The present Signaling Officer goes Tuesday, so I get his job. He is forming the R. N. Flying corps instead. Gran is out so I am writing while I wait for her. There are some big inspections on next week, during the attack and defense by Battalions against the Bedfords.
Dad is quite fit again and is doing the P R I’s work: the shoemaker, canteen, tailor etc. etc. shops and all the Regt. business.
I am going down to Bradley’s today if I possibly can manage it. The spring is on here. The country smells very good, (or it did last Sunday), and I am going to smell it. Expect you hear a lot more about the Canadian Continent than we do, and less of the allies and British troops. Reade went out last week to form his own Batt., the 2nd Essex. I hope he make out all right. He is not fit yet. His wound is still bad. I am sending some more P.C’s.
Your loving Hugh.
I interviewed the bank last Saturday, and they have sent you off £193-0-0- It would have been sent on April 1st but I told them not to wait. I’ll send you another lot off when the money comes in as soon as I can get time to work it out, but remember that there isn’t much coming in now before June, so you’ll have to be careful.
I’ve been hard at work still on regimental accounting, only getting off at times for field days when I have to be out, as the General has way of assuming the Colonel is killed and putting me in command of the Regiment. I hope soon to have got the accounts squared up, and be able to get out with the men every day. Read, our Adjutant, has been called back to the front. We’re very sorry to lose him as he was quite a good sort. I’ve taken over his horse which is a much nicer one than mine though it is playful as a kitten at times.
We were inspected last week by General Dicks, one of the Inspector Generals of Infantry, and he gave us a most complimentary report so we have more hopes of being moved up with an earlier army and moving out sooner.
The men have come on extraordinarily in their work, and all we want now is our full number of rifles.
Hugh is very fit and is to take on Signaling Officer as Middleton who had the job is gone to the Flying Corps.
It was horribly cold last night, but I hope we shall hit some decent weather soon. Please tell Amice I’ll send her the things she wants as soon as I get a chance to stop.
Much love to all
Ever your loving Leveson.
I’m just back on my way to take up duty again as I left Folkestone this morning. It will be quite a bit before I get back to full marching strength again, as I got so pulled down, but I shall have a lot of Regimental work to do, which will let me off some of the long marching at present.
I was in Regimental Orders on Tuesday as 2nd in command. So its official now, but unfortunately it means a lot of financial work for the Reg’t which I don’t like. I saw Godgrey last Monday. He had got over from the front for 5 days leave and I saw him off from Folkestone. He is a Captain now and looks very well, over 6 feet tall.
Hugh is very busy with his Signalling and I hope it will help him on, as he seems to be doing very well with it and has got into the advanced division. I shall have to do an awful of lot of reading now, tactics and all sorts of things as I shall have to drill the Regiment as a whole, and lecture officers on all subjects.
I’ll see the bank next week and get another list of when dividends come in. No time for more before mail leaves.
Ever your loving Leveson.
Love to all