The Ontario Master Gardeners program was started in 1985 by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA). The program recruited experienced gardeners from local horticultural societies.
The volunteers wrote an eligibility test and enrolled in Horticultural Independent Study courses from the University of Guelph.
Ready to answer gardening questions
DetailsThe participants provided horticultural information to the public via garden clinics, telephone, workshops, newspaper articles, television, radio, and more recently, the computer.
In 1986, the Burlington Master Gardeners Group was formed, drawing its volunteer members from nearby Horticultural Societies. One member of the Bronte Horticultural Society joined the Burlington group.
Halton Region Master Gardeners
DetailsIn 1998, the organization was formally incorporated and became known as the Master Gardeners of Ontario Inc. (MGOI).
In 2004, to better represent the geographical area of the volunteers, the Burlington Master Gardeners name was changed to the Halton Region Master Gardeners.