To my delight Leveson walked in on Sunday afternoon. He looked so well, and so fit and spoke so thoughtfully of you all. When I said about your allowance, he said there was no fear sending it, and he would call at the bank and tell them so. And he said Syb has all my money now, I am not touching it while I am away. He said he was going down to see Hugh. Hugh also writes in joyous spirits and says he and Seale will come. They have 76 hours but have applied for their leave next Sunday or Monday. I shall be so delighted to see them. I thought L. so wonderfully young looking. He had not turned a hair and might have never left England.
The Belgian refugees come in a never ceasing stream. I fear they may be a menace and trouble. (Here is a word for Amice to act). They are encamped in empty cottages all among our villages leading an absolutely idle life, while our men are overworked – only the old farmers remain to carry on the harvest. The weather is lovely. I never knew such an autumn. Good by own dearest. Leveson brought in such lovely apples. I never saw anything so perfect as their shape and colouring, and delicious maple sugar. We all enjoy it immensely. It was good for him, for his hands were full of gifts. Yr dearly loving Mothy.
He said Capt. Fielder was up every night on the root of the Admiralty watching the sky for zepplins, but our government does not seem much to fear them. Love to dear Amice tell her I should love a letter from her. I have written to Horace to send you out your allowance for Sept., ₤25.
I’ve been spending my days worrying the War Office varied with an excursion down to the depot at Harwich to put my name in there, but the Kingdom of Heaven seems easier to get to then the front. The war office is simply besieged with officers of every age and kind.
Wilson gave me a letter to one of the military secretary’s staff. I succeeded in seeing him today and he promised me a majority in the New Army as soon as it can be gazetted, which means training recruits for the present till they’re fit to go out, but I don’t know which Regiment I shall get. They say I’m lucky, as most retired Majors have to go in as captains, but my having come over from Canada seemed to impress them, so I hope it won’t be many days before I’m at work.
Dined with Sybil last night. Godfrey B H is out at the front with the 14th Hussars and Edith Calverley’s boy with the Irish Rifles. I don’t seem to have had a minute to spare since I got here. I’m allowed to use the Athenaeum as a special favour from the Committee, but they are not supposed to know I’m in England so I’m sort of a club ghost. Got this card from Hugh this morning.
I just heard a mail was to leave this eening, so I’m catching it, before I go round to the War Office again to dig up more influence.
There’s now earthly chance of the Germans getting to England. Heaps of love to all,
Ever your loving Leveson