. with her parents. Mrs. McLean, who was visiting in Toronto returned home, Mr. and Mrs. I". R. Oliver spent Saturday evening visiting Durham Mr. Percy Gordon, who spent Christ. mama and New Year’s at his parental home returned on Saturday last to his duties at Port Dalhousie. and Mrs. John Allan ate flew Year's dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson spent New Year’s at the home of Mr. Moses Donnelly. Allan Park. Visitors for New Year's at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunter were Mr. and Mrs. Fred MoCluen and family, Mr. and Mrs. MoGillivray and family and Mrs, William Troop and secured positions. Mr. Arthur Lee is at present engaged in Gait and Mr Milford Matthews is in Oshawa. . . ill Livingstone of Sorrytoreportthemnessotur. "’ "“1“" W ‘ David Davis. who is under the care . London and Mrs. M. rhinestone 0‘ of m. Hex-goth with brown!“ Due“- Elmwow were N" Yen" mm “ mania. At pmut 18 is lmpmm. m. the home of M138 To “We. wmmm Kirby, of Orchard, is mm The Y.P.U. had an enjoyable time at in caring for her father. the home 0! Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. Robert Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell on New Year's Eve. Games Harry Scales and son, m. were and contests were enjoyed and short- Sunday visitors at the Davis home. 1†â€â€œ0“ mm“ a short service was Mrs. Harry Scales, who had her hand held' Beverley 3°?†read the 3‘31!" out between the thumb and forefinger, ; ture lesson and Eric Ashton N in had to have seven stitches inserted :prayer. A short talk '9" given by the The wound is healing nicely. host. The next meeting will be at Herb Mrs. Hann of Durham visited over Livingstone’s. the honday with her daughter, Mrs. . William Gordon. Hobevnlle ‘ Dr. Hergott made a call on Mrs. Mrs. James Scott. ho has been bed- Henry, Br. Glad to know she is on the . m, .. w â€A1. a m“!- nleL n L--_L -LL-.I- were Verdun Watson. Ray Lemme and Bruce Marshall. A pleasant, time was spent by all present in dancing clemency of the weather the attend- Airr'orcealgnetrlngandapmseot money was presented by Bruce Marsall, to which Elmer made a fitting reply. Mr. Harold MoKechnie of Durham made a few remarks. The collector: The annual school meeting of s. 8. No. 2 was held on Wednesday, Dec. 31, when the present trustees, '1‘. Tucker, W Atcheson, Ed Lindsay were re-elected. W. J. Allan is secretary- treasurer The caretaking was taken by E. Weppler; firing, Ed. Lindsay; clean- ing, C. Hargrave; wood James Mar- shall; cedar, C, Hargrave. The friends and neighbours of this vicinity gathered on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Tucker, in honour of their son, Elmer, who has volunteered his services in the Air Force, and is stationed at McDonald. Manitoba. He was home on a few day’s chairman and at an appropriate time Mr, Donnie Meads has arrived in Mr. F. R. Oliver 13 spending this week Priceville North Holstein North Helen and Norma Lindsay 3 to Fergus where theey have THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The weather has been extremely cold the past few dtys. but so far this win- ter there has been' very llttle snow. Read the Classiï¬ed Ads. on me 7. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Sinclair, Fer- gus were holiday visitors with the home folk. Many friends are sorry to hear that Mr. Albert Haw has not been as well as usual the past two weeks. Mr. Haw celebrated his 92nd birthday and has been blessed with a long, useful and active life. Mr. James Sturrock is entertaining the neighbours at a. dance Wednesday evening in aid of the Red Cross. Our local teachers have enjoyed the holidays and are back on duty. Misses Irma Dingwall. Swinton Park; Hazel Christie, near Ayton; Marie Love. No. m a visitor at w, Neil ï¬chehnle's: Chester Bowler. The annual meeting of Proton Town- Mr. Lloyd Christie has been asssist- Clarke Brothers with the trucking. The group of young folk. who are the caste of the play. “Grandpa’s Twin Sister" were at Dundalk New Year's night, presenting the play in the tam hall under the auspices of the Anglican Mr. Norman Kelley. Toonto. was a dinner guest Sunday with Mrs. Dor- tnda Sturdy and daughter. Miss Helen. Aubrey Love, near Ayton. Mr. Alex Russell spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Alex Spence. m- The January meeting of the Unltedé w. M. 8.1m held at the home of Mal onto General Hospital for medical treatments which all hope will be bene- Mrs. William Dingwall spent Christ- mas and a few days with her mother, Mrs. T. Ball, London. 29, attending the funeral of their friend, Mrs. Anderson, a talented uu- siclan, who passed away suddenly fol- lowing an operation. Mr, Jimmie Scott spent a few days at the New Year with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Oldfield, No. 10 Highway, Dundalk. were callers Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Miss Mearle Greer, teaching at Griersville, spent the holidays with her sister. Mrs. Archie Clarke. were in Toronto. Monday. December Mr. William Dickie spent 94 few days last week with relatives in Toronto. Aircraftman Ralph Mock of Sport- ing. Man, now of St, Thomas air mm- in: school, was a visitor with. his aunt. Mrs. D. 8, McDonald. Mr. Aubrey Love was in Tomato Friday attending a. re-unlon of his Normal School class. Miss Lots Agnew spent the holldays with her parents. Mr. 3nd Mrs- Herb Fraser Macaw and family. Mrs. James Scott. who has been bed- fast over a week with a heart attack is feeling some better. was Doreen Scott, Grimsby, came home to take care of her mother. w. and Mrs. George Oammtdce and children spent Semi-any with m. Twamley and deughters of Durham. was Margaret. Shel-R left hat week for Toronto, when she expects to se- T. 8, Cooper is deciding on sponsor- ing an Agricultural course in Ayton for the boys and girls in sun-oundmg dis- trict and Ayton. to begin February 1. Mrs. A. Hartman spent a few days with her daughter in Kitchener. Mr. A. Hartman spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Our winter has taken a severe attack Mild weather all gone away back We are still hoping for a winter mild Instead of snow too deep piled. Our school re-opened today. Monday, with Miss Clara Jack again at the helm after spending the holidays at her home at Traverston. We hope the com- ing term will be a successful one for teacher and pupils. Mr. '1'. Rowan was in Toronto over the week-end with a car load of (at Miss Margaret Macaw. Ayton North Crawford ’arie Love, No. ., No. 13, and table reflector and a cabinet at ei‘vver flat weer. also silver candle sucks. Best wishes were extended for n long end happy matted Me. Mr. and Mrs. mm: are residing on e fem neu- mnover. Mr. Bruce Halliday returned to the lumber camp in Northern Ontario after spending the holidays at his per- ental home. A shower was given one evening last week for Mr. and 36:. For: (nee Ethel Webber). st the home or the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Webber. munity {or a long and hnppy Med life are extended to the young couple. We understand they intend to nuke their home in Kitchener. Mr. Bert Lewis of Toronto spent the holiday with his wife and inmiiy. A week ago n presentation was help for Mrs. Wilson Him: (nee Kiss Jennie Marshall) at the home of her pnrents, visited for a few days with her ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Koeppe. Mr. Dennis Vasey, Kitchener, was a holiday visitor with his father. Mr: Mahew of Detroit visited her uncle. Mr. William O'Mara, over the week-end and attended the funeral of her uncle. the late Daniel O'Mua. ing for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith and Mary Elizabeth. J. Murray Smith. R. C. A. F., Ayl- mer, spent his New Year's leave of 5 days with his father, Mr. William Mrs. Sweeney. 8:2. returned from Windsor on Friday last. She was ac- companied home by her daughter and Mrs. Richard Hardy. Mrs. Wllllam le- dell. the efflclent key lady of the town- shlp gave a flue report of the work done slnoe July. The school meeting was held here Wednesday last when Andrew Wright was re-elected trustee. the other trus- tees being James Hardy and Eddie Fer- Hardy and Mrs. R. Ferris attended the annual meeting of Proton Township Red Cross held in Hopeville United church on Saturday. F'ection of omn- era took place with the 2941 officers be- ing re-elected. Hon. Presidents, Messrs. J. Mchchern. Howard Wotson; pres" ents here. Mrs. munch md Mrs. C. Ferguson spent 3 few any: with the farmer's daughter. Hrs. Ed. Haw. mu Marjory Phlmpsot'lbrontowusa visitormthe Wenremytoheerof theillneuin the homes of Arthur Richardson and Ray Richardson. Mn. Arthur Richnrd- eon and dnughter. Jenioe. Ale: end Gevin, sons of Ray Richardson heve all been very ill. All hope to hear very soon that the Richnrdson families are enjoylng good health. also that Mr. end Mrs. Am: McConnell and Mr. Bob- ert Knox. who have been ill. are much improved. have been held during the holiday season. when weather and roads have week were Mr. and Mrs. John Jam- leson (nee Myrtle Gorblt) of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anderson (nee Stella Corbin of Mansfield. at the Car- hit home: Miss Janet Campbell of Mr. and Mrs. James Hardy spent New Year's at the home of the latter's parents at Me. On their to- Ilr. and Mrs. Delbert How and son. Donnie were recent visitors with Mrs. How's mother end brothers at Bay- turn they were “commuted by their Home Helpers. Mrs. Neil Clark; supply Secretary. Mrs, J. A. Martin. Gunner Ernest Heather. who has been training with the R.C.A, at De- bert. Nova Scotia. spent a few days et the home of m. and Mrs N. 8. Comp- bell. He is now training at Woodstock. Ont. Gunner Heather's home is at The 1042 offlcen of the W. M. 8. auxiliary are president. Mrs. Richard Hardy; vice-president. Mrs Delbert Haw; secretary. Mrs. wmxam McCor- Blyth’s Corners Swinton Park High School with her par- Dornoch 15 visit- “OUNT quT “A. â€m M . D 'APPEARS†Show starts at 7. . You can come as late as 9 and see both features. Topplu‘ M. m. hllu-lty high In M. mt laugh Paramount Theatre HANOVER “Let George Do It George Formby tho King of Confucian . u. - “WEEK-END FOR Mon. Tues, Wed, Jul. 12-13-14 IDRRAINE DAY In â€" TO-NIGHT Town Hall NANCY KELLY in â€" PATRICIA MORRISON in Durham Creamery Vou'l roll In tho ulclo Hltlor on tho chin . . . “THE ROUND-UP†Than. ï¬t. 8“. Jul. 8-9-10 "0 mn'us “PARACHUTE BATTALION†CLOSED SATURDAY NIGHTS I“. “It. Jan. 14-15 “NAVY BLUES†III. has. In. 12-1: UNTIL "L. 8“. Jul. 0-10 . N. Sat. Jul. 15-16-11 TWO mmns: â€" ADDED HIT! -â€" PHONE 17 H To Past In spite of all um (I rho ts representtnc Shh Distrtct. Untort abet prevented the ‘ isle Club. who were lord Club on this a they be blurted for ‘ll‘he through this {1 After doing mu ju nutty singing. the Induced by weir m wwascutshond Mmzmnyvmwrm thitmdestreduu an representative as Past President flax tut-wed the htstory the beneï¬t of Past ( on the night three (1.. the 0110th “tactic activities «nous activities u Yummy mat of the comma: The ï¬rst President Peta Gagnon. introd o! the evening in a m. and Mr. Wne the Club has done a [or his subject. “Va one of the (our pri “Service," he said. as ‘Thoughttulness d Med. and "Helpfulm the expression of R01 «than! Service“ is 1 our daily lives and ethics of Rotar3'. in dignity of our own 31 other vocattons tn tl ammunitv at large. meat that Rourians ace these high idell tint they should a! own industry or profl with the object that 1 only themselves but i try. Higher stand“ required in business 1 that principles the never have occurred tho will do much a pace in the future. It Is necessary um ed by Rotary and 311 business men in the world thyme all wheflrhtsisnotsou dueonoeaweek â€Wm†may and in awflthsjtisapc unkemployedto menuhllcutthexl M. It ha been Midas): wmmt' “but also proï¬t: hflllthemowoo‘ vibefmmdthet gamma». «By J. B. “well“ the excel: N0.