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- Subjects, with time stamps: 0:00- Early life in Brantford • Born in Homedale, 1916, on 58 Spring Street • He was born at home • His mother took him back to England when he was 2-3 weeks old while hisSubjects, with time stamps: 0:00- Early life in Brantford • Born in …
- Subjects, with timestamps: 0:00- Great depression, unemployment • It was unusual to find a good job at the time Fulcher did, 1933 • People used to sleep on cardboard under the Market street bridge •Subjects, with timestamps: 0:00- Great depression, unemployment • It was unusual to …
- Emma Gill, a Brantford resident, gives an interview about her life, work, and education in the city. Full transcript of the interview is available here.Emma Gill, a Brantford resident, gives an interview about her life, work, …
- Emma Gill, a Brantford resident, gives an interview about her life, work, and education in the city. Full transcript of the interview is available here.Emma Gill, a Brantford resident, gives an interview about her life, work, …
- 0:00- Sex life during the war and contraceptives • Contraceptives in those days were “difficult”- they were available and known, but people were very shy acquiring them • Women suddenly became celiba0:00- Sex life during the war and contraceptives • Contraceptives in those …
- Interview with Brantford resident Alexandra Johnston regarding her life in the community during the Great Depression and World War Two Note: The first side of the tape was largely inaudible and thereInterview with Brantford resident Alexandra Johnston regarding her life in the community …
- :00- Sports rivalry between BCI and West Brant • The kids in West Brant did not want to play on the BCI team, and formed their own team, of which Robertson was a member, which ended up playing agains:00- Sports rivalry between BCI and West Brant • The kids in …
- 0:00- discussion of early life • Not born in Brantford • He was born on Guy Fawkes Day in England (5th of November, 1903) • Discussion of the trip over, around 1907-1908 • Father spent 16 years in th0:00- discussion of early life • Not born in Brantford • He …
- Subjects, with timestamps: 0:00- Birth • Born in West Brantford, 1911 • He was born in 18 Brunswick street, but they always lived in number 20 • His grandfather built a house for his parents at numbeSubjects, with timestamps: 0:00- Birth • Born in West Brantford, 1911 • …
- The "Let's Speak Up" campaign took place in Brantford in 1982 and aimed to improve the image of the City of Brantford for both current and potential residents. The campaign strove to identify BrantfoThe "Let's Speak Up" campaign took place in Brantford in 1982 and …
- The "Let's Speak Up" campaign took place in Brantford in 1982 and aimed to improve the image of the City of Brantford for both current and potential residents. The campaign strove to identify BrantfoThe "Let's Speak Up" campaign took place in Brantford in 1982 and …
- The "Let's Speak Up" campaign took place in Brantford in 1982 and aimed to improve the image of the City of Brantford for both current and potential residents. The campaign strove to identify BrantfoThe "Let's Speak Up" campaign took place in Brantford in 1982 and …
- "Aleck" was a musical theatre performance developed by Brantford City residents in order to honour both the City of Brantford and the inventor, Alexander Graham Bell. It was written and performed for"Aleck" was a musical theatre performance developed by Brantford City residents in …
- The performance was held as part of the "mundialization" program in the 1970s and 1980s. Brantford was paired with Osijek, Yugoslavia, for this program, which consisted of multiple visits between theThe performance was held as part of the "mundialization" program in the …
- The performance was held as part of the "mundialization" program in the 1970s and 1980s. Brantford was paired with Osijek, Yugoslavia, for this program, which consisted of multiple visits between theThe performance was held as part of the "mundialization" program in the …
- The sheet music was issued for the Onondaga-Brant school choir in 1982 as part of the "mundialization" program in the 1970s and 1980s. Brantford was paired with Osijek, Yugoslavia, for this program.The sheet music was issued for the Onondaga-Brant school choir in 1982 …
- The "Let's Speak Up" campaign took place in Brantford in 1982 and aimed to improve the image of the City of Brantford for both current and potential residents. The campaign strove to identify BrantfoThe "Let's Speak Up" campaign took place in Brantford in 1982 and …
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