mg Troai actat Ilnt lie said thai ul o)f anIs 0"of ~~*e~1UaiIaî x~iftwaere aow icin- ~an ipo ~tij ~iba~iiryjýjhe principh1 vhsch wiheseÙaiftenev kewre brcsi ec woald rend, intpjlise bore, lie suppxed hie oid pct hmi"te wordbs cussien locha vwould in their-turia get sa-te~ ~ ~ ~~k thî u f ae iesystem wns ue cf useles the W hig GO- expease. . Witb-tbçumeausad uppian ie The hon- ces whicb atvere 'now .avaihaible, additi end île foliow-uonat stores cotildbhohad iiia feon' mentI rld nove rsanw fur ¶amail ndaanc ef pice, and in tv ia ent c f E g- ycari stores-te nnyconceivabia amontl i1y otprnuiticed migisi ho obtained. And it wevuld I Le ;,idaiof it is fur more desirabte avliten tise tiane caau aih3aeubiiiisin, inat hey ance sctually waated, 4, .01 ;~aalaiÂg tc4. tlsn-iwo poundera couldbeo md in etn whe re a coritto-. year., [t appeared by tue accouaits i 1lby lier troepa, CIbarcellor of tic Ezchequèr bmd la ap.tY-gOvernor, yeur diadcsed cf oîd stores te i îey torekeeper moâtaiof 480,0001. uic-lIýnt tise ig rtaidea - O, d bisutuabie gentleman hu adînketlin credi gé~DW ~ in iiits ycï's budget, fur aboutthie San g sus fros tise sale of od stores. Noi with'every spe . ieas)Icdthe ionse hiv ach tînt Ii 1,; kaioit,ï d t iear, henni 1He had ne Jouit lii 3pecesaywzil had ceaitimo country 3,000,060L. ýS f the Moai indlustieus Liai ever existed"[mnuclî aghter tliowediy rend. net]. -tisese avords sp. -e r e th" , tai ves ion. Every Goveraunmentï siezed viii n mania Ihat tbe a burren rockosùtise upoiu-liOI jW aa uerCo plant an- establishmntn, roftomes, and set a l1,suaddepîty-gevern- prs an mud ePuy-stoÈec: guasssand police-officers; 1 tise plapbernnnia of maied and Iivilized cen-' ILea]. Nov vith-regari a, te appesidix te tisth osnmiioe, and tise eVi- âwca-ba in the handta of ti ini thisanatitse, ha tout one or two esoîmplet 0541>7 way cf contiinua ià rs hicit *111froni tie for NW*IItmuPtea.Fiast j~kqvnont aasnual mt,*thfre- tOpikes uW Èî*hauPtion 47 yesE (houa ,asâzmks, Aherç * venu Lmber delivçred outau- ~ueaquntyve nd 24 tbutuaeks. The, next. te v wukettles [a Inis]- 000 katies hintise stirî vont-aat annuli y vas 3r l*bia bléssed wvus aigIt tketles. 0f the sîrticbh réWere 1,200,000 in stoe;o d-deivery of thesus-Luaic i34 yemr' eonsuraptieî wteu itis respect L e. ivoJefnequent Chan.gen eé yojild ask the 'Canadina, ni ofseuse and boueuir, te relieve il t, ry fro a iy fuitbTer iarge fi islirueuls. Thon hoe (Pi.ý .aakcd if Canada avouid PsY ith li sud lie laughied agaji , nd said go ge l ostreal yen wiIt sec a 1 t idîta men wakiug about in rt ss but you will sec nolliug cf t. ~-tcUiaIStaies" ,[heanlscti ti tic ycur 1835 -wveliîad -becia or li tentaswiiti .ait foncigu powers, o tise Ordnuco estimates lssd bt nt led. flaitison the noble loi ce bond of thse Goverusuent said 1 se ljad reditced the taxes -withiu 00 few yeara. Tînt. would net ne FIc arminien wsvas a giasing ia A nominal reduciien cf 39,00C aIt aulyochier suas, iglît ho sic a- certaina tings; but the practi, li tiena aas net lsew tise Govern' $bifted the taxation, hatliaow ai had expended, and bow îîucli c tced frein île p2-oplc[ciîzersa %tVil wore coltetiu)g.5,OOQ,0001.naa ýad atien uew than wviea the Duk ia fingtosa "as Primo Minister1 inute. DOOI. ]xpclats of the Govramehilm o! Canada end thc Uited Stalc. compan >001.?Yom the Exém.inr. acomppying tabl"e Co~ rkn Stia,-In tny, econd State Paper, J contiriued, 'eibmng o au- compnred the expenses of goverment, heads of éxpdnditure,. and ai 1 he scisool fnnd, prodluctive proprtyO,,inter- officers. -Not conBlýdering it ýècrcL est on public debt, and salariés of Qev. in this table tQ inclà ide ailtt letjt a -rors ?f a ada nd the separte have selectedaau theoldest, m seaven 1States of the:Axmerican Union.', Ja the aMd nosi populous. sé ci m R I - à U Cu. . L ~ . Co t t Caad 22;O 1692 0,8 192i666 4t 10. CMwahsdta, 71,4 6.2Â 500,9266600 1,6Wc1,600 Rhodle Isad 18,523 5, 5, 1,50900 ue ceS.' 50- 750 Casueticut,. 36,7Ë1 3W1,2501,3m 1.0001060 New York 86741 904,5412,037 ,0002,500 2,00( î,an - .500 - New Jersey .16,25 >8,69V A Acs - 8 1,MFëers, -peisssylvasi,. ~4,91 à ,0003, U30G.f,40(1,700 Mar1laad 38 2<48,382.50a Fees 245(X1,000> tIrina 56nlu»0-M. 70 ,00L ?30<1, 720 tNoruh Cerolisa, - 27,663 '400 u 4GG 1.5 809 8» 30,-373 g~~10M 5 g 1,1>Z01 00 lIlineis. 7,574 1,2<»q 80 0 -Fruas île table gven in tIse- last Bench cf Canada receive $4 -communicatici, it viii bc eesatisaitise more, titan tîhe Ciief Justices total expenses of te Goyes5smènts cf tise States. Tic assoiate ;tbiity States, v-ene $4,865,000, nankiug Judgca inthie severul Stna4 Stise aVerage, xpenses Of encis Siate course, leas salaries tian1 about $16200 -tho oCanadd beingi Justices. To ibis i is Som, i $7S00. Tuai s lse xÀ otle plia-d thi ifia Jidges are -ma Gomernet -f Canada-are six C"Mes 0o s i the Statesttan in Co - grvitr Cas koa afC/u ùidîiduel tisstsînemeni avre truie;itwa ý&îat&s. Thssruakes tic totil, expenarni vegltluti ngmet of tiitySttea O»ly fiVe hases grenf'er adn pays $272,000 i 'fer the ac ,than tliai of Cà aia. - tien cf justicé, 1hustb ti hs - 3y exanin ti, c accoanpatying anty.pue Stttte is $86,000 s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~--- talts npewi fn ieadii-$000." But tihi staiesucîi ýiý L. tien of1 justice un thee doyen States There are in IJpper Canada.5 ré eegiven is e' principal in W"1111 fiýe it tIse Court of Qsîeî Sad populsilôn, ceâsa$256,000j, only witls $23,66.6 leiannuna; tl 1$s4,000suerathaan7Canà dalune. (inu Ceuni Or f Claucery -îill $14 rthese cglcWuatioita Iomnit.île 1iîndse, iwPenty in tise District Cen'l e reiaiuing enly tichte osan )Thîe average snlutny of $1600 Per1 M ame hou i anada ceaiet £272P000. 32,000, ausikiuig the salariesm Tua 9 uakes the- expeuases for tise ad- for Ulîper Canada te cuern misstnIon f jutic ls ausda more $691332,p in déPendcntlYOýf ,C tIsaslu theUnited Sttes; lIai is, Ibis- gistraf@, Qd eaia. u itemt in Canuada veuid psy the s'nie inbaysenayJdgsiL *ciglt American States; or asny clOne f ada.;, say 22, ïýaiuig, 50J Lt tisen, at.itue average expense, eighi Canada..- ?,faie bas 23, NE yearsfnd, 'wlV d sy the saine item ahime 35, (ail excepting five irn Micliiga3 1 yem ad in-Maintur otoo7y fresu $100 -te $334 lx S40 yeara.! t1 - o 3ptda lîa li u The Ciief Justice -29p r Cnaa odrIs)larmot , Con ,0 receiveai(lasttaly $6666. Tha-Ciief 2,Rsd sin.4 on s Justtice of Lovai Canada ieceoies tb, There are genéraliy only soi --- w-. z-.. ~ 1 ,,fle judges,' iho dothiebtui mine. Din th si% wmu.tà .1.ea thse omut tLaver Canada. h vwili bc se -ib- Ilimm thetable ho-v mucismure tsis sui inia. .. C(anada - tissuin unyi salries frein 1000te $200 Ibaye nezzed oIly the Ne, stà ie%, whichb. baing tisa e=wnpleâ. after vhich the çc wny te expenseas of his office for aine -montias$ blis coin- -would naake £186 12e. forýtise entire ;'raodi- year. I' havre aise added 601. for an -ossaing- tuiditionat clerka, now esnployed. *-iieuu The re are semoe nstesislutig items ltii vas under tuls hend. - thfe Beot ve have given,he 17071. 2s. on accoui 9ffilýting uP the s. men of Normal School at 9rronto, salaries cf his coun - twe Teacherg ef'Normnal School aud for esab- centingeu .t ospeases; aise -1367L. 18s. Cobdhr) on accouint cf sanie-for 1849; xakiug e araay; for fiiting p Normal Scîsool, and sala- d, "jf Ye ries of twe Teachors for two years, L parcel of 3,0751. But accordiug te Mr. lVersoa's 7d cents; owNV Report cf Normal Sehool for 1849,ý ho sort in the items, nîtheugis confuaed in the. j.Since meat extraordinary manu-ner, are stil1 i friendlv nmore asteulidiug. The. Report (page ;and yoi 24) runs thus :-fer Carpenters ad ýeen.douib- Masoils, 10841. 18s, 5d.; Painiena and rd ai tle Gîssiers, 1831. 1s3I2. Architeet, thai tîîey 401. 14s. 6d.;- Stoves and Furniture, Shic :ost 1051. Ils. ! Gas and WVster fittinga, dotat- ail. 841. 10s. 4d. Expenditure cf 1848- -aac.Salaries and 'Wages, 897l. 16s. 5d.; 0,0001., or Bocks, Apj3ratus and Schcol reqù isites, :>V pn1711. 15s. 3d.; Agriculture, Cheraistry cal ques- and Nntural Phiiosophy, 65(. 13s. 3 1-2d. meut lind Advertisir.g and Priatinig, 391. 2s. 1-2d.; nucîs îîey Repairs and Coitingencies, 1091. la. 2d.; Ithey cul- an-iit W trrnsd Wood, 1471., j.Tsy2s. 7d.; Assurance, 9.51. 17s. -6d. (Tt )r fîxsuret-y wauted n high degreo of assu- rance te mue oui auch a bill.) Aid geoWt ranted to Students cf' Normal School, beoete7031. 17s. 6d.; nkiug thoeiaandsome u1ltile auna cf 3,6571. 15s. te get tle md. - Normal Schcol ie ooperatien! Il maio ' Truiy.. Canada is blessed witis faitis Kr fniftal etherds who teck wellti te s ie beffleece. AnJ ici me iaform my fellew- -ees conatrymen that mosi cf ihese fleece necasry huniers are foreignens tue 0Cr soul, sent e States' I by la p eiat waichcare te auck ounr ifc's eatist' btood. They are ' ÃŽot loviera cf Canada. Hlence iheir ambition te perpetirte the preserit state cf ihing-high salar ies, tise Clergy Reserves' and Rectories in - ,tact. Look ai the abovo table and s00 how gioriously and preudiy Canad" - eada the liai in evenry item cf expedl- ilure, white aie is thc iast in iniprove- ments, productive propcrty, school fuandso &c., &o. As thc governient of Canada etists -on an average six unies motai ihan any of the separate states, .it uvould surely not bcuneasouable te reduce it twe. thirds, inakiug it $300,000, ieaving à l stili greaier tItan most cf the States. The ceai cf the Administration of Justice bciug eight tumes greater in Canada, 4000______ we wouid redasce te ene.sixth ils presenl -a000 aofch, aileaving ih $45,000 greater ibau s h ofu sftcanme item in any cf' the States oPune e'ccept the oid, populouis, and wonattbî ~shvec States of New Yrk and Penusylvaniai the CWaef AsiAle salaries cf tie Judges are three aetimé's re- sud a-haif ies grenIer in Canada thau ore numer- in t ho States, we would raduce ihet t 'anada., If one-third their îîreseut suai; makiug N-oAid have ihat of the Çhief Justice $2,222,. and vbl a-the other Judges $2000. daujaistra-1 asss aThIesalai-s efufficers of-governnnent, the lowest which in Canada are, os an taverage snoût truc, four limuesgrenier tlîar in the Staies: .28 judges,; naIg t - be redi.o ed onei-laf, makin@ ýn'a Beucbi them abetit $2000 still. Thcy wventa aree ini the thon lbe grenIer Iban the correspendîue il6; n offices in auy of thc States ebcept two. rts-av,th an As the expeuses forlbc superintend. annunu, or ene6 of Education srd ciglit tiÈnec of_ Juldges greater in Canada thin-lu Ihe>Stpies enus sum - of we avould firsi siike off the nxtras- Merks, Ite- about. $4,900-aud tlies reduico, lb ý-ne Ti ro- erdinnry expeusca onc-half, stijl leavin2 itsas e v;onld rn4e fur tise DWrtictSspn enens 000,r 2,6W0,linkiIg -ttn iL f-- -mo.wih. ddecsl . zc==mm. Thofirsi objection is, beneitlsi e av negiylu éesalaries %VereÊfxed ýpose, asd a de nae tVWC Parlianient, aad cannet the n itsofftee iehP"thtw- 'e Colonial zautherities. -dd net ealili iak tiedte - incumrbeats of office, wihich have noW 'deolved alpoil lS, 'g epted office- with the ourmsfruAntOUad. Liai they iv ere te have -Whdie Rclinow)edgi aur seiseocf tacjed te- thein. 'th aif iisi it- uxodified by rite cà aùnt ple ither,î thougbt, tuai i o s--i.b ]ietiasr ill say, with ,unqupnIgy.andtity oli~1O ty, yeii lat give high atone te tise coneratiP Of thse imited iaud highiqualifications. po litia berty n oýv cnjey, bat te sas efebjections I reply, Is extension ;-"& a colisumifatienititst W1Sfixed lit first il devoutly te ho wisliéd."h iW o peril Statute. but most 'our purpose; sô Itrs lis us lies, teolilll-- iii changed. And %wT'y inte the opiuiôn 0f tliowhO teit dgily der?- Besides, Respoii- in the'cultivaticil of a sou- "et,!itful ut ýprofessed!y gives us beyond comipare," biessed by the, be- g unr owa local affs,4rs Oiîgnant sale of lie Suprerno, which les gre unquestionbly gvsvlliyt.I arefrs iporialPanliasuent î>aid Our exorditn oemptee,-be it'ours ave weuld net disputetecsuertsipolflqetos )ut their salaries. Our iticis baeruadhe -întise eslablisinto vould be, thai the Can- luis jou rnal ai once a diy lu the dis- iglu t appoint and pay tici, and au imperativ e . uecessity? >ta. Tise people of Can rty, and the principal [wheiaeven oiticat lii rcn- gsdered. 1 tieular cà sesi .that âome of thé by the Imperial 1 be changed by t 2. The present say others, ace understanding t] tbe salries ýat Othersý agin,O of the ýbeve o profoulnd modes9*t salaries totliem Té the first cli that ecverythiii Canada by In] ofthcmmhvt ei flot the itei'naind sible Governamei Power to, manaff of which salar.i one.,1 f the lm thesc officers, i with tlîem aboi objection t'len w adian people Out their own officez ada are on.e pari party,, to the cu are agents; the pals ; and if a t oi'Ucgefts, it is ness in unr own 2. -To tise second clissa cf objectersa, ouliave atiipncd wc'say thai as Canada had notisig to ... do iu fixing ihese salaries, site is net J Hoav great! ioav glonicaîs! is tise boustd by tise contract.- Or, if Ibis ih9- l n t tnpttcladsca sounùds iarabin la lr sensitive cars, progresa lias beois compasseti avitisent we avuld dd lai vîea pinci an otiier provocative iîn tise diffusion wfind l t ai îî-eîraets hrua ncpayvlis cf knowîedige auaoîg tMe people. ail iseproits tius iaeeniiiig tcir To île naorai force pressure (propenilr masters, ifris time te reineueh, aud give se calted) wîe owe lte-legistntive bene- île house a tiorougi renoaortiion. fils siready secureti,and of wlicis ýve 3. To îletiird ciasà cf ,eodest oh- exstltingîy' Imost; and luinîe ave> jcctors,ive would,wivus greai deferenc,,neeofnizc Use rcuusrd of lbo effimts cf suggesi ihatave don'i believe oee av'rd iliose amnîg ont people wuvli ave been cf wattiae sa, no deave îvetîta timaled by a maaly and constitutiona eredit fer siucerity. WJe could pounite spirit. numerous-insiances un tic uoighbenr- The fnct liai snîong îhe custitu-- ing States, otsi 'milar dixties being Per- etîcies of Canada West, tuai of thse forzied boiter tins in Canada for one- 3rd Riding c"'f Yenk (ir lishe mainsgree- fourtil the salary., Nay,even fur houer, itg viitute respenaibie ailvisens er sccording te tise moito of Bien tuee1cr Majelzly's represealative), aîîouid, Greciaut -*ai -à gaodofflear iu Jefin of a missive froa tise Sent frein business, otigkt Ce have ecome, sot cf Goverunment andad mrandate frein richer, buit more hooitable. 1-er Majesty's Ationuey Generat for Stsbstraching tise ipieresi on lie pub- Canada East, elcceu e resideat anuoug lic debi, andi the Schooi appropriation, iiieIai o ai-i ton certain grontuds eh- tise annual èxpendiune of Canada la, in sioxieuts te Ilis Exceiicucy's sdvisers round numbers, $960,000. Froas ibis aud t im c(intuors, is significaut of eennsmus ua mtiere ahouid be laken thc advance made in lie estimation of $1560000,. tius. bcavînsr the expensea of our poiitical wsutî. gur Gnernitnt expeses ofany cf utc giat enicanStahesexphee-fl nyftew YorkiPn Sasa, sud LoreNiua Tiris avoul ba£,00nte ouîaa. pisd te leaeempti4c,0cf tse p-i ple o u an thec Semta fte of ltie adt Thîisis did.TtheirStas ofnternat imnprovemeats had encum-bered thein,1 but their good sensu- sud patriotism su ggestcd a mens te tiquidate the debt.' They did avhat an individual would du --retrench bis erpensea to enable him to îay hua debts. A CANADIAN. "Whilby, Jauuary 9,1l'J0. Jlapoily the relations of society are s s ordered and ajosted tùt the duty devolves, not on une aleone, but on every member of society, te cuntibute bis quota te ameure the greai object we ail -have at heari:-the social adyannement' of 'the humas fbriy,-et it happens tee, ollen thnt in the hive'tbere are dranes, somue wio do not contribute te the sustenaceoef the svoking bees. Itý bits beceme palpable to ail that 'à na- jority of our population bave proved but Cea trn'ly uhat the mnental vineyard Las l>een unltivated,and'à saceasiequence unproductixe1adthat, we bave pro-ed That, our fixai issue coapiasad the beat visites of our subsorbera, vo Aope: tIsat the pressure of busiqessa*hrbade iAs beiuag "in Iilh and light " ihat whicia we purpoeed, vo regref. May i h cf necessiiy force lîsenîseivos. on thte censiderniion cf tlise iogislatuire, aviun' nexi coavcncd, arc ilose cf the Çlergy Reserves, aud tise internai improve- monts of tise Pîoviace -,-in tic latter case cpeuing up lise splendid country in the rear from titis towvnsip to Lakes ltrn and Ccîîeliieliîîg. rIhe necessityc akiig tise Ciérgy R'caerve funai avaflabie for tic education - iJfihe People, la palpable; sud tlis is slîcava ss by evidepace or a vanîcti char- lctcr. .Allîsongit ler Majestyistta- lized ïniEaglaisdss Ileadof tic Ciurcis and ins confermiîyaviisticth usage of' pisi ycars, la inlituled IlDefeiader of C/e Faitt", yot it witt be-cdean tuai Ihis gives ne rigitu te force on a population n ! creed to uviîcisaslargo nuxaber cannot caascioa'tiotssy aniscnibe, and tua na population ofcclcnists- tlsose avIo haive lot tiacir hoams, tuatinha freor lnt'd,, ulsey migisi reap the besefits which lise hqînty cf thle Creator bas providcd. Again ; lsese lands (or mtheisr the funds) caca if lu avero ceueedcd tht-therlîtmd beca. piaipor'ly, alcatcd, .avoulti ovén prove a bane cf cotetin naoag us,- tiey aingeunlor bitter feelings and ani-. uiosities, we alonid - besprdbutfor eîus euactýnJsui 'Wereà iseatyf-icad% îà ~p, aveld* have oxisteti but for - tisa "asge cf thismsure, vo nov have iceniity of* vrd--ls i one f contention lia i d fa provoettic-rock ona vich every n iistratien viii apli4 t, miii le oe t Canadastsshl iaare wiiedlie ab of arneasatiiat cuinsj. e lk- tbut in oune pliiuie-asd t u - e puibi6 are thie Lird pariy has appoiniod time we bad tînt huai- s powver. *Otir social progreas duriulg thse p fçwv yeara, notwitiistauidittg coater efibrts (uvhieh hapîîily have proved im- potent), lins been grenier ihan the mosi nc.t,, lover of n't-?is adopted country L-